Exemple #1
 def _render_level(subdir, path='', indent='  '):
     if subdir:
         folder_icon = "fa-plus-square-o" if path == tag_prefix else "fa-plus-square-o"
         hidden = 'style="display: none;"' if path != tag_prefix else ''
         ul = indent + '<ul>\n'
         if isinstance(subdir, dict):
             for k in sorted(subdir.keys(), key=str.lower):
                 if k:
                     v = subdir[k]
                     uk = ThreadStore.tag_unescape(k).rstrip(':')
                     count = v.pop('_count')  # TODO: handle case when no counts pulled, will have empty leafs and leaf lists
                     item = '<span tag="%s">%s</span> <span class="item-count">%s</span></span>' % (path + k, uk, count)
                     if v:
                         ul += indent + '  <li %s><span class="folder-item"><i class="tree-folder fa %s"></i>%s</span>\n' % (hidden, folder_icon, item)
                         ul += _render_level(v, path + k + ('.' if k[-1] != ':' else ''), indent + '    ')
                         ul += indent + '  <li %s>%s\n' % (hidden, item)
                     ul += indent + '  </li>\n'
         elif isinstance(subdir, list):
             for v in sorted(subdir, key=str.lower):
                 ul += indent + '  <li %s><span tag="%s">%s</span>\n' % (hidden, path + v, ThreadStore.tag_unescape(v))
                 ul += indent + '  </li>\n'
         return ul + indent + '</ul>\n'
         return ''
Exemple #2
 def home_feed(self, item):
     "extract home feed"
     # strip threadreader.feeds.<user> & unescape
     return ThreadStore.tag_unescape('.'.join(item['_collection'].split('.')[3:]))