parse = argparse.ArgumentParser() parse.add_argument('-L', type=int) args = parse.parse_args() # dataset wavs, labels, infos = theanoxla.datasets.load_freefield1010(subsample=2, n_samples=7000) wavs /= wavs.max(1, keepdims=True) wavs_train, wavs_test, labels_train, labels_test = theanoxla.utils.train_test_split( wavs, labels, 0.33) # variables L = args.L BS = 6 signal = T.Placeholder((BS, len(wavs[0])), 'float32') if L > 0: WVD = T.signal.wvd(T.expand_dims(signal, 1), 1024, L=L, hop=32) else: WVD = T.signal.mfsc(T.expand_dims(signal, 1), 1024, 192, 80, 2, 44100 / 4, 44100 / 4) tf_func = theanoxla.function(signal, outputs=[WVD], backend='cpu') tf = T.Placeholder(WVD.shape, 'float32') label = T.Placeholder((BS, ), 'int32') deterministic = T.Placeholder((1, ), 'bool') # first layer NN = 32
import theanoxla.tensor as T import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import interactive interactive(False) # from jax.lib import xla_client from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter fs, SIGNAL = read("output2.wav") SIGNAL = SIGNAL[2**15:, 0] SIGNAL = SIGNAL / SIGNAL.max() SS = 2**16 signal = T.Placeholder((SS, ), "float32") signal2 = T.reshape(signal, (1, 1, -1)) wv = T.signal.wvd(signal2, 1024, 32, L=32, apod=T.signal.hanning, mode="same") sp = T.signal.spectrogram(signal2, 256, 32, apod=T.signal.hanning, mode="same") melsp = T.signal.melspectrogram(signal2, 1024, 32, 80, 10, 20000, 22000) mfcc = T.signal.mfcc(signal2, 1024, 32, 80, 10, 20000, 22000, 12) filters = T.signal.mel_filterbank(1024, 80, 10, 20000, 22000) fil = theanoxla.function(outputs=[filters]) tfs = theanoxla.function(signal, outputs=[wv[0, 0], sp[0, 0], melsp[0, 0], mfcc[0, 0]]) t = time.time() TFs = tfs(SIGNAL[:SS].astype("float32")) FIL = fil()[0]
asdasd w = T.Placeholder(SHAPE, 'float32', name='w') noise = T.random.uniform(SHAPE, dtype='float32') y = T.cos(theanoxla.nn.activations.leaky_relu(z,0.3) + w + noise) cost = T.pool(y, (2, 2)) cost = T.sum(cost) grads = theanoxla.gradients(cost, [w, z], [1]) print(cost.get({w: np.random.randn(*SHAPE)})) noise.seed = 20 print(cost.get({w: np.random.randn(*SHAPE)})) noise.seed = 40 print(cost.get({w: np.random.randn(*SHAPE)})) updates = {z:z-0.01*grads[0]} fn1 = theanoxla.function(w, outputs=[cost])
# KL div. between the prior (standard gaussian) and our distribution enc = encoder(X, 2) dec = decoder(enc, X.shape[1]) mu = enc[-1][:latent_dim] logvar = enc[-1][latent_dim:] divergence = -0.5 * (np.sum(T.exp(logvar) - logvar + mu**2, 1) - latent_dim) rec = ((X - dec[-1])**2).sum(1) elbo = tf.reduce_mean(rec - divergence) loss = -elbo BS = 100 lr = 0.001 DATA, _ = datasets.make_moons(1000) X = T.Placeholder([BS, 2], 'float32') Z = T.Placeholder([BS, 2], 'float32') G_sample = generator(Z, 2) logits = discriminator(T.concatenate([G_sample[-1], X])) labels = T.concatenate([T.zeros(BS, dtype='int32'), T.ones(BS, dtype='int32')]) disc_loss = losses.sparse_crossentropy_logits(labels, logits[-1]).mean() gen_loss = losses.sparse_crossentropy_logits(1 - labels[:BS], logits[-1][:BS]).mean() masks = T.concatenate([G_sample[1] > 0, G_sample[3] > 0], 1) A = T.stack([ gradients(G_sample[-1][:, 0].sum(), [Z])[0], gradients(G_sample[-1][:, 1].sum(), [Z])[0] ], 1)
parse.add_argument("-L", type=int) args = parse.parse_args() # dataset wavs, labels, infos = theanoxla.datasets.load_freefield1010(subsample=2, n_samples=7000) wavs /= wavs.max(1, keepdims=True) wavs_train, wavs_test, labels_train, labels_test = theanoxla.utils.train_test_split( wavs, labels, 0.33 ) # variables L = args.L BS = 6 signal = T.Placeholder((BS, len(wavs[0])), "float32") if L > 0: WVD = T.signal.wvd(T.expand_dims(signal, 1), 1024, L=L, hop=32) else: WVD = T.signal.mfsc( T.expand_dims(signal, 1), 1024, 192, 80, 2, 44100 / 4, 44100 / 4 ) tf_func = theanoxla.function(signal, outputs=[WVD], backend="cpu") tf = T.Placeholder(WVD.shape, "float32") label = T.Placeholder((BS,), "int32") deterministic = T.Placeholder((1,), "bool") # first layer
import theanoxla import theanoxla.tensor as T import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import interactive interactive(False) # from jax.lib import xla_client from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter fs, SIGNAL = read('output2.wav') SIGNAL = SIGNAL[2**15:, 0] SIGNAL = SIGNAL / SIGNAL.max() SS = 2**16 signal = T.Placeholder((SS, ), 'float32') signal2 = T.reshape(signal, (1, 1, -1)) wv = T.signal.wvd(signal2, 1024, 32, L=32, apod=T.signal.hanning, mode='same') sp = T.signal.spectrogram(signal2, 256, 32, apod=T.signal.hanning, mode='same') melsp = T.signal.melspectrogram(signal2, 1024, 32, 80, 10, 20000, 22000) mfcc = T.signal.mfcc(signal2, 1024, 32, 80, 10, 20000, 22000, 12) filters = T.signal.mel_filterbank(1024, 80, 10, 20000, 22000) fil = theanoxla.function(outputs=[filters]) tfs = theanoxla.function(signal, outputs=[wv[0, 0], sp[0, 0], melsp[0, 0], mfcc[0, 0]]) t = time.time() TFs = tfs(SIGNAL[:SS].astype('float32')) FIL = fil()[0]
print(image) print(image) print(q) asdf T.signal.fft(image, axes=(-1, )) print(image) print(image.get({})) #print(T.gather(image, [0, 1])) #print(T.gather(image, [0, 1]).get({})) #patches = T.extract_image_patches(image, (2, 1)) print(patches.shape) print(patches.get({})[0, 0, 0, 0]) sdf tr = T.Placeholder((10, 10), 'float32') tr2 = T.concatenate([tr, tr], 0) tr3 = tr * 4 print(tr2.roots, tr3.roots) asdf print(patches.get({})) asdf a = T.Placeholder((4, 4), 'float32') print(a.roots) b = a * 3 + a c = b + b + a + b * a print(c.roots) asdf
import jax import numpy as np import sys sys.path.insert(0, "../") import theanoxla import theanoxla.tensor as T import theanoxla.nn as nn w = T.Placeholder((3, ), np.float32, name='w') # MAP example 1 output = a, b: T.pow(a, b), w, T.cast(T.arange(3), 'float32')) print(output.get({w: jax.numpy.arange(3).astype('float32')})) fn = theanoxla.function(w, outputs=[output]) print(fn(jax.numpy.arange(3).astype('float32'))) # MAP example 2 output = a: T.pow(a, 2.), T.cast(T.arange(3), 'float32')) print(output.get()) fn = theanoxla.function(outputs=[output]) print(fn()) # SCAN example 1 output = T.scan(lambda a, b: a + b, T.zeros(1), T.reshape(w, (3, 1))) print(output.get({w: jax.numpy.arange(3).astype('float32')})) fn = theanoxla.function(w, outputs=[output]) print(fn(jax.numpy.arange(3).astype('float32'))) # SCAN example 2 output = T.scan(lambda a, b, c: a + b * c, T.zeros(1),
sys.path.insert(0, "../") from import read import theanoxla import theanoxla.tensor as T from theanoxla import layers import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import interactive interactive(False) # from jax.lib import xla_client from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, accuracy_score BS = 1 signal = T.Placeholder((BS, 4), 'float32') deterministic = T.Placeholder((1, ), 'bool') random = T.random.bernoulli((2, 2), p=0.5) output = layers.Dropout(signal, 0.5, deterministic) g = theanoxla.function(outputs=[random]) f = theanoxla.function(signal, deterministic, outputs=[output]) for epoch in range(100): print(g()) for epoch in range(100): print(f(np.ones((BS, 4)), 0)[0]) for epoch in range(100): print(f(np.ones((BS, 4)), 1)[0])
# KL div. between the prior (standard gaussian) and our distribution enc = encoder(X, 2) dec = decoder(enc, X.shape[1]) mu = enc[-1][:latent_dim] logvar = enc[-1][latent_dim:] divergence = -0.5 * (np.sum(T.exp(logvar) - logvar + mu**2, 1) - latent_dim) rec = ((X - dec[-1])**2).sum(1) elbo = tf.reduce_mean(rec - divergence) loss = -elbo BS = 100 lr = 0.001 DATA, _ = datasets.make_moons(1000) X = T.Placeholder([BS, 2], "float32") Z = T.Placeholder([BS, 2], "float32") G_sample = generator(Z, 2) logits = discriminator(T.concatenate([G_sample[-1], X])) labels = T.concatenate([T.zeros(BS, dtype="int32"), T.ones(BS, dtype="int32")]) disc_loss = losses.sparse_crossentropy_logits(labels, logits[-1]).mean() gen_loss = losses.sparse_crossentropy_logits(1 - labels[:BS], logits[-1][:BS]).mean() masks = T.concatenate([G_sample[1] > 0, G_sample[3] > 0], 1) A = T.stack( [ gradients(G_sample[-1][:, 0].sum(), [Z])[0], gradients(G_sample[-1][:, 1].sum(), [Z])[0],
from import read import theanoxla import theanoxla.tensor as T from theanoxla import layers import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import interactive interactive(False) # from jax.lib import xla_client from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, accuracy_score BS = 1 signal = T.Placeholder((BS, 4), "float32") deterministic = T.Placeholder((1, ), "bool") random = T.random.bernoulli((2, 2), p=0.5) output = layers.Dropout(signal, 0.5, deterministic) g = theanoxla.function(outputs=[random]) f = theanoxla.function(signal, deterministic, outputs=[output]) for epoch in range(100): print(g()) for epoch in range(100): print(f(np.ones((BS, 4)), 0)[0]) for epoch in range(100): print(f(np.ones((BS, 4)), 1)[0])
import jax import numpy as np import sys sys.path.insert(0, "../") import theanoxla import theanoxla.tensor as T image = T.Placeholder((512**2, ), 'float32') output = image.reshape((1, 1, 512, 512)) f = theanoxla.function(image, outputs=[output]) for i in range(10000): print(i) f(np.random.randn(512**2))
import sys sys.path.insert(0, "../") import theanoxla import theanoxla.tensor as T def conv(x, y): x = x[0, 0] y = y[0, 0] filter = y[::-1, ::-1] return (x[:-1, :-1] * y[0, 0] + x[1:, :-1] * y[1, 0] + x[:-1, 1:] * y[0, 1] + x[1:, 1:] * y[1, 1]) SHAPE = (1, 1, 1164, 1164) w = T.Placeholder(SHAPE, "float32", name="w") SHAPE2 = (1, 1, 2, 2) filter = T.Placeholder(SHAPE2, "float32", name="filter") output = T.convNd(w, filter) f = theanoxla.function(w, filter, outputs=[output]) data = np.random.randn(*SHAPE).astype("float32") filter = np.random.randn(*SHAPE2).astype("float32") output = f(data, filter)[0][0, 0] target = conv(data, filter) print("% close values:", 100 * np.mean(np.isclose(target, output).astype("float32")))
import jax import numpy as np import sys sys.path.insert(0, "../") import theanoxla import theanoxla.tensor as T image = T.Placeholder((512**2, ), "float32") output = image.reshape((1, 1, 512, 512)) f = theanoxla.function(image, outputs=[output]) for i in range(10000): print(i) f(np.random.randn(512**2))
print(image) print(image) print(q) asdf T.signal.fft(image, axes=(-1, )) print(image) print(image.get({})) # print(T.gather(image, [0, 1])) # print(T.gather(image, [0, 1]).get({})) # patches = T.extract_image_patches(image, (2, 1)) print(patches.shape) print(patches.get({})[0, 0, 0, 0]) sdf tr = T.Placeholder((10, 10), "float32") tr2 = T.concatenate([tr, tr], 0) tr3 = tr * 4 print(tr2.roots, tr3.roots) asdf print(patches.get({})) asdf a = T.Placeholder((4, 4), "float32") print(a.roots) b = a * 3 + a c = b + b + a + b * a print(c.roots) asdf
import argparse parse = argparse.ArgumentParser() parse.add_argument('-L', type=int) args = parse.parse_args() # dataset wavs, labels, infos = theanoxla.datasets.load_freefield1010(subsample=2, n_samples=7000) # variables L = args.L BS = 1 signal = T.Placeholder((BS, wavs.shape[1]), 'float32') if L > 0: WVD = T.signal.wvd(T.expand_dims(signal, 1), 1024, L=L, hop=32) else: WVD = T.signal.mfsc(T.expand_dims(signal, 1), 1024, 192, 80, 2, 44100 / 4, 44100 / 4) tf_func = theanoxla.function(signal, outputs=[WVD], backend='cpu') # transform the data for i, x in enumerate( theanoxla.utils.batchify(wavs, batch_size=BS, option='continuous')): print('before') np.savez_compressed(