def getfile(id, name): """ Retorna um arquivo em anexo. """ mime = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0] if mime is None: mime = "application/octet-stream" c = get_cursor() c.execute( """ select files.ticket_id as ticket_id, files.size as size, files.contents as contents, tickets.admin_only as admin_only from files join tickets on = files.ticket_id where = :id """, {"id": id}, ) row = c.fetchone() blob = zlib.decompress(row["contents"]) if not user_admin(current_user()) and row["admin_only"] == 1: return "você não tem permissão para acessar este recurso!" else: response.content_type = mime return blob
def newticketpost(): """ Salva um novo ticket. """ assert "title" in request.forms title = request.forms.get("title").strip() if title == "": return "erro: título inválido" username = current_user() with db_trans() as c: c.execute( """ insert into tickets ( title, user ) values ( :title, :username ) """, { "title": title, "username": username }, ) ticket_id = c.lastrowid populate_search(ticket_id) return redirect("/ticket/%s" % ticket_id)
def removeuser(username): """ Apaga um usuário. """ if username == current_user(): return "não é possível remover usuário corrente" user_remove(username) return redirect("/admin")
def forceuserpassword(username): """ Reseta senha de um usuário. """ password = str(int(random.random() * 999999)) if username == current_user(): return "não é possível forçar nova senha de usuário corrente" user_password_save(username, password) return "usuário %s teve nova senha forçada: %s" % (username, password)
def uploadfile(ticket_id): """ Anexa um arquivo ao ticket. """ if "file" not in request.files: return "arquivo inválido" filename = request.files.get("file").filename maxfilesize = int(cfg("attachments", "max-size")) blob = b"" filesize = 0 while True: chunk = request.files.get("file") if not chunk: break chunksize = len(chunk) if filesize + chunksize > maxfilesize: return "erro: arquivo maior do que máximo permitido" filesize += chunksize blob += chunk log.debug(type(blob)) blob = zlib.compress(blob) username = current_user() with db_trans() as c: c.execute( """ insert into files ( ticket_id, name, user, size, contents ) values ( :ticket_id, :filename, :username, :filesize, :blob ) """, { "ticket_id": ticket_id, "filename": filename, "username": username, "filesize": filesize, "blob": blob, }, ) c.execute( """ update tickets set datemodified = datetime('now', 'localtime') where id = :ticket_id """, {"ticket_id": ticket_id}, ) return redirect("/ticket/%s" % ticket_id)
def closeticket(ticket_id): """ Fecha um ticket. """ # Verifica se existem tickets que bloqueiam este ticket que ainda estão abertos. c = get_cursor() c.execute( """ select d.ticket_id as ticket_id from dependencies as d inner join tickets as t on = d.ticket_id where d.blocks = :ticket_id and t.status = 0 """, {"ticket_id": ticket_id}, ) blocks = [r["ticket_id"] for r in c] if blocks: return ("os seguintes tickets bloqueiam este ticket e " + "estão em aberto: %s" % " ".join([str(x) for x in blocks])) username = current_user() with db_trans() as c: c.execute( """ update tickets set status = 1, dateclosed = datetime('now', 'localtime'), datemodified = datetime('now', 'localtime') where id = :ticket_id """, {"ticket_id": ticket_id}, ) c.execute( """ insert into statustrack ( ticket_id, user, status ) values ( :ticket_id, :username, 'close' ) """, { "ticket_id": ticket_id, "username": username }, ) return redirect("/ticket/%s" % ticket_id)
def __init__(self): self.version = __version__ self.username = current_user() if self.username is not None: self.user_is_admin = user_admin(self.username) else: self.user_is_admin = 0 self.config = cfg self.features = features self.priocolor = priocolor self.priodesc = priodesc self.tags_desc = tags_desc()
def reopenticket(ticket_id): """ Reabre um ticket. """ # Verifica se existem tickets bloqueados por este ticket que estão fechados. c = get_cursor() c.execute( """ select d.blocks as blocks from dependencies as d inner join tickets as t on = d.blocks where d.ticket_id = :ticket_id and t.status = 1 """, {"ticket_id": ticket_id}, ) blocks = [r["blocks"] for r in c] if blocks: return ("os seguintes tickets são bloqueados por este ticket " + "e estão fechados: %s" % " ".join([str(x) for x in blocks])) username = current_user() with db_trans() as c: c.execute( """ update tickets set status = 0, dateclosed = null, datemodified = datetime('now', 'localtime') where id = :ticket_id """, {"ticket_id": ticket_id}, ) c.execute( """ insert into statustrack ( ticket_id, user, status ) values ( :ticket_id, :username, 'reopen' ) """, { "ticket_id": ticket_id, "username": username }, ) return redirect("/ticket/%s" % ticket_id)
def changeuseradminstatus(username, status): """ Altera status de administrador de um usuário. """ if username == current_user(): return "não é possível alterar status de admin para usuário corrente" assert status in ("0", "1") if status == "1": is_admin = True else: is_admin = False user_data = user(username) user_data.is_admin = is_admin user_save(user_data) return redirect("/admin")
def change_password_save(): """ Altera a senha do usuário. """ assert "oldpasswd" in request.forms assert "newpasswd" in request.forms assert "newpasswd2" in request.forms oldpasswd = request.forms.get("oldpasswd") newpasswd = request.forms.get("newpasswd") newpasswd2 = request.forms.get("newpasswd2") username = current_user() if not validate_user_db(username, oldpasswd): return "senha atual inválida!" if newpasswd.strip() == "" or newpasswd2.strip() == "": return "nova senha inválida!" if newpasswd != newpasswd2: return "confirmação de nova senha diferente de nova senha!" change_password(username, newpasswd) return redirect("/")
def registerminutes(ticket_id): """ Registra tempo trabalhado em um ticket. """ assert "minutes" in request.forms if not re.match(r"^[\-0-9\.]+$", request.forms.get("minutes")): return "tempo inválido" minutes = float(request.forms.get("minutes")) if minutes <= 0.0: return "tempo inválido" username = current_user() with db_trans() as c: c.execute( """ insert into timetrack ( ticket_id, user, minutes ) values ( :ticket_id, :username, :minutes )""", { "ticket_id": ticket_id, "username": username, "minutes": minutes }, ) c.execute( """ update tickets set datemodified = datetime('now', 'localtime') where id = :ticket_id """, {"ticket_id": ticket_id}, ) return redirect("/ticket/%s" % ticket_id)
def newnote(ticket_id): """ Cria um novo comentário para um ticket. """ assert "text" in request.forms contacts = [] if "contacts" in request.forms: contacts = request.forms.get("contacts").strip().split() note = request.forms.get("text") if note.strip() == "": return "nota inválida" if len(contacts) > 0: note += " [Notificação enviada para: %s]" % (", ".join(contacts)) username = current_user() with db_trans() as c: c.execute( """ insert into comments ( ticket_id, user, comment ) values ( :ticket_id, :username, :note ) """, { "ticket_id": ticket_id, "username": username, "note": note }, ) c.execute( """ update tickets set datemodified = datetime('now', 'localtime') where id = :ticket_id """, {"ticket_id": ticket_id}, ) populate_search(ticket_id) user = user_ident(username) if len(contacts) > 0 and user["name"] and user["email"]: title = ticket_title(ticket_id) subject = "#%s - %s" % (ticket_id, title) body = """ [%s] (%s): %s -- Este é um e-mail automático enviado pelo sistema ticket. """ % ( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), user["name"], note, ) send_mail(user["email"], contacts, cfg("smtp", "host"), subject, body) return redirect("/ticket/%s" % ticket_id)