Exemple #1
 def findEdges(self):
     """Update the projection meta-info based on its fundamental parameters"""
     if(not self.xyValid):
         # If the display is not known yet, then we can't do anything, but we'll
         # mark it as something that needs doing as soon as the display 
         # becomes valid
         self.needsEdgeFind = True
     # Find the map centre in projection units
     self.px, self.py = latlon2xy(self.lat,self.lon,self.zoom)
     # Find the map edges in projection units
     self.px1 = self.px - 0.5 * self.w / self.scale
     self.px2 = self.px + 0.5 * self.w / self.scale
     self.py1 = self.py - 0.5 * self.h / self.scale
     self.py2 = self.py + 0.5 * self.h / self.scale
     # Store width and height in projection units, just to save time later
     self.pdx = self.px2 - self.px1
     self.pdy = self.py2 - self.py1
     # Calculate the bounding box 
     # ASSUMPTION: (that the projection is regular and north-up)
     self.N,self.W = xy2latlon(self.px1, self.py1, self.zoom)
     self.S,self.E = xy2latlon(self.px2, self.py2, self.zoom)
     # Mark the meta-info as valid
     self.needsEdgeFind = False
Exemple #2
    def getImageATLatLon(self, lat, lon):
        image = self.loadTileSet(lat, lon)
        x, y = tilenames.latlon2pixels(lat, lon, self.zoom)
        x *= self.tileSize
        y *= self.tileSize
        sx = image.size[0]
        sy = image.size[1]
        tsx = self.w
        tsy = self.h
        offx = self.tileSize / 2 - x
        offy = self.tileSize / 2 - y
        cropped = image.crop(
                int(sx / 2 - tsx / 2 - offx),
                int(sy / 2 - tsy / 2 - offy),
                int(sx / 2 + tsx / 2 - offx),
                int(sy / 2 + tsy / 2 - offy),

        # get bounds (seems to be slightly off!)
        x, y = tilenames.latlon2xy(lat, lon, self.zoom)
        print tilenames.xy2latlon(x, y, self.zoom)
        ul_lat, ul_lon = tilenames.xy2latlon(
            x - (tsx / 2 + offx) / self.tileSize, y - (tsy / 2 + offy) / self.tileSize, self.zoom
        lr_lat, lr_lon = tilenames.xy2latlon(
            x + (tsx / 2 + offx) / self.tileSize, y + (tsy / 2 + offy) / self.tileSize, self.zoom
        self.bounds = ul_lon, ul_lat, lr_lon, lr_lat
        print self.bounds

        return cropped
    def findEdges(self):
        """Update the projection meta-info based on its fundamental parameters"""
        if (not self.xyValid):
            # If the display is not known yet, then we can't do anything, but we'll
            # mark it as something that needs doing as soon as the display
            # becomes valid
            self.needsEdgeFind = True

        # Find the map centre in projection units
        self.px, self.py = latlon2xy(self.lat, self.lon, self.zoom)

        # Find the map edges in projection units
        self.px1 = self.px - 0.5 * self.w / self.scale
        self.px2 = self.px + 0.5 * self.w / self.scale
        self.py1 = self.py - 0.5 * self.h / self.scale
        self.py2 = self.py + 0.5 * self.h / self.scale

        # Store width and height in projection units, just to save time later
        self.pdx = self.px2 - self.px1
        self.pdy = self.py2 - self.py1

        # Calculate the bounding box
        # ASSUMPTION: (that the projection is regular and north-up)
        self.N, self.W = xy2latlon(self.px1, self.py1, self.zoom)
        self.S, self.E = xy2latlon(self.px2, self.py2, self.zoom)

        # Mark the meta-info as valid
        self.needsEdgeFind = False
Exemple #4
  def load(self, filename, optimise = True):
    """Load an OSM XML file into memory"""
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
      print "File doesn't exist: '%s'" % filename
      return []
    f = file(filename, "rb")

    size = os.path.getsize(filename)
    while f.tell() < size:
      way = {'n':[]}
      wayID = struct.unpack("I", f.read(4))[0]
      numNodes = struct.unpack("I", f.read(4))[0]
      for n in range(numNodes):
        (x,y,nid) = struct.unpack("III", f.read(3*4))
        (lat,lon) = tilenames.xy2latlon(x,y,31)
      way['style'] = struct.unpack("I", f.read(4))[0]
      way['layer'] = struct.unpack("b", f.read(1))[0]

      tagSize = struct.unpack("H", f.read(2))[0]

      c = 0
      while c < tagSize:
        k = f.read(1)
        s = struct.unpack("H", f.read(2))[0]
        v = f.read(s)
        way[k] = v
        c += 3 + s
      self.ways[wayID] = way
    if optimise:
    def nudge(self, dx, dy):
        """Move the map by a number of pixels relative to its current position"""
        if dx == 0 and dy == 0: return

        # Calculate the lat/long of the pixel offset by dx,dy from the centre,
        # and centre the map on that
        newXC = self.px - dx / self.scale
        newYC = self.py - dy / self.scale
        self.lat, self.lon = xy2latlon(newXC, newYC, self.zoom)
Exemple #6
 def nudge(self,dx,dy):
     """Move the map by a number of pixels relative to its current position"""
     if dx == 0 and dy == 0: return
     # Calculate the lat/long of the pixel offset by dx,dy from the centre,
     # and centre the map on that
     newXC = self.px - dx / self.scale
     newYC = self.py - dy / self.scale
     self.lat,self.lon = xy2latlon(newXC,newYC, self.zoom)
Exemple #7
  def loadOsm(self, filename):
    if(not os.path.exists(filename)):
      print "No such data file %s" % filename
    fp = open(filename, "r")
    re_way = re.compile("<way id='(\d+)'>\s*$")
    re_nd = re.compile("\s+<nd id='(\d+)' x='(\d+)' y='(\d+)' />\s*$")
    re_tag = re.compile("\s+<tag k='(.*)' v='(.*)' />\s*$")
    re_endway = re.compile("</way>$")
    in_way = 0

    way_tags = {}
    way_nodes = []

    for line in fp:
      result_way = re_way.match(line)
      result_endway = re_endway.match(line)
        in_way = True
        way_tags = {}
        way_nodes = []
        way_id = int(result_way.group(1))
        in_way = False
        self.storeWay(way_id, way_tags, way_nodes)
        result_nd = re_nd.match(line)
          node_id = int(result_nd.group(1))
          x = float(result_nd.group(2))
          y = float(result_nd.group(3))

          (lat,lon) = tilenames.xy2latlon(x,y,31)
          result_tag = re_tag.match(line)
            way_tags[result_tag.group(1)] = result_tag.group(2)
Exemple #8
    def loadOsm(self, filename):
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            print("No such data file %s" % filename)
            return False
        fp = open(filename, "r")
        re_way = re.compile("<way id='(\d+)'>\s*$")
        re_nd = re.compile("\s+<nd id='(\d+)' x='(\d+)' y='(\d+)' />\s*$")
        re_tag = re.compile("\s+<tag k='(.*)' v='(.*)' />\s*$")
        re_endway = re.compile("</way>$")
        in_way = 0

        way_tags = {}
        way_nodes = []

        for line in fp:
            result_way = re_way.match(line)
            result_endway = re_endway.match(line)
            if (result_way):
                in_way = True
                way_tags = {}
                way_nodes = []
                way_id = int(result_way.group(1))
            elif result_endway:
                in_way = False
                self.storeWay(way_id, way_tags, way_nodes)
            elif in_way:
                result_nd = re_nd.match(line)
                if result_nd:
                    node_id = int(result_nd.group(1))
                    x = float(result_nd.group(2))
                    y = float(result_nd.group(3))

                    (lat, lon) = tilenames.xy2latlon(x, y, 31)

                    way_nodes.append([node_id, lat, lon])
                    result_tag = re_tag.match(line)
                    if result_tag:
                        way_tags[result_tag.group(1)] = result_tag.group(2)
        return True
Exemple #9
  def loadOsm(self, osmtiledata):
    re_way = re.compile("<way id='(\d+)'>\s*$")
    re_nd = re.compile("\s+<nd id='(\d+)' x='(\d+)' y='(\d+)' />\s*$")
    re_tag = re.compile("\s+<tag k='(.*)' v='(.*)' />\s*$")
    re_endway = re.compile("</way>$")
    in_way = 0

    way_tags = {}
    way_nodes = []

    for line in osmtiledata:
      result_way = re_way.match(line)
      result_endway = re_endway.match(line)
        in_way = True
        way_tags = {}
        way_nodes = []
        way_id = int(result_way.group(1))
        in_way = False
        self.storeWay(way_id, way_tags, way_nodes)
        result_nd = re_nd.match(line)
          node_id = int(result_nd.group(1))
          x = float(result_nd.group(2))
          y = float(result_nd.group(3))

          (lat,lon) = tilenames.xy2latlon(x,y,31)
          result_tag = re_tag.match(line)
            way_tags[result_tag.group(1)] = result_tag.group(2)
    #~ logging.debug("statistics: routable nodes(%s)" % (len(self.rnodes)))
Exemple #10
 def xy2ll(self, x, y):
     """Convert display units to geographic units"""
     px = self.px1 + x / self.scale
     py = self.py1 + y / self.scale
     lat, lon = xy2latlon(px, py, self.zoom)
     return (lat, lon)
Exemple #11
 def xy2ll(self,x,y):
     """Convert display units to geographic units"""
     px = self.px1 + x / self.scale
     py = self.py1 + y / self.scale
     lat,lon = xy2latlon(px, py, self.zoom)