Exemple #1
def build_filter_library():

    if not file_existing_and_readable(os.path.join(get_speclite_filter_path(),'filter_lib.yml')):

        print ('Downloading optical filters. This will take a while.\n')

        if internet_connection_is_active():


            filter_dict = download_SVO_filters(filter_dict)

            filter_dict = download_grond(filter_dict)

            # Ok, finally, we want to keep track of the SVO filters we have
            # so we will save this to a YAML file for future reference
            with open(os.path.join(get_speclite_filter_path(),'filter_lib.yml'), 'w') as f:

                yaml.safe_dump(filter_dict, f, default_flow_style=False)

            return True


            print ("You do not have the 3ML filter library and you do not have an active internet connection.")
            print ("Please connect to the internet to use the 3ML filter library.")
            print ("pyspeclite filter library is still available.")

            return False


        return True
Exemple #2
def build_filter_library():

    if not file_existing_and_readable(os.path.join(get_speclite_filter_path(),'filter_lib.yml')):

        print ('Downloading optical filters. This will take a while.\n')

        if internet_connection_is_active():


            filter_dict = download_SVO_filters(filter_dict)

            filter_dict = download_grond(filter_dict)

            # Ok, finally, we want to keep track of the SVO filters we have
            # so we will save this to a YAML file for future reference
            with open(os.path.join(get_speclite_filter_path(),'filter_lib.yml'), 'w') as f:

                yaml.safe_dump(filter_dict, f, default_flow_style=False)

            return True


            print ("You do not have the 3ML filter library and you do not have an active internet connection.")
            print ("Please connect to the internet to use the 3ML filter library.")
            print ("pyspeclite filter library is still available.")

            return False


        return True
    def cone_search(self, ra, dec, radius):
        Searches for sources in a cone of given radius and center

        :param ra: decimal degrees, R.A. of the center of the cone
        :param dec: decimal degrees, Dec. of the center of the cone
        :param radius: radius in degrees
        :return: a table with the list of sources

        skycoord = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.degree, dec=dec * u.degree, frame='icrs')

        # First check that we have an active internet connection
        if not internet_connection_is_active():  # pragma: no cover

            raise ConeSearchFailed("It looks like you don't have an active internet connection. Cannot continue.")

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            #Ignore all warnings, which are many from the conesearch module
                votable = conesearch.conesearch(skycoord, radius, 
                                                verb=3, verbose=True,
            except VOSError as exc:  # Pragma: no cover

                # Download failed

                raise ConeSearchFailed("Cone search failed. Reason: %s" % exc.message)


                # Download successful

                table = votable.to_table()

                self._last_query_results = table.to_pandas().set_index('name').sort_values("Search_Offset")

                out = self.apply_format(table)

                #This is needed to avoid strange errors
                del votable
                del table

                # Save coordinates of center of cone search
                self._ra = ra
                self._dec = dec

                # Make a DataFrame with the name of the source as index

                return out
def compute_fermi_relative_mission_times(trigger_time):

    If the user has the requests library, this function looks
    online to the HEASARC xtime utility and computes other mission
    times relative to the input MET

    :param trigger_time: a fermi MET
    :return: mission time in a python dictionary
    mission_dict = collections.OrderedDict()

    if trigger_time == 0:
        return None

    # Complements to Volodymyr Savchenko

    xtime_url = "https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/Tools/xTime/xTime.pl"

    pattern = """<tr>.*?<th scope=row><label for="(.*?)">(.*?)</label></th>.*?<td align=center>.*?</td>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>.*?</tr>"""

    args = dict(

    if internet_connection_is_active():

        content = requests.get(xtime_url, params=args).content

        mission_info = re.findall(pattern, content, re.S)

        mission_dict['UTC'] = mission_info[0][-1]
        mission_dict[mission_info[7][1]] = mission_info[7][2]  # LIGO
        mission_dict[mission_info[8][1]] = mission_info[8][2]  # NUSTAR
        mission_dict[mission_info[12][1]] = mission_info[12][2]  # RXTE
        mission_dict[mission_info[16][1]] = mission_info[16][2]  # SUZAKU
        mission_dict[mission_info[20][1]] = mission_info[20][2]  # SWIFT
        mission_dict[mission_info[24][1]] = mission_info[24][2]  # CHANDRA

        return mission_dict


        return None
def compute_fermi_relative_mission_times(trigger_time):

    If the user has the requests library, this function looks
    online to the HEASARC xtime utility and computes other mission
    times relative to the input MET

    :param trigger_time: a fermi MET
    :return: mission time in a python dictionary
    mission_dict = collections.OrderedDict()

    if trigger_time == 0:
        return None

    # Complements to Volodymyr Savchenko

    xtime_url = "https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/Tools/xTime/xTime.pl"

    pattern = """<tr>.*?<th scope=row><label for="(.*?)">(.*?)</label></th>.*?<td align=center>.*?</td>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>.*?</tr>"""

    args = dict(

    if internet_connection_is_active():

        content = requests.get(xtime_url, params=args).content

        mission_info = re.findall(pattern, content, re.S)

        mission_dict["UTC"] = mission_info[0][-1]
        mission_dict[mission_info[7][1]] = mission_info[7][2]  # LIGO
        mission_dict[mission_info[8][1]] = mission_info[8][2]  # NUSTAR
        mission_dict[mission_info[12][1]] = mission_info[12][2]  # RXTE
        mission_dict[mission_info[16][1]] = mission_info[16][2]  # SUZAKU
        mission_dict[mission_info[20][1]] = mission_info[20][2]  # SWIFT
        mission_dict[mission_info[24][1]] = mission_info[24][2]  # CHANDRA

        return mission_dict


        return None
Exemple #6
import shutil
import pytest

from threeML import *
from threeML.io.network import internet_connection_is_active
from threeML.exceptions.custom_exceptions import TriggerDoesNotExist

skip_if_internet_is_not_available = pytest.mark.skipif(
    not internet_connection_is_active(),
    reason="No active internet connection")

def test_download_GBM_data():
    # test good trigger names
    good_triggers = ['080916009', 'bn080916009', 'GRB080916009']

    which_detector = 'n1'

    for i, trigger in enumerate(good_triggers):

        temp_dir = '_download_temp'

        dl_info = download_GBM_trigger_data(trigger_name=trigger,

        assert os.path.exists(dl_info[which_detector]['rsp'])
        assert os.path.exists(dl_info[which_detector]['tte'])
Exemple #7
import pytest

from threeML import *
from threeML.io.network import internet_connection_is_active

skip_if_internet_is_not_available = pytest.mark.skipif(not internet_connection_is_active(),
                                                       reason="No active internet connection")

def test_gbm_catalog():

    gbm_catalog = FermiGBMBurstCatalog()

    _ = gbm_catalog.cone_search(0.0, 0.0, 5.0)

    assert gbm_catalog.ra_center == 0.0
    assert gbm_catalog.dec_center == 0.0

    gbm_catalog.search_around_source('Crab', 5.0)

    models = ['band','comp','plaw','sbpl']
    intervals = ['peak','fluence']

    for model in models:
        for interval in intervals:

           _ = gbm_catalog.get_model(model=model,interval=interval)

    gbm_catalog.query('t90 >2')
import shutil
import pytest

from threeML import *
from threeML.io.network import internet_connection_is_active
from threeML.exceptions.custom_exceptions import TriggerDoesNotExist

skip_if_internet_is_not_available = pytest.mark.skipif(not internet_connection_is_active(),
                                                       reason="No active internet connection")

def test_download_LAT_data():
    # Crab
    ra = 83.6331
    dec = 22.0199
    tstart = '2010-01-01 00:00:00'
    tstop = '2010-01-02 00:00:00'

    temp_dir = '_download_temp'

    ft1, ft2 = download_LAT_data(ra, dec, 20.0,
                                 tstart, tstop, time_type='Gregorian',

    assert os.path.exists(ft1)
    assert os.path.exists(ft2)
    def cone_search(self, ra, dec, radius):
        Searches for sources in a cone of given radius and center

        :param ra: decimal degrees, R.A. of the center of the cone
        :param dec: decimal degrees, Dec. of the center of the cone
        :param radius: radius in degrees
        :return: a table with the list of sources

        skycoord = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.degree, dec=dec * u.degree, frame="icrs")

        # First check that we have an active internet connection
        if not internet_connection_is_active():  # pragma: no cover

            raise ConeSearchFailed(
                "It looks like you don't have an active internet connection. Cannot continue."

        with warnings.catch_warnings():

            # Ignore all warnings, which are many from the conesearch module



                votable = conesearch.conesearch(

            except VOSError as exc:  # Pragma: no cover

                # Download failed

                raise ConeSearchFailed("Cone search failed. Reason: %s" %


                # Download successful
                table = votable
                # Workaround to comply with newer versions of astroquery
                if isinstance(votable, astropy.io.votable.tree.Table):
                    table = votable.to_table()

                if table is None:

                    log.error("Your search returned nothing")

                    return None


                pandas_df = (table.to_pandas().set_index("name").sort_values(

                str_df = pandas_df.select_dtypes([object])

                if astropy_old:
                    str_df = str_df.stack().str.decode("utf-8").unstack()

                for col in str_df:
                    pandas_df[col] = str_df[col]

                if astropy_old:
                    new_index = [x.decode("utf-8") for x in pandas_df.index]
                    pandas_df.index = new_index

                self._last_query_results = pandas_df

                out = self.apply_format(table)

                # This is needed to avoid strange errors
                del votable
                del table

                # Save coordinates of center of cone search
                self._ra = ra
                self._dec = dec

                # Make a DataFrame with the name of the source as index

                return out
Exemple #10
import shutil
import os
import pytest

from threeML import *
from threeML.exceptions.custom_exceptions import TriggerDoesNotExist
from threeML.io.network import internet_connection_is_active

skip_if_internet_is_not_available = pytest.mark.skipif(
    not internet_connection_is_active(), reason="No active internet connection"


    import GtApp

except ImportError:

    has_Fermi = False


    has_Fermi = True

# This defines a decorator which can be applied to single tests to
# skip them if the condition is not met
skip_if_LAT_is_not_available = pytest.mark.skipif(not has_Fermi,
                                                  reason="Fermi Science Tools not installed",

Exemple #11
    def cone_search(self, ra, dec, radius):
        Searches for sources in a cone of given radius and center

        :param ra: decimal degrees, R.A. of the center of the cone
        :param dec: decimal degrees, Dec. of the center of the cone
        :param radius: radius in degrees
        :return: a table with the list of sources

        skycoord = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.degree, dec=dec * u.degree, frame='icrs')

        # First check that we have an active internet connection
        if not internet_connection_is_active():  # pragma: no cover

            raise ConeSearchFailed(
                "It looks like you don't have an active internet connection. Cannot continue."

        with warnings.catch_warnings():

            #Ignore all warnings, which are many from the conesearch module



                votable = conesearch.conesearch(skycoord,

            except VOSError as exc:  # Pragma: no cover

                # Download failed

                raise ConeSearchFailed("Cone search failed. Reason: %s" %


                # Download successful

                table = votable.to_table()

                self._last_query_results = table.to_pandas().set_index(

                out = self.apply_format(table)

                #This is needed to avoid strange errors
                del votable
                del table

                # Save coordinates of center of cone search
                self._ra = ra
                self._dec = dec

                # Make a DataFrame with the name of the source as index

                return out