def doCommand(year, inputURI="/dev/stdin"):
        import sys
        global sax2rdf
        import thing
	from thing import load
	global kb
        #from thing import chatty
        #import sax2rdf
	import os
	from thing import Literal
# Load the data:
	progress("Data from", inputURI)
#	print "# Size of kb: ", len(kb)

	totals = {}
	for s in kb.statements:
	    obj = s.object()
	    if isinstance(obj, Literal)
		    value = int(obj.string)
		tot = totals.get(s.predicate(), 0) + value
		totals[s.predicate()] = tot

	ko = kb.newFormula()
	for pred in totals.keys():
	    ko.add(subj=pred,, obj=ko.newSymbol(`totals[pred]`))
	print ko.close().n3String()
Exemple #2
def doCommand(year, inputURI="/dev/stdin"):
        """Fin - financial summary
 <command> <options> <inputURIs>
 Totals transactions by classes to which they are known to belong 
 This is or was
        import sys
        global sax2rdf
        import thing
        from thing import load
        global kb
        #from thing import chatty
        #import sax2rdf
        import os

# Load the data:
        home = os.environ["HOME"]
        personalInfo = load(home + "/.personal.n3")
        me = personalInfo.statementsMatching(pred=contact.ssn)[0].subject()
        myname = (personalInfo.the(subj=me, pred=contact.givenName).string + " " +
            personalInfo.the(subj=me, pred=contact.familyName).string)
        myssn = personalInfo.the(subj=me, pred=contact.ssn).string
        myhome = personalInfo.the(subj=me, pred=contact.home)
        mystreet = personalInfo.the(subj=myhome, pred=contact.street).string
        mystate = personalInfo.the(subj=myhome, pred=contact.stateOrProvince).string
        myzip = personalInfo.the(subj=myhome, pred=contact.postalCode).string
        assert myname and myssn and mystreet and mystate and myzip
        progress("Data from", inputURI)
#       print "# Size of kb: ", len(kb)
        # for /devel/WWW read when we have persistent cache
        stateInfo = load("/devel/WWW/2000/10/swap/test/dbork/data/USRegionState.n3")
        stateCodes = []
        for s in stateInfo.statementsMatching(pred=state.code):
        progress("#", len(stateCodes), "state codes")
        categories = kb.each(pred=rdf.type, obj=qu.Cat)
        progress("%i categories found" % len(categories))

        maUseTaxable = kb.each(pred=rdf.type, obj=ma.useTaxable)

        total = 0
        rows = ""
        for s in maUseTaxable:
            date = kb.any(subj=s,
            year = int(date[0:4])
            if  int(year) != int(yearInQuestion): continue
            payees = kb.each(subj=s, pred=qu.payee)
            if str(payees[0]) == "Check" and len(payees) >1: payee = payees[1]
            else: payee = payees[0]
            if payee[-3:-2] == " ":
                sc = payee [-2:]
                if sc in stateCodes and sc != "MA":
                    amount = -float(kb.the(subj=s, pred=qu.amount).__str__())
                    mycat = "@@@"
                    classes = kb.each(subj=s, pred=rdf.type)
                    for c in classes:
                        if c in categories:
                            mycat = kb.the(subj=c, pred=rdfs.label)
                    progress( "# %s  %40s  %10s" %(date, payee, `amount`))
                    rows = rows + """    <tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>
                    <td class='amount'>%7.2f</td><td class='amount'>0</td></tr>\n""" %(
                        date[:10], payee, mycat, amount)
                    total = total + amount
        progress('<%s>\n\t<%s> "%7.2f".' % ( ma.useTaxable.uriref(),, total))
        progress( "# ie sales tax of 5%% would be $%7.2f" % (total*0.05))

        values = { "name": myname, "ssn": myssn,
                    "address":  mystreet,
                    "state":    mystate,
                    "zip":      myzip,
                    "l1":       yearInQuestion,
                    "l2":       "%7.2f" % total,
                    "l3":       "%7.2f" % (total * 0.05),
                    "l4":       "0",
                    "l5":       "%7.2f" % (total * 0.05),
                    "l6":       "0",
                    "l7":       "0",
                    "l8":       "%7.2f" % (total * 0.05),
                    "l9":       "%7.2f" % total,
                    "l10":      "0",
                    "rows":     rows

        print substitute(form, values)
Exemple #3
def doCommand(year, inputURI="/dev/stdin"):
    """Fin - financial summary
 <command> <options> <inputURIs>
 Totals transactions by classes to which they are known to belong 
 This is or was

    import sys
    global sax2rdf
    import thing
    from thing import load
    global kb
    #from thing import chatty
    #import sax2rdf
    import os

    # Load the data:
    home = os.environ["HOME"]
    personalInfo = load(home + "/.personal.n3")
    me = personalInfo.statementsMatching(pred=contact.ssn)[0].subject()
    myname = (personalInfo.the(subj=me, pred=contact.givenName).string + " " +
              personalInfo.the(subj=me, pred=contact.familyName).string)
    myssn = personalInfo.the(subj=me, pred=contact.ssn).string
    myhome = personalInfo.the(subj=me, pred=contact.home)
    mystreet = personalInfo.the(subj=myhome, pred=contact.street).string
    mystate = personalInfo.the(subj=myhome,
    myzip = personalInfo.the(subj=myhome, pred=contact.postalCode).string
    assert myname and myssn and mystreet and mystate and myzip

    progress("Data from", inputURI)
    kb = load(inputURI)
    #       print "# Size of kb: ", len(kb)

    # for /devel/WWW read when we have persistent cache
    stateInfo = load(
    stateCodes = []
    for s in stateInfo.statementsMatching(pred=state.code):
    progress("#", len(stateCodes), "state codes")

    categories = kb.each(pred=rdf.type, obj=qu.Cat)
    progress("%i categories found" % len(categories))

    maUseTaxable = kb.each(pred=rdf.type, obj=ma.useTaxable)

    total = 0
    rows = ""
    for s in maUseTaxable:
        date = kb.any(subj=s,
        year = int(date[0:4])
        if int(year) != int(yearInQuestion): continue

        payees = kb.each(subj=s, pred=qu.payee)
        if str(payees[0]) == "Check" and len(payees) > 1: payee = payees[1]
        else: payee = payees[0]
        payee = payee.string
        if payee[-3:-2] == " ":
            sc = payee[-2:]
            if sc in stateCodes and sc != "MA":
                amount = -float(kb.the(subj=s, pred=qu.amount).__str__())
                mycat = "@@@"
                classes = kb.each(subj=s, pred=rdf.type)
                for c in classes:
                    if c in categories:
                        mycat = kb.the(subj=c, pred=rdfs.label)
                progress("# %s  %40s  %10s" % (date, payee, ` amount `))
                rows = rows + """    <tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>
                    <td class='amount'>%7.2f</td><td class='amount'>0</td></tr>\n""" % (
                    date[:10], payee, mycat, amount)
                total = total + amount

    progress('<%s>\n\t<%s> "%7.2f".' %
             (ma.useTaxable.uriref(),, total))
    progress("# ie sales tax of 5%% would be $%7.2f" % (total * 0.05))

    values = {
        "name": myname,
        "ssn": myssn,
        "address": mystreet,
        "state": mystate,
        "zip": myzip,
        "l1": yearInQuestion,
        "l2": "%7.2f" % total,
        "l3": "%7.2f" % (total * 0.05),
        "l4": "0",
        "l5": "%7.2f" % (total * 0.05),
        "l6": "0",
        "l7": "0",
        "l8": "%7.2f" % (total * 0.05),
        "l9": "%7.2f" % total,
        "l10": "0",
        "rows": rows

    print substitute(form, values)