Exemple #1
from PIL import Image

# Taken from NSE2 bookmarks
    ("Type1", 0x41f1c8, 0x471dec, 5, 4),
    ("Type2", 0x470b0c, 0x471e0c, 5, 4),
    ("Style0", 0x470D6c, 0x47190c, 3, 3),
    ("Style1", 0x470e8c, 0x47192c, 3, 3),
    ("Style2", 0x47132c, 0x4719ac, 3, 3),
    ("Style3", 0x47144c, 0x4719cc, 3, 3),
    ("Style4", 0x47156c, 0x4719ec, 3, 3),
    ("Style5", 0x4716ac, 0x471a0c, 3, 3),
    ("Style6", 0x4717cc, 0x471a2c, 3, 3)]

ROMPATH = "firered.gba"
with open(ROMPATH, "rb") as rom_file:
    rom = rom_file.read()

codec = LinearCodec(4, LinearCodec.REVERSE_ORDER)
tilesize = codec.getTileSize()

for title, img_offs, pal_offs, tiles_w, tiles_h in OFFSETS:
    palette_data = rom[pal_offs:pal_offs + gba.PALETTE_SIZE]
    palette_rgb = gba.decode_palette(palette_data, alpha=True)
    data_len = tiles_w * tiles_h * tilesize
    img_data = rom[img_offs:img_offs + data_len]
    img = gba.decode_image(img_data, codec, palette_rgb, tiles_w)
    img.save("export/textures/textbox_" + title + ".png")

Exemple #2
arrow_addr = 0xE84588
arrow_palette_addr = 0xE845C8

ROMPATH = "firered.gba"
GENDERNAMES = ["male", "female"]

with open(ROMPATH, "rb") as romfile:
    rom = romfile.read()

codec = LinearCodec(4, LinearCodec.REVERSE_ORDER)

bag_male_data = lz77.decompress(rom[bag_male:])
bag_female_data = lz77.decompress(rom[bag_female:])
bag_palette_data = lz77.decompress(rom[bag_palette:])

bag_palette_pal = gba.decode_palette(bag_palette_data, alpha=True)
bag_male_img = gba.decode_image(bag_male_data, codec, bag_palette_pal, 8)
bag_female_img = gba.decode_image(bag_female_data, codec, bag_palette_pal, 8)

arrow_data = lz77.decompress(rom[arrow_addr:])
arrow_palette_data = lz77.decompress(rom[arrow_palette_addr:])
arrow_palette = gba.decode_palette(arrow_palette_data, alpha=True)
arrow_image = gba.decode_image(arrow_data, codec, arrow_palette, 2)

bkgr_data = lz77.decompress(rom[bkgr_addr:])
bkgr_tiles = list(gba.iter_decode_tiles(codec, bkgr_data))

bkgr_palettes = [None, None]
Exemple #3
def decode_image_at(rom, codec, image_ptr, palette_ptr, image_len=None, width=16):
    image_offset = get_rom_addr(image_ptr)
    palette_offset = get_rom_addr(palette_ptr)
    bpp = codec.getBitsPerPixel()

    if check_valid(rom, image_offset, strict=True):
        print("Loading compressed image at", hex(image_ptr))
        image_data = lz77.decompress(rom, image_offset)
    elif image_len is not None:
        print("Loading uncompressed image at", hex(image_ptr))
        image_data = rom[image_offset : image_offset + image_len]
        return "MISSING_IMAGE_LENGTH"

    tile_size = codec.getTileSize()
    if len(image_data) % tile_size:
        # Fill remaining tile with padding bytes
        image_data += b"\x00" * (tile_size - len(image_data) % tile_size)

    pal_size = gba.get_palette_size(bpp)
    if check_valid(rom, palette_offset, strict=True):
        print("Loading compressed palette at", hex(palette_ptr))
        decomp_data = lz77.decompress(rom, palette_offset)
        if len(decomp_data) < pal_size:
            return "PALETTE_TOO_SMALL"

        palette_data = decomp_data[:pal_size]
        print("Loading uncompressed palette at", hex(palette_ptr))
        palette_data = rom[palette_offset : palette_offset + pal_size]

        palette = gba.decode_palette(palette_data, bpp=bpp)
        return "PALETTE_DECODE_FAILED"

        image = gba.decode_image(image_data, codec, palette, width)
        return "IMAGE_DECODE_FAILED"

    return image