Exemple #1
import numpy as np
from theano import function as fn
from theano import In
from theano import shared
from theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams import RandomStreams
import theano.tensor as T
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

srng = RandomStreams(seed=504)
# create random 2x2 matrices for
#uniform and normal distributions respectively
rv_u = srng.uniform((2, 2))
rv_n = srng.normal((2, 2))

f = fn([], rv_u)
g = fn([], rv_n, no_default_updates=True)
nearly_zeros = fn([], rv_u + rv_u - 2 * rv_u)

print("\n\nnew values every time")
for i in xrange(2):
print("\n\nsame numbers as thers no updates")
for i in xrange(2):

print("\n\nrandom seed swap test")
a = rv_u.rng.get_value(borrow=True)
rv_u.rng.set_value(a, borrow=True)
Exemple #2
import numpy as np
from theano import function as fn
from theano import In
from theano import shared
import theano.tensor as T
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

state = shared(0)
inc = T.iscalar('inc')
acc = fn( [inc], state , updates = [(state, state+inc)]
        , on_unused_input = 'ignore')

#overwrite the state variable with new state and copy
new_state = shared(-1)
new_acc = acc.copy( swap = {state:new_state} )

#we could delete updates mechanism like this

null_acc = acc.copy(delete_updates = True)

Exemple #3
import numpy as np
from theano import function as fn
import theano.tensor as T
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#create a vector and call it x
x = T.vector('x')
#build a return variable
s = (1.0 * 1) / (1.0 + np.exp(-x))
#create a function based on association
f = fn([x], s)

#x line for the function
l_start = -20.0
l_end = 20
l_n = 1000
d = np.linspace(l_start, l_end, l_n)

plt.plot(d, f(d))

# we can show that
#   1           1+ tanh(x/2)
# ----------- = -----------
#  1+ e(-x)         2

s2 = (1.0 + np.tanh(x / 2.0)) / 2
Exemple #4
from theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams import RandomStreams
import theano.tensor as T
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# create two matrix objects in theano
a, b = T.dmatrices('a', 'b')

#create a function that perfroms multiple operations
# 1 add
op_add = a + b
# 2 subtract
op_sub = a - b
# 3 picewise multiply
op_mul = a * b

fn_maths = fn([a, b], [op_add, op_sub, op_mul])


print(fn_maths([[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[1, 1], [2, 2]]))

# theano uses scan for looping
# defining the tensor variables
# there is an example on the website to calculate
# tanh( x(t).dot(W) + b )
X = T.matrix("X")
W = T.matrix("W")
b_sym = T.vector("b_sym")

# lambda call means input v and return v*W + b_sym
results, updates = scan(lambda v: T.tanh(T.dot(v, W) + b_sym), sequences=X)
Exemple #5
def train_nnet(rng, data_set, n_examples, batch_size=5, learning_rate=0.1, init=False, params=None):
	print '#'*50
	print 'Starting global fine tuning ...'
	x = T.tensor4('x')
	index = T.lscalar()

	model_ = model(rng, x, (img_h, img_w), batch_size=batch_size, init=init, params=params)

	cost = T.mean(T.sqr(model_.layer12.output-x))
	params = model_.layer1.params + model_.layer2.params + model_.layer3.params + model_.layer4.params + model_.layer5.params + model_.layer6.params + model_.layer7.params + model_.layer8.params + model_.layer9.params + model_.layer10.params + model_.layer11.params + model_.layer12.params
	grads = T.grad(cost, params)
	updates = [
		(param_i, param_i - learning_rate*grad_i)
		for param_i, grad_i in zip(params, grads)

	train_fn = fn([index], cost, updates=updates, givens ={
		x:data_set[0][index*batch_size: (index+1)*batch_size]

	valid_fn = fn([index], cost, givens={
		x:data_set[1][index*batch_size: (index+1)*batch_size]

	test_fn = fn([index], cost, givens={
		x:data_set[2][index*batch_size: (index+1)*batch_size]

	n_train_batches = n_examples[0]/batch_size
	n_valid_batches = n_examples[1]/batch_size
	n_test_batches = n_examples[2]/batch_size

	epoch = 0
	n_epochs = 200
	done_looping = False
	patience = 10000
	patience_increase = 2
	improve_threshold = 0.995
	validation_freq = min(n_train_batches, patience/2)
	best_validation_err = np.inf
	best_iter = 0
	test_err = 0
	start_time =timeit.default_timer()

	while((epoch < n_epochs) and (not done_looping)):
		for mini_batch_index in xrange(n_train_batches):
			iter = (epoch-1)*n_train_batches+mini_batch_index
			if iter%100 ==0:
				print 'training @ iter = ', iter
			cost_ij = train_fn(mini_batch_index)

			if (iter+1)%validation_freq==0:
				validation_losses=[valid_fn(i) for i in xrange(n_valid_batches)]
				this_validation_loss = np.mean(validation_losses)
				print ('epoch %i, minibatch %i/%i, mean validation reconstruction error: %f ' %(epoch, mini_batch_index+1, n_train_batches, this_validation_loss))

		if this_validation_loss<best_validation_err:
			if this_validation_loss<best_validation_err*improve_threshold:
				patience=max(patience, iter*patience_increase)


				for i in xrange(n_test_batches)
			print '\tepoch %i, minibatch %i/%i, mean test reconstruction error: %f' %(epoch, mini_batch_index+1, n_train_batches, test_err)

		if patience<=iter:

	# remove the following block made for visualisation
	# inp = T.tensor4()
	# train_ = model(rng, inp, (img_h, img_w), batch_size=batch_size, params=params)
	# f = fn([inp], train_.layer12.output)
	# f_img = f(data_set[0].eval())
	# plt.gray()
	# for i in range(1, 2):
	#	plt.subplot(1, 1, i); plt.axis('off'); plt.imshow(f_img[0, i-1, :, :])
	# plt.show()
	# block ends here
	save_file = open('trained_params.pkl', 'wb')
	for i in range(len(params)):
		cPickle.dump(params[i].get_value(borrow=True), save_file, -1)
	print 'saved trained params @', save_file
Exemple #6
import numpy as np
from theano import function as fn
from theano import In
from theano import shared
import theano.tensor as T
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

st = shared(0)
inc = T.iscalar('inc')

acc = fn( [inc], st, updates = [ (st, st+inc)] )


dcc = fn( [inc],  st, updates = [ (st, st-inc)] ) 

res = st * 2 + inc
#something that matches shared var type
v = T.scalar( dtype = st.dtype)

# so v is of state (st) type
# givens gets you state := v but dont modify the value of
# st
skip = fn( [inc,v], res, givens = [(st,v)])
Exemple #7
from theano.sandbox.rng_mrg import MRG_RandomStreams
from theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams import RandomStreams

#class to be used in initialization of an object
class Graph():
  def __init__(self, seed=504):
     self.rng = RandomStreams(seed)
     self.y = self.rng.uniform(size=(1,))

def copy_random_state(g1, g2):
    if isinstance(g1.rng, MRG_RandomStreams):
       g2.rng.rstate = g1.rng.rstate
    for (su1, su2) in zip(g1.rng.state_updates, g2.rng.state_updates):

g1 = Graph(seed=123)
f1 = fn([], g1.y)
f2 = fn([], g1.y)
print("\n\nFunctions taking on the same initialization graph are ouf of sync")
print([ zip(f1(),f2()) for i in xrange(3)])

print("\n\nSame with two other graphs")
g2 = Graph()
f2 = fn([], g2.y)

print("\n\nHowever, we could share the random state")
copy_random_state(g1, g2)
print([ zip(f1(),f2()) for i in xrange(3)])
Exemple #8
from auto_encoder import hidden_layer

load_file = open('params/trained_params.pkl', 'r')
params = ()
for i in range(12):  # update the value, depends on which layer params are being saved
	W = theano.shared(cPickle.load(load_file), borrow=True)
	b = theano.shared(cPickle.load(load_file), borrow=True)
	params+=([W, b],)
	#if (i==5):   # change for params introducing locally connected autoencoders
	#	params+=([W,b], [W,b])

x = T.tensor4('x')
vis_model = model(np.random.RandomState(23455), x, (96, 336), 1, True, params)
visualize = fn([x], [vis_model.layer1.output, vis_model.layer2.output, vis_model.layer3.output, vis_model.layer4.output, vis_model.layer5.output,  vis_model.layer6.output, vis_model.layer7.output, vis_model.layer8.output, vis_model.layer9.output, vis_model.layer10.output, vis_model.layer11.output, vis_model.layer12.output ])

image = '../data/scaled-0.25/I1_000001.png'
image = Image.open(image).convert('L')
image = np.array(image, dtype='float32') / 256.
image = image.reshape(1, 1, 96, 336)
outputs = visualize(image)
'''print outputs.shape
e_inp = T.reshape(outputs, (1, 5, 504))
layer6 = hidden_layer(
	input = e_inp,
import numpy as np
from theano import function as fn
from theano import In
import theano.tensor as T
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

a,b = T.dmatrices('a','b')

diff = a-b
abs_diff = abs(diff)
diff_sr =  diff ** 2

f = fn( [a,b], [diff, abs_diff, diff_sr])

n = [ [11,22], [22,11] ]
m = [ [1,2], [3,4] ]

print( f(m,n) )

x,y,z = f(n,m)

# we coul try out a default value.
f2 = fn( [a, In(b, value = [ [0,0], [0,0] ]) ], diff_sr)