def __init__(self, interface_name, status_change_callback): BaseInterface.__init__(self, interface_name, status_change_callback) if not interface_name in self.find_available_interfaces(): raise self.CannotCreateInterfaceException() = 'Wired Interface %s' % self.interface_name self._status_change('idle') self.interface = ThreadedWiredInterface(interface_name) self.interface.load_profiles()
class BackendWiredInterface(BaseInterface): @staticmethod def get_type(): return 'wired' @staticmethod def find_available_interfaces(): """ Static method. Returns a list of the interfaces of this type. Accepts: Nothing Returns: A list with zero or more strings of the names of interfaces. These names can be passed to __init__ to instantiate an object. """ basedir = '/sys/class/net/' return [iface for iface in os.listdir(basedir) if not 'wireless' in os.listdir(basedir + iface) and open(basedir + iface + "/type").readlines()[0].strip() == "1"] def __init__(self, interface_name, status_change_callback): BaseInterface.__init__(self, interface_name, status_change_callback) if not interface_name in self.find_available_interfaces(): raise self.CannotCreateInterfaceException() = 'Wired Interface %s' % self.interface_name self._status_change('idle') self.interface = ThreadedWiredInterface(interface_name) self.interface.load_profiles() def get_status(self): return "Wired Interface. Connected %s" % self.get_connected_to_network() @needsidle def do_update(self): """ Updates interface status. """ self._status_change('updating') self._status_change('idle') def get_ip(self): """ Gets the interface's current IP. """ return self.interface.get_ip() def get_has_link(self): ''' Returns True if the interface has a link, False otherwise. ''' return self.interface.check_link() @needsidle def set_current_profile(self, profile_name): ''' Sets the current network to the one with the specified BSSID. ''' self.interface.current_profile = \ self.interface._get_profile('profile_name', profile_name) @needsidle def do_create_profile(self, profile_name): ''' Creates a new network profile with the specified name. ''' self.interface.create_profile(profile_name) def get_profiles(self): ''' Returns a list of all the profile names. ''' return self.interface.list_profiles() def _get_profile(self, the_property, value): ''' Returns the first network where property == value. ''' for network in self.interface.networks: if hasattr(network, the_property): if getattr(network, the_property) == value: return network def get_connected_to_network(self): return bool(self.interface.get_ip()) @needsidle def set_profile_property(self, name, value): self.interface.current_profile[name] = value @needscurrentprofile def get_profile_property(self, name): if not name in self.interface.current_profile: raise WicdError('Current network has no property %s' % name) return self.interface.current_profile[name] @needscurrentprofile @needsidle def do_connect(self): ''' Connects to the wireless network set with set_current_network(). ''' def finished_callback(): ''' Sets the current interface state. ''' self._connected_to_network = True self._status_change('idle') self._status_change('connecting') self.interface.connect(finished_callback) def do_cancel_connect(self): ''' Cancels the current connection attempt. ''' self.interface.cancel_connection_attempt() @needsidle def do_save(self): ''' Saves the wireless profiles. ''' self.interface.save_profiles() @needscurrentprofile def do_autoconnect(self, value): log('%s: do_autoconnect %s' % (self.interface.interface_name, value)) if self.interface.current_profile: self.do_connect()