def preprocessing():

	# Get filenames for the thesaurus, the latin text, and greek text
	thesaurus_filename, Latin_filename, Greek_filename = xls.get_whole_text_comparison_Args()

	# Read the thesaurus CSV file into a dicitonary object for easy access
	transDict = ths.build_thesaurus(thesaurus_filename)

	# Read both the latin text and greek text into a dictionary for easy access
	Latin_word_num, Latin_search_dict, Latin_text = xls.build_search_dictionary(Latin_filename, "Latin", True)

	Greek_word_num, Greek_search_dict, Greek_text  = xls.build_search_dictionary = (Greek_filename, "Greek", True)

	return Latin_word_num, Latin_search_dict, Latin_text, Greek_word_num, Greek_search_dict, Greek_text
def preprocessing():
	latin_cltk_importer = CorpusImporter('latin')

	greek_cltk_importer = CorpusImporter('greek')

	# Get filenames for the thesaurus, the latin text, and greek text
	thesaurus_filename, Greek_filename = xls.get_search_by_phrase_Args()

	# Read the thesaurus CSV file into a dicitonary object for easy access
	transDict = ths.build_thesaurus(thesaurus_filename)
	# Read greek text into a dictionary for easy access
	Greek_word_num, Greek_search_dict, Greek_text = xls.build_search_dictionary(Greek_filename, "Greek", True)

	return transDict, Greek_word_num, Greek_search_dict, Greek_text
	def process_thesaurus(self, filename):
		self.thesaurus_ready = False
		self.transDict = ths.build_thesaurus(filename)
		self.thesaurus_ready = True