def nextLowTariffZone(time, pricesDF): # ***** DEFINE NEXT LOW TARIFF ZONE ***** # READ IN START AND END TIMES OF LOW TARIFF ZONE lowTariffStartHr = getData(pricesDF, 'startGreenZone') lowTariffEndHr = getData(pricesDF, 'endGreenZone') # IF LOW TARIFF ZONE RUNS OVERNIGHT: if (readTime(lowTariffStartHr) > readTime(lowTariffEndHr)): # LOW TARIFF START = CURRENT DAY + LOW TARIFF ZONE START TIME lowTariffStart = readTime(str( + " " + lowTariffStartHr) # LOW TARIFF END = NEXT DAY + LOW TARIFF END TIME lowTariffEnd = readTime(str( + dt.timedelta(days=1)) + " " + lowTariffEndHr) # IF LOW TARIFF ZONE DOESN'T RUN OVERNIGHT, CONSIDER CASE WHERE TIME IS PAST MIDNIGHT else: # CALCULATE DIFFERENCE LOW TARIFF ZONE START TIME AND MIDNIGHT arbGreenStart = dt.datetime.combine(, readTime(lowTariffStartHr)) arbMidnight = dt.datetime.combine(, readTime("00:00:00")) gap = arbGreenStart - arbMidnight # LOW TARIFF START = (TIME-GAP) + 1 DAY + LOW TARIFF ZONE START TIME lowTariffStart = readTime(str((time-gap).date() + dt.timedelta(days=1)) + " " + lowTariffStartHr) # LOW TARIFF END = (TIME-GAP) + 1 DAY + LOW TARIFF ZONE END TIME lowTariffEnd = readTime(str((time-gap).date() + dt.timedelta(days=1)) + " " + lowTariffEndHr) return lowTariffStart, lowTariffEnd
def construct_snapshots(): print("Constructing snapshots.") jams_df = pd.read_csv("data/jams.csv") states = {} for i, r in jams_df.iterrows(): if i % 5000 == 0: print("{} of {}".format(i, len(jams_df['street']))) time = datetime.fromtimestamp(r['pub_millis'] / 1000) hour = time.hour day_of_week = time.weekday() weather = weather_dict[(, hour)] path = literal_eval(r['line']) key = (, time.hour) if key not in states: states[key] = [0] * array_len covered_path = cover_path(path) for s in covered_path: # we are just going to throw out our data that didn't get caught by our grid # sorry :( # this is a tiny part (~0.5%) of the data anyways if s in streets: states[key][streets[s]] = 1 print("Done constructing snapshots.") return states
def take_remote_snapshot(host, opera, finput): print 'loading in = ' + host + ' ; ' + opera list = open(finput, 'r').readlines() url1 = list[0] url2 = list[1] timestamp = date('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') dir = './screenshots-tmp/' + os.path.basename(finput) + '-' + timestamp os.makedirs(dir) f = open(dir + '/' + os.path.basename(finput) + '-' + timestamp + '.txt', 'a') timestamp = date('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') f.write('\n' + timestamp + ' taking snapshots') driver1 = webdriver.Remote(host, webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX) driver1.get(url1) driver2 = webdriver.Remote(opera, webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.OPERA) driver2.get(url2) format = '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f' today = ts = (today.strftime(format)) timestamp = date('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') f.write('\n' + dir + '/ff36-' + ts + '.png' + ' ' + url1) f.write(dir + '/op12-' + ts + '.png' + ' ' + url2) driver1.get_screenshot_as_file(dir + '/ff36-' + ts + '.png') driver2.get_screenshot_as_file(dir + '/op12-' + ts + '.png') driver1.quit() driver2.quit() f.write(timestamp + ' snapshots taken') f.close() print 'snapshots taken'
def stock_crawler(targets): clear_output(wait=True) # 組成stock_list stock_list = '|'.join('tse_{}.tw'.format(target) for target in targets) # query data query_url = ""+ stock_list data = json.loads(urlopen(query_url).read()) # 過濾出有用到的欄位 columns = ['c','n','z','tv','v','o','h','l','y'] df = pd.DataFrame(data['msgArray'], columns=columns) df.columns = ['股票代號','公司簡稱','當盤成交價','當盤成交量','累積成交量','開盤價','最高價','最低價','昨收價'] # 新增漲跌百分比 df.iloc[:, [2,3,4,5,6,7,8]] = df.iloc[:, [2,3,4,5,6,7,8]].astype(float) df['漲跌百分比'] = (df['當盤成交價'] - df['昨收價'])/df['昨收價'] * 100 # 紀錄更新時間 time = print("更新時間:" + str(time.hour)+":"+str(time.minute)) # show table df =, subset=['漲跌百分比']) display(df) start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(str('9:30', '%Y-%m-%d%H:%M') end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(str('13:30', '%Y-%m-%d%H:%M') # 判斷爬蟲終止條件 if time >= start_time and time <= end_time: s.enter(1, 0, stock_crawler, argument=(targets,))
def stock_crawler(targets): clear_output(wait=True) # compose query url stock_list = '|'.join('tse_{}.tw'.format(target) for target in targets) # query data query_url = ""+ stock_list data = json.loads(urlopen(query_url).read()) # filter needed columns columns = ['c','n','z','tv','v','o','h','l','y'] df = pd.DataFrame(data['msgArray'], columns=columns) df.columns = ['股票代號','公司簡稱','當盤成交價','當盤成交量','累積成交量','開盤價','最高價','最低價','昨收價'] df.to_csv('timely_price.csv') # adding up-down percentage df.iloc[:, [2,3,4,5,6,7,8]] = df.iloc[:, [2,3,4,5,6,7,8]].astype(float) df['漲跌百分比'] = (df['當盤成交價'] - df['昨收價'])/df['昨收價'] * 100 # record updating time time = print("更新時間:" + str(time.hour)+":"+str(time.minute)) # show table df =, subset=['漲跌百分比']) display(df) start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(str('9:30', '%Y-%m-%d%H:%M') end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(str('13:30', '%Y-%m-%d%H:%M') # The condition to terminate crawler if time >= start_time and time <= end_time: s.enter(1, 0, stock_crawler, argument=(targets,))
def update_user_table(*, database_client, time: datetime.datetime, foods_dict: dict, utterance: str, user_id: str): result = database_client.get_item(TableName='nutrition_users', Key={ 'id': { 'S': user_id }, 'date': { 'S': str( } }) item_to_save = [] if 'Item' in result: item_to_save = json.loads(result['Item']['value']['S']) item_to_save.append({ 'time': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'foods': foods_dict, 'utterance': utterance }) database_client.put_item(TableName='nutrition_users', Item={ 'id': { 'S': user_id, }, 'date': { 'S': str( }, 'value': { 'S': json.dumps(item_to_save), } })
def __init__(self): # PKI Deployment "Mandatory" Command-Line Variables self.subsystem_name = None # Global dictionary variables self.mdict = {} self.slots = {} self.main_config = None self.user_config = None self.manifest_db = [] self.identity = None self.namespace = None self.configuration_file = None self.instance = None = None self.file = None self.symlink = None self.war = None self.password = None self.fips = None self.hsm = None self.certutil = None self.modutil = None self.pk12util = None self.kra_connector = None self.security_domain = None self.servercertnick_conf = None self.systemd = None self.tps_connector = None self.config_client = None self.parser = None # Set installation time ticks = time.time() self.install_time = time.asctime(time.localtime(ticks)) # Generate a timestamp self.log_timestamp = date('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.localtime(ticks)) self.certificate_timestamp = date('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(ticks)) # Obtain the architecture bit-size self.architecture = struct.calcsize("P") * 8 # Retrieve hostname self.hostname = socket.getfqdn() # Retrieve DNS domainname self.dns_domainname = subprocess.check_output(["dnsdomainname"]) self.dns_domainname = self.dns_domainname.decode('ascii').rstrip('\n') if not len(self.dns_domainname): self.dns_domainname = self.hostname
def get_day_shortname(time): today = datetime.utcnow().date() if == today: return 't' yesterday = today - timedelta(days=1) if == yesterday: return 'y' weekday = DAY_NAMES[time.weekday()] return weekday
def __init__(self): # PKI Deployment "Mandatory" Command-Line Variables self.subsystem_name = None # Global dictionary variables self.mdict = {} self.slots = {} self.main_config = None self.user_config = None self.manifest_db = [] self.identity = None self.namespace = None self.configuration_file = None self.instance = None = None self.file = None self.symlink = None self.war = None self.password = None self.fips = None self.hsm = None self.certutil = None self.modutil = None self.pk12util = None self.kra_connector = None self.security_domain = None self.systemd = None self.tps_connector = None self.config_client = None self.parser = None self.nss_db_type = None # Set installation time ticks = time.time() self.install_time = time.asctime(time.localtime(ticks)) # Generate a timestamp self.log_timestamp = date('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.localtime(ticks)) self.certificate_timestamp = date('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(ticks)) # Obtain the architecture bit-size self.architecture = struct.calcsize("P") * 8 # Retrieve hostname self.hostname = socket.getfqdn() # Retrieve DNS domainname self.dns_domainname = subprocess.check_output(["dnsdomainname"]) self.dns_domainname = self.dns_domainname.decode('ascii').rstrip('\n') if not len(self.dns_domainname): self.dns_domainname = self.hostname
def option_vol(self, time, option_type, S, K, C0, r=0.0015, d=0.0424): start = end = BMonthEnd().rollforward(start).date() t = (end - start).days / 365.0 # We need a starting guess for the implied volatility. We chose 0.5 # arbitrarily. vol = 0.5 epsilon = 1.0 # Define variable to check stopping conditions abstol = 1e-4 # Stop calculation when abs(epsilon) < this number i = 0 # Variable to count number of iterations max_iter = 1e3 # Max number of iterations before aborting while epsilon > abstol: # if-statement to avoid getting stuck in an infinite loop. if i > max_iter: break i = i + 1 orig = vol d1, d2 = self.d(vol, S, K, r, t) if option_type == 'CALL': function_value = self.call_price(vol, S, K, r, t, d, d1, d2) - C0 else: function_value = self.put_price(vol, S, K, r, t, d, d1, d2) - C0 vega = S * norm.pdf(d1) * sqrt(t) vol = -function_value / vega + vol epsilon = abs(function_value) return vol
def recordCSV(name="hehe"): time = row = [, time.hour, time.minute, time.second, time.microsecond] with open(name+'.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=',') writer.writerow(row) file.close()
def runSimulation(startTime, runTime, carData, car_cols, allShiftsDF, pricesDF, chargePtData, cp_cols, chargeCapacity, sim_cols, mph, mpkw, algo): depot = [] carDataDF = pd.DataFrame.from_records(carData, columns=car_cols) chargePtDF = pd.DataFrame.from_records(chargePtData, columns=cp_cols) simulationDF = pd.DataFrame(columns=sim_cols) for car in range(0, len(carDataDF)): if carDataDF.loc[car, 'inDepot']: depot.append(car) rcCount = 0 # INITIALISE A COUNTER FOR RAPID CHARGES time = startTime # CHOOSE START TIME for i in range(0, runTime * chunks): if time.time() == startTime.time(): day = str( shiftsByCar = getShiftsToday(carData, day, allShiftsDF) carDataDF, time, depot, simulationDF, chargePtD = inOutDepot( carDataDF, shiftsByCar, time, depot, simulationDF, chargePtDF) carDataDF, time, rcCount, simulationDF = decreaseBatt( carDataDF, shiftsByCar, time, rcCount, simulationDF, mph[i], mpkw[i]) carDataDF, simulationDF, chargePtDF = simulations[algo]( carDataDF, depot, shiftsByCar, time, chargeCapacity, simulationDF, chargePtDF, pricesDF) time = incrementTime(time) # print("No. of rapid charges: " + str(rcCount)) sim = dfFunction(simulationDF) return styleDF( sim ), simulationDF # second dataframe, 'sim', is for animation purposes
def get_upload_time(self): upload_date = self.soup.find(name="meta", attrs={"itemprop": "uploadDate"})['content'][:10] time = datetime.strptime(upload_date, '%Y-%m-%d') return
def findhazecity(bot,trigger): queryurl=""+city+"&xtra&qid=2" queryurl2=""+city+"&lang=en" print(queryurl2) result=urllib.request.urlopen(queryurl).read().decode() testdata=json.loads(result[result.index('(')+1:-2])['data'][1] testurl=json.loads(result[result.index('(')+1:-2])['data'][1]['url'] if "faq" in testurl: testurl=json.loads(result[result.index('(')+1:-2])['data'][2]['url'] result2=json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(queryurl2).read().decode()) if not "forecast"in result2: bot.say("Could not find "+city+"! Syntax: .hazefc Country/City") return aqiforecast=result2['forecast']['aqi'] displayres={} currentday=None curdaystr="" for elem in aqiforecast: time=iso8601.parse_date(elem['t']) if< continue if currentday==None: currentday=time if currentday! curdaystr=str("."+str(time.month)+"."+str(time.year) if currentday not in displayres: displayres[curdaystr]=[] displayres[curdaystr].append(elem['v'][0]) displayres[curdaystr].append(elem['v'][1]) print(displayres) bot.say("Air Quality Forecast for "+city+":") for elem in sorted(displayres): bot.say(str(elem)+": "+rate_result(min(displayres[elem]))+"/"+rate_result(max(displayres[elem])))
def get_week(self, custom = False): if not custom: time = week_diff = math.floor(( - self.schedule["start_week"]).days / 7) % self.schedule["weeks"] else: week_diff = math.floor(( - self.schedule["start_week"]).days / 7) % self.schedule["weeks"] return week_diff
def superSmartCharge(carDataDF, chargeCen, shiftsByCar, time, chargeCapacity, simulationDF, chargePtDF, pricesDF): # IF THERE ARE CARS IN THE CHARGE CENTRE if len(chargeCen) >= 1: listRows = [] # FIND THE TIMES WHEN CARS LEAVE THE CHARGE CENTRE for cars in range(0, len(chargeCen)): f = chargeCen[cars] leaveTime = readTime(str( + " 23:59:59") for g in range(0, len(shiftsByCar[str(f)])): startTime = readTime(shiftsByCar[str(f)].loc[g, 'startShift']) if startTime > time and startTime < leaveTime: leaveTime = startTime hrsLeft = abs(rereadTime(leaveTime) - rereadTime(time)) battLeft = abs(carDataDF.loc[f, 'battSize'] - carDataDF.loc[f, 'battPerc']) listRows.append([f, battLeft / hrsLeft.total_seconds(), battLeft]) leaveTimes = pd.DataFrame.from_records( listRows, columns=['car', 'priority', 'battLeft']) leaveTimes = leaveTimes.sort_values(by=['priority'], ascending=False) prioritySum = sum(leaveTimes.priority) # CHARGE CARS for h in range(0, len(leaveTimes)): car = leaveTimes.loc[h, 'car'] batt = carDataDF.loc[car, 'battPerc'] batt_size = carDataDF.loc[car, 'battSize'] batt_left = leaveTimes.loc[h, 'battLeft'] priority = leaveTimes.loc[h, 'priority'] # IF CAR BATT IS NOT 100%, CHARGE CAR if batt < batt_size: # ALLOCATE CHARGE PT IF CAR DOESN'T HAVE ONE pt, carDataDF, chargePtDF = findChargePt( carDataDF, car, chargePtDF) chargeRate = 0 # IF CAR HAS A VALID CHARGE PT if not np.isnan(pt): # READ MAX RATE maxRate = chargePtDF.loc[pt, 'maxRate'] # CALCULATE CHARGE RATE chargeRate = (priority / prioritySum) * chargeCapacity # IF CHARGE RATE EXCEEDS MAX RATE if chargeRate > maxRate: chargeRate = maxRate # IF CHARGE RATE EXCEEDS CHARGE NEEDED if chargeRate > batt_left: chargeRate = batt_left chargeCapacity -= chargeRate prioritySum -= priority carDataDF, simulationDF, chargePtDF = charge( carDataDF, car, chargeRate, simulationDF, time, chargePtDF, pricesDF) return carDataDF, simulationDF, chargePtDF
def imap_date(time: datetime) -> str: d = mm = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ] m = mm[d.month - 1] return "%0d-%s-%d" % (, m, d.year)
def convtPdTimeToDate(time): if isinstance(time, pd._libs.tslib.Timestamp) is True: dateStr = elif isinstance(time, unicode) is True or isinstance(time, str): dateStr = stringToDate(time) else: dateStr = 'date type is %s' % type(time) return dateStr
def convtPdTimeToStr(time): #, 9, 18) if isinstance(time, pd._libs.tslib.Timestamp) is True: dateStr ='%Y-%m-%d') elif isinstance(time, unicode) is True or isinstance(time, str): dateStr = time else: dateStr = 'date type is %s' % type(time) return dateStr
def date_to_date(input_date): if type(input_date) == float: seconds = (input_date - 25569) * 86400.0 time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(seconds) date = else: date = datetime.strptime(input_date, '%d/%m/%Y').date() return date
def test_filter_with_datetime(self): time = datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 17, 23, 1, 2, 3000) date = row = Row(date=date, time=time) df = self.sqlCtx.createDataFrame([row]) self.assertEqual(1, df.filter( == date).count()) self.assertEqual(1, df.filter(df.time == time).count()) self.assertEqual(0, df.filter( > date).count()) self.assertEqual(0, df.filter(df.time > time).count())
def test_filter_with_datetime(self): time = datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 17, 23, 1, 2, 3000) date = row = Row(date=date, time=time) df = self.spark.createDataFrame([row]) self.assertEqual(1, df.filter( == date).count()) self.assertEqual(1, df.filter(df.time == time).count()) self.assertEqual(0, df.filter( > date).count()) self.assertEqual(0, df.filter(df.time > time).count())
def getDataDate(self): #since the website is updated at 1200nn #the date should be adjusted #e.g. if the program is run at next day, it should return yesterday date5 time = if time.hour < 12: d = timedelta(days = 1) time = time - d return str(
def clean_it(): to_be_removed = ['./marcalizer/out/bow/top/sift/100/1/', './marcalizer/out/bow/top/sift/200/1/', './marcalizer/out/sift/top/1/', './marcalizer/out/images/1/', './marcalizer/in/images/1/'] for r in to_be_removed: #print 'cleaning ' + r for f in os.listdir(r): os.remove(r + f) #print f + ' removed' print 'all directories are cleaned' ts = date('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') return ts
def expand_years(title): years = findall(r"\'[0-9]{2}", title) if len(years) == 0: return title while len(years) > 0: y = years[0] if int(y[1:3]) > int(date('%y')): title = sub(y, sub(r"'", '19', y), title) else: replacement = input(f'ERROR: Fix year {y}: ') title = sub(y, replacement, title) years.pop(0) return title
def clean_it(): to_be_removed = [ './marcalizer/out/bow/top/sift/100/1/', './marcalizer/out/bow/top/sift/200/1/', './marcalizer/out/sift/top/1/', './marcalizer/out/images/1/', './marcalizer/in/images/1/' ] for r in to_be_removed: #print 'cleaning ' + r for f in os.listdir(r): os.remove(r + f) #print f + ' removed' print 'all directories are cleaned' ts = date('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') return ts
def get_capital_by_day_as_df(backtest_output): risk_dict = {} last_day = None for time, capital_obj in backtest_output['risk_provider'][backtest_output['risk_provider'].keys()[0]].\ iteritems(): current_day = if current_day != last_day: capital = risk_dict[current_day] = capital last_day = current_day risk_provider_pd = pd.DataFrame(risk_dict.items(), columns=['date', 'capital']) return risk_provider_pd
def output_image(colors_list): """ Creates an image in the current directory of the result of the modeling @param colors_list: array of colors representing the Mississippi river """ # find the image size size = len(colors_list) - 1 width = colors_list[0] height = size/width size = (width, height) image ="RGBA", size) hue_value = colors_list[1] hue = [] saturation = [] value = [] #Get Hue and Value for y in range(height): hue.append([]) saturation.append([]) value.append([]) for x in range(width): hue[y].append(hue_value) value[y].append(255) for index in range(2, len(colors_list)): x = (index - 2)%width y = (index - 2)/width #If the patch is ground if(colors_list[index] == -1): hue[y][x] = 11.31 / 360.0 value[y][x] = 0.59*255 saturation[y].append(0.67) else: saturation[y].append(colors_list[index]) r, g, b = hsv_to_rgb(hue, saturation, value) arr = np.dstack((r, g, b)) new_img = Image.fromarray(arr.astype('uint8'), "RGB") for index in range(2, len(colors_list)): x = (index - 2)%width y = (index - 2)/width pixel = new_img.getpixel( (x,y)) # the order is inverted in the y-axis image.putpixel( (x, height-y-1), pixel) #endfor timestamp = date('%d-%m-%Y %H_%M_%S') + timestamp + extension, image_type) return
def calculate_boro_grade(Borough): rawdata = pd.read_csv( "DOHMH_New_York_City_Restaurant_Inspection_Results_raw.csv", low_memory=False) cleaningdata1 = rawdata.dropna(subset=['GRADE']) # get the NAN eliminated cleaningdata2 = cleaningdata1.query( 'GRADE != "Not Yet Graded"') #get the "Not Yet Graded" eliminated ####convert 'GRADE DATE' to datetime cleaningdata2 = cleaningdata2.dropna( subset=['GRADE DATE']) ### remember to drop nan!!!! cleaningdata2['GRADE DATE'] = pd.to_datetime(cleaningdata2['GRADE DATE'], format='%m/%d/%Y') ###convert datetime to date use date() method cleaningdata2['GRADE DATE'] = [ for time in cleaningdata2['GRADE DATE'] ] ###sort the dataframe use time cleandata = cleaningdata2.sort(['GRADE DATE']) """this is the method to show one borough with different grades""" gradearray = (cleandata['GRADE']).unique() datearray = (cleandata['GRADE DATE']).unique() data = pd.DataFrame() for grade in gradearray: boro_date_grade = {} grademask = cleandata['GRADE'] == grade cleangradedata = cleandata[grademask] for date in datearray: datemask = cleangradedata[ 'GRADE DATE'] == date #####use mask to get the date index dateDF1 = cleangradedata[datemask] boromask = dateDF1['BORO'] == Borough ####get the grade mask boroDF = dateDF1[boromask] boro_date_grade[date] = len(boroDF) # print boro_date_grade data['date'] = boro_date_grade.keys() data = data.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(data['date'])) del data['date'] data[grade] = boro_date_grade.values() del boro_date_grade, boroDF, dateDF1, boromask, datemask, grademask, cleangradedata data = data.groupby([pd.TimeGrouper('M')]).sum() # print data data.plot() printtitle = 'grade_improvement_' + Borough.lower() plt.title(printtitle) plt.savefig(printtitle + '.pdf') return None
def time_series(tweet_iterator): time_data = pd.DataFrame([]) for content in tweet_iterator: _id = content['_id'] time = content['created_at'] time_data = time_data.append(pd.DataFrame( { '_id': 1, 'created_at': }, index=[0]), ignore_index=True) time_d = time_data[['created_at', '_id']].groupby(['created_at'], as_index=False).sum() return time_d
def member_check_in(request, pk): if request.method == 'POST': m = Member.objects.filter(pk=pk)[0] time = + timedelta(hours=-8) today = attendance_list = m.attendance_set.all().order_by('date').reverse() try: if attendance_list[0].date == today: return HttpResponse(0) except IndexError: pass m.attendance_set.create(date=today) return HttpResponse(today.strftime('%b %d, %Y'))
def date_to_month(input_date): # print str(type(input_date)) # print input_date if type(input_date) == float: seconds = (input_date - 25569) * 86400.0 time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(seconds) date = elif type(input_date) == str: date = datetime.strptime(input_date, '%d/%m/%Y').date() else: date = input_date month = str(date.year) + '-'+ str(date.month) this_month = datetime.strptime(month, '%Y-%m') return this_month
def test_choice(): n = 1 << 5 size = 1 << 3 a = [i for i in range(n)] n_test = 100000 count = [0 for _ in range(n)] priority = [np.random.randint(0, 100) for _ in range(n)] # print(a) # print(choice(a, size, priority)) # return for i in range(n_test): for v in choice(a, size, priority=priority): count[v] += 1 total_count = sum(count) observed_probs = [count[i] / total_count for i in range(n)] total_priority = sum(priority) given_probs = [priority[i] / total_priority for i in range(n)] print('observed'.ljust(10), pretty(observed_probs)) print('given'.ljust(10), pretty(given_probs))
def _datize(time): if time is None: return '' try: time = pd.Timestamp(time) if is None: return str( else: return str(time.tz_convert('utc').date()) except: return ''
def request_nws(self): # request hourly temperature forecase from national weather service url = '' + + ',' + self.lon r = requests.get(url) city = r.json()['properties']['relativeLocation']['properties']['city'] state = r.json( )['properties']['relativeLocation']['properties']['state'] self.location = city + ", " + state r2 = requests.get(r.json()['properties']['forecastHourly']) out = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'lat', 'lon', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'date', 'doy', 'temp' ]) for i in range(len(r2.json()['properties']['periods'])): lat = lon = self.lon time = datetime.datetime.strptime( r2.json()['properties']['periods'][i]['startTime'][:-6], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') year = time.year month = time.month day = hour = time.hour date = doy = time.timetuple().tm_yday temp = r2.json()['properties']['periods'][i]['temperature'] temp = (temp - 32) * 5 / 9 out.loc[i] = [lat, lon, year, month, day, hour, date, doy, temp] dates = out['date'].unique() self.dates = dates out = out.groupby(['doy'], as_index=False, group_keys=False).agg( {'temp': ['max', 'min', 'mean']}) out.columns = ['doy', 'T_max', 'T_min', 'T_avg'] out['T_rng'] = out['T_max'] - out['T_min'] out.insert(1, "lat", out.insert(2, 'lon', self.lon) out[['lat', 'lon']] = out[['lat', 'lon']].astype(float) # add the elevation and theoretical radiation ERA5_process.process.elevation_function(out, 'lat', 'lon') out_elev = ERA5_process.process(out) out_rad = out_elev.add_radiation() self.out_rad = out_rad
def member_query(request, pk): try: m = Member.objects.filter(pk=pk)[0] except IndexError: return HttpResponseNotFound('Not Found') name = '%s %s' % (m.first_name, m.last_name) time = + timedelta(hours=-8) today = attendance_record = [ str(d) for d in m.attendance_set.all() ] attendance_record.reverse() is_checked_today = False try: if attendance_record[0] == str(today): is_checked_today = True except IndexError: pass return render_to_response('app.html', {'name':name, 'isCheckedToday': is_checked_today, 'record': attendance_record}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def expand_years(string): """Expand years abbreviated with an apostrophie.""" years = findall(r"\'[0-9]{2}", string) if not years: return string for year in years: if int(year[1:3]) > int(date('%y')): string = sub(year, sub(r"'", '19', year), string) elif ARGS.confirm: response = input(f'Fix year "{year}": ') if response == '': string = sub(year, sub(r"'", '20', year), string) else: string = sub(year, response, string) else: string = sub(year, sub(r"'", '20', year), string) return string
def urls(page): """Generate sitemap.xml. Makes a list of urls and date modified.""" pages = [] # Article model pages articles = Article.query.order_by(Article.update_time).paginate( page, per_page=2000, error_out=False).items for article in articles: url = url_for('mip.miparticleDetails',, _external=True) time = article.update_time or datetime(2017, 1, 1) modified_time = pages.append([url, modified_time]) sitemap_txt = render_template('urls.txt', pages=pages) response = make_response(sitemap_txt) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" return response
def contactinfo(): scope = [ '', '' ] creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('key.json', scope) client = gspread.authorize(creds) contacts = [] name = [] contacts_return = [] first_contact = [] second_contact = [] #시간 time = secondtime = third = secondtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') today = month = today.strftime('%Y-%m') #당직 명단 sheet1 ='당직명단').worksheet(month) firstpage = sheet1.get_all_values() #연락처 명단 sheet2 ='당직연락처').worksheet("Contact").get_all_records() #날짜/현재 날짜 & 이름 연락처 일치 for firstpage_row in firstpage: if firstpage_row[0] == third: for sheet2_row in sheet2: if sheet2_row['이름'] == firstpage_row[1]: first_contact.append(sheet2_row['이름']) temp = sheet2_row['연락처'] a = temp.replace("-", "") first_contact.append(a) if sheet2_row['이름'] == firstpage_row[4]: second_contact.append(sheet2_row['이름']) temp = sheet2_row['연락처'] a = temp.replace("-", "") second_contact.append(a) return first_contact, second_contact
def install(apk,repo): print '[*]initializing download to repository:%s and package: %s' % (repo,apk) print '[*]initializing in %s ' % ( try: src = urllib2.urlopen(repo) source_code = for n in repo: a += 1 if n == '/': repo.rstrip(repo[:a]) a = 0 filesrc = open(repo,'wb') filesrc.write(source_code) filesrc.close() print '[$]download conclued' except: print '[!]fail to save te file in your computer' sys.exit(1)
def clean_it(): to_be_removed = [] if os.path.isdir('./marcalizer/out/bow/top/sift/100/1/'): to_be_removed.append('./marcalizer/out/bow/top/sift/100/1/') if os.path.isdir('./marcalizer/out/bow/top/sift/200/1/'): to_be_removed.append('./marcalizer/out/bow/top/sift/200/1/') if os.path.isdir('./marcalizer/out/sift/top/1/'): to_be_removed.append('./marcalizer/out/sift/top/1/') if os.path.isdir('./marcalizer/out/images/1/'): to_be_removed.append('./marcalizer/out/images/1/') if os.path.isdir('./marcalizer/in/images/1/'): to_be_removed.append('./marcalizer/in/images/1/') for r in to_be_removed: for f in os.listdir(r): os.remove(r + f) print 'all directories are cleaned' ts = date('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') return ts
def __init__(self): self.main_dir = "/Your/main/dir/" self.docx_dir = self.main_dir + "d1_docx/" self.pdf_dir = self.main_dir + "d1_pdf/" self.txt_dir = self.main_dir + "d2_txt/" self.id_dir = self.main_dir + "d3_id_txt/" self.json_dir = self.main_dir + "d4_id_json/" self.couch_dir = self.main_dir + "d5_couchdb_uploaded/" self.xmls_dir = self.main_dir + "x1_sets_activities/" self.xml_dir = self.main_dir + "x2_split_activities/" self.xml_couch_dir = self.main_dir + "x3_couchdb_uploaded/" self.processed_dir = self.main_dir + "processed_" + date("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + "/" for attr, value in self.__dict__.iteritems(): #print attr, value if not os.path.exists(value): os.makedirs(value) self.docx_ext = ".docx" self.pdf_ext = ".pdf" self.txt_ext = ".txt" self.id_ext = ".txt" self.json_ext = ".json" self.xml_ext = ".xml" self.couch = "couch" self.couch_ext = self.couch # change when publishing to production # self.couch_host = '' # self.documents_couch = 'calais' # self.activities_couch = 'buza_iati' # self.xml_design_doc = 'buza_iati' self.couch_host = '' self.couch_user = '' self.couch_pwd = '' self.documents_couch = 'aid' self.activities_couch = 'aid' self.xml_design_doc = 'bi'
def __init__(self, input_json, time=None, daily=False): # get current weather if time is None: self.temp = self._round_temp(input_json['main']['temp']) self.condition = self.CONDITION_TRANSL[input_json['weather'][0]['id']] return # get prediction if daily: # set time to 13:00 for daily time = datetime.combine(, dttime(13, 00)) ts = int(time.strftime("%s")) # convert time to Unix timestamp for fc1, fc2 in zip(input_json['list'][:-1], input_json['list'][1:]): # find the appropriate time frame if ts >= fc1['dt'] and ts <= fc2['dt']: self.condition = self.CONDITION_TRANSL[fc1['weather'][0]['id']] # hourly forecast -- interpolate temperature if not daily: slope = (fc2['main']['temp'] - fc1['main']['temp']) / (fc2['dt'] - fc1['dt']) self.temp = self._round_temp(fc1['main']['temp'] + slope * (ts - fc1['dt'])) # daily forecast: use daily high & low else: self.temp = self._round_temp(fc1['temp']['day']) self.min_temp = self._round_temp(fc1['temp']['min']) self.max_temp = self._round_temp(fc1['temp']['max'])
def segment_original_report(self, tagged_clusters, uni_encoded_cluster_tokenized_list, original_report_path, percent_cat, converted_fileid): re = ReportEnviroments() sent_by_topic = [] for i in range(len(tagged_clusters)): sent_by_topic.append([sent for sent in tagged_clusters[i][0]]) topic_titles = [] for i in range(len(uni_encoded_cluster_tokenized_list)): topic_titles.append(uni_encoded_cluster_tokenized_list[i][0]) topic_titles.append('uncategorized') with open(re.segmented_reports_corpus_path+converted_fileid, 'w') as f: timestamp = 'relatorio segmentado de ' + original_report_path \ + '\nconvertido em ' \ + date("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y") \ + '\n%cat=' + percent_cat f.write(timestamp) for i in range(len(sent_by_topic)): topic_title = '\n\n' + topic_titles[i].upper() + '\n\n' f.write(topic_title) for j in range(len(sent_by_topic[i])): f.write(sent_by_topic[i][j] + '\n') f.close()
def marcalize_it(): clean_it() log = open('./log/log.txt', 'a') rootdir = './screenshots-tmp/' # select folders of all pairs in rootdir l_folder = [] for root, subFolders, files in os.walk(rootdir): for folder in subFolders: l_folder.append(rootdir + str(folder)) for f in l_folder: pictures = os.listdir(f) if len(pictures) > 2: for pic in pictures: print f +'/'+pic if pic[-4:] in (".png"): shutil.copy(f +'/'+pic, './marcalizer/in/images/1/') else: os.system('cat ' + f + '/' + pic + ' >> ./log/marcalizer-log.txt ') print 'texte' shutil.move(f, './log/compared-pictures/') pics = os.listdir('./marcalizer/in/images/1/') for pi in pics: if pi[-4:] not in (".png"): pics.remove(pi) p1 = './marcalizer/in/images/1/' + str(pics[0]) p2 = './marcalizer/in/images/1/' + str(pics[1]) print str(date('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')) + ' starts with : [' + str(p1) + '] , ' + '[' + str(p2) + ']' os.system('echo "\n" >> ./log/marcalizer-log.txt') os.system('date >> ./log/marcalizer-log.txt') os.system('java -jar ./marcalizer/marcalizer.jar -snapshot1 ' + p1 + ' -snapshot2 ' + p2 + ' >> ./log/marcalizer-log.txt') os.system('date >> ./log/marcalizer-log.txt') os.system('echo "-------------------------------------------\n" >> ./log/marcalizer-log.txt') clean_it() else: print 'no pictures in the folder' shutil.move(f, './log/compared-pictures/')
def print_error(message): sys.stderr.write("%s: ERROR: %s\n" % (date('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), message))
def track_progress_row(instance_name, shapefile, time, min_datetime, max_datetime): sql = "SELECT id FROM %s WHERE instance_name = '%s' AND input_shapefile = '%s' AND date(time) = '%s' AND min_time = '%s' AND max_time = '%s'" % (MONITOR_TABLE, instance_name, shapefile,, min_datetime.isoformat(), max_datetime.isoformat()) cursor.execute(sql) return cursor.fetchone()
#!/usr/bin/python import os, sys from time import strftime as date #stream = "" #length = 600 urls = { "fm4": "", "oe3": "" } if len(sys.argv) != 3: raise SystemExit, "usage: %s station-name length" % sys.argv[0] stream_name = sys.argv[1] length = sys.argv[2] if stream_name not in urls: raise SystemExit, "%s not a valid radio station. Stations are: %s" % (stream_name, str(urls.keys())) file_name = stream_name + "_" + date('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M') os.system("streamripper " + urls[stream_name] + " -D ~/Music/streams -a -l " + length) os.system("mv ~/Music/streams/incomplete/*mp3 ~/Music/streams/" + file_name + ".mp3")
def main(): node0 = "" node1 = "" node2 = "" opera0 = "" opera1 = "" opera2 = "" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hf:d:', ['help', 'file=', 'directory=']) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print('\nERROR:') print (err) usage() sys.exit() #create all necessary folders if not os.path.exists('log'): os.makedirs('log') if not os.path.exists('log/compared-pictures'): os.makedirs('log/compared-pictures') if not os.path.exists('./screenshots-tmp/'): os.makedirs('./screenshots-tmp/') if not os.path.exists('./pairs/'): os.makedirs('./pairs/') #check options for o,a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif o in ('-f', '--file'): if os.path.isfile(a): f = open(a,'r') l = [l for l in f.readlines() if l.strip()] split_it(l, 1) f.close() print '\n the file is now divided to pairs in the directory "pairs" ' print 'you can use the option "-d" of the script or type "-h" for help ' else: print ('is not a file') elif o in ('-d', '--directory'): ts = date('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') dir = a if dir[-1] != '/': dir = dir + '/' if os.path.isdir(dir): print 'is a dir' listing = os.listdir(dir) n = len(listing) print '~~~ ' + str(n) + ' ~~~' if (n <= 0): print 'capture in localhost' p = Process(target=take_5_snapshots(node0, listing, dir), args=()) p.start() if (n > 0): print 'capture in other nodes' lol = [listing[i:i+(n/3+1)] for i in range(0, n, n/3+1)] iteration = 0 for l in lol: print '\n' if iteration == 0 : print 'node0 = ' + str(l) p0 = Process(target=take_5_snapshots, args=(node0, opera0, l, dir,)) p0.start() if iteration == 1 : print 'node1 = ' + str(l) p1 = Process(target=take_5_snapshots, args=(node1, opera1, l, dir,)) p1.start() if iteration == 2 : print 'node2 = ' + str(l) p2 = Process(target=take_5_snapshots, args=(node2, opera2, l, dir,)) p2.start() iteration += 1 else: print 'is not a directory' else: print('ERROR') sys.exit(2) time.sleep(50) marcalize_it()
def PauseImage(self): self.pause_image = './images/pause/' + date('%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S') + '.gif' call(['cp','Graph_Update.gif',self.pause_image]) self.image = self.pause_image
sql = "INSERT INTO Visits_to_all_Personalized_Pages" + \ "(Date, MRLP_VISIT, MYA_Overview_Visit, " + \ "MRLP_and_MYA_Overview, Earn_No_MRLP_MYA, " + \ "Use_No_MRLP_MYA, Trip_Planner_No_MRLP_MYA, " + \ "Deals_No_MRLP_MYA_Use) VALUES (%s);" % values try: c.execute(sql) conn.commit() except IntegrityError: print "Duplicate dates in table (Ignoring second date)" row_count += 1 tbl_upload_date = date('%Y-%d-%m') # insert file name (and info) into table uploaded so that panda # won't try to upload it again c.execute("INSERT INTO uploaded (file, upload_date, row_count) VALUES ('%s', '%s', %d);" \ % (file_name, tbl_upload_date, row_count)) conn.commit() # glob through csvs for file in glob(join(path, 'files', 'extracts', '*.csv')): # get file name from full path file_name = file.split('\\')[-1] # don't prompt for previously uploaded files if file_name not in uploaded_files: usr_upload.append(file_name)
def daily_upload(file): '''parses and uploads text from csv to database''' # open text file f = open(join(path, 'files', 'extracts', file), 'rb') # set read to False to skip first few rows # initialize to_db to append to read = False to_db = [] for row in reader(f): if not read: # check if this is the data header try: if row[0] == 'Date' and 'instances' in row[2].lower(): read = True except IndexError: # index error on an empty row or row with less than 3 items pass else: # check if there are bookings, impressions, # or clicks before proceeding if sum([int(n) for n in row[2:6]]): # perform HTML clean up row[1] = row[1].replace('%3A', ':').replace('%7C', '|').replace('%3D', '=').replace('%20', '') # clean up date excel_date = datetime(1899, 12, 31) date_dt = datetime.strptime(row[0], '%b %d, %Y') if datetime(2014, 3, 15) <= date_dt <= datetime(2014, 4, 17): row[1] = sub(":personalizedPlacement(-[0-9]{1,}){3}", "", row[1]) row[0] = date_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') excel_serial = str((date_dt - excel_date).days) # emulate function of column A in excel workbook # by combining (modified) date and link row = [excel_serial + row[1]] + row # prk parsing prk = row[2] if prk == '' or prk == 'None': row = row + [''] * 6 else: prk_split = prk.split('|') page = prk_split[0] segment = prk_split[1] page_section = \ prk_split[2].split('pageSection=')[1].split(':')[0] placement = prk_split[2].split('placement=')[1] page_section_placement = prk_split[2] content_id = prk_split[3] row = row + [page, segment, page_section, placement, \ page_section_placement, content_id] # add categories and groupings # page_group_dict imported from page_group = "Other" for key in page_group_dict: if key in page.lower(): page_group = page_group_dict[key] break if 'ritz' in page: rewards_program = "RCR" else: rewards_program = "MR" # assign rule_group based on segment rule_group = assign_rule(segment) control_group_key = str(date_dt.year) + '_' + \ str(excel_date.month) + '_' + str( + '_' +\ page_section + '_' + placement # site_dict imported from site = 'Other' for key in site_dict: if key in page: site = site_dict[key] break if "ControlGroup" in segment: department = "TBD" elif segment in ('', 'None') or '_' not in segment: department = 'Unavailable' else: department = segment.split('_')[0] row = row + [page_group, rewards_program, rule_group, control_group_key, site, department] # append data to to_db to_db.append(row) # close text file f.close() # insert rows of csv into table mrlp str_SQL = 'INSERT INTO mrlp (ComboKey, Date, Personalization_Rule_Key, Instances, Link_Impressions, Bookings, Revenue, Bookings_Participation, Revenue_Participation, Rewards_Enrollments, Credit_Card_Apps, Hotel_Availability_Search_Visits, Promo_Registrations, Page, Segment, PageSection, Placement, PageSectionPlacement, ContentID, Page_Group, Rewards_Program, Rule_Group, ControlGroupKey, Site, Department) VALUES ' + str(tuple(['?'] * 25)).replace("'", '') + ';' c.executemany(str_SQL, to_db) conn.commit() row_count = len(to_db) tbl_upload_date = date('%Y-%d-%m') # insert file name (and info) into table uploaded so that panda # won't try to upload it again c.execute("INSERT INTO uploaded (file, upload_date, row_count) VALUES ('%s', '%s', %d);" \ % (file, tbl_upload_date, row_count)) conn.commit()
def saveProject(self): save_image = './images/' + date('%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S') + '.gif' call(['cp','Graph_Update.gif',save_image])
def say(message): data = "%s : %s" % (charactername, message) mapserv.sendall("\x8c\0%s%s" % (struct.pack("<H", len(data)+4), data)) file.write("[" + date('%H:%M:%S') + "] " + "Me: " + message + "\n")
if str( in time_tweet: time_tweet[str(] += 1 else: time_tweet[str(] = 1 offset += 1 start_time = sorted(time_tweet.iterkeys()) #sort time_tweet key print "collect tweet start at : " + str(start_time[0]) print "collect tweet end at : " + str(start_time[-1]) end_date = str((parse(start_time[-1])+datetime.timedelta(days=1)).date()) current_date = start_time[0] while current_date != end_date: time = parse(current_date) if str( not in time_tweet: time_tweet[str(] = 0 print "time : %s => value : %d" %(str(, time_tweet[str(]) data = {"date": str(, "count": time_tweet[str(] } date_tweet_collection.insert(data) current_date = str((time + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).date()) #for k in sorted(time_tweet.iterkeys()):
def verbose(message): if options.verbose: print "%s: %s" % (date('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), message)
def main(): global mapserv login = socket.socket() login.connect((server, port)) print("login connected") login.sendall("\x64\0\0\0\0\0%s%s\0" % (account.ljust(24, '\0'), password.ljust(24, '\0'))) pb = PacketBuffer() id1 = accid = id2 = sex = 0 charip = "" charport = 0 while True: data = login.recv(1500) if not data: break pb.feed(data) for packet in pb: if packet.startswith("\x69\0"): # login succeeded id1, accid, id2 = struct.unpack("<LLL", packet[4:16]) sex = ord(packet[46]) packet = packet[47:] charip = parse_ip(packet[:4]) charport = struct.unpack("<H", packet[4:6])[0] login.close() break if charip: break assert charport char = socket.socket() char.connect((charip, charport)) print("char connected") char.sendall("\x65\0%s\0\0%s" % (struct.pack("<LLL", accid, id1, id2), chr(sex))) char.recv(4) pb = PacketBuffer() mapip = "" mapport = 0 charid = 0 while True: data = char.recv(1500) if not data: break pb.feed(data) for packet in pb: if packet.startswith("\x6b\0"): char.sendall("\x66\0%s" % chr(character)) elif packet.startswith("\x71\0"): charid = struct.unpack("<L", packet[2:6])[0] mapip = parse_ip(packet[22:26]) mapport = struct.unpack("<H", packet[26:28])[0] char.close() break if mapip: break assert mapport mapserv = socket.socket() mapserv.connect((mapip, mapport)) print("map connected") mapserv.sendall("\x72\0%s" % struct.pack("<LLLLB", accid, charid, id1, id2, sex)) mapserv.recv(4) mapserv.setblocking(0) mapserv.settimeout(0.1) pb = PacketBuffer() gotresponse = set() while True: si,so,se =[sys.stdin],[],[], 0.1) for s in si: if s == sys.stdin: message = sys.stdin.readline()[:-1] if len(message) > 0: if message[0] == '/': if len(message) > 1: if (message[1] == 'q') or (message[1] == 'w'): nick = string.split(message)[1] text = string.join(string.split(message)[2:]) mapserv.sendall(whisper(nick, text)) break elif ord(message[1]) in range(ord('1'), ord('9')): smile(ord(message[1]) - ord('0')) break say(message) try: data = mapserv.recv(1500) if not data: break#exit pb.feed(data) for packet in pb: # print [hex(ord(x)) for x in packet] if packet.startswith("\x73\0"): # connected mapserv.sendall("\x7d\0") # map loaded if sit: mapserv.sendall("\x89\0\0\0\0\0\x02") # sit smile(2) elif packet.startswith("\xc0\0"): #smiley if be_confused_tree: if packet[6] == '\2': # if random.randint(0,1) == 1: print "o_0" time.sleep(0.5) smile(2) # else: # print "pffft" elif packet.startswith("\x8e\0"): # server speech message = packet[4:] print "[" + date('%H:%M:%S') + "] " + message if "automaticly banned for spam" in message: time.sleep(3) elif packet.startswith("\x8d\0"): # char speech message = re.sub(r'(##[0-9])',color_replacement_regex,packet[8:-1]) print "[" + date('%H:%M:%S') + "] " + message if len(message) > console_width: print "" file.write("[" + date('%H:%M:%S') + "] " + message + "\n") #file.flush() if be_confused_tree: (nick, msg) = message.split(" : ") msg = msg.lower() if msg.startswith(charactername.lower()): if "shut up" in msg: say("i can't do that yet:(") if "help" in msg or "daddy" in msg or "mommy" in msg: say("[@@ |]") time.sleep(0.1) elif packet.startswith("\x97\0"):#a whisper nick = packet[4:28].rstrip("\0") message = packet[28:] file.write("[" + date('%H:%M:%S') + "] " + "!!! " + nick + ": " + message + "\n") print "[" + date('%H:%M:%S') + "] " + "!!! " + nick + ": " + message except socket.timeout: pass
DIR_CONF = '%s/conf' % (DIR_APP) DIR_LOG = '%s/output/log' % (DIR_APP_ROOT) DIR_RAW = '%s/output/raw' % (DIR_APP_ROOT) DIR_REPORT = '%s/output/report' % (DIR_APP_ROOT) DIR_RESPONSE = '%s/output/response' % (DIR_APP_ROOT) DIR_CONF = '%s/conf' % (DIR_APP) # File Extensions EXT_TEST = 'json' EXT_RAW = 'raw' EXT_LOG = 'log' EXT_REPORT = 'rpt' EXT_RESPONSE = 'txt' BASH_EXEC = '/bin/bash' FILE_LOG = 'pysel_%s' % (date("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S")) # Customize the HTTP Request Headers USER_AGENT_STR = 'FeedHenry PySel Automated Tester 0.2' CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 30 # Customize the Implicit waits for elements IMPLICIT_WAIT = 30 # Create global counters COUNT_ERROR = 0 COUNT_WARNING = 0 COUNT_PIC = 0 # Define our own severity levels PYSEL_OK = 0 # OK