def test_elemwise2(): """ Several kinds of elemwise expressions with dimension permutations """ rng = numpy.random.RandomState(int(time.time())) print 'random?', rng.rand(3) shape = (3,5) for pattern in [(0,1), (1,0)]: a = tcn.shared_constructor(theano._asarray(rng.rand(*shape),dtype='float32'), name=None) b = tensor.Tensor(dtype='float32', broadcastable=[0]*len(shape))() f = pfunc([b], [], updates=[(a, (a+b).dimshuffle(pattern))], mode=mode_with_gpu) has_elemwise = False for i, node in enumerate(f.maker.env.toposort()): print >> sys.stdout, i, node has_elemwise = has_elemwise or isinstance(node.op, tensor.Elemwise) assert not has_elemwise #let debugmode catch errors print >> sys.stdout, 'pattern', pattern f(theano._asarray(rng.rand(*shape),dtype='float32')*.3) shape = (3,4,5,6) a = tcn.shared_constructor(theano._asarray(rng.rand(*shape),dtype='float32'), 'a') b = tensor.Tensor(dtype='float32', broadcastable=[0]*len(shape))() f = pfunc([b], [], updates=[(a, (a+b).dimshuffle([2,0,3,1]) * tensor.exp(b**a).dimshuffle([2,0,3,1]))], mode=mode_with_gpu) has_elemwise = False for i, node in enumerate(f.maker.env.toposort()): print i, node has_elemwise = has_elemwise or isinstance(node.op, tensor.Elemwise) assert not has_elemwise #let debugmode catch errors f(theano._asarray(rng.rand(*shape),dtype='float32'))
def make_node(self, y, y_starts, y_lengths, g_costs, **kwargs): y = T.as_tensor_variable(y) y_lengths = T.as_tensor_variable(y_lengths) y_starts = T.as_tensor_variable(y_starts) g_costs = T.as_tensor_variable(g_costs) if (y.type.ndim != 3 or y.type.dtype not in T.float_dtypes): raise ValueError('y must be 3-d tensor of floats', y.type) if (y_lengths.type.ndim != 1 or y_lengths.type.dtype not in T.discrete_dtypes): raise ValueError('y_lengths must be 1-d tensor of integers', y_lengths.type) if (y_starts.type.ndim != 1 or y_starts.type.dtype not in T.discrete_dtypes): raise ValueError('y_starts must be 1-d tensor of integers', y_starts.type) if (g_costs.type.ndim != 1 or g_costs.type.dtype not in T.float_dtypes): raise ValueError('g_costs must be 1-d tensor of floats', g_costs.type) return Apply( self, [y, y_starts, y_lengths, g_costs], [T.Tensor(dtype=y.dtype, broadcastable=y.type.broadcastable)()])
def make_node(self, softmaxes, y_idxes, y_lengths, y_startidxes, **kwargs): softmaxes = T.as_tensor_variable(softmaxes) y_idxes = T.as_tensor_variable(y_idxes) y_lengths = T.as_tensor_variable(y_lengths) y_startidxes = T.as_tensor_variable(y_startidxes) if (softmaxes.type.ndim != 3 or softmaxes.type.dtype not in T.float_dtypes): raise ValueError('dy must be 3-d tensor of floats', softmaxes.type) if (y_idxes.type.ndim != 2 or y_idxes.type.dtype not in T.discrete_dtypes): raise ValueError('y_idxes must be 2-d tensor of integers', y_idxes.type) if (y_lengths.type.ndim != 1 or y_lengths.type.dtype not in T.discrete_dtypes): raise ValueError('y_lengths must be 1-d tensor of integers', y_lengths.type) if (y_startidxes.type.ndim != 1 or y_startidxes.type.dtype not in T.discrete_dtypes): raise ValueError('y_startidxes must be 1-d tensor of integers', y_startidxes.type) return Apply( self, [softmaxes, y_idxes, y_lengths, y_startidxes], [T.Tensor(dtype=softmaxes.dtype, broadcastable=[False])()])
def run_conv_nnet1(use_gpu): if use_gpu: shared_fn = tcn.shared_constructor else: shared_fn = shared n_batch = 16 n_kern = 20 shape_img = (n_batch, 1, 32, 32) shape_kern = (n_kern, 1, 5, 5) n_train = 10 if config.mode == 'DEBUG_MODE': n_train = 1 logical_hid_shape = tcn.blas.GpuConv.logical_output_shape_2d( shape_img[2:], shape_kern[2:], 'valid') n_hid = n_kern * logical_hid_shape[0] * logical_hid_shape[1] n_out = 10 w = shared_fn(0.01 * (my_rand(*shape_kern) - 0.5), 'w') b = shared_fn(my_zeros((n_kern,)), 'b') v = shared_fn(my_zeros((n_hid, n_out)), 'c') c = shared_fn(my_zeros(n_out), 'c') x = tensor.Tensor(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(0, 1, 0, 0))('x') y = tensor.fmatrix('y') lr = tensor.fscalar('lr') conv_op = conv.ConvOp(shape_img[2:], shape_kern[2:], n_kern, n_batch, 1, 1) hid = tensor.tanh(conv_op(x, w) + b.dimshuffle((0, 'x', 'x'))) hid_flat = hid.reshape((n_batch, n_hid)) out = tensor.tanh(, v) + c) loss = tensor.sum(0.5 * (out - y) ** 2 * lr) # print 'loss type', loss.type params = [w, b, v, c] gparams = tensor.grad(loss, params) mode = get_mode(use_gpu) # print 'building pfunc ...' train = pfunc( [x, y, lr], [loss], mode=mode, updates=[(p, p - g) for p, g in zip(params, gparams)]) # for i, n in enumerate(train.maker.fgraph.toposort()): # print i, n xval = my_rand(*shape_img) yval = my_rand(n_batch, n_out) lr = theano._asarray(0.01, dtype='float32') for i in xrange(n_train): rval = train(xval, yval, lr) # print 'training done' print_mode(mode) return rval
def test_opt_unpack(self): # # Test that a graph involving # structured_dot(assembled_csc_matrix) is optimized to be just # a structured_dot_csc Op and no assembly of a csc_matrix. # # The optimization from structured_dot -> structured_dot_csc # is currently disabled, So this test is not expected to pass return # kerns = tensor.Tensor(dtype='int64', broadcastable=[False])('kerns') spmat = sp.lil_matrix((4, 6), dtype='int64') for i in range(5): # set non-zeros in random locations (row x, col y) x = numpy.floor(numpy.random.rand() * spmat.shape[0]) y = numpy.floor(numpy.random.rand() * spmat.shape[1]) spmat[x, y] = numpy.random.rand() * 10 spmat = sp.csc_matrix(spmat) images = tensor.Tensor(dtype='float32', broadcastable=[False, False])('images') cscmat = CSC(kerns, spmat.indices[:spmat.size], spmat.indptr, spmat.shape) f = theano.function([kerns, images], structured_dot(cscmat, images.T)) sdcscpresent = False for node in f.maker.env.toposort(): print node.op assert not isinstance(node.op, CSM) assert not isinstance(node.op, CSMProperties) if isinstance(f.maker.env.toposort()[1].op, StructuredDotCSC): sdcscpresent = True assert sdcscpresent kernvals = numpy.array([:spmat.size]) #print 'kdtype', kernvals.dtype, kernvals.shape, #print kernvals.ndim, kernvals.dtype.num #print 'type of kernvals = ', kernvals.dtype bsize = 3 imvals = 1.0 * numpy.array(numpy.arange(bsize * spmat.shape[1]).\ reshape(bsize, spmat.shape[1]), dtype='float32') outvals = f(kernvals, imvals) print outvals
def cmp_sigmoids(shape): def numpy_sigmoid(input): rval = 1.0 / (1.0 + numpy.exp(-input)) sinput = tensor.Tensor(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(0,)*len(shape))() shared_input = tcn.shared_constructor(numpy.random.rand(*shape), 'shared_input') times = compare_fns( dict( numpy=numpy_sigmoid , theano_cpu=pfunc([sinput], 1.0 / (1.0 + tensor.exp(-sinput))) , theano_gpu_onboard=pfunc([sinput], [], updates=[(shared_input, 1.0 / (1.0 + tensor.exp(-shared_input)))]) ), input=shared_input.value) showtimes(times)
def make_node(self, coding_dist, true_one_of_n): _coding_dist = T.as_tensor_variable(coding_dist) _true_one_of_n = T.as_tensor_variable(true_one_of_n) if _coding_dist.type.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('matrix required for argument: coding_dist') if _true_one_of_n.type not in (T.lvector, T.ivector): raise TypeError( 'integer vector required for argument: true_one_of_n' '(got type: %s instead of: %s)' % (_true_one_of_n.type, T.lvector)) return gof.Apply(self, [_coding_dist, _true_one_of_n], [T.Tensor(dtype=_coding_dist.dtype, broadcastable=[False])()])
def build_conv_nnet2_classif(use_gpu, isize, ksize, n_batch, downsample_ops=True, verbose=0, version=-1, check_isfinite=True): if use_gpu: shared_fn = tcn.shared_constructor else: shared_fn = shared isize1 = isize isize2 = isize if isinstance(isize, (tuple, )): isize1 = isize[0] isize2 = isize[1] shape_img = (n_batch, 1, isize1, isize2) n_kern = 20 # 6 were used in LeNet5 shape_kern = (n_kern, 1, ksize, ksize) n_kern1 = 30 # 16 were used in LeNet5 shape_kern1 = (n_kern1, n_kern, ksize, ksize) logical_hid_shape = tcn.blas.GpuConv.logical_output_shape_2d( (isize1, isize2), (ksize, ksize), 'valid') logical_hid_shape1 = tcn.blas.GpuConv.logical_output_shape_2d( (logical_hid_shape[0] // 2, logical_hid_shape[1] // 2), (ksize, ksize), 'valid') n_hid = n_kern1 * logical_hid_shape1[0] * logical_hid_shape1[1] n_out = 10 w0 = shared_fn(0.01 * (my_rand(*shape_kern) - 0.5), 'w0') b0 = shared_fn(my_zeros((n_kern,)), 'b0') w1 = shared_fn(0.01 * (my_rand(*shape_kern1) - 0.5), 'w1') b1 = shared_fn(my_zeros((n_kern1,)), 'b1') v = shared_fn(0.01 * my_randn(n_hid, n_out), 'v') c = shared_fn(my_zeros(n_out), 'c') # print 'ALLOCATING ARCH: w0 shape', w0.get_value(borrow=True).shape # print 'ALLOCATING ARCH: w1 shape', w1.get_value(borrow=True).shape # print 'ALLOCATING ARCH: v shape', v.get_value(borrow=True).shape x = tensor.Tensor(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(0, 1, 0, 0))('x') y = tensor.fmatrix('y') lr = tensor.fscalar('lr') conv_op = conv.ConvOp(shape_img[2:], shape_kern[2:], n_kern, n_batch, 1, 1, verbose=verbose, version=version) conv_op1 = conv.ConvOp( (n_kern, logical_hid_shape[0] // 2, logical_hid_shape[1] // 2), shape_kern1[2:], n_kern1, n_batch, 1, 1, verbose=verbose, version=version) ds_op = pool.Pool((2, 2), ignore_border=False) if downsample_ops: hid = tensor.tanh(ds_op(conv_op(x, w0) + b0.dimshuffle((0, 'x', 'x')))) else: hid = tensor.tanh( (conv_op(x, w0) + b0.dimshuffle( (0, 'x', 'x')))[:, :, ::2, ::2]) hid1 = tensor.tanh(conv_op1(hid, w1) + b1.dimshuffle((0, 'x', 'x'))) hid_flat = hid1.reshape((n_batch, n_hid)) out = tensor.nnet.softmax(, v) + c) loss = tensor.sum(tensor.nnet.crossentropy_categorical_1hot( out, tensor.argmax(y, axis=1)) * lr) # print 'loss type', loss.type params = [w0, b0, w1, b1, v, c] gparams = tensor.grad(loss, params) mode = get_mode(use_gpu, check_isfinite) # print 'building pfunc ...' train = pfunc( [x, y, lr], [loss], mode=mode, updates=[(p, p - g) for p, g in zip(params, gparams)]) if verbose: theano.printing.debugprint(train) if use_gpu: # Check that GpuConv is used topo = train.maker.fgraph.toposort() conv_ops = (tcn.blas.GpuConv, tcn.dnn.GpuDnnConv, tcn.dnn.GpuDnnConvGradI, tcn.dnn.GpuDnnConvGradW, tcn.blas.BaseGpuCorrMM) assert len([n for n in topo if isinstance(n.op, conv_ops)]) > 0 shape_target = (n_batch, n_out) return train, params, shape_img, shape_target, mode
def run_conv_nnet2(use_gpu): # pretend we are training LeNet for MNIST if use_gpu: shared_fn = tcn.shared_constructor else: shared_fn = shared # cumulativ rounding error affect this comparaison of result. So we lower the tolerance. # TODO: why the last two example see the error lower? We are converging? # n_train=10, n_batch=3, n_kern=1, n_kern1=1, error see of 1e-9 # n_train=10, n_batch=3, n_kern=10, n_kern1=1, error see of -1.27777e-06 # n_train=10, n_batch=3, n_kern=10, n_kern1=10, error see of -6.91377e-05 # n_train=10, n_batch=30, n_kern=10, n_kern1=10, error see of -0.00185963 # n_train=10, n_batch=60, n_kern=10, n_kern1=10, error see of -5.26905e-05 # n_train=30, n_batch=60, n_kern=10, n_kern1=10, error see of -3.8147e-06 # n_train=30, n_batch=60, n_kern=20, n_kern1=10, error see of 6.82771e-05 # n_train=30, n_batch=60, n_kern=20, n_kern1=30, error see of 0.000231534 n_batch = 60 shape_img = (n_batch, 1, 32, 32) n_kern = 20 shape_kern = (n_kern, 1, 5, 5) n_kern1 = 10 shape_kern1 = (n_kern1, n_kern, 5, 5) n_train = 30 if config.mode == 'DEBUG_MODE': n_train = 1 logical_hid_shape = tcn.blas.GpuConv.logical_output_shape_2d(tuple( shape_img[2:]), tuple(shape_kern[2:]), 'valid') logical_hid_shape1 = tcn.blas.GpuConv.logical_output_shape_2d( (logical_hid_shape[0] // 2, logical_hid_shape[1] // 2), tuple(shape_kern1[2:]), 'valid') n_hid = n_kern1 * logical_hid_shape1[0] * logical_hid_shape1[1] n_out = 10 w0 = shared_fn(0.01 * (my_rand(*shape_kern) - 0.5), 'w0') b0 = shared_fn(my_zeros((n_kern,)), 'b0') w1 = shared_fn(0.01 * (my_rand(*shape_kern1) - 0.5), 'w1') b1 = shared_fn(my_zeros((n_kern1,)), 'b1') v = shared_fn(my_zeros((n_hid, n_out)), 'c') c = shared_fn(my_zeros(n_out), 'c') x = tensor.Tensor(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(0, 1, 0, 0))('x') y = tensor.fmatrix('y') lr = tensor.fscalar('lr') conv_op = conv.ConvOp(shape_img[2:], shape_kern[2:], n_kern, n_batch, 1, 1) conv_op1 = conv.ConvOp((n_kern, logical_hid_shape[0] // 2, logical_hid_shape[1] // 2), shape_kern1[2:], n_kern1, n_batch, 1, 1) hid = tensor.tanh(conv_op(x, w0) + b0.dimshuffle((0, 'x', 'x'))) hid1 = tensor.tanh(conv_op1(hid[:, :, ::2, ::2], w1) + b1.dimshuffle(( 0, 'x', 'x'))) hid_flat = hid1.reshape((n_batch, n_hid)) out = tensor.tanh(, v) + c) loss = tensor.sum(0.5 * (out - y) ** 2 * lr) # print 'loss type', loss.type params = [w0, b0, w1, b1, v, c] gparams = tensor.grad(loss, params) mode = get_mode(use_gpu) # print 'building pfunc ...' train = pfunc( [x, y, lr], [loss], mode=mode, updates=[(p, p - g) for p, g in zip(params, gparams)]) # for i, n in enumerate(train.maker.fgraph.toposort()): # print i, n xval = my_rand(*shape_img) yval = my_rand(n_batch, n_out) # int32 make all 0... lr = theano._asarray(0.01, dtype='float32') for i in xrange(n_train): rval = train(xval, yval, lr) print_mode(mode) return rval