Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, n_classes, width, depth, get_bow, rho=1e-5, eta=0.005,
              eps=1e-6, update_step='adadelta'):
     nn_shape = tuple([width] + [width] * depth + [n_classes])
     NeuralNet.__init__(self, nn_shape, embed=((width,), (0,)),
                        rho=rho, eta=eta, eps=eps,
     self.get_bow = get_bow
Exemple #2
def test_linear_bias(bias_data):
    '''Test that a linear model can learn a bias.'''
    model = NeuralNet((2, 2), rho=0.0, eta=0.1, update_step='sgd')

    assert model.nr_in == 2
    assert model.nr_class == 2
    assert model.nr_layer == 2

    bias0, bias1 = model.weights[-2:]

    assert bias0 == 0
    assert bias1 == 0
    for _ in range(100):
        for feats, label, costs in bias_data():
            model.train_dense(feats, costs)
    bias0, bias1 = model.weights[-2:]
    assert bias1 > bias0
    acc = 0.0
    total = 0
    for i in range(20):
        for features, label, costs in bias_data():
            eg = model.predict_dense(features)
            assert costs[label] == 0
            acc += eg.scores[label] > 0.5
            total += 1
    assert (acc / total) > 0.5
    assert (acc / total) < 1.0
Exemple #3
def test_deep_bias(bias_data):
    '''Test that a deep model can learn a bias.'''
    model = NeuralNet((2,2,2,2,2,2,2, 2), rho=0.0, eta=0.1, eps=1e-4, update_step='adadelta')

    assert model.nr_in == 2
    assert model.nr_class == 2
    assert model.nr_layer > 2
    if not model.use_batch_norm:
        bias0, bias1 = model.weights[-2:]
        bias0, bias1 = model.weights[-4:-2]
    assert bias0 == 0
    assert bias1 == 0
    for _ in range(20):
        for feats, label, costs in bias_data():
            eg = model.train_dense(feats, costs)
    if not model.use_batch_norm:
        bias0, bias1 = model.weights[-2:]
        bias0, bias1 = model.weights[-4:-2]
    assert bias1 > bias0
    acc = 0.0
    total = 0
    for i in range(20):
        for features, label, costs in bias_data():
            eg = model.predict_dense(features)
            assert costs[label] == 0
            acc += eg.scores[label] > 0.5
            total += 1
    assert (acc/total) > 0.5
    assert (acc/total) < 1.0
Exemple #4
def test_create():
    model = NeuralNet((4, 8, 3))

    assert model.nr_in == 4
    assert model.nr_class == 3
    assert model.nr_layer == 3
    assert model.widths == (4, 8, 3)
    assert model.mem is not None

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo:
        model.mem = None
Exemple #5
def test_sparse_backprop_single():
    model = NeuralNet((2, 2, 2), embed=((2,), (0,)), update_step='sgd', eta=0.1)
    x = {(0, 1): 4.0}
    y = (0, 1)
    b1 = model.train_sparse(x, y)
    b2 = model.train_sparse(x, y)
    b3 = model.train_sparse(x, y)
    b4 = model.train_sparse(x, y)
    b5 = model.train_sparse(x, y)
    assert b2.loss > b3.loss or b2.loss == 0.0
    assert b3.loss > b4.loss or b3.loss == 0.0
    assert b4.loss > b5.loss or b4.loss == 0.0
Exemple #6
def test_fwd_linear():
    model = NeuralNet((2,2), rho=0.0, alpha=0.5)
    assert model.nr_class == 2
    assert model.widths == (2, 2)

    syn = [1.,0.,0.,1.]
    bias = [0.,0.]
    gamma = [1.,1.]
    if model.use_batch_norm:
        model.weights = syn+bias+gamma
        model.weights = syn+bias
    ff = [0,0]
    tf = [1,0]
    ft = [0,1]
    tt = [1,1]
    eg = model.predict_dense(ff)

    assert_allclose(eg.scores, [0.5, 0.5])

    eg = model.predict_dense(ft)
    assert_allclose(eg.scores, [ 0.26894142,  0.73105858])
    assert_allclose([sum(eg.scores)], [1.0])

    eg = model.predict_dense(tf)
    assert_allclose(eg.scores, [0.73105858, 0.26894142])
    assert_allclose(sum(eg.scores), [1.0])

    eg = model.predict_dense(tt)

    assert_allclose(eg.scores, [0.5, 0.5])
Exemple #7
def test_xor_gradient(xor_data):
    '''Test that after each update, we move towards the correct label.'''
    model = NeuralNet((2, 2, 2), rho=0.0, eta=0.1, update_step='adadelta')
    assert model.nr_in == 2
    assert model.nr_class == 2
    assert model.nr_layer == 3
    for _ in range(500):
        for i, (features, label, costs) in enumerate(xor_data):
            prev = list(model.predict_dense(features).scores)
            assert_allclose([sum(prev)], [1.0])
            tmp = model.train_dense(features, costs)
            eg = model.predict_dense(features)
            assert (prev[label] <= eg.scores[label] or \
                    prev[label] == eg.scores[label] == 1.0)
Exemple #8
def get_new_model(train_data, model):
    learn_rate = np.random.normal(loc=model.eta, scale=0.001)
    if learn_rate < 0.0001:
        learn_rate = 0.0001

    new_model = NeuralNet(model.widths,
    new_model.weights = model.weights
    new_model.tau = model.tau
    train_data = train_data + train_data
    acc = new_model.train(train_data, batch_size=100)
    return acc, new_model
Exemple #9
def test_embedding():
    model = NeuralNet((10, 4, 2), embed=((5, ), (0, 0)), rho=0.0, eta=0.005)
    assert model.nr_in == 10
    eg = Example(nr_class=model.nr_class, widths=model.widths)
    eg.features = {(0, 1): 2.5}
    assert eg.activation(0, 0) != 0
    assert eg.activation(0, 1) != 0
    assert eg.activation(0, 2) != 0
    assert eg.activation(0, 3) != 0
    assert eg.activation(0, 4) != 0

    eg = Example(nr_class=model.nr_class, widths=model.widths)
    eg.features = {(1, 1867): 0.5}
    assert eg.activation(0, 0) == 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 1) == 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 2) == 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 3) == 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 4) == 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 5) != 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 6) != 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 7) != 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 8) != 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 9) != 0.0
Exemple #10
def test_sparse_backprop():
    def train_batch(model, xy):
        x, y = xy
        loss = 0.0
        for x,y in zip(X, Y):
            eg = model.train_sparse(x, y)
            loss += eg.loss
        return loss

    model = NeuralNet((10, 2, 2), embed=((10,), (0,)), rho=0.0, eta=0.005,
    X = [{(0, 1): 4.0, (0, 2): 3.0, (0, 3): 4.0, (0, 100): 1.0}, {(0, 10): 3.0,
         (0, 2): 2.0}]
    Y = [(0, 1), (1, 0)]
    b1 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b2 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b3 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b4 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b5 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b6 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b7 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b8 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b9 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b10 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))

    assert b1 > b3 > b10
Exemple #11
def main(batch_size=128, nb_epoch=10, nb_classes=10):
    # the data, shuffled and split between tran and test sets
    (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()

    X_train = X_train.reshape(60000, 784)
    X_test = X_test.reshape(10000, 784)
    X_train = X_train.astype('float64')
    X_test = X_test.astype('float64')
    X_train /= 255
    X_test /= 255
    print(X_train.shape[0], 'train samples')
    print(X_test.shape[0], 'test samples')

    train_data = zip(X_train, y_train)
    nr_train = len(train_data)
    heldout_data = train_data[:int(nr_train * 0.1)]
    train_data = train_data[len(heldout_data):]

    model = NeuralNet(power_of_two(784, 10, n_hidden=20, scale=6),
    #acc, model = sequential_sgd(model, train_data, heldout_data, n_iter=50)

    model = best_first_sgd(model, train_data, heldout_data)
    print('Test score:', score_model(zip(X_test, y_test), model))
Exemple #12
def test_xor_manual():
    model = NeuralNet((2,2,2), rho=0.0)
    assert model.nr_class == 2
    assert model.widths == (2, 2, 2)

    # Make a network that detects X-or
    # It should output 0 if inputs are 0,0 or 1,1 and 1 if inputs are 0,1 or 1,0
    # A linear model can't do this!
    # What we do is create two intermediate predictors, for 0,1 and 1,0
    # These predictors rely on a bias towards 0. The non-linearity is essential
    # Then our output layer can detect either of these signals firing
    # 0,0 --> neither fire
    # 0,1 --> A0 fires
    # 1,0 --> A1 fires
    # 1,1 --> neither fire

    if not model.use_batch_norm:
        model.weights = np.asarray([
                    [4.0, -10.0],   # A.0*in.0, A.0*in.1
                    [-10.0, 5.0], # A.1*in.0, A.1*in.1
                    [0.0, 0.0],     # A.0 bias, A.1 bias
                    [-10.0, -10.0],  # out.0*A.0, out.0*A.1
                    [10.0, 10.0],   # out.1*A.0, out.1*A.1
                    [10.0, -10.0],   # out.0 bias, out.1 bias
        model.weights = np.asarray([
                    [4.0, -10.0],   # A.0*in.0, A.0*in.1
                    [-10.0, 5.0], # A.1*in.0, A.1*in.1
                    [0.0, 0.0],     # A.0 bias, A.1 bias
                    [1.0, 1.0],     # A.0 gamma, A.1 gamma
                    [-10.0, -10.0],  # out.0*A.0, out.0*A.1
                    [10.0, 10.0],   # out.1*A.0, out.1*A.1
                    [10.0, -10.0],   # out.0 bias, out.1 bias
                    [1.0, 1.0],     # out.0 gamma, out.1 gamma

    ff = [0,0]
    tf = [1,0]
    ft = [0,1]
    tt = [1,1]

    eg = model.predict_dense(ff)
    assert eg.scores[0] > 0.99
    eg = model.predict_dense(tt)
    assert eg.scores[0] > 0.99
    eg = model.predict_dense(tf)
    assert eg.scores[1] > 0.99

    eg = model.predict_dense(ft)
    assert eg.scores[1] > 0.99
Exemple #13
 def __init__(self,
     nn_shape = tuple([width] + [width] * depth + [n_classes])
                        embed=((width, ), (0, )),
     self.get_bow = get_bow
Exemple #14
def test_learn_linear(or_data):
    '''Test that a linear model can learn OR.'''
    # Need high eta on this sort of toy problem, or learning takes forever!
    model = NeuralNet((2, 2), rho=0.0, eta=0.1, update_step='sgd')

    assert model.nr_in == 2
    assert model.nr_class == 2
    assert model.nr_layer == 2

    # It takes about this many iterations, with the settings above.
    for _ in range(900):
        for feats, label, costs in or_data:
            eg = model.train_dense(feats, costs)
    acc = 0.0
    for features, label, costs in or_data:
        eg = model.predict_dense(features)
        assert costs[label] == 0
        acc += eg.scores[label] > 0.5
    assert acc == len(or_data)
Exemple #15
def test_mlp_learn_linear(or_data):
    '''Test that with a hidden layer, we can still learn OR'''
    # Need high eta on this sort of toy problem, or learning takes forever!
    model = NeuralNet((2, 3, 2), rho=0.0, eta=0.5, update_step='sgd')

    assert model.nr_in == 2
    assert model.nr_class == 2
    assert model.nr_layer == 3

    # Keep this set low, so that we see that the hidden layer allows the function
    # to be learned faster than the linear model
    for _ in range(50):
        for feats, label, costs in or_data:
            eg = model.train_dense(feats, costs)
    acc = 0.0
    for features, label, costs in or_data:
        eg = model.predict_dense(features)
        assert costs[label] == 0
        acc += eg.scores[label] > 0.5
    assert acc == len(or_data)
def test_mlp_learn_linear(or_data):
    '''Test that with a hidden layer, we can still learn OR'''
    # Need high eta on this sort of toy problem, or learning takes forever!
    model = NeuralNet((2, 3, 2), rho=0.0, eta=0.5, eps=1e-4,

    assert model.nr_in == 2
    assert model.nr_class == 2
    assert model.nr_layer == 3
    # Keep this set low, so that we see that the hidden layer allows the function
    # to be learned faster than the linear model
    for _ in range(50):
        for feats, label, costs in or_data:
            batch = model.train_dense(feats, costs)
    acc = 0.0
    for features, label, costs in or_data:
        eg = model.predict_dense(features)
        assert costs[label] == 0
        acc += eg.scores[label] > 0.5
    assert acc == len(or_data)
Exemple #17
def test_xor_rho(xor_data):
    '''Test that higher L2 penalty causes slower learning.'''
    big_rho_model = NeuralNet((2,10,10,10,2), rho=0.8, eta=0.005, update_step='adadelta')
    normal_rho_model = NeuralNet((2, 10,10,10, 2), rho=1e-4, eta=0.005, update_step='adadelta')
    big_rho_model.weights = list(normal_rho_model.weights)
    big_rho_loss = 0.0
    normal_rho_loss = 0.0
    for _ in range(10):
        for i, (features, label, costs) in enumerate(xor_data):
            big_rho_loss += big_rho_model.train_dense(features, costs).loss
            normal_rho_loss += normal_rho_model.train_dense(features, costs).loss
    assert normal_rho_loss < (big_rho_loss * 1.1)
def test_learn_linear(or_data):
    '''Test that a linear model can learn OR.'''
    # Need high eta on this sort of toy problem, or learning takes forever!
    model = NeuralNet((2, 2), rho=0.0, eta=0.1, eps=1e-4, update_step='sgd',

    assert model.nr_in == 2
    assert model.nr_class == 2
    assert model.nr_layer == 2
    # It takes about this many iterations, with the settings above.
    for _ in range(900):
        for feats, label, costs in or_data:
            eg = model.train_dense(feats, costs)
    for avg in model.averages:
    acc = 0.0
    for features, label, costs in or_data:
        eg = model.predict_dense(features)
        assert costs[label] == 0
        acc += eg.scores[label] > 0.5
    assert acc == len(or_data)
Exemple #19
 def __init__(self,
     unigram_width = width
     bigram_width = 0
     nn_shape = tuple([unigram_width + bigram_width] + [width] * depth +
                        embed=((width, bigram_width), (0, 1)),
     self.get_bow = get_bow
Exemple #20
def test_xor_eta(xor_data):
    '''Test that a higher learning rate causes loss to decrease faster.'''
    small_eta_model = NeuralNet((2, 10,2), rho=0.0, eta=0.000001, update_step='sgd')
    normal_eta_model = NeuralNet((2, 10,2), rho=0.0, eta=0.1, update_step='sgd')
    small_eta_loss = 0.0
    normal_eta_loss = 0.0
    for _ in range(1000):
        for i, (features, label, costs) in enumerate(xor_data):
            small_eta_loss += small_eta_model.train_dense(features, costs).loss
            normal_eta_loss += normal_eta_model.train_dense(features, costs).loss
    assert normal_eta_loss < small_eta_loss
Exemple #21
def test_embedding():
    model = NeuralNet((10,4,2), embed=((5,), (0,0)), rho=0.0, eta=0.005)
    assert model.nr_in == 10
    eg = model.Example({(0, 1): 2.5})
    assert eg.activation(0, 0) != 0
    assert eg.activation(0, 1) != 0
    assert eg.activation(0, 2) != 0
    assert eg.activation(0, 3) != 0
    assert eg.activation(0, 4) != 0
    eg = model.Example({(1, 1867): 0.5})
    assert eg.activation(0, 0) == 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 1) == 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 2) == 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 3) == 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 4) == 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 5) != 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 6) != 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 7) != 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 8) != 0.0
    assert eg.activation(0, 9) != 0.0
Exemple #22
def test_model_widths_sgd(or_data):
    '''Test different model widths'''
    narrow = NeuralNet((2,4,2), rho=0.0, eta=0.01, update_step='sgd')
    wide = NeuralNet((2,20,2), rho=0.0, eta=0.01, update_step='sgd')
    assert wide.nr_weight > narrow.nr_weight
    narrow_loss = 0.0
    wide_loss = 0.0
    for _ in range(20):
        for i, (features, label, costs) in enumerate(or_data):
            narrow_loss += narrow.train_dense(features, costs).loss
            wide_loss += wide.train_dense(features, costs).loss
    # We don't know that the extra width is better, but it shouldn't be
    # *much* worse
    assert wide_loss < (narrow_loss * 1.1)
    # It also shouldn't be the same!
    assert wide_loss != narrow_loss
Exemple #23
def test_sparse_backprop():
    def train_batch(model, xy):
        x, y = xy
        loss = 0.0
        for x, y in zip(X, Y):
            eg = Example(nr_class=model.nr_class, widths=model.widths)
            eg.features = x
            eg.costs = y
            eg = list(model.update(eg, force_update=True))[-1]
            loss += eg.loss
        return loss

    model = NeuralNet((10, 2, 2),
                      embed=((10, ), (0, )),
    X = [{
        (0, 1): 4.0,
        (0, 2): 3.0,
        (0, 3): 4.0,
        (0, 100): 1.0
    }, {
        (0, 10): 3.0,
        (0, 2): 2.0
    Y = [(0, 1), (1, 0)]
    b1 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b2 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b3 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b4 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b5 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b6 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b7 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b8 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b9 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    b10 = train_batch(model, (X, Y))
    assert b1 > b3 > b10
Exemple #24
def test_fwd_bias():
    model = NeuralNet((2, 2), rho=0.0)
    model.weights = [1.0] * model.nr_weight

    eg = model.predict_dense([0, 0])
    assert eg.nr_class == 2
    assert_allclose(eg.scores, [0.5, 0.5])

    # Set bias for class 0
    syn = [1.,1.,1.,1.]
    bias = [100000.,1.]
    gamma = [0,0]
    if model.nr_weight == len(syn) + len(bias):
        model.weights = syn + bias
        assert model.weights == list(syn + bias)
        model.weights = syn + bias + gamma
        assert model.weights == list(syn + bias + gamma)
    eg = model.predict_dense([0, 0])
    assert_allclose(eg.scores, [1.0, 0.0])

    # Set bias for class 1
    if model.nr_weight == 6:
        model.weights = syn + [1.,10000.0]
        model.weights = syn + [1.,10000.0] + gamma
    eg = model.predict_dense([0,0])
    assert_allclose(eg.scores, [0.0, 1.0])

    # Set bias for both
    if model.nr_weight == 6:
        model.weights = syn + [10000.0,10000.0]
        model.weights = syn + [10000.0,10000.0] + gamma
    eg = model.predict_dense([0,0])
    assert_allclose(eg.scores, [0.5, 0.5])
Exemple #25
def test_xor_deep(xor_data):
    '''Compare 0, 1 and 3 layer networks.
    The 3 layer seems to do better, but it doesn't *have* to. But if the
    0 layer works, something's wrong!'''
    linear = NeuralNet((2,2), rho=0.0000, eta=0.1, update_step='sgd')
    small = NeuralNet((2,2,2), rho=0.0000, eta=0.1, update_step='sgd')
    big = NeuralNet((2,2,2,2,2,2), rho=0.0000, eta=0.1, update_step='sgd')
    for _ in range(1000):
        for i, (features, label, costs) in enumerate(xor_data):
            ln = linear.train_dense(features, costs)
            bg = big.train_dense(features, costs)
            sm = small.train_dense(features, costs)

    linear_loss = 0.0
    small_loss = 0.0
    big_loss = 0.0
    for i, (features, label, costs) in enumerate(xor_data):
        linear_loss += 1 - linear.predict_dense(features).scores[label]
        small_loss += 1 - small.predict_dense(features).scores[label]
        big_loss += 1 - big.predict_dense(features).scores[label]
    assert big_loss < 0.5
    assert small_loss < 2.0
    assert linear_loss > 1.9