Exemple #1
def donate_ticket():
    # donate unused ticket

    data = request.get_json()
    tickets = data['tickets']

    # add ticket to show.donations

    if tickets:
        ticket = th.get_ticket(t, tickets[0])
        show = th.get_show(t, ticket.wid)
        return abort(400)

    for i in tickets:


    for i in show.donations_wait:  # check tickets from donations_wait

        order = th.get_order(t, None, i)  # get order from did
        count = order.count  # check count
        if len(order.tickets
               ) < count and order.did:  # if len(order.ticket) and did
            for j in show.donations:  #check each ticket in donations
                dticket = th.get_ticket(t, j)
                if dticket.status == 'Open' and len(
                        order.tickets) < count:  # for validity
                        dticket.tid)  # add tid to new order, mark as donated
                    dticket.status = 'Donated'  # list ticket status as donated
        if order.count == len(order.tickets):  # order is complete
            order.status = 'assigned'

    return ('', 201)
Exemple #2
def sections_for_show(wid):
    # get all sections for show

    s = th.get_show(t, wid)
    sects = []

    for i in s.sections:
        sects.append({'sid': i.sid, 'section_name': i.name, 'price': i.price})

    return jsonify(sects)
Exemple #3
def get_seating():

    # check for seats with options

    wid = request.args.get('show', None)  # kwargs
    sid = request.args.get('section', None)
    count = request.args.get('count', None)
    seats = request.args.get('starting_seat_id', None)

    if wid:
        seats = th.get_chair(t, seats, sid, wid)  # for specific show
        show = th.get_show(t, wid)
        sect = th.get_sect(t, sid, wid)

        checker = th.seat_blocks(t, show, sect, count, seats)

        if not checker:
            # block not available
            cid = None
            status = 'Error: ' + str(count) + ' contiguous seats not available'
            seating = []

            ret = {'wid':wid,'show_info':{'name':show.name,'web':show.web,\
            total = int(sect.price) * int(count)
            status = 'ok'

            seating = []

            seats_in_row = th.seats_inrow(sect, checker)

            for i in seats_in_row:
                    'cid': i.cid,
                    'seat': i.snum,
                    'status': i.status

            ret = {'wid':wid,'show_info':{'name':show.name,'web':show.web,\

        # get all seats in theater (no options)

        ret = []

        for i in t.sections:
            ret.append({'sid': i.sid, 'section_name': i.name})

    return jsonify(ret)
Exemple #4
def sections_for_show_specific(wid, sid):
    # get specific section for show

    s = th.get_show(t, wid)
    sect = th.get_sect(t, sid, wid)

    outrows = th.layout_printer(sect, 1)

    section_info = {'wid':str(s.wid),\

    return jsonify(section_info)
Exemple #5
def serch():

    # search for shows or orders, misspelled search on purpose

    topicword = request.args.get('topic', None)
    keyword = request.args.get('key', None)
    keyword = keyword.upper(
    )  # remove case sensitivity problem, works on all strings

    ret = None

    if topicword == 'show':

        for i in t.shows:

            # show name, web, date, time
            if keyword in str(i.name).upper() or \
                keyword in str(i.web).upper or \
                keyword in str(i.date) or keyword in str(i.time):

                ret = {'wid':i.wid,'show_info':{'name':i.name,'web':i.web,\

        return jsonify(ret)

    elif topicword == 'order':

        for i in t.orders:

            patron = th.get_patron(t, i.pid)
            show = th.get_show(t, i.wid)

            # oid, sid, pid, patron name, patron phone, patron email, patron address
            if keyword in str(i.oid).upper() or keyword in str(i.wid).upper() or \
                keyword in str(patron.pid).upper() or keyword in patron.name.upper() or \
                keyword in str(patron.phone) or keyword in patron.email.upper() or \
                keyword in patron.billing_address.upper():

                ret = {'oid':i.oid,'wid':i.wid,'show_info':{'name':show.name,'web':show.web,\

        return jsonify(ret)
        return abort(404)
Exemple #6
def request_donation(wid):
    # request donated ticket

    global t  # t is changed in this section

    data = request.get_json()

    tic_count = data['count']  # get ticket count from data
    did = uuid.uuid4()  # generate did
    s = th.get_show(t, wid)  # get show

    newpatron = th.create_patron(data)  # create patron
    neworder = tc.order(tic_count, newpatron.pid, wid, 0, did,
                        'pending')  # create order
    t = th.save_order(t, neworder, newpatron)  # save order
    return jsonify({'did': did})
Exemple #7
def shows_with_id(wid):

    s = th.get_show(t, wid)

    if request.method == 'PUT':
        # change show info

        data = request.get_json()

        if not th.verifier(data, 'show_info', ['name', 'date', 'time']):

            return abort(400)  # bad request

            name = data['show_info']['name']  # get data from json
            date = data['show_info']['date']
            time = data['show_info']['time']

            for i in data['seating_info']:  # search data for new section info
                if 'sid' in i:
                    for j in s.sections:
                        if j.sid == i['sid']:
                            j.price = i['price']  # update price
                    return abort(400)  # means no sid

            return ('', 200)  # no response

        # return info on show wid

        sects = []

        for i in s.sections:
            sects.append({'sid': i.sid, 'price': i.price})

        ret = {'wid':str(s.wid),'show_info':{'name':s.name,'web':s.web,'date':s.date,\

        return jsonify(ret)
Exemple #8
def tickets(tid):

    if request.method == 'POST':
        # scan ticket

        data = request.get_json()

        tid = data['tid']
        status = data['status']

        this_ticket = th.get_ticket(t, tid)

        if this_ticket.status == 'used':  # ticket has already been used
            return abort(400)
            this_ticket.status = status

        return jsonify({'tid': this_ticket.tid, 'status': this_ticket.status})

        # get ticket info

        ticket = th.get_ticket(t, tid)  # because of compartmentalized data
        show = th.get_show(t, ticket.wid)  # this was surprisingly difficult
        order = th.get_order(t, ticket.oid)
        patron = th.get_patron(t, order.pid)
        seat = th.get_chair(t, ticket.cid, None, show.wid)
        section = th.get_sect(t, seat.sid)

        ret = {'tid':ticket.tid,'price':ticket.price,'status':ticket.status,\

        return jsonify(ret)
Exemple #9
def get_orders(oid):
    # get order by oid

    order = th.get_order(t, oid)

    ret_tix = []
    num_tix = len(order.tickets)

    for i in order.tickets:
        ret_tix.append({'tid': i.tid, 'status': i.status})

    wid = order.wid
    s = th.get_show(t, wid)
    this_patron = th.get_patron(t, order.pid)

    ret = {'oid':order.oid,'wid':order.wid,'show_info':{'name':s.name,'web':s.web,\

    return jsonify(ret)
Exemple #10
def get_reports(mrid):
    # get various reports

    wid = request.args.get('show', '')
    start = request.args.get('start_date', '')
    end = request.args.get('end_date', '')

    shows = []

    if not wid and not start and not end:
        # no show and no dates, run for all shows and all dates

        for i in t.shows:

    if wid and not start and not end:
        # show and no dates, run for that show

        shows.append(th.get_show(t, wid))

    if not wid and start and end:
        # if no show and dates, run for all shows in that range

        for i in t.shows:
            if th.compare_date(start, end, i.date):  # check for dates


    if str(mrid) == str(801):
        name = "Occupancy Report"
        total_shows = len(shows)
        total_seats = th.get_seatcount(shows)
        sold_seats = th.get_soldseats(shows)

        overall_occupancy = str(round(
            (sold_seats / total_seats) * 100, 1)) + '%'

        rets = []

        for i in shows:
            seats_sold = th.get_soldseats([i])
            total_seat = th.get_seatcount(
                [i])  # scoping shouldn't be a problem but...
            seats_available = total_seat - seats_sold
            occupancy = str(round((seats_sold / seats_available) * 100,
                                  1)) + '%'  # could check for div/0

        ret = {'mrid':mrid,'name':name,'start_date':start,'end_date':end,\

    elif str(mrid) == str(802):
        name = "Revenue from ticket sales"
        total_shows = len(shows)
        total_seats = th.get_seatcount(shows)
        sold_seats = th.get_soldseats(shows)

        overall_revenue = th.get_revenue(shows)

        rets = []
        rets2 = []

        for i in shows:
            for j in i.sections:
                sectinfo = th.get_sectinfo(j)
                seats_available = sectinfo[
                    0]  # added these separately for transparency
                seats_sold = sectinfo[1]  # originally just had in return value
                section_revenue = sectinfo[2]


            rets2 = []

        ret = {'mrid':mrid,'name':name,'start_date':start,'end_date':end,\

    elif str(mrid) == str(803):
        name = "Donated Tickets Report"
        total_shows = len(shows)
        total_seats = th.get_seatcount(shows)
        sold_seats = th.get_soldseats(shows)

        donation_info = th.get_donationinfo(t, shows)
        donated_tickets = donation_info[0]
        donated_and_used_tickets = donation_info[1]
        donated_and_used_value = donation_info[2]

        rets = []

        for i in shows:
            seats_sold = th.get_soldseats([i])
            total_seat = th.get_seatcount([i])
            seats_available = total_seat - seats_sold

            di = th.get_donationinfo(t, [i])
            donated_ticket = di[0]
            donated_and_used_ticket = di[1]
            donated_and_used_val = di[2]


        ret = {'mrid':mrid,'name':name,'start_date':start,'end_date':end,\

        return abort(404)  # invalid report code

    return jsonify(ret)
Exemple #11
def shows_no_wid():

    if request.method == 'POST':
        # create show

        data = request.get_json()  # get data

        if not th.verifier(data, 'show_info', ['name', 'date', 'time']):
            return abort(400)  # bad request
            name = data['show_info']['name']  # get data from json
            date = data['show_info']['date']
            time = data['show_info']['time']

            if not th.dupe_show(t, date, time):  # check for dupe show
                return abort(400)

            if 'web' not in data['show_info']:  # check for optionals
                web = None
                web = data['show_info']['web']

            if 'wid' not in data['show_info']:
                wid = uuid.uuid4()
                wid = int(data['show_info']['wid'])

            t.shows.append(tc.show(name, date, time, web,
                                   wid))  # add show to theater

            s = th.get_show(t, wid)

            for i in data['seating_info']:  # could technically use t.shows[-1]
                # this way to avoid race condition
                if 'sid' in i:

                    sid = i['sid']  # pull sections from data
                    price = i['price']

                    newsect = None

                    for i in t.sections:  # find/copy section from template
                        if i.sid == sid:
                            newsect = i

                    newsect.price = price  # adjust price

                    return abort(400)  # means no sid

            return jsonify({'wid': s.wid})  # return wid

        # return all shows

        ret = []
        for i in t.shows:

        return jsonify(ret)
Exemple #12
def place_order():

    global t  # t is changed in this section

    if request.method == 'POST':
        # place order

        data = request.get_json()

        tic_count = len(data['seats'])
        wid = data['wid']
        sid = data['sid']
        s = th.get_show(t, wid)
        sect = th.get_sect(t, sid, wid)
        cost = sect.price
        total = int(cost) * tic_count

        newpatron = th.create_patron(data)
        neworder = tc.order(tic_count, newpatron.pid, wid, total)

        tix = []
        for i in data['seats']:  # get seats
            if th.seat_taken(
                    t, wid, sid,
                    i['cid']):  # check if seat is taken (true is good)

                chair = th.get_chair(t, i['cid'], sid, wid)  # get seat
                ticket = tc.ticket(cost, wid, chair.cid,
                                   neworder.oid)  # generate ticket
                chair.status = 'sold'  # change to sold

        neworder.tickets = tix

        t = th.save_order(t, neworder,
                          newpatron)  # made this sub to save space
        saveme()  # but caused me to have to use global var

        ret_tix = []

        for i in tix:


        ret = {'oid':neworder.oid,'wid':wid,'show_info':{'name':s.name,'web':s.web,\

        return jsonify(ret)

        # get all orders or orders by date

        start = request.args.get('start_date', None)
        end = request.args.get('end_date', None)
        dateflag = 0

        if start:  # kwargs include dates
            dateflag = 1

        ret = []

        for i in t.orders:

            num_tix = i.count
            wid = i.wid
            patron = th.get_patron(t, i.pid)
            show = th.get_show(t, i.wid)

            rets = {'oid':i.oid,'wid':i.wid,'show_info':{'name':show.name,'web':show.web,\

            if not dateflag:
                ret.append(rets)  # no dates, append all

            elif th.compare_date(start, end,
                                 i.time):  # has dates, this is within range

        return jsonify(ret)