Exemple #1
    def test_DownsampleFactorMax(self):
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
        # generate random images
        maxpoolshps = ((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (2, 3))
        imval = rng.rand(4, 2, 16, 16)
        images = tensor.dtensor4()
        for maxpoolshp, ignore_border, mode in product(
                maxpoolshps, [True, False],
            ['max', 'average_inc_pad', 'average_exc_pad']):
            # print 'maxpoolshp =', maxpoolshp
            # print 'ignore_border =', ignore_border

            # Pure Numpy computation
            numpy_output_val = self.numpy_max_pool_2d(imval,
            output = max_pool_2d(images, maxpoolshp, ignore_border, mode=mode)
            f = function([
            ], [
            output_val = f(imval)
            assert numpy.all(output_val == numpy_output_val)

            # DownsampleFactorMax op
            maxpool_op = DownsampleFactorMax(maxpoolshp,
            f = function([images], maxpool_op)
            output_val = f(imval)
            utt.assert_allclose(output_val, numpy_output_val)
Exemple #2
    def test_DownsampleFactorMaxPaddingStride(self):
        ignore_border = True  # padding does not support ignore_border=False
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
        maxpoolsizes = [(3, 3), (4, 4), (3, 4), (4, 3), (2, 2)]
        stridesizes = [(2, 2), (2, 2), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)]
        paddingsizes = [(2, 2), (1, 2), (2, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1)]
        imgsizes = [(5, 5), (5, 5), (5, 6), (6, 5), (5, 5)]
        m = 4  # minibatch
        c = 2  # channel size
        images = tensor.dtensor4()
        for indx, mode in product(
            ['max', 'average_inc_pad', 'average_exc_pad']):
            imgsize = imgsizes[indx]
            imval = rng.rand(m, c, imgsize[0], imgsize[1]) - 0.5

            stridesize = stridesizes[indx]
            maxpoolsize = maxpoolsizes[indx]
            paddingsize = paddingsizes[indx]
            numpy_output_val = self.numpy_max_pool_2d_stride_padding(
                imval, maxpoolsize, ignore_border, stridesize, paddingsize,
            maxpool_op = DownsampleFactorMax(maxpoolsize,
            f = function([images], maxpool_op)
            output_val = f(imval)
            utt.assert_allclose(output_val, numpy_output_val)
Exemple #3
 def mp(input):
     return DownsampleFactorMax(
         maxpoolsize, ignore_border=True,
Exemple #4
    def test_DownsampleFactorMax(self):
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
        # generate random images
        maxpoolshps = ((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (2, 3))
        imval = rng.rand(4, 10, 64, 64)
        images = tensor.dtensor4()

        for maxpoolshp in maxpoolshps:
            for ignore_border in [True, False]:
                #print 'maxpoolshp =', maxpoolshp
                #print 'ignore_border =', ignore_border

                # Pure Numpy computation
                numpy_output_val = self.numpy_max_pool_2d(
                    imval, maxpoolshp, ignore_border)
                output = max_pool_2d(images, maxpoolshp, ignore_border)
                f = function([
                ], [
                output_val = f(imval)
                assert numpy.all(output_val == numpy_output_val)

                #DownsampleFactorMax op
                maxpool_op = DownsampleFactorMax(
                    maxpoolshp, ignore_border=ignore_border)(images)
                f = function([images], maxpool_op)
                output_val = f(imval)
                assert (numpy.abs(output_val - numpy_output_val) < 1e-5).all()
Exemple #5
 def test_DownsampleFactorMaxStride(self):
     rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
     maxpoolshps = ((1, 1), (3, 3), (5, 3))
     stridesizes = ((1, 1), (3, 3), (5, 7))
     # generate random images
     imval = rng.rand(4, 10, 16, 16)
     outputshps = ((4, 10, 16, 16), (4, 10, 6, 6), (4, 10, 4, 3),
                   (4, 10, 16, 16), (4, 10, 6, 6), (4, 10, 4, 3),
                   (4, 10, 14, 14), (4, 10, 5, 5), (4, 10, 3, 2),
                   (4, 10, 14, 14), (4, 10, 6, 6), (4, 10, 4, 3),
                   (4, 10, 12, 14), (4, 10, 4, 5), (4, 10, 3, 2),
                   (4, 10, 12, 14), (4, 10, 5, 6), (4, 10, 4, 3))
     images = tensor.dtensor4()
     indx = 0
     for maxpoolshp in maxpoolshps:
         for ignore_border in [True, False]:
             for stride in stridesizes:
                 outputshp = outputshps[indx]
                 indx += 1
                 #DownsampleFactorMax op
                 numpy_output_val = \
                     self.numpy_max_pool_2d_stride(imval, maxpoolshp,
                                                   ignore_border, stride)
                 assert numpy_output_val.shape == outputshp, (
                     "outshape is %s, calculated shape is %s"
                     % (outputshp, numpy_output_val.shape))
                 maxpool_op = \
                 f = function([images], maxpool_op)
                 output_val = f(imval)
                 utt.assert_allclose(output_val, numpy_output_val)
 def mp(input, grad):
     out = DownsampleFactorMax(maxpoolshp,
     grad_op = DownsampleFactorMaxGrad(
         maxpoolshp, ignore_border=ignore_border, st=stride)
     return grad_op(input, out, grad)
Exemple #7
    def test_infer_shape(self):
        image = tensor.dtensor4()
        maxout = tensor.dtensor4()
        gz = tensor.dtensor4()
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
        maxpoolshps = ((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (2, 3), (3, 2))

        image_val = rng.rand(4, 6, 7, 9)
        out_shapes = [[[4, 6, 7, 9], [4, 6, 7, 9]], [[4, 6, 3, 4],
                                                     [4, 6, 4, 5]],
                      [[4, 6, 2, 3], [4, 6, 3, 3]], [[4, 6, 3, 3],
                                                     [4, 6, 4, 3]],
                      [[4, 6, 2, 4], [4, 6, 3, 5]]]

        for i, maxpoolshp in enumerate(maxpoolshps):
            for j, ignore_border in enumerate([True, False]):

                # checking shapes generated by DownsampleFactorMax
                self._compile_and_check([image], [
                ], [image_val], DownsampleFactorMax)

                # checking shapes generated by DownsampleFactorMaxGrad
                maxout_val = rng.rand(*out_shapes[i][j])
                gz_val = rng.rand(*out_shapes[i][j])
                self._compile_and_check([image, maxout, gz], [
                                                image, maxout, gz)
                ], [image_val, maxout_val, gz_val],
Exemple #8
def max_pool_3d(input, ds, ignore_border=False):
    # [n,c,x,y,z]以外の入力は受け付けない
    if input.ndim != 5:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'max_pool_3d requires a input [n, c, x, y, z]')

    # 入力次元
    vid_dim = input.ndim

    # [y, z]フレームの次元数
    frame_shape = input.shape[-2:]

    # バッチサイズ
    # フレーム次元以外の全ての次元の要素数を掛け合わせる
    batch_size = T.prod(input.shape[:-2])
    # http://deeplearning.net/software/theano/library/tensor/basic.html#theano.tensor.shape_padright
    batch_size = T.shape_padright(batch_size, 1)

    new_shape = T.cast(T.join(0, batch_size, T.as_tensor([
    ]), frame_shape), 'int32')
    input_4D = T.reshape(input, new_shape, ndim=4)

    op = DownsampleFactorMax((ds[1], ds[2]), ignore_border)
    output = op(input_4D)
    outshape = T.join(0, input.shape[:-2], output.shape[-2:])
    out = T.reshape(output, outshape, ndim=input.ndim)

    shufl = (list(range(vid_dim - 3)) + [vid_dim - 2] + [vid_dim - 1] +
             [vid_dim - 3])
    input_time = out.dimshuffle(shufl)
    vid_shape = input_time.shape[-2:]

    batch_size = T.prod(input_time.shape[:-2])
    batch_size = T.shape_padright(batch_size, 1)

    new_shape = T.cast(T.join(0, batch_size, T.as_tensor([
    ]), vid_shape), 'int32')
    input_4D_time = T.reshape(input_time, new_shape, ndim=4)
    op = DownsampleFactorMax((1, ds[0]), ignore_border)
    outtime = op(input_4D_time)
    outshape = T.join(0, input_time.shape[:-2], outtime.shape[-2:])
    shufl = (list(range(vid_dim - 3)) + [vid_dim - 1] + [vid_dim - 3] +
             [vid_dim - 2])
    return T.reshape(outtime, outshape, ndim=input.ndim).dimshuffle(shufl)
Exemple #9
def test_downsample():
    import random
    shps = [ (1, 1, 1, 12),
            (1, 1, 2, 2),
            (1, 1, 1, 1),
            (1, 1, 10, 11),
            (1, 2, 2, 2),
            (25, 1, 7, 7),
            (1, 1, 12, 12),
            (1, 1, 2, 14),
            (1, 1, 12, 14),
            (1, 1, 14, 14),
            (1, 1, 16, 16),
            (1, 1, 18, 18),
            (1, 1, 24, 24),
            (1, 6, 24, 24),
            (10, 1, 24, 24),
            (10, 6, 24, 24),
            (30, 6, 12, 12),
            (30, 2, 24, 24),
            (30, 6, 24, 24),
            (10, 10, 10, 11),


    for shp in shps:
        for ds in (2, 2), (3,2), (1,1):
            if ds[0] > shp[2]: continue
            if ds[1] > shp[3]: continue
            #GpuDownsampleFactorMax don't having more then 512 columns in the output tensor
            if float(shp[3])/ds[1]>512: continue
            for ignore_border in (True, False):
                print 'test_downsample', shp, ds, ignore_border
                ds_op = DownsampleFactorMax(ds, ignore_border=ignore_border)

                a = tcn.shared_constructor(my_rand(*shp), 'a')
                f = pfunc([], ds_op(tensor.as_tensor_variable(a)), mode=mode_with_gpu)
                f2 = pfunc([], ds_op(tensor.as_tensor_variable(a)), mode=mode_without_gpu)
                assert any([isinstance(node.op, tcn.blas.GpuDownsampleFactorMax) for node in
                assert any([isinstance(node.op, DownsampleFactorMax) for node in
                assert numpy.allclose(f(),f2())

                g = pfunc([], tensor.grad(ds_op(tensor.as_tensor_variable(a)).sum(),a), mode=mode_with_gpu)
                g2 = pfunc([], tensor.grad(ds_op(tensor.as_tensor_variable(a)).sum(),a), mode=mode_without_gpu)
                assert any([isinstance(node.op, tcn.blas.GpuDownsampleFactorMaxGrad)
                            for node in g.maker.env.toposort()])
                assert any([isinstance(node.op, DownsampleFactorMaxGrad)
                            for node in g2.maker.env.toposort()])
                assert numpy.allclose(g(),g2())
Exemple #10
 def mp(input, grad):
     out = DownsampleFactorMax(
         maxpoolsize, ignore_border=True,
     grad_op = MaxPoolGrad(maxpoolsize, ignore_border=True,
                           st=stridesize, padding=paddingsize)
     return grad_op(input, out, grad)
Exemple #11
 def test_DownsampleFactorMaxStrideExtra(self):
     rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
     maxpoolshps = ((5, 3), (5, 3), (5, 3), (5, 5), (3, 2), (7, 7), (9, 9))
     stridesizes = ((3, 2), (7, 5), (10, 6), (1, 1),
                    (2, 3), (10, 10), (1, 1))
     imvsizs = ((16, 16), (16, 16), (16, 16), (8, 5),
                (8, 5), (8, 5), (8, 5))
     outputshps = ((4, 10, 4, 7), (4, 10, 5, 8), (4, 10, 2, 3),
                   (4, 10, 3, 4), (4, 10, 2, 3), (4, 10, 2, 3),
                   (4, 10, 4, 1), (4, 10, 4, 1), (4, 10, 3, 2),
                   (4, 10, 4, 2), (4, 10, 1, 0), (4, 10, 1, 1),
                   (4, 10, 0, 0), (4, 10, 1, 1))
     images = tensor.dtensor4()
     for indx in numpy.arange(len(maxpoolshps)):
         imvsize = imvsizs[indx]
         imval = rng.rand(4, 10, imvsize[0], imvsize[1])
         stride = stridesizes[indx]
         maxpoolshp = maxpoolshps[indx]
         for ignore_border, mode in product([True, False],
                                            ['max', 'sum',
             indx_out = indx * 2
             if not ignore_border:
                 indx_out += 1
             outputshp = outputshps[indx_out]
             # DownsampleFactorMax op
             numpy_output_val = \
                 self.numpy_max_pool_2d_stride(imval, maxpoolshp,
                                               ignore_border, stride, mode)
             assert numpy_output_val.shape == outputshp, (
                 "outshape is %s, calculated shape is %s"
                 % (outputshp, numpy_output_val.shape))
             maxpool_op = \
                                     st=stride, mode=mode)(images)
             f = function([images], maxpool_op)
             output_val = f(imval)
             utt.assert_allclose(output_val, numpy_output_val)
Exemple #12
 def mp(input):
     return DownsampleFactorMax(
         maxpoolshp, ignore_border=ignore_border)(input)
def test_downsample():
    shps = [
        (1, 1, 1, 12),
        (1, 1, 2, 2),
        (1, 1, 1, 1),
        (1, 1, 4, 4),
        (1, 1, 10, 11),
        (1, 2, 2, 2),
        (3, 5, 4, 4),
        (25, 1, 7, 7),
        (1, 1, 12, 12),
        (1, 1, 2, 14),
        (1, 1, 12, 14),
        (1, 1, 14, 14),
        (1, 1, 16, 16),
        (1, 1, 18, 18),
        (1, 1, 24, 24),
        (1, 6, 24, 24),
        (10, 1, 24, 24),
        (10, 6, 24, 24),
        (30, 6, 12, 12),
        (30, 2, 24, 24),
        (30, 6, 24, 24),
        (10, 10, 10, 11),
        (1, 1, 10, 1025),
        (1, 1, 10, 1023),
        (1, 1, 1025, 10),
        (1, 1, 1023, 10),
        (65536, 1, 10, 10),
        (1, 65536, 10, 10),


    for shp in shps:
        for ds in (2, 2), (3, 2), (1, 1):
            if ds[0] > shp[2]:
            if ds[1] > shp[3]:
            # GpuDownsampleFactorMax doesn't like having more than 512 columns
            # in the output tensor.
            if float(shp[3]) / ds[1] > 512:
            for ignore_border in (True, False):
                # print 'test_downsample', shp, ds, ignore_border
                ds_op = DownsampleFactorMax(ds, ignore_border=ignore_border)

                a = tcn.shared_constructor(my_rand(*shp), 'a')
                f = pfunc([],
                f2 = pfunc([],
                assert any([
                    isinstance(node.op, tcn.blas.GpuDownsampleFactorMax)
                    for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
                assert any([
                    isinstance(node.op, DownsampleFactorMax)
                    for node in f2.maker.fgraph.toposort()
                assert numpy.allclose(f(), f2())

                # The grad is too slow on GT220 GPU
                # This cause the computer to freeze...
                # Remove this when it gets optimized enough
                # This only bypass the last 2 checks
                # Those tests where passing in all Mode on a GTX470
                if shp[0] > 30000 or shp[1] > 30000:

                g = pfunc([],
                              ds_op(tensor.as_tensor_variable(a)).sum(), a),
                g2 = pfunc([],
                               ds_op(tensor.as_tensor_variable(a)).sum(), a),
                assert any([
                    isinstance(node.op, tcn.blas.GpuDownsampleFactorMaxGrad)
                    for node in g.maker.fgraph.toposort()
                assert any([
                    isinstance(node.op, DownsampleFactorMaxGrad)
                    for node in g2.maker.fgraph.toposort()
                assert numpy.allclose(g(), g2()), shp

                ggf = gradient.Lop(
                                a), a, a)

                ref_mode = copy.copy(mode_without_gpu)
                ref_mode.check_py_code = False
                gpu_mode = copy.copy(mode_with_gpu)
                gpu_mode.check_py_code = False
                gg = pfunc([], ggf, mode=gpu_mode)
                gg2 = pfunc([], ggf, mode=ref_mode)

                assert any([
                    for node in gg.maker.fgraph.toposort()
                assert any([
                    isinstance(node.op, DownsampleFactorMaxGradGrad)
                    for node in gg2.maker.fgraph.toposort()
                assert numpy.allclose(gg(), gg2()), shp
Exemple #14
def max_pool_3d(input, ds, ignore_border=False):
    Takes as input a N-D tensor, where N >= 3. It downscales the input video by
    the specified factor, by keeping only the maximum value of non-overlapping
    patches of size (ds[0],ds[1],ds[2]) (time, height, width)

    :type input: N-D theano tensor of input images.
    :param input: input images. Max pooling will be done over the 3 last dimensions.
    :type ds: tuple of length 3
    :param ds: factor by which to downscale. (2,2,2) will halve the video in each dimension.
    :param ignore_border: boolean value. When True, (5,5,5) input with ds=(2,2,2) will generate a
      (2,2,2) output. (3,3,3) otherwise.

    if input.ndim < 3:
        raise NotImplementedError('max_pool_3d requires a dimension >= 3')

    # extract nr dimensions
    vid_dim = input.ndim
    # max pool in two different steps, so we can use the 2d implementation of
    # downsamplefactormax. First maxpool frames as usual.
    # Then maxpool the time dimension. Shift the time dimension to the third
    # position, so rows and cols are in the back

    if (ds[1] > 1) or (ds[2] > 1):
        # extract dimensions
        frame_shape = input.shape[-2:]

        # count the number of "leading" dimensions, store as dmatrix
        batch_size = tensor.prod(input.shape[:-2])
        batch_size = tensor.shape_padright(batch_size, 1)

        # store as 4D tensor with shape: (batch_size,1,height,width)
        new_shape = tensor.cast(
            tensor.join(0, batch_size, tensor.as_tensor([
            ]), frame_shape), 'int32')
        input_4D = tensor.reshape(input, new_shape, ndim=4)

        # downsample mini-batch of videos in rows and cols
        op = DownsampleFactorMax((ds[1], ds[2]), ignore_border)
        output = op(input_4D)
        # restore to original shape
        outshape = tensor.join(0, input.shape[:-2], output.shape[-2:])
        out = tensor.reshape(output, outshape, ndim=input.ndim)
        out = input

    if ds[0] == 1:
        return out

    # now maxpool time

    # output (time, rows, cols), reshape so that time is in the back
    # shufl = (list(range(vid_dim-3)) + [vid_dim-2]+[vid_dim-1]+[vid_dim-4])
    shufl = (0, 2, 3, 4, 1)
    input_time = out.dimshuffle(shufl)
    # reset dimensions
    # vid_shape = input_time.shape[-2:]
    vid_shape = input_time.shape[-2:]

    # count the number of "leading" dimensions, store as dmatrix
    batch_size = tensor.prod(input_time.shape[:-2])
    batch_size = tensor.shape_padright(batch_size, 1)

    # store as 4D tensor with shape: (batch_size,1,width,time)
    new_shape = tensor.cast(
        tensor.join(0, batch_size, tensor.as_tensor([
        ]), vid_shape), 'int32')
    input_4D_time = tensor.reshape(input_time, new_shape, ndim=4)
    # downsample mini-batch of videos in time
    op = DownsampleFactorMax((1, ds[0]), ignore_border)
    outtime = op(input_4D_time)
    # output
    # restore to original shape (xxx, rows, cols, time)
    outshape = tensor.join(0, input_time.shape[:-2], outtime.shape[-2:])
    # shufl = (list(range(vid_dim-3)) + [vid_dim-1]+[vid_dim-3]+[vid_dim-2])
    shufl = (0, 4, 1, 2, 3)
    return tensor.reshape(outtime, outshape, ndim=input.ndim).dimshuffle(shufl)
Exemple #15
def maxpool_3D(input, ds, ignore_border=False):

    #input.dimshuffle (0, 2, 1, 3, 4)   # convert to make video in back.
    # no need to reshuffle.
    if input.ndim < 3:
        raise NotImplementedError('max_pool_3d requires a dimension >= 3')

    # extract nr dimensions
    vid_dim = input.ndim
    # max pool in two different steps, so we can use the 2d implementation of
    # downsamplefactormax. First maxpool frames as usual.
    # Then maxpool the time dimension. Shift the time dimension to the third
    # position, so rows and cols are in the back

    # extract dimensions
    frame_shape = input.shape[-2:]

    # count the number of "leading" dimensions, store as dmatrix
    batch_size = T.prod(input.shape[:-2])
    batch_size = T.shape_padright(batch_size, 1)

    # store as 4D tensor with shape: (batch_size,1,height,width)
    new_shape = T.cast(T.join(0, batch_size, T.as_tensor([
    ]), frame_shape), 'int32')
    input_4D = T.reshape(input, new_shape, ndim=4)

    # downsample mini-batch of videos in rows and cols
    op = DownsampleFactorMax(
        (ds[1], ds[2]), ignore_border
    )  # so second and third dimensions of ds are for height and width
    output = op(input_4D)
    # restore to original shape
    outshape = T.join(0, input.shape[:-2], output.shape[-2:])
    out = T.reshape(output, outshape, ndim=input.ndim)

    # now maxpool time
    # output (time, rows, cols), reshape so that time is in the back
    shufl = (list(range(vid_dim - 3)) + [vid_dim - 2] + [vid_dim - 1] +
             [vid_dim - 3])
    input_time = out.dimshuffle(shufl)
    # reset dimensions
    vid_shape = input_time.shape[-2:]

    # count the number of "leading" dimensions, store as dmatrix
    batch_size = T.prod(input_time.shape[:-2])
    batch_size = T.shape_padright(batch_size, 1)

    # store as 4D tensor with shape: (batch_size,1,width,time)
    new_shape = T.cast(T.join(0, batch_size, T.as_tensor([
    ]), vid_shape), 'int32')
    input_4D_time = T.reshape(input_time, new_shape, ndim=4)
    # downsample mini-batch of videos in time
    op = DownsampleFactorMax(
        (1, ds[0]), ignore_border)  # Here the time dimension is downsampled.
    outtime = op(input_4D_time)
    # output
    # restore to original shape (xxx, rows, cols, time)
    outshape = T.join(0, input_time.shape[:-2], outtime.shape[-2:])
    shufl = (list(range(vid_dim - 3)) + [vid_dim - 1] + [vid_dim - 3] +
             [vid_dim - 2])
    #rval = T.reshape(outtime, outshape, ndim=input.ndim).dimshuffle(shufl)
    return T.reshape(outtime, outshape, ndim=input.ndim).dimshuffle(shufl)
 def mp(input):
     return DownsampleFactorMax(maxpoolshp,
 def mp(input, grad):
     out = DownsampleFactorMax(
         maxpoolshp, ignore_border=ignore_border)(input)
     grad_op = MaxPoolGrad(maxpoolshp,
     return grad_op(input, out, grad)
Exemple #18
def max_pool_2d_same_size(input, patch_size):
    output = DownsampleFactorMax(patch_size, True)(input)
    outs = DownsampleFactorMaxGrad(patch_size, True)(input, output, output)
    return outs