class BtleThreadCollectionPoint(object): def __init__(self, clientEventHandler, btleConfig, loggingQueue, debugMode=False): # Logger self.loggingQueue = loggingQueue self.logger = ThreadsafeLogger(loggingQueue, __name__) self.btleConfig = btleConfig self.clientEventHandler = clientEventHandler self.debug = debugMode # define basic BGAPI parser self.bgapi_rx_buffer = [] self.bgapi_rx_expected_length = 0 def start(self): packet_mode = False # create BGLib object self.ble = BGLib() self.ble.packet_mode = packet_mode self.ble.debug = self.debug # add handler for BGAPI timeout condition (hopefully won't happen) self.ble.on_timeout += self.my_timeout # on busy hander self.ble.on_busy = self.on_busy # add handler for the gap_scan_response event self.ble.ble_evt_gap_scan_response += self.clientEventHandler # create serial port object and flush buffers "Establishing serial connection to BLED112 on com port %s at baud rate %s" % (self.btleConfig['BtleDeviceId'], self.btleConfig['BtleDeviceBaudRate'])) self.serial = Serial(port=self.btleConfig['BtleDeviceId'], baudrate=self.btleConfig['BtleDeviceBaudRate'], timeout=1) self.serial.flushInput() self.serial.flushOutput() # disconnect if we are connected already self.ble.send_command(self.serial, self.ble.ble_cmd_connection_disconnect(0)) self.ble.check_activity(self.serial, 1) # stop advertising if we are advertising already self.ble.send_command(self.serial, self.ble.ble_cmd_gap_set_mode(0, 0)) self.ble.check_activity(self.serial, 1) # stop scanning if we are scanning already self.ble.send_command(self.serial, self.ble.ble_cmd_gap_end_procedure()) self.ble.check_activity(self.serial, 1) # set the TX # range 0 to 15 (real TX power from -23 to +3dBm) #self.ble.send_command(self.serial, self.ble.ble_cmd_hardware_set_txpower(self.btleConfig['btleDeviceTxPower'])) #self.ble.check_activity(self.serial,1) #ble_cmd_connection_update connection: 0 (0x00) interval_min: 30 (0x001e) interval_max: 46 (0x002e) latency: 0 (0x0000) timeout: 100 (0x0064) #interval_min 6-3200 #interval_man 6-3200 #latency 0-500 #timeout 10-3200 self.ble.send_command( self.serial, self.ble.ble_cmd_connection_update(0x00, 0x001e, 0x002e, 0x0000, 0x0064)) self.ble.check_activity(self.serial, 1) # set scan parameters #scan_interval 0x4 - 0x4000 #Scan interval defines the interval when scanning is re-started in units of 625us # Range: 0x4 - 0x4000 # Default: 0x4B (75ms) # After every scan interval the scanner will change the frequency it operates at # at it will cycle through all the three advertisements channels in a round robin # fashion. According to the Bluetooth specification all three channels must be # used by a scanner. # #scan_window 0x4 - 0x4000 # Scan Window defines how long time the scanner will listen on a certain # frequency and try to pick up advertisement packets. Scan window is defined # as units of 625us # Range: 0x4 - 0x4000 # Default: 0x32 (50 ms) # Scan windows must be equal or smaller than scan interval # If scan window is equal to the scan interval value, then the Bluetooth module # will be scanning at a 100% duty cycle. # If scan window is half of the scan interval value, then the Bluetooth module # will be scanning at a 50% duty cycle. # #active 1=active 0=passive # 1: Active scanning is used. When an advertisement packet is received the # Bluetooth stack will send a scan request packet to the advertiser to try and # read the scan response data. # 0: Passive scanning is used. No scan request is made. #self.ble.send_command(self.serial, self.ble.ble_cmd_gap_set_scan_parameters(0x4B,0x32,1)) self.ble.send_command( self.serial, self.ble.ble_cmd_gap_set_scan_parameters(0xC8, 0xC8, 0)) self.ble.check_activity(self.serial, 1) # start scanning now self.ble.send_command(self.serial, self.ble.ble_cmd_gap_discover(1)) self.ble.check_activity(self.serial, 1) # handler to notify of an API parser timeout condition def my_timeout(self, sender, args): self.logger.error( "BGAPI timed out. Make sure the BLE device is in a known/idle state." ) # might want to try the following lines to reset, though it probably # wouldn't work at this point if it's already timed out: self.ble.send_command(self.serial, self.ble.ble_cmd_system_reset(0)) self.ble.check_activity(self.serial, 1) self.ble.send_command(self.serial, self.ble.ble_cmd_gap_discover(1)) self.ble.check_activity(self.serial, 1) def on_busy(self, sender, args): self.logger.warn("BGAPI device is busy.") def scan(self): # check for all incoming data (no timeout, non-blocking) self.ble.check_activity(self.serial)
class BtleCollectionPoint(Thread): def __init__(self, baseConfig, pInBoundQueue, pOutBoundQueue, loggingQueue): """ Initialize new CamCollectionPoint instance. Setup queues, variables, configs, constants and loggers. """ super(BtleCollectionPoint, self).__init__() # Queues self.outQueue = pOutBoundQueue #messages from this thread to the main process self.inQueue = pInBoundQueue self.loggingQueue = loggingQueue self.queueBLE = mp.Queue() # Configs self.moduleConfig = configLoader.load( self.loggingQueue) #Get the config for this module self.config = baseConfig # Logger self.logger = ThreadsafeLogger(loggingQueue, __name__) # Variables self.registeredClientRegistry = RegisteredClientRegistry( self.moduleConfig, self.loggingQueue) self.eventManager = EventManager(self.moduleConfig, pOutBoundQueue, self.registeredClientRegistry, self.loggingQueue) self.alive = True self.btleThread = None self.BLEThread = None self.repeatTimerSweepClients = None # main start method def run(self): ###Pausing Startup to wait for things to start after a system restart "Pausing execution 15 seconds waiting for other system services to start" ) time.sleep(15) "Done with our nap. Time to start looking for clients") ######### setup global client registry start ######### # self.registeredClientRegistry = RegisteredClientRegistry(self.moduleConfig, self.loggingQueue) ######### setup global client registry end #########'here 1') self.btleThread = BlueGigaBtleCollectionPointThread( self.queueBLE, self.moduleConfig, self.loggingQueue) self.BLEThread = Thread(target=self.btleThread.bleDetect, args=(__name__, 10)) self.BLEThread.daemon = True self.BLEThread.start()'here 2') #Setup repeat task to run the sweep every X interval self.repeatTimerSweepClients = RepeatedTimer( (self.moduleConfig['AbandonedClientCleanupIntervalInMilliseconds'] / 1000), self.registeredClientRegistry.sweepOldClients) # Process queue from main thread for shutdown messages self.threadProcessQueue = Thread(target=self.processQueue) self.threadProcessQueue.setDaemon(True) self.threadProcessQueue.start()'here 3') #read the queue while self.alive: if not self.queueBLE.empty(): 'got a thing here herhehrehfhve!~ ~ ~@~@~!#~ ~ #~ #@@~ ~@# @~#' ) result = self.queueBLE.get(block=False, timeout=1) self.__handleBtleClientEvents(result) def processQueue(self): "Starting to watch collection point inbound message queue") while self.alive: if not self.inQueue.empty():"Queue size is %s" % self.inQueue.qsize()) try: message = self.inQueue.get(block=False, timeout=1) if message is not None: if message == "SHUTDOWN":"SHUTDOWN command handled on %s" % __name__) self.shutdown() else: self.sendOutMessage(message) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Unable to read queue, error: %s " % e) self.shutdown()"Queue size is %s after" % self.inQueue.qsize()) else: time.sleep(.25) #handle btle reads def __handleBtleClientEvents(self, detectedClients): self.logger.debug("doing handleBtleClientEvents: %s" % detectedClients) for client in detectedClients: self.logger.debug("--- Found client ---") self.logger.debug(vars(client)) self.logger.debug("--- Found client end ---") self.eventManager.registerDetectedClient(client) def shutdown(self):"Shutting down") # self.threadProcessQueue.join() self.repeatTimerSweepClients.stop() self.btleThread.stop() self.alive = False time.sleep(1) self.exit = True
class WebsocketClientModule(Thread): def __init__(self, baseConfig, pInBoundEventQueue, pOutBoundEventQueue, loggingQueue): super(WebsocketClientModule, self).__init__() self.alive = True self.config = baseConfig self.inQueue = pInBoundEventQueue # inQueue are messages from the main process to websocket clients self.outQueue = pOutBoundEventQueue # outQueue are messages from clients to main process self.websocketClient = None self.loggingQueue = loggingQueue self.threadProcessQueue = None # Constants self._port = self.config['WebsocketPort'] self._host = self.config['WebsocketHost'] # logging setup self.logger = ThreadsafeLogger(loggingQueue, __name__) def run(self): """ Main thread entry point. Sets up websocket server and event callbacks. Starts thread to monitor inbound message queue. """"Starting websocket %s" % __name__) self.connect() def listen(self): self.threadProcessQueue = Thread(target=self.processQueue) self.threadProcessQueue.setDaemon(True) self.threadProcessQueue.start() def connect(self): #websocket.enableTrace(True) ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("ws://%s:%s" % (self._host, self._port), on_message=self.onMessage, on_error=self.onError, on_close=self.onClose) ws.on_open = self.onOpen ws.run_forever() def onError(self, ws, message): self.logger.error("Error from websocket client: %s" % message) def onClose(self, ws): if self.alive: self.logger.warn("Closed") self.alive = False # TODO: reconnect timer else:"Closed") def onMessage(self, ws, message):"Message from websocket server: %s" % message) def onOpen(self, ws): self.alive = True self.websocketClient = ws self.listen() def shutdown(self): """ Handle shutdown message. Close and shutdown websocket server. Join queue processing thread. """"Shutting down websocket server %s" % (multiprocessing.current_process().name)) try:"Closing websocket") self.websocketClient.close() except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Websocket close error : %s " % e) self.alive = False self.threadProcessQueue.join() time.sleep(1) self.exit = True def sendOutMessage(self, message): """ Send message to server """ self.websocketClient.send(json.dumps(message.__dict__)) def processQueue(self): """ Monitor queue of messages from main process to this thread. """ while self.alive: if (self.inQueue.empty() == False): try: message = self.inQueue.get(block=False, timeout=1) if message is not None: if message == "SHUTDOWN": self.logger.debug("SHUTDOWN handled") self.shutdown() else: self.sendOutMessage(message) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Websocket unable to read queue : %s " % e) else: time.sleep(.25)
class MQTTClientModule(Thread): """ Threaded MQTT client for processing and publishing outbound messages""" def __init__(self, baseConfig, pInBoundEventQueue, pOutBoundEventQueue, loggingQueue): super(MQTTClientModule, self).__init__() self.config = baseConfig self.alive = True self.inQueue = pInBoundEventQueue # Constants self._keepAlive = self.config['MqttKeepAlive'] self._feedName = self.config['MqttFeedName'] self._username = self.config['MqttUsername'] self._key = self.config['MqttKey'] self._host = self.config['MqttHost'] self._port = self.config['MqttPort'] self._publishJson = self.config['MqttPublishJson'] self._publishFaceValues = self.config['MqttPublishFaceValues'] # MQTT setup self._client = mqtt.Client() self._client.username_pw_set(self._username, self._key) self._client.on_connect = self.onConnect self._client.on_disconnect = self.onDisconnect self._client.on_message = self.onMessage self.mqttConnected = False # Logging setup self.logger = ThreadsafeLogger(loggingQueue, "MQTT") def onConnect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc): self.logger.debug('MQTT onConnect called') # Result code 0 is success if rc == 0: self.mqttConnected = True # Subscribe to feed here else: self.logger.error('MQTT failed to connect: %s' % rc) raise RuntimeError('MQTT failed to connect: %s' % rc) def onDisconnect(self, client, userdata, rc): self.logger.debug('MQTT onDisconnect called') self.mqttConnected = False if rc != 0: self.logger.debug('MQTT disconnected unexpectedly: %s' % rc) self.handleReconnect(rc) def onMessage(self, client, userdata, msg): self.logger.debug('MQTT onMessage called for client: %s' % client) def connect(self): """ Connect to MQTT broker Skip calling connect if already connected. """ if self.mqttConnected: return self._client.connect(self._host, port=self._port, keepalive=self._keepAlive) def disconnect(self): """ Check if connected""" if self.mqttConnected: self._client.disconnect() def subscribe(self, feed=False): """Subscribe to feed, defaults to feed specified in config""" if not feed: feed = _feedName self._client.subscribe('{0}/feeds/{1}'.format(self._username, feed)) def publish(self, value, feed=False): """Publish a value to a feed""" if not feed: feed = _feedName self._client.publish('{0}/feeds/{1}'.format(self._username, feed), payload=value) def publishFaceValues(self, message): """ Publish face detection values to individual MQTT feeds Parses _extendedData.predictions.faceAttributes property Works with Azure face API responses and """ try: for face in message._extendedData['predictions']: faceAttrs = face['faceAttributes'] for key in faceAttrs: if type(faceAttrs[key]) is dict: val = self.flattenDict(faceAttrs[key]) print('val: ', val) else: val = faceAttrs[key] self.publish(val, key) except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Error publishing values: %s' % e) def flattenDict(self, aDict): """ Get average of simple dictionary of numerical values """ try: val = float(sum(aDict[key] for key in aDict)) / len(aDict) except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Error flattening dict, returning 0: %s' % e) return val or 0 def publishJsonMessage(self, message): msg_str = self.stringifyMessage(message) self.publish(msg_str) def stringifyMessage(self, message): """ Dump into JSON string """ return json.dumps(message.__dict__).encode('utf8') def processQueue(self):'Processing queue') while self.alive: # Pump the loop self._client.loop(timeout=1) if (self.inQueue.empty() == False): try: message = self.inQueue.get(block=False, timeout=1) if message is not None and self.mqttConnected: if message == "SHUTDOWN": self.logger.debug("SHUTDOWN command handled") self.shutdown() else: # Send message as string or split into channels if self._publishJson: self.publishJsonMessage(message) elif self._publishFaceData: self.publishFaceValues(message) else: self.publishValues(message) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("MQTT unable to read queue : %s " % e) else: time.sleep(.25) def shutdown(self):"Shutting down MQTT %s" % (mp.current_process().name)) self.alive = False time.sleep(1) self.exit = True def run(self): """ Thread start method""""Running MQTT") self.connect() self.alive = True # Start queue loop self.processQueue()
class TVCollectionPoint(Thread): def __init__(self, baseConfig, pInBoundQueue, pOutBoundQueue, loggingQueue): """ Initialize new TVCollectionPoint instance. Setup queues, variables, configs, constants and loggers. """ super(TVCollectionPoint, self).__init__() if not self.check_opencv_version("3.", cv2): print( "OpenCV version {0} is not supported. Use 3.x for best results." .format(self.get_opencv_version())) # Queues self.outQueue = pOutBoundQueue #messages from this thread to the main process self.inQueue = pInBoundQueue self.loggingQueue = loggingQueue # Variables = None self.alive = True self.ix = -1 self.iy = -1 self.fx = -1 self.fy = -1 self.clicking = False self.boundSet = False self.x1, self.x2, self.y1, self.y2 = 0, 0, 0, 0 # Configs #self.moduleConfig = camConfigLoader.load(self.loggingQueue) #Get the config for this module self.config = baseConfig # Constants self._captureWidth = 1600 self._captureHeight = 900 self._numLEDs = 60 self._collectionPointId = "tvcam1" self._collectionPointType = "ambiLED" self._showVideoStream = True self._delimiter = ';' self._colorMode = 'edgeDominant' # self._colorMode = 'edgeMean' self._perimeterDepth = 20 self._topSegments = 3 self._sideSegments = 2 # Logger self.logger = ThreadsafeLogger(loggingQueue, __name__) def run(self): """ Main thread method, run when the thread's start() function is called. Controls flow of detected faces and the MultiTracker. Sends color data in string format, like "#fffff;#f1f1f1;..." """ # Monitor inbound queue on own thread self.threadProcessQueue = Thread(target=self.processQueue) self.threadProcessQueue.setDaemon(True) self.threadProcessQueue.start() self.initializeCamera() # Setup timer for FPS calculations start = time.time() frameCounter = 1 fps = 0 # Start timer for collection events self.collectionStart = time.time() ok, frame = if not ok: self.logger.error('Cannot read video file') self.shutdown() else: framecopy = frame.copy() cont = True while cont or not self.boundSet: cv2.imshow('Set ROI', framecopy) cv2.setMouseCallback('Set ROI', self.getROI, frame) k = cv2.waitKey(0) if k == 32 and self.boundSet: # on space, user wants to finalize bounds, only allow them to exit if bounds set cont = False # elif k != 27: # any other key clears rectangles # framecopy = frame.copy() #ok, frame = # cv2.imshow('Set ROI', framecopy) # cv2.setMouseCallback('Set ROI', self.getROI, framecopy) cv2.destroyWindow('Set ROI') self.initKMeans() # Set up for all modes top_length_pixels = self.fx - self.ix side_length_pixels = self.fy - self.iy perimeter_length_pixels = top_length_pixels * 2 + side_length_pixels * 2 # mode specific setup if self._colorMode == 'dominant': pass if self._colorMode == 'edgeDominant' or self._colorMode == 'edgeMean': perimeter_depth = 0 if self._perimeterDepth < side_length_pixels / 2 and self._perimeterDepth < top_length_pixels / 2: perimeter_depth = self._perimeterDepth else: perimeter_depth = min(side_length_pixels / 2, top_length_pixels / 2) while self.alive: ok, ogframe = if not ok: self.logger.error('Error while reading frame') break frame = ogframe.copy() # Dominant color if self._colorMode == 'dominant': data = self.getDominantColor( cv2.resize(frame[:, :, :], (0, 0), fx=0.4, fy=0.4), self.ix, self.fx, self.iy, self.fy) #self.putCPMessage(data, 'light-dominant') #print('data: ',data) elif self._colorMode == 'edgeMean': data = self.getEdgeMeanColors(frame, top_length_pixels, side_length_pixels, perimeter_length_pixels, perimeter_depth) print('data: ', data) elif self._colorMode == 'edgeDominant': # this is the most promising colorData = self.getEdgeDominantColors( frame, top_length_pixels, side_length_pixels, perimeter_length_pixels, perimeter_depth) # assuming LEDs are evenly distributed, find number for each edge of ROI top_num_leds = self._numLEDs * (top_length_pixels / perimeter_length_pixels) side_num_leds = self._numLEDs * (side_length_pixels / perimeter_length_pixels) data = self.getColorString(colorData, top_num_leds, side_num_leds) self.putCPMessage(data, 'light-edges') # print('data: ', data) if self._showVideoStream: cv2.rectangle(frame, (self.ix, self.iy), (self.fx, self.fy), (255, 0, 0), 1) cv2.imshow("output", frame) cv2.waitKey(1) def getMeanColor(self, frame): color = [frame[:, :, i].mean() for i in range(frame.shape[-1])] return color def initKMeans(self): # kmeans vars self.n_colors = 5 self.criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 200, .1) self.flags = cv2.KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS def getColorString(self, colorData, top_num_leds, side_num_leds): toReturn = '' for key in colorData: if key == 'top' or key == 'bottom': for i in range(len(colorData[key])): toReturn += (colorData[key][i] + self._delimiter) * int( top_num_leds / self._topSegments) if key == 'right' or key == 'left': for i in range(len(colorData[key])): toReturn += (colorData[key][i] + self._delimiter) * int( side_num_leds / self._sideSegments) return toReturn def getDominantSegmentColor(self, segment): average_color = [ segment[:, :, i].mean() for i in range(segment.shape[-1]) ] arr = np.float32(segment) pixels = arr.reshape((-1, 3)) # kmeans clustering _, labels, centroids = cv2.kmeans(pixels, self.n_colors, None, self.criteria, 10, self.flags) palette = np.uint8(centroids) quantized = palette[labels.flatten()] quantized = quantized.reshape(segment.shape) dominant_color = palette[np.argmax(itemfreq(labels)[:, -1])] return dominant_color def getEdgeMeanColors(self, frame, top_length_pixels, side_length_pixels, perimeter_length_pixels, perimeter_depth): # assuming LEDs are evenly distributed, find number for each edge of ROI top_num_leds = self._numLEDs * (top_length_pixels / perimeter_length_pixels) side_num_leds = self._numLEDs * (side_length_pixels / perimeter_length_pixels) top_segment_length = top_length_pixels / self._topSegments side_segment_length = side_length_pixels / self._sideSegments for i in range(0, self._topSegments): ix = int(self.ix + i * top_segment_length) fx = int(self.ix + (i + 1) * top_segment_length) iy = int(self.iy) fy = int(self.iy + perimeter_depth) c = self.getMeanColor( cv2.resize(frame[iy:fy, ix:fx, :], (0, 0), fx=0.2, fy=0.2)) data['top'][i] = self.getRGBHexString(c) if self._showVideoStream: cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix, iy), (fx, fy), (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix, iy - (10 + perimeter_depth)), (fx, fy - perimeter_depth), (int(c[0]), int(c[1]), int(c[2])), 10) for i in range(0, self._sideSegments): ix = int(self.fx - perimeter_depth) fx = int(self.fx) iy = int(self.iy + i * side_segment_length) fy = int(self.iy + (i + 1) * side_segment_length) c = self.getMeanColor( cv2.resize(frame[iy:fy, ix:fx, :], (0, 0), fx=0.2, fy=0.2)) data['right'][i] = self.getRGBHexString(c) if self._showVideoStream: cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix, iy), (fx, fy), (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix + perimeter_depth, iy), (fx + (10 + perimeter_depth), fy), (int(c[0]), int(c[1]), int(c[2])), 10) for i in range(0, self._topSegments): ix = int(self.fx - (i + 1) * top_segment_length) fx = int(self.fx - i * top_segment_length) iy = int(self.fy - perimeter_depth) fy = int(self.fy) c = self.getMeanColor( cv2.resize(frame[iy:fy, ix:fx, :], (0, 0), fx=0.2, fy=0.2)) data['bottom'][i] = self.getRGBHexString(c) if self._showVideoStream: cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix, iy), (fx, fy), (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix, iy + perimeter_depth), (fx, fy + (10 + perimeter_depth)), (int(c[0]), int(c[1]), int(c[2])), 10) for i in range(0, self._sideSegments): ix = int(self.ix) fx = int(self.ix + perimeter_depth) iy = int(self.fy - (i + 1) * side_segment_length) fy = int(self.fy - i * side_segment_length) c = self.getMeanColor( cv2.resize(frame[iy:fy, ix:fx, :], (0, 0), fx=0.2, fy=0.2)) data['left'][i] = self.getRGBHexString(c) if self._showVideoStream: cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix, iy), (fx, fy), (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix - (10 + perimeter_depth), iy), (fx - perimeter_depth, fy), (int(c[0]), int(c[1]), int(c[2])), 10) return data def getEdgeDominantColors(self, frame, top_length_pixels, side_length_pixels, perimeter_length_pixels, perimeter_depth): top_segment_length = top_length_pixels / self._topSegments side_segment_length = side_length_pixels / self._sideSegments data = {} data['top'] = [None] * self._topSegments data['right'] = [None] * self._sideSegments data['bottom'] = [None] * self._topSegments data['left'] = [None] * self._sideSegments for i in range(0, self._topSegments): ix = int(self.ix + i * top_segment_length) fx = int(self.ix + (i + 1) * top_segment_length) iy = int(self.iy) fy = int(self.iy + perimeter_depth) c = self.getDominantSegmentColor( cv2.resize(frame[iy:fy, ix:fx, :], (0, 0), fx=0.2, fy=0.2)) data['top'][i] = self.getRGBHexString(c) if self._showVideoStream: cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix, iy), (fx, fy), (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix, iy - (10 + perimeter_depth)), (fx, fy - perimeter_depth), (int(c[0]), int(c[1]), int(c[2])), 10) for i in range(0, self._sideSegments): ix = int(self.fx - perimeter_depth) fx = int(self.fx) iy = int(self.iy + i * side_segment_length) fy = int(self.iy + (i + 1) * side_segment_length) c = self.getDominantSegmentColor( cv2.resize(frame[iy:fy, ix:fx, :], (0, 0), fx=0.2, fy=0.2)) data['right'][i] = self.getRGBHexString(c) if self._showVideoStream: cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix, iy), (fx, fy), (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix + perimeter_depth, iy), (fx + (10 + perimeter_depth), fy), (int(c[0]), int(c[1]), int(c[2])), 10) for i in range(0, self._topSegments): ix = int(self.fx - (i + 1) * top_segment_length) fx = int(self.fx - i * top_segment_length) iy = int(self.fy - perimeter_depth) fy = int(self.fy) c = self.getDominantSegmentColor( cv2.resize(frame[iy:fy, ix:fx, :], (0, 0), fx=0.2, fy=0.2)) data['bottom'][i] = self.getRGBHexString(c) if self._showVideoStream: cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix, iy), (fx, fy), (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix, iy + perimeter_depth), (fx, fy + (10 + perimeter_depth)), (int(c[0]), int(c[1]), int(c[2])), 10) for i in range(0, self._sideSegments): ix = int(self.ix) fx = int(self.ix + perimeter_depth) iy = int(self.fy - (i + 1) * side_segment_length) fy = int(self.fy - i * side_segment_length) c = self.getDominantSegmentColor( cv2.resize(frame[iy:fy, ix:fx, :], (0, 0), fx=0.2, fy=0.2)) data['left'][i] = self.getRGBHexString(c) if self._showVideoStream: cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix, iy), (fx, fy), (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.rectangle(frame, (ix - (10 + perimeter_depth), iy), (fx - perimeter_depth, fy), (int(c[0]), int(c[1]), int(c[2])), 10) return data def getRGBHexString(self, bgr): return "%x%x%x" % (bgr[2], bgr[1], bgr[0]) def getDominantColor(self, img, ix, fx, iy, fy): ix = int(ix) fx = int(fx) iy = int(iy) fy = int(fy) average_color = [ img[iy:fy, ix:fx, i].mean() for i in range(img.shape[-1]) ] arr = np.float32(img) pixels = arr.reshape((-1, 3)) # kmeans clustering _, labels, centroids = cv2.kmeans(pixels, self.n_colors, None, self.criteria, 10, self.flags) palette = np.uint8(centroids) quantized = palette[labels.flatten()] quantized = quantized.reshape(img.shape) dominant_color = palette[np.argmax(itemfreq(labels)[:, -1])] return dominant_color def initializeCamera(self): # open first webcam available = cv2.VideoCapture(0) if not #set the resolution from config, self._captureWidth), self._captureHeight) def getROI(self, event, x, y, flags, frame): framecopy = frame.copy() if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: self.clicking = True self.ix, self.iy = x, y elif event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: if self.clicking: cv2.rectangle(framecopy, (self.ix, self.iy), (x, y), (0, 255, 0), -1) cv2.imshow('Set ROI', framecopy) elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP: self.clicking = False cv2.rectangle(framecopy, (self.ix, self.iy), (x, y), (0, 255, 0), -1) cv2.imshow('Set ROI', framecopy) self.fx, self.fy = x, y self.boundSet = True def processQueue(self): "Starting to watch collection point inbound message queue") while self.alive: if (self.inQueue.empty() == False):"Queue size is %s" % self.inQueue.qsize()) try: message = self.inQueue.get(block=False, timeout=1) if message is not None: if message == "SHUTDOWN":"SHUTDOWN command handled on %s" % __name__) self.shutdown() else: self.handleMessage(message) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Unable to read queue, error: %s " % e) self.shutdown()"Queue size is %s after" % self.inQueue.qsize()) else: time.sleep(.25) def handleMessage(self, message):"handleMessage not implemented!") def putCPMessage(self, data, type): if type == "off": # Send off message'Sending off message') msg = CollectionPointEvent(self._collectionPointId, self._collectionPointType, 'off', None) self.outQueue.put(msg) elif type == "light-edges": # Reset collection start and now needs needs reset collectionStart = time.time()'Sending light message') msg = CollectionPointEvent(self._collectionPointId, self._collectionPointType, 'light-edges', data) self.outQueue.put(msg) elif type == "light-dominant": # Reset collection start and now needs needs reset collectionStart = time.time()'Sending light message') msg = CollectionPointEvent(self._collectionPointId, self._collectionPointType, 'light-dominant', data) self.outQueue.put(msg) def shutdown(self): self.alive = False"Shutting down") # self.putCPMessage(None, 'off') cv2.destroyAllWindows() time.sleep(1) self.exit = True def get_opencv_version(self): import cv2 as lib return lib.__version__ def check_opencv_version(self, major, lib=None): # if the supplied library is None, import OpenCV if lib is None: import cv2 as lib # return whether or not the current OpenCV version matches the # major version number return lib.__version__.startswith(major)
class CollectionPoint(Thread): """ Sample class to show basic structure of collecting data and passing it to communication channels """ def __init__(self,baseConfig,pOutBoundEventQueue, pInBoundEventQueue, loggingQueue): # Standard initialization that most collection points would do super(CollectionPoint, self).__init__() self.alive = True self.config = baseConfig self.outBoundEventQueue = pOutBoundEventQueue self.inBoundEventQueue = pInBoundEventQueue self.logger = ThreadsafeLogger(loggingQueue,__name__) # Initialize collection point specific variables = None # Set constants from config self._collectionPointId = self.config['CollectionPointId'] self._collectionPointType = self.config['CollectionPointType'] self._testMode = self.config['TestMode'] if not self.check_opencv_version("3.",cv2): self.logger.critical("open CV is the wrong version {0}. We require version 3.x".format(self.get_opencv_version())) def run(self): """ Sample run function for a collection point class. Starting point for when the thread is start()'d from Extend this to create your own, or understand how to perform specific actions. """ # Start a thread to monitor the inbound queue self.threadProcessQueue = Thread(target=self.processQueue) self.threadProcessQueue.setDaemon(True) self.threadProcessQueue.start() # Load the OpenCV classifier to detect faces faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('./classifiers/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') tracker = cv2.Tracker_create("KCF") # Get first camera connected video = cv2.VideoCapture(0) if not video.isOpened(): # Set resolution of capture video.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1080) video.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 720) ok, frame = if not ok: self.logger.error('Cannot read video file') self.shutdown() while self.alive: # Read a new frame ok, frame = if not ok: self.logger.error('Cannot read video file') break # Convert to grayscale grayFrame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Copy the frame to allow manipulation outputImage = frame.copy() # Detect faces faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale( grayFrame, scaleFactor=1.1, minNeighbors=5, minSize=(5, 5) )"Found " + str(len(faces)) + " faces") # Draw a rectangle around each face for (x, y, w, h) in faces: cv2.rectangle(outputImage, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 255, 0), 2) if self._testMode: if len(faces) > 0: msg = CollectionPointEvent(self._collectionPointId,self._collectionPointType,('Found {0} faces'.format(len(faces)))) self.outBoundEventQueue.put(msg) # Display the image cv2.imshow("Faces found", outputImage) ch = 0xFF & cv2.waitKey(1) if ch == 27: #esc key self.shutdown() break video.release() def shutdown(self):"Shutting down collection point") cv2.destroyAllWindows() self.threadProcessQueue.join() self.alive = False time.sleep(1) self.exit = True def get_opencv_version(self): import cv2 as lib return lib.__version__ def check_opencv_version(self,major, lib=None): # if the supplied library is None, import OpenCV if lib is None: import cv2 as lib # return whether or not the current OpenCV version matches the # major version number return lib.__version__.startswith(major)
class IdsWrapper(object): def __init__(self, loggingQueue, moduleConfig): """ Create a new IdsWrapper instance. IdsWrapper uses the Windows IDS DLL, wraps C calls in Python. Tested using the IDS XS 2.0 USB camera """ self.config = moduleConfig self.isOpen = False self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.bitspixels = 0 self.py_width = 0 self.py_height = 0 self.py_bitspixel = 0 = None self.pcImgMem = c_char_p() #create placeholder for image memory # Setup logger self.logger = ThreadsafeLogger(loggingQueue, __name__) # Load the correct dll try: if architecture()[0] == '64bit':'Using IDS camera with 64-bit architecture') self.uEyeDll = cdll.LoadLibrary("C:/Windows/System32/uEye_api_64.dll") else:'Using IDS camera with 32-bit architecture') self.uEyeDll = cdll.LoadLibrary("C:/Windows/System32/uEye_api.dll") except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Failed to load IDS DLL: %s . Are you sure you are using an IDS camera?'%e) def isOpened(self): """ Return camera open status""" return self.isOpen def set(self, key, value): """ Set the py_width, py_height or py_bitspixel properties """ if key == 'py_width': self.py_width = value elif key == 'py_height': self.py_height = value else: self.py_bitspixel = value def allocateImageMemory(self): """ Wrapped call to allocate image memory """ ret=self.uEyeDll.is_AllocImageMem(, self.width, self.height, self.bitspixel, byref(self.pcImgMem), byref( if ret == IS_SUCCESS:"Successfully allocated image memory") else: self.logger.error('Memory allocation failed, no camera with value ' + str( + ' | Error code: ' + str(ret)) return def setImageMemory(self): """ Wrapped call to set image memory """ ret = self.uEyeDll.is_SetImageMem(, self.pcImgMem, if ret == IS_SUCCESS:"Successfully set image memory") else: self.logger.error("Failed to set image memory; error code: " + str(ret)) return def beginCapture(self): """ Wrapped call to begin capture """ ret = self.uEyeDll.is_CaptureVideo (, c_long(IS_DONT_WAIT)) if ret == IS_SUCCESS:"Successfully began video capture") else: self.logger.error("Failed to begin video capture; error code: " + str(ret)) return def initImageData(self): """ Initialize the ImageData numpy array """ self.ImageData = np.ones((self.py_height,self.py_width),dtype=np.uint8) def setCTypes(self): """ Set C Types for width, height, and bitspixel properties""" self.width = c_int(self.py_width) self.height = c_int(self.py_height) self.bitspixel = c_int(self.py_bitspixel) def start(self): """ Start capturing frames on another thread as a daemon """ self.updateThread = Thread(target=self.update) self.updateThread.setDaemon(True) self.updateThread.start() return self def initializeCamera(self): """ Wrapped call to initialize camera """ ret = self.uEyeDll.is_InitCamera(byref(, self.hWnd) if ret == IS_SUCCESS:"Successfully initialized camera") else: self.logger.error("Failed to initialize camera; error code: " + str(ret)) return def enableAutoExit(self): """ Wrapped call to allow allocated memory to be dropped on exit. """ ret = self.uEyeDll.is_EnableAutoExit (, c_uint(1)) if ret == IS_SUCCESS:"Successfully enabled auto exit") else: self.logger.error("Failed to enable auto exit; error code: " + str(ret)) return def setDisplayMode(self): """ Wrapped call to set display mode to DIB """ ret = self.uEyeDll.is_SetDisplayMode (, c_int(IS_SET_DM_DIB)) if ret == IS_SUCCESS:"Successfully set camera to DIB mode") else: self.logger.error("Failed to set camera mode; error code: " + str(ret)) return def setColorMode(self): """ Wrapped call to set camera color capture mode """ ret = self.uEyeDll.is_SetColorMode(, c_int(IS_CM_SENSOR_RAW8)) if ret == IS_SUCCESS:"Successfully set color mode") else: self.logger.error("Failed to set color mode; error code: " + str(ret)) return def setCompressionFactor(self): """ Wrapped call to set image compression factor. Required for long USB lengths when bandwidth is constrained, lowers quality. """ ret = self.uEyeDll.is_DeviceFeature(, IS_DEVICE_FEATURE_CMD_SET_JPEG_COMPRESSION, byref(c_int(self.config['CompressionFactor'])), c_uint(INT_BYTE_SIZE)); if ret == IS_SUCCESS:"Successfully set compression factor to: " + str(self.config['CompressionFactor'])) else: self.logger.error("Failed to set compression factor; error code: " + str(ret)) return def setPixelClock(self): """ Wrapped call to set pixel clock. Required for long USB lengths when bandwidth is constrained Lowers frame rate and increases motion blur. """ ret = self.uEyeDll.is_PixelClock(, IS_PIXELCLOCK_CMD_SET, byref(c_uint(self.config['PixelClock'])), c_uint(INT_BYTE_SIZE)); if ret == IS_SUCCESS:"Successfully set pixel clock to: " + str(self.config['PixelClock'])) else: self.logger.error("Failed to set pixel clock; error code: " + str(ret)) return def setTrigger(self): """ Wrapped call to set trigger type to software trigger. """ ret = self.uEyeDll.is_SetExternalTrigger(, c_uint(IS_SET_TRIGGER_SOFTWARE)) if ret == IS_SUCCESS:"Successfully set software trigger") else: self.logger.error("Failed to set software trigger; error code: " + str(ret)) return def setImageProfile(self): """ Wrapped call to set image format. Sets resolution of the capture to UXGA. More modes available in """ ret = self.uEyeDll.is_ImageFormat(, c_uint(IMGFRMT_CMD_SET_FORMAT), byref(c_int(UXGA)), c_uint(INT_BYTE_SIZE)) if ret == IS_SUCCESS:"Successfully set camera image profile") else: self.logger.error("Failed to set camera image profile; error code: " + str(ret)) return def open(self): """ Open connection to IDS camera, set various modes. """ = c_uint32(0) self.hWnd = c_voidp() self.initializeCamera() self.enableAutoExit() self.setDisplayMode() self.setColorMode() self.setCompressionFactor() self.setPixelClock() self.setTrigger() self.setImageProfile() # Declare video open self.isOpen = True'Successfully opened camera') def update(self): """ Loop to update frames and copy to ImageData variable. """ while True: if not self.isOpen: return self.uEyeDll.is_CopyImageMem (, self.pcImgMem,, self.ImageData.ctypes.data_as(c_char_p)) def read(self): """ Read frame currently available in ImageData variable. """ try: return True, self.ImageData except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Error getting image data: %r'% e) return False, None def exit(self): """ Close camera down, release memory. """ self.uEyeDll.is_ExitCamera( self.isOpen = False'Closing wrapper and camera') return
class CamCollectionPoint(Thread): def __init__(self, baseConfig, pInBoundQueue, pOutBoundQueue, loggingQueue): """ Initialize new CamCollectionPoint instance. Setup queues, variables, configs, predictionEngines, constants and loggers. """ super(CamCollectionPoint, self).__init__() if not self.check_opencv_version("3.", cv2): print( "OpenCV version {0} is not supported. Use 3.x for best results." .format(self.get_opencv_version())) # Queues self.outQueue = pOutBoundQueue #messages from this thread to the main process self.inQueue = pInBoundQueue self.loggingQueue = loggingQueue # Variables = None self.needsReset = False self.needsResetMux = False self.alive = True # Configs self.moduleConfig = camConfigLoader.load( self.loggingQueue) #Get the config for this module self.config = baseConfig # Prediction engine self.imagePredictionEngine = AzureImagePrediction( moduleConfig=self.moduleConfig, loggingQueue=loggingQueue) # Constants self._useIdsCamera = self.moduleConfig['UseIdsCamera'] self._minFaceWidth = self.moduleConfig['MinFaceWidth'] self._minFaceHeight = self.moduleConfig['MinFaceHeight'] self._minNearestNeighbors = self.moduleConfig['MinNearestNeighbors'] self._maximumPeople = self.moduleConfig['MaximumPeople'] self._facePixelBuffer = self.moduleConfig['FacePixelBuffer'] self._collectionThreshold = self.moduleConfig['CollectionThreshold'] self._showVideoStream = self.moduleConfig['ShowVideoStream'] self._sendBlobs = self.moduleConfig['SendBlobs'] self._blobWidth = self.moduleConfig['BlobWidth'] self._blobHeight = self.moduleConfig['BlobHeight'] self._captureWidth = self.moduleConfig['CaptureWidth'] self._captureHeight = self.moduleConfig['CaptureHeight'] self._bitsPerPixel = self.moduleConfig['BitsPerPixel'] self._resetEventTimer = self.moduleConfig['ResetEventTimer'] self._collectionPointType = self.config['CollectionPointType'] self._collectionPointId = self.config['CollectionPointId'] # Logger self.logger = ThreadsafeLogger(loggingQueue, __name__) def run(self): """ Main thread method, run when the thread's start() function is called. Controls flow of detected faces and the MultiTracker. Determines when to send 'reset' events to clients and when to send 'found' events. This function contains various comments along the way to help understand the flow. You can use this flow, extend it, or build your own. """ # Monitor inbound queue on own thread self.threadProcessQueue = Thread(target=self.processQueue) self.threadProcessQueue.setDaemon(True) self.threadProcessQueue.start() self.initializeCamera() # Load the OpenCV Haar classifier to detect faces curdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) cascadePath = os.path.join(curdir, 'classifiers', 'haarcascades', 'haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascadePath) self.mmTracker = MultiTracker("KCF", self.moduleConfig, self.loggingQueue) # Setup timer for FPS calculations start = time.time() frameCounter = 1 fps = 0 # Start timer for collection events self.collectionStart = time.time() ok, frame = if not ok: self.logger.error('Cannot read video file') self.shutdown() while self.alive: ok, frame = if not ok: self.logger.error('Error while reading frame') break # Image alts if self._useIdsCamera: grayFrame = frame.copy() outputImage = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) else: outputImage = frame.copy() grayFrame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) # Detect faces faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale( grayFrame, scaleFactor=1.1, minNeighbors=self._minNearestNeighbors, minSize=(self._minFaceWidth, self._minFaceHeight)) # If no faces in frame, clear tracker and start reset timer if len(faces ) == 0 or self.mmTracker.length() > self._maximumPeople: self.mmTracker.clear() self.startReset() # If there are trackers, update if self.mmTracker.length() > 0: ok, bboxes, failed = self.mmTracker.update(outputImage) if failed: self.logger.error('Update trackers failed on: %s' % ''.join(str(s) for s in failed)) for (x, y, w, h) in faces: # If faces are detected, engagement exists, do not reset self.needsReset = False # Optionally add buffer to face, can improve tracking/classification accuracy if self._facePixelBuffer > 0: (x, y, w, h) = self.applyFaceBuffer(x, y, w, h, self._facePixelBuffer, outputImage.shape) # Get region of interest roi_gray = grayFrame[y:y + h, x:x + w] roi_color = outputImage[y:y + h, x:x + w] # If the tracker is valid and doesn't already exist, add it if self.validTracker(x, y, w, h):'Adding tracker') ok = self.mmTracker.add(bbox={ 'x': x, 'y': y, 'w': w, 'h': h }, frame=outputImage) # Draw box around face if self._showVideoStream: cv2.rectangle(outputImage, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) # If the time since last collection is more than the set threshold if not self.needsReset or (time.time() - self.collectionStart > self._collectionThreshold): # Check if the focal face has changed check, face = self.mmTracker.checkFocus() if check: predictions = self.getPredictions(grayFrame, face) if predictions: self.putCPMessage(data={ 'detectedTime':'T'), 'predictions': predictions }, type="update") frameCounter += 1 elapsed = time.time() - start fps = frameCounter / max(abs(elapsed), 0.0001) if frameCounter > sys.maxsize: start = time.time() frameCounter = 1 if self._showVideoStream: cv2.putText(outputImage, "%s FPS" % fps, (20, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.imshow("Faces found", outputImage) cv2.waitKey(1) if self._sendBlobs and frameCounter % 6 == 0: self.putCPMessage(data={ 'imageArr': cv2.resize(outputImage, (self._blobWidth, self._blobHeight)), 'time':'T') }, type="blob") def getPredictions(self, grayFrame, face): """ Send face to predictionEngine as JPEG. Return predictions array or false if no face is found. """ faceArr = grayFrame[int(face[1]):int(face[1] + face[3]), int(face[0]):int(face[0] + face[2])] img = Image.fromarray(faceArr) buff = io.BytesIO(), format="JPEG") try: predictions = self.imagePredictionEngine.getPrediction( buff.getvalue()) except Exception as e: predictions = False return predictions def validTracker(self, x, y, w, h): """ Check if the coordinates are a newly detected face or already present in MultiTracker. Only accepts new tracker candidates every _collectionThreshold seconds. Return true if the object in those coordinates should be tracked. """ if not self.needsReset or (time.time() - self.collectionStart > self._collectionThreshold): if (self.mmTracker.length() == 0 or not self.mmTracker.contains(bbox={ 'x': x, 'y': y, 'w': w, 'h': h })): return True return False def startReset(self): """Start a timer from reset event. If timer completes and the reset event should still be sent, send it. """ if self.needsResetMux: self.needsReset = True self.needsResetMux = False self.resetStart = time.time() if self.needsReset: if (time.time() - self.resetStart ) > 10: # 10 seconds after last face detected self.putCPMessage(data=None, type="reset") self.needsReset = False def applyFaceBuffer(self, x, y, w, h, b, shape): x = x - b if x - b >= 0 else 0 y = y - b if y - b >= 0 else 0 w = w + b if w + b <= shape[1] else shape[1] h = h + b if h + b <= shape[0] else shape[0] return (x, y, w, h) def initializeCamera(self): # Using IDS camera if self._useIdsCamera:"Using IDS Camera") self.wrapper = IdsWrapper(self.loggingQueue, self.moduleConfig) if not (self.wrapper.isOpened()): self.wrapper.set('py_width', self._captureWidth) self.wrapper.set('py_height', self._captureHeight) self.wrapper.set('py_bitspixel', self._bitsPerPixel) # Convert values to ctypes, prep memory locations self.wrapper.setCTypes() self.wrapper.allocateImageMemory() self.wrapper.setImageMemory() self.wrapper.beginCapture() self.wrapper.initImageData() # Start video update thread = self.wrapper.start() # Not using IDS camera else: # open first webcam available = cv2.VideoCapture(0) if not ( #set the resolution from config, self._captureWidth), self._captureHeight) def processQueue(self): "Starting to watch collection point inbound message queue") while self.alive: if (self.inQueue.empty() == False):"Queue size is %s" % self.inQueue.qsize()) try: message = self.inQueue.get(block=False, timeout=1) if message is not None: if message == "SHUTDOWN":"SHUTDOWN command handled on %s" % __name__) self.shutdown() else: self.sendOutMessage(message) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Unable to read queue, error: %s " % e) self.shutdown()"Queue size is %s after" % self.inQueue.qsize()) else: time.sleep(.25) def putCPMessage(self, data, type): if type == "reset": # Send reset message'Sending reset message') msg = CollectionPointEvent(self._collectionPointId, self._collectionPointType, 'Reset mBox', None) self.outQueue.put(msg) elif type == "update": # Reset collection start and now needs needs reset collectionStart = time.time() self.needsResetMux = True'Sending found message') msg = CollectionPointEvent(self._collectionPointId, self._collectionPointType, 'Found face', data['predictions']) self.outQueue.put(msg) elif type == "blob": # Get numpy array as bytes img = Image.fromarray(data['imageArr']) buff = io.BytesIO(), format="JPEG") s = base64.b64encode(buff.getvalue()).decode("utf-8") eventExtraData = {} eventExtraData['imageData'] = s eventExtraData['dataType'] = 'image/jpeg' # Send found message #'Sending blob message') msg = CollectionPointEvent(self._collectionPointId, self._collectionPointType, 'blob', eventExtraData, True) self.outQueue.put(msg) def shutdown(self): self.alive = False"Shutting down") # self.outQueue.put("SHUTDOWN") if self._useIdsCamera and self.wrapper.isOpened(): self.wrapper.exit() cv2.destroyAllWindows() # self.threadProcessQueue.join() time.sleep(1) self.exit = True #Custom methods for demo def get_opencv_version(self): import cv2 as lib return lib.__version__ def check_opencv_version(self, major, lib=None): # if the supplied library is None, import OpenCV if lib is None: import cv2 as lib # return whether or not the current OpenCV version matches the # major version number return lib.__version__.startswith(major)