Exemple #1
    def _fetch_data(self, shape_fn, source_table):
        from tilequeue.query.common import LayerInfo
        from tilequeue.query.rawr import make_rawr_data_fetcher
        from tilequeue.tile import coord_to_mercator_bounds
        from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate

        top_zoom = 10
        max_zoom = top_zoom + 6

        def min_zoom_fn(shape, props, fid, meta):
            return top_zoom

        def props_fn(shape, props, fid, meta):
            return {'kind': 'country'}

        z, x, y = (max_zoom, 0, 0)
        tile = Coordinate(zoom=z, column=x, row=y)
        top_tile = tile.zoomTo(top_zoom).container()

        bounds = coord_to_mercator_bounds(tile)
        shape = shape_fn(bounds)

        props = {
            'name': 'Foo',
            'admin_level': '2',
            'boundary': 'administrative',

        source = 'test'
        tables = TestGetTable({
            source_table: [
                (1, shape.wkb, props),
        }, source)

        layers = {
            'boundaries': LayerInfo(min_zoom_fn, props_fn),
        storage = ConstantStorage(tables)
        fetch = make_rawr_data_fetcher(top_zoom, max_zoom, storage, layers,

        for fetcher, _ in fetch.fetch_tiles(_wrap(top_tile)):
            read_rows = fetcher(tile.zoom, coord_to_mercator_bounds(tile))

        return read_rows
Exemple #2
    def _make(self,
        from tilequeue.query.common import LayerInfo
        from tilequeue.query.rawr import make_rawr_data_fetcher

        layers = {layer_name: LayerInfo(min_zoom_fn, props_fn)}
        storage = ConstantStorage(tables)
        indexes_cfg = [dict(type="osm")]
        return make_rawr_data_fetcher(
Exemple #3
def _make_rawr_fetcher(cfg, layer_data, query_cfg, io_pool):
    rawr_yaml = cfg.yml.get('rawr')
    assert rawr_yaml is not None, 'Missing rawr configuration in yaml'

    group_by_zoom = rawr_yaml.get('group-zoom')
    assert group_by_zoom is not None, 'Missing group-zoom rawr config'

    rawr_source_yaml = rawr_yaml.get('source')
    assert rawr_source_yaml, 'Missing rawr source config'

    table_sources = rawr_source_yaml.get('table-sources')
    assert table_sources, 'Missing definitions of source per table'

    # map text for table source onto Source objects
    for tbl, data in table_sources.items():
        source_name = data['name']
        source_value = data['value']
        table_sources[tbl] = Source(source_name, source_value)

    label_placement_layers = rawr_yaml.get('label-placement-layers', {})
    for geom_type, layers in label_placement_layers.items():
        assert geom_type in ('point', 'polygon', 'linestring'), \
            'Geom type %r not understood, expecting point, polygon or ' \
            'linestring.' % (geom_type,)
        label_placement_layers[geom_type] = set(layers)

    indexes_cfg = rawr_yaml.get('indexes')
    assert indexes_cfg, 'Missing definitions of table indexes.'

    # source types are:
    #   s3       - to fetch RAWR tiles from S3
    #   store    - to fetch RAWR tiles from any tilequeue tile source
    #   generate - to generate RAWR tiles directly, rather than trying to load
    #              them from S3. this can be useful for standalone use and
    #              testing. provide a postgresql subkey for database connection
    #              settings.
    source_type = rawr_source_yaml.get('type')

    if source_type == 's3':
        rawr_source_s3_yaml = rawr_source_yaml.get('s3')
        bucket = rawr_source_s3_yaml.get('bucket')
        assert bucket, 'Missing rawr source s3 bucket'
        region = rawr_source_s3_yaml.get('region')
        assert region, 'Missing rawr source s3 region'
        prefix = rawr_source_s3_yaml.get('prefix')
        assert prefix, 'Missing rawr source s3 prefix'
        suffix = rawr_source_s3_yaml.get('suffix')
        assert suffix, 'Missing rawr source s3 suffix'
        allow_missing_tiles = rawr_source_s3_yaml.get('allow-missing-tiles',

        import boto3
        from tilequeue.rawr import RawrS3Source
        s3_client = boto3.client('s3', region_name=region)
        storage = RawrS3Source(s3_client, bucket, prefix, suffix,
                               table_sources, allow_missing_tiles)

    elif source_type == 'generate':
        from raw_tiles.source.conn import ConnectionContextManager
        from raw_tiles.source.osm import OsmSource

        postgresql_cfg = rawr_source_yaml.get('postgresql')
        assert postgresql_cfg, 'Missing rawr postgresql config'

        conn_ctx = ConnectionContextManager(postgresql_cfg)
        rawr_osm_source = OsmSource(conn_ctx)
        storage = _NullRawrStorage(rawr_osm_source, table_sources)

    elif source_type == 'store':
        from tilequeue.store import make_store
        from tilequeue.rawr import RawrStoreSource

        store_cfg = rawr_source_yaml.get('store')
        store = make_store(store_cfg,
                           credentials=cfg.subtree('aws credentials'))
        storage = RawrStoreSource(store, table_sources)

        assert False, 'Source type %r not understood. ' \
            'Options are s3, generate and store.' % (source_type,)

    # TODO: this needs to be configurable, everywhere! this is a long term
    # refactor - it's hard-coded in a bunch of places :-(
    max_z = 16

    layers = _make_layer_info(layer_data, cfg.process_yaml_cfg)

    return make_rawr_data_fetcher(group_by_zoom, max_z, storage, layers,
                                  indexes_cfg, label_placement_layers)
Exemple #4
def _make_rawr_fetcher(cfg, layer_data, query_cfg, io_pool):
    rawr_yaml = cfg.yml.get('rawr')
    assert rawr_yaml is not None, 'Missing rawr configuration in yaml'

    group_by_zoom = rawr_yaml.get('group-zoom')
    assert group_by_zoom is not None, 'Missing group-zoom rawr config'

    rawr_source_yaml = rawr_yaml.get('source')
    assert rawr_source_yaml, 'Missing rawr source config'

    table_sources = rawr_source_yaml.get('table-sources')
    assert table_sources, 'Missing definitions of source per table'

    # map text for table source onto Source objects
    for tbl, data in table_sources.items():
        source_name = data['name']
        source_value = data['value']
        table_sources[tbl] = Source(source_name, source_value)

    label_placement_layers = rawr_yaml.get('label-placement-layers', {})
    for geom_type, layers in label_placement_layers.items():
        assert geom_type in ('point', 'polygon', 'linestring'), \
            'Geom type %r not understood, expecting point, polygon or ' \
            'linestring.' % (geom_type,)
        label_placement_layers[geom_type] = set(layers)

    indexes_cfg = rawr_yaml.get('indexes')
    assert indexes_cfg, 'Missing definitions of table indexes.'

    # source types are:
    #   s3       - to fetch RAWR tiles from S3
    #   store    - to fetch RAWR tiles from any tilequeue tile source
    #   generate - to generate RAWR tiles directly, rather than trying to load
    #              them from S3. this can be useful for standalone use and
    #              testing. provide a postgresql subkey for database connection
    #              settings.
    source_type = rawr_source_yaml.get('type')

    if source_type == 's3':
        rawr_source_s3_yaml = rawr_source_yaml.get('s3')
        bucket = rawr_source_s3_yaml.get('bucket')
        assert bucket, 'Missing rawr source s3 bucket'
        region = rawr_source_s3_yaml.get('region')
        assert region, 'Missing rawr source s3 region'
        prefix = rawr_source_s3_yaml.get('prefix')
        assert prefix, 'Missing rawr source s3 prefix'
        extension = rawr_source_s3_yaml.get('extension')
        assert extension, 'Missing rawr source s3 extension'
        allow_missing_tiles = rawr_source_s3_yaml.get(
            'allow-missing-tiles', False)

        import boto3
        from tilequeue.rawr import RawrS3Source
        s3_client = boto3.client('s3', region_name=region)
        tile_key_gen = make_s3_tile_key_generator(rawr_source_s3_yaml)
        storage = RawrS3Source(
            s3_client, bucket, prefix, extension, table_sources, tile_key_gen,

    elif source_type == 'generate':
        from raw_tiles.source.conn import ConnectionContextManager
        from raw_tiles.source.osm import OsmSource

        postgresql_cfg = rawr_source_yaml.get('postgresql')
        assert postgresql_cfg, 'Missing rawr postgresql config'

        conn_ctx = ConnectionContextManager(postgresql_cfg)
        rawr_osm_source = OsmSource(conn_ctx)
        storage = _NullRawrStorage(rawr_osm_source, table_sources)

    elif source_type == 'store':
        from tilequeue.store import make_store
        from tilequeue.rawr import RawrStoreSource

        store_cfg = rawr_source_yaml.get('store')
        store = make_store(store_cfg,
                           credentials=cfg.subtree('aws credentials'))
        storage = RawrStoreSource(store, table_sources)

        assert False, 'Source type %r not understood. ' \
            'Options are s3, generate and store.' % (source_type,)

    # TODO: this needs to be configurable, everywhere! this is a long term
    # refactor - it's hard-coded in a bunch of places :-(
    max_z = 16

    layers = _make_layer_info(layer_data, cfg.process_yaml_cfg)

    return make_rawr_data_fetcher(
        group_by_zoom, max_z, storage, layers, indexes_cfg,
Exemple #5
    def _test(self, input_layer_names, expected_layer_names):
        from shapely.geometry import Point
        from tilequeue.query.common import LayerInfo
        from tilequeue.query.rawr import make_rawr_data_fetcher
        from tilequeue.tile import coord_to_mercator_bounds
        from tilequeue.tile import mercator_point_to_coord

        top_zoom = 10
        max_zoom = top_zoom + 6

        def min_zoom_fn(shape, props, fid, meta):
            return top_zoom

        def props_fn(shape, props, fid, meta):
            return {}

        shape = Point(0, 0)
        props = {'name': 'Foo', 'name:en': 'Bar'}

        source = 'test'
        tables = TestGetTable({
            'planet_osm_point': [
                (1, shape.wkb, props),
        }, source)

        tile = mercator_point_to_coord(max_zoom, shape.x, shape.y)
        top_tile = tile.zoomTo(top_zoom).container()

        layers = {}
        for name in input_layer_names:
            layers[name] = LayerInfo(min_zoom_fn, props_fn)
        storage = ConstantStorage(tables)
        fetch = make_rawr_data_fetcher(top_zoom, max_zoom, storage, layers,

        for fetcher, _ in fetch.fetch_tiles(_wrap(top_tile)):
            read_rows = fetcher(tile.zoom, coord_to_mercator_bounds(tile))
        # the RAWR query goes over features multiple times because of the
        # indexing, so we can't rely on all the properties for one feature to
        # be all together in the same place. this loops over all the features,
        # checking that there's only really one of them and gathering together
        # all the __%s_properties__ from all the rows for further testing.
        all_props = {}
        for row in read_rows:
            self.assertEquals(1, row['__id__'])
            self.assertEquals(shape.wkb, row['__geometry__'])
            for key, val in row.items():
                if key.endswith('_properties__'):
                    self.assertFalse(key in all_props)
                    all_props[key] = val

        all_layer_names = set(expected_layer_names) | set(input_layer_names)
        for layer_name in all_layer_names:
            properties_name = '__%s_properties__' % layer_name
            self.assertTrue(properties_name in all_props)
            for key in props.keys():
                actual_name = all_props[properties_name].get(key)
                if layer_name in expected_layer_names:
                    expected_name = props.get(key)
                        msg=('expected=%r, actual=%r for key=%r' %
                             (expected_name, actual_name, key)))
                    # check the name doesn't appear anywhere else
                        msg=('got actual=%r for key=%r, expected no value' %
                             (actual_name, key)))
Exemple #6
    def test_buffered_land(self):
        # the buffered land is a polygon in the boundaries table (sort of),
        # but we shouldn't turn it into linestrings of the exterior ring. it
        # should stay as a polygon otherwise the border features won't be
        # correctly assigned maritime boundary properties, and they'll all
        # appear to be maritime boundaries. :-(
        from tilequeue.query.common import LayerInfo
        from tilequeue.query.rawr import make_rawr_data_fetcher
        from tilequeue.tile import coord_to_mercator_bounds
        from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
        from shapely.geometry import Polygon
        import shapely.wkb

        top_zoom = 10
        max_zoom = top_zoom + 6

        def min_zoom_fn(shape, props, fid, meta):
            return 8

        def props_fn(shape, props, fid, meta):
            props['kind'] = 'maritime'
            return props

        z, x, y = (max_zoom, 0, 0)
        tile = Coordinate(zoom=z, column=x, row=y)
        top_tile = tile.zoomTo(top_zoom).container()

        bounds = coord_to_mercator_bounds(tile)
        shape = Polygon([
            [bounds[0], bounds[1]],
            [bounds[0], bounds[3]],
            [bounds[2], bounds[1]],
            [bounds[0], bounds[1]],

        props = {
            'kind': 'maritime',
            'maritime_boundary': True,
            'source': 'tilezen.org',
            'min_zoom': 0,

        source = 'tilezen.org'
        tables = TestGetTable({
            'buffered_land': [
                (1, shape.wkb, props),
        }, source)

        layers = {
            'boundaries': LayerInfo(min_zoom_fn, props_fn),
        storage = ConstantStorage(tables)
        index_cfg = [{
            'type': 'simple',
            'table': 'buffered_land',
            'layer': 'boundaries',
        fetch = make_rawr_data_fetcher(top_zoom, max_zoom, storage, layers,

        for fetcher, _ in fetch.fetch_tiles(_wrap(top_tile)):
            read_rows = fetcher(tile.zoom, coord_to_mercator_bounds(tile))

        self.assertEqual(len(read_rows), 1)
        props = read_rows[0]['__boundaries_properties__']

        self.assertEqual(props.get('kind'), 'maritime')
        # check no special boundaries geometry - should just be the polygon

        shape = shapely.wkb.loads(read_rows[0]['__geometry__'])
        self.assertEqual(shape.geom_type, 'Polygon')