def settimes(self, path, accessed_time=None, modified_time=None): """Set the accessed time and modified time of a file :param path: path to a file :type path: string :param accessed_time: the datetime the file was accessed (defaults to current time) :type accessed_time: datetime :param modified_time: the datetime the file was modified (defaults to current time) :type modified_time: datetime """ sys_path = self.getsyspath(path, allow_none=True) if sys_path is not None: now = if accessed_time is None: accessed_time = now if modified_time is None: modified_time = now accessed_time = int(time.mktime(accessed_time.timetuple())) modified_time = int(time.mktime(modified_time.timetuple())) os.utime(sys_path, (accessed_time, modified_time)) return True else: raise UnsupportedError("settimes")
def createTestWorkspace(self): """ Create a workspace for testing against with ideal log values """ from mantid.simpleapi import CreateWorkspace from mantid.simpleapi import AddSampleLog from time import gmtime, strftime,mktime import numpy as np # Create a matrix workspace x = np.array([1.,2.,3.,4.]) y = np.array([1.,2.,3.]) e = np.sqrt(np.array([1.,2.,3.])) wksp = CreateWorkspace(DataX=x, DataY=y,DataE=e,NSpec=1,UnitX='TOF') # Add run_start tmptime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(mktime(gmtime()))) AddSampleLog(Workspace=wksp,LogName='run_start',LogText=str(tmptime)) tsp_a=kernel.FloatTimeSeriesProperty("SensorA") tsp_b=kernel.FloatTimeSeriesProperty("SensorB") tsp_c=kernel.FloatTimeSeriesProperty("SensorC") for i in arange(25): tmptime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(mktime(gmtime())+i)) tsp_a.addValue(tmptime, 1.0*i*i) tsp_b.addValue(tmptime, 2.0*i*i) tsp_c.addValue(tmptime, 3.0*i*i) wksp.mutableRun()['SensorA']=tsp_a wksp.mutableRun()['SensorB']=tsp_b wksp.mutableRun()['SensorC']=tsp_c return wksp
def processRepeated(self, findRunningEvent = True): if self.repeated != 0: now = int(time()) + 1 #to avoid problems with daylight saving, we need to calculate with localtime, in struct_time representation localrepeatedbegindate = localtime(self.repeatedbegindate) localbegin = localtime(self.begin) localend = localtime(self.end) localnow = localtime(now) day = [] flags = self.repeated for x in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6): if flags & 1 == 1: day.append(0) else: day.append(1) flags >>= 1 # if day is NOT in the list of repeated days # OR if the day IS in the list of the repeated days, check, if event is currently running... then if findRunningEvent is false, go to the next event while ((day[localbegin.tm_wday] != 0) or (mktime(localrepeatedbegindate) > mktime(localbegin)) or (day[localbegin.tm_wday] == 0 and (findRunningEvent and localend < localnow) or ((not findRunningEvent) and localbegin < localnow))): localbegin = self.addOneDay(localbegin) localend = self.addOneDay(localend) #we now have a struct_time representation of begin and end in localtime, but we have to calculate back to (gmt) seconds since epoch self.begin = int(mktime(localbegin)) self.end = int(mktime(localend)) if self.begin == self.end: self.end += 1 self.timeChanged()
def generate_sample_datasets (host_ips, metric_ids, year, month, day, hour): avro_schema = '' #load data from hdfs cat = subprocess.Popen(['sudo', '-u', 'hdfs', 'hadoop', 'fs', '-cat', '/user/pnda/PNDA_datasets/datasets/.metadata/schema.avsc'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in cat.stdout: avro_schema = avro_schema + line schema = avro.schema.parse(avro_schema) bytes_writer = io.BytesIO() encoder = #create hdfs folder structure dir = create_hdfs_dirs (year, month, day, hour) filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.avro' filepath = dir + filename tmp_file = '/tmp/' + filename writer = DataFileWriter(open(tmp_file, "w"), DatumWriter(), schema) start_dt = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, 0, 0) start_ts = int(time.mktime(start_dt.timetuple())) end_dt = start_dt.replace(hour=hour+1) end_ts = int(time.mktime(end_dt.timetuple())) for ts in xrange(start_ts, end_ts, 1): #generate random pnda record on per host ip basis for host_ip in host_ips: record = {} record['timestamp'] = (ts * 1000) record['src'] = 'test' record['host_ip'] = host_ip record['rawdata'] = generate_random_metrics(metric_ids) #encode avro writer.append(record) writer.close() subprocess.Popen(['sudo', '-u', 'hdfs', 'hadoop', 'fs', '-copyFromLocal', tmp_file, dir]) return filepath
def validate_data(info): hack_license,pick_datetime,drop_datetime,n_passengers,trip_dist,pick_long,\ pick_lat,drop_long,drop_lat,payment_type,fare_amount,\ surcharge,tip_amount,mta_tax,tolls_amount,total_amount=info time_in_seconds = time.mktime(time.strptime(drop_datetime,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))-\ time.mktime(time.strptime(pick_datetime,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) try: pick_long = float(pick_long.strip()) pick_lat = float(pick_lat.strip()) drop_long = float(drop_long.strip()) drop_lat = float(drop_lat.strip()) trip_dist = float(trip_dist.strip()) total_amount = float(total_amount.strip()) n_passengers = int(n_passengers.strip()) except ValueError: sys.stderr.write('CASTING TO FLOATS FAILED') return False # Is the straight distance shorter than the reported distance? euclidean = validate_euclidean(trip_dist,pick_long,pick_lat,drop_long,drop_lat) gps_pickup = validate_gps(pick_long,pick_lat) # Are the GPS coordinates present in Manhattan gps_dropoff = validate_gps(drop_long,drop_lat) distance = validate_distance(trip_dist,pick_long,pick_lat,drop_long,drop_lat) # Are distances too big val_time = validate_time(time_in_seconds) # Are times too long or 0? Are they positive? velocity = validate_velocity(time_in_seconds,trip_dist) # Is velocity too out of reach amount = validate_amount(total_amount) pass_validate = validate_passengers(n_passengers) return(euclidean and gps_pickup and gps_dropoff and distance and val_time and velocity and amount and pass_validate)
def morsel_to_cookie(morsel): """Convert a Morsel object into a Cookie containing the one k/v pair.""" expiry = morsel["max-age"] or morsel["expires"] try: # Is the expiry a date string (expires) or number (max-age)? float(expiry) except ValueError: # The expiry is a date string, use strptime try: expiry = mktime(datetime.strptime(expiry, "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z").timetuple()) except ValueError: # There is no expiry expiry = None else: # The expiry is a max-age, use numbers expiry = int(mktime(gmtime()) + float(expiry)) c = create_cookie( name=morsel.key, value=morsel.value, version=morsel['version'] or 0, domain=morsel['domain'], path=morsel['path'], secure=bool(morsel['secure']), expires=expiry, discard=False, rest={'HttpOnly': morsel['httponly']} ) return c
def loadAccountInfo(self, user, req): validuntil = None trafficleft = None premium = None html = req.load("") premium =, html) is None m =, html) if m: expiredate = self.logDebug("Expire date: " + expiredate) try: validuntil = time.mktime(time.strptime(expiredate, "%b %d, %Y")) except Exception, e: self.logError(e) else: if validuntil > time.mktime(time.gmtime()): premium = True else: premium = False validuntil = None
def to_dict(self): return { "DeliveryStreamDescription": { "CreateTimestamp": time.mktime(self.create_at.timetuple()), "DeliveryStreamARN": self.arn, "DeliveryStreamName":, "DeliveryStreamStatus": self.status, "Destinations": [ { "DestinationId": "string", "RedshiftDestinationDescription": { "ClusterJDBCURL": self.redshift_jdbc_url, "CopyCommand": self.redshift_copy_command, "RoleARN": self.redshift_role_arn, "S3DestinationDescription": { "BucketARN": self.redshift_s3_bucket_arn, "BufferingHints": self.redshift_s3_buffering_hings, "CompressionFormat": self.redshift_s3_compression_format, "Prefix": self.redshift_s3_prefix, "RoleARN": self.redshift_s3_role_arn, }, "Username": self.redshift_username, }, } ], "HasMoreDestinations": False, "LastUpdateTimestamp": time.mktime(self.last_updated.timetuple()), "VersionId": "string", } }
def log_query(request, requestOptions, requestContext, renderingTime): timeRange = requestOptions['endTime'] - requestOptions['startTime'] logdata = { 'graphType': requestOptions['graphType'], 'graphClass': requestOptions.get('graphClass'), 'format': requestOptions.get('format'), 'start': int(mktime(requestOptions['startTime'].utctimetuple())), 'end': int(mktime(requestOptions['endTime'].utctimetuple())), 'range': timeRange.days * 24 * 3600 + int(round(timeRange.seconds/60.)), 'localOnly': requestOptions['localOnly'], 'useCache': 'noCache' not in requestOptions, 'cachedResponse': requestContext.get('cachedResponse', False), 'cachedData': requestContext.get('cachedData', False), 'maxDataPoints': requestOptions.get('maxDataPoints', 0), 'renderingTime': renderingTime, } if 'HTTP_X_REAL_IP' in request.META: logdata['source'] = request.META['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'] else: logdata['source'] = request.get_host() for target,retrievalTime in requestContext['targets']: if isinstance(target, list): for t in target: logdata['target'] = t logdata['retrievalTime'] = retrievalTime else: logdata['target'] = target logdata['retrievalTime'] = retrievalTime
def setup(self): self.record = ACROSCORE + strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M') + '.game' open(self.record, "w") = True self.cumulative = {} self.start = mktime(localtime()) self.mark = mktime(localtime()) self.round = 1 self.stage = "waiting" self.matchlast = False self.killgame = False self.warned = False self.bypass = False self.displayed = False self.voters = [] self.players = [] self.gimps = {} self.selfsubbed = False self.paused = False self.killgame = False
def add_separator(self, timestamp): '''Add whitespace and timestamp between chat sessions.''' time_with_current_year = \ (time.localtime(time.time())[0], ) + \ time.strptime(timestamp, '%b %d %H:%M:%S')[1:] timestamp_seconds = time.mktime(time_with_current_year) if timestamp_seconds > time.time(): time_with_previous_year = \ (time.localtime(time.time())[0] - 1, ) + \ time.strptime(timestamp, '%b %d %H:%M:%S')[1:] timestamp_seconds = time.mktime(time_with_previous_year) message = TextBox(self, style.COLOR_BUTTON_GREY, style.COLOR_BUTTON_GREY, style.COLOR_WHITE, style.COLOR_BUTTON_GREY, False, None, timestamp_to_elapsed_string(timestamp_seconds)) self._message_list.append(message) box = Gtk.HBox() align = xalign=0.5, yalign=0.0, xscale=0.0, yscale=0.0) box.pack_start(align, True, True, 0) align.add(message) self._conversation.attach(box, 0, self._row_counter, 1, 1) self._row_counter += 1 self.add_log_timestamp(timestamp) self._last_msg_sender = None
def do_offset(tuples_list, filename, format ='%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S', offset_val=0): new_tuples_list = [] firstval = time.strptime(tuples_list[0][0], format) if filename != "slide_timestamps.txt": def_time = 'Apr 01, 2000 00:00:00' else : def_time = 'Apr 01 2000 00:00:00' conversion_timer = time.mktime(time.strptime(def_time, format)) for item in tuples_list: t= item[0] timer = time.strptime(t, format) ##3,4,5 timer = time.mktime(timer) - time.mktime(firstval) + conversion_timer + offset_val timer = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",time.localtime(timer)) if filename == "spectrum.txt": line_list = [timer] for i in json.loads(item[1]): line_list.append(i) #print line_list new_tuples_list.append(tuple(line_list)) else: line_list = [timer] for i in item[1:]: line_list.append(i) #print line_list new_tuples_list.append(tuple(line_list)) return new_tuples_list
def _createSearchRequest(self, search=None, tags=None, notebooks=None, date=None, exact_entry=None, content_search=None): request = "" if notebooks: for notebook in tools.strip(notebooks.split(',')): if notebook.startswith('-'): request += '-notebook:"%s" ' % tools.strip(notebook[1:]) else: request += 'notebook:"%s" ' % tools.strip(notebook) if tags: for tag in tools.strip(tags.split(',')): if tag.startswith('-'): request += '-tag:"%s" ' % tag[1:] else: request += 'tag:"%s" ' % tag if date: date = tools.strip(date.split('-')) try: dateStruct = time.strptime(date[0] + " 00:00:00", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") request += 'created:%s ' % time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(time.mktime(dateStruct))) if len(date) == 2: dateStruct = time.strptime(date[1] + " 00:00:00", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") request += '-created:%s ' % time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(time.mktime(dateStruct) + 60 * 60 * 24)) except ValueError, e: out.failureMessage('Incorrect date format in --date attribute. ' 'Format: %s' % time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y", time.strptime('19991231', "%Y%m%d"))) return tools.exitErr()
def _calculate_offset(date, local_tz): """ input : date : date type local_tz : if true, use system timezone, otherwise return 0 return the date of UTC offset. If date does not have any timezone info, we use local timezone, otherwise return 0 """ if local_tz: # handle year before 1970 most sytem there is no timezone information before 1970. if date.year < 1970: # Use 1972 because 1970 doesn't have a leap day t = time.mktime(date.replace(year=1972).timetuple) else: t = time.mktime(date.timetuple()) # handle daylightsaving, if daylightsaving use altzone, otherwise use timezone if time.localtime(t).tm_isdst: return -time.altzone else: return -time.timezone else: return 0
def get_feed_entries(feeds): entries = [] for feed in feeds: d = feedparser.parse(feed.get('feed_url')) for entry in d.entries: entry.publisher = feed['title'] # entry.publisher_icon = feed['icon'] if 'media_content' in entry: if entry.media_content[0]['medium'] == 'image': entry.image = entry.media_content[0]['url'] elif 'content' in entry: soup = BeautifulSoup(entry.content[0]['value'], 'html.parser') image = soup.find_all('img')[0] entry.image = image.get('src') published = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(entry.published_parsed)) updated = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(entry.updated_parsed)) entry.published = published entry.updated = updated entries.append(entry) return sorted(entries, key=attrgetter('published'), reverse=True)
def next_reset(self, t=None): """ Determine next reset time """ t = t or time.time() tm = time.localtime(t) if self.q_period == 'd': nx = (tm[0], tm[1], tm[2], self.q_hour, self.q_minute, 0, 0, 0, tm[8]) if (tm.tm_hour * 60 + tm.tm_min) >= (self.q_hour * 60 + self.q_minute): # If today's moment has passed, it will happen tomorrow t = time.mktime(nx) + 24 * 3600 tm = time.localtime(t) elif self.q_period == 'w': if self.q_day < tm.tm_wday + 1 or (self.q_day == tm.tm_wday + 1 and (tm.tm_hour * 60 + tm.tm_min) >= (self.q_hour * 60 + self.q_minute)): tm = time.localtime(next_week(t)) dif = abs(self.q_day - tm.tm_wday - 1) t = time.mktime(tm) + dif * 24 * 3600 tm = time.localtime(t) elif self.q_period == 'm': if self.q_day < tm.tm_mday or (self.q_day == tm.tm_mday and (tm.tm_hour * 60 + tm.tm_min) >= (self.q_hour * 60 + self.q_minute)): tm = time.localtime(next_month(t)) day = min(last_month_day(tm), self.q_day) tm = (tm[0], tm[1], day, self.q_hour, self.q_minute, 0, 0, 0, tm[8]) else: return tm = (tm[0], tm[1], tm[2], self.q_hour, self.q_minute, 0, 0, 0, tm[8]) self.q_time = time.mktime(tm) logging.debug('Will reset quota at %s', tm)
def _add_event(self, title, date, start, end, all_day, url=None, description=None): if isinstance(title, unicode): title = title.encode('utf8') values = dict(title=title, all_day=all_day and 'true' or 'false', guid=self.guid, ) if date: values['date'] = mktime(date.timetuple()) else: values['start'] = mktime(start.timetuple()) values['end'] = mktime(end.timetuple()) if url is not None: values['url'] = url if description is not None: values['description'] = description data = urlencode(values) url = self.base_url + '/api/events' req = urllib2.Request(url, data) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) content = event = anyjson.deserialize(content)['event'] self._massage_event(event) return event, response.code == 201
def test_successfully_sets_utime(self): now = epoch_now = time.mktime(now.timetuple()) with temporary_file("w") as f: set_file_utime(, epoch_now) _, update_time = get_file_stat( self.assertEqual(time.mktime(update_time.timetuple()), epoch_now)
def test_find_by_email(self): user = User.find_by_email('*****@*****.**') self.assertEqual(None, user.user_id) self.assertEqual('*****@*****.**', self.assertEqual('Joe', self.assertEqual('', user.last_seen_ip) self.assertEqual('Mozilla/5.0', user.last_seen_user_agent) self.assertEqual(50, user.relationship_score) self.assertTrue(isinstance(user.last_impression_at, datetime)) self.assertEqual(1331834352, time.mktime(user.last_impression_at.timetuple())) self.assertTrue(isinstance(user.created_at, datetime)) self.assertEqual(1331764344, time.mktime(user.created_at.timetuple())) self.assertTrue(1, len(user.social_profiles)) profile = user.social_profiles[0] self.assertTrue(isinstance(profile, SocialProfile)) self.assertEqual('twitter', profile.type) self.assertEqual('foo', profile.username) self.assertEqual('', profile.url) self.assertEqual('1234567', self.assertEqual('Santiago', user.location_data['city_name']) self.assertEqual('Santiago', user.location_data.city_name) self.assertTrue(isinstance(user.location_data, LocationData)) self.assertEqual('johnny', user.custom_data['nick'])
def get_all_bw_usage(self, instances, start_time, stop_time=None): """Return bandwidth usage info for each interface on each running VM""" # we only care about VMs that correspond to a nova-managed # instance: imap = dict([(, inst.uuid) for inst in instances]) bwusage = [] start_time = time.mktime(start_time.timetuple()) if stop_time: stop_time = time.mktime(stop_time.timetuple()) # get a dictionary of instance names. values are dictionaries # of mac addresses with values that are the bw stats: # e.g. {'instance-001' : { 12:34:56:78:90:12 : {'bw_in': 0, ....}} iusages = self._vmops.get_all_bw_usage(start_time, stop_time) for instance_name in iusages: if instance_name in imap: # yes these are stats for a nova-managed vm # correlate the stats with the nova instance uuid: iusage = iusages[instance_name] for macaddr, usage in iusage.iteritems(): bwusage.append(dict(mac_address=macaddr, uuid=imap[instance_name], bw_in=usage['bw_in'], bw_out=usage['bw_out'])) return bwusage
def quotes_yahoo(ticker, begin, end): cookies = dict(B='79bclatd788ib&b=3&s=vt') crumb = 'x.eNt0GsePI' period1 = int(time.mktime(begin.timetuple())) period2 = int(time.mktime(end.timetuple())) url = '''{0}?period1={1}&period2={2}&interval=1d&events=history&crumb={3}''' s = requests.Session() r = s.get(url.format(ticker, period1, period2, crumb), cookies=cookies) if r.text.startswith('{"chart":{"result":null,"error"'): raise IOError(r.text) quote = {} lines = r.text.split('\n') items = [item.lower() for item in lines[0].split(',')] for item in items: quote[item] = [] for line in lines[1:-1]: i = 0 for data in line.split(','): data = data.replace("'", "") try: quote[items[i]].append(float(data)) except: quote[items[i]].append(data) i+=1 return quote
def pop_second(self): parsed_sec = AbstractReader.pop_second(self) if parsed_sec: self.pending_second_data_queue.append(parsed_sec) else: self.log.debug("No new seconds present") if not self.pending_second_data_queue: self.log.debug("pending_second_data_queue empty") return None else: self.log.debug("pending_second_data_queue: %s", self.pending_second_data_queue) next_time = int(time.mktime(self.pending_second_data_queue[0].time.timetuple())) if self.last_sample_time and (next_time - self.last_sample_time) > 1: self.last_sample_time += 1 self.log.debug("Adding phantom zero sample: %s", self.last_sample_time) res = self.get_zero_sample(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.last_sample_time)) else: res = self.pending_second_data_queue.pop(0) self.last_sample_time = int(time.mktime(res.time.timetuple())) res.overall.planned_requests = self.__get_expected_rps() self.log.debug("Pop result: %s", res) return res
def __validateArgs(): #=============================================================================== if len(sys.argv) < 5: print "python",sys.argv[0], "CIK ALIAS SINCE UNTIL" print "where CIK: one platform client key" print " ALIAS: dataport alias" print " SINCE: MM/DD/YYYY" print " UNTIL: MM/DD/YYYY" sys.exit(1) cik, alias, since, until = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4] if len(cik) != 40: print "Invalid cik" sys.exit(1) since = since + " 00:00:00" until = until + " 23:59:59" try: start = datetime.strptime(since, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") end = datetime.strptime(until, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") except ValueError as err: print "Invalid time format." sys.exit(1) start_timestamp = int(time.mktime(start.timetuple())) end_timestamp = int(time.mktime(end.timetuple())) if start_timestamp > end_timestamp: print "SINCE must not be greater than UNTIL" sys.exit(1) return cik, alias, start_timestamp, end_timestamp
def ger(self): query = self.get_argument('q') client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient() # yield关键字以及tornado.gen.Task对象的一个实例实现函数的调用和参数的传入 # yield的使用返回程序对Tornado的控制,允许在HTTP请求进行中执行其他任务。 # HTTP请求完成时,RequestHandler方法在其停止的地方恢复。 response = yield tornado.gen.Task(client.fetch, "" + \ urllib.urlencode({"q": query, "result_type": "recent", "rpp": 100})) body = json.loads(response.body) result_count = len(body['results']) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() raw_oldest_tweet_at = body['results'][-1]['created_at'] oldest_tweet_at = datetime.datetime.strptime(raw_oldest_tweet_at, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000") seconds_diff = time.mktime(now.timetuple()) - \ time.mktime(oldest_tweet_at.timetuple()) tweets_per_second = float(result_count) / seconds_diff self.write(""" <div style="text-align: center"> <div style="font-size: 72px">%s</div> <div style="font-size: 144px">%.02f</div> <div style="font-size: 24px">tweets per second</div> </div>""" % (query, tweets_per_second)) self.finish()
def findSchedule(self): for event in self.new_events: is_scheduled = False curr_time = self.end_date - event.duration while not is_scheduled and not curr_time < self.start_date: event.start = curr_time event.end = curr_time + event.duration is_valid = True # check conflicts with current schedule for component in self.ical.walk(): if == 'VEVENT': #try: dc = component.decoded dtstart = time.mktime(time.strptime(str(dc('dtstart')), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+00:00'))/60 dtend = time.mktime(time.strptime(str(dc('dtend')), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+00:00'))/60 if curr_time > dtstart and curr_time < dtend or curr_time + event.duration > dtstart and curr_time + event.duration < dtend or curr_time < dtstart and curr_time + event.duration > dtend or curr_time > dtstart and curr_time + event.duration < dtend or curr_time == dtstart or curr_time + event.duration == dtend: is_valid = False break if is_valid: for constraint in event.constraints: if not constraint.isValid(event, self.ical): is_valid = False break if is_valid: self.addToCalendar(event) is_scheduled = True else: curr_time -= 30
def cont_position(posdata): #returns a list with a continious position of the user for every minute, None if unkown position cont_pos = [] for t in range(24*60): prev = prevpos(posdata, time.mktime(config.SAMPLE_DAY.timetuple())+60*t) next = nextpos(posdata, time.mktime(config.SAMPLE_DAY.timetuple())+60*t) closest = None if prev != None and next != None: if abs(prev[0]-60*t) <= abs(next[0]-60*t): #select the closest position closest = prev else: closest = next elif prev != None: closest = prev elif next != None: closest = next else: closest = None if closest == None: #no position found cont_pos.append((None, None, 0.0)) #lat, lon, confidence elif abs(closest[0]-(time.mktime(config.SAMPLE_DAY.timetuple())+60*t)) < 10*60: #known position cont_pos.append((closest[1], closest[2], 1.0)) #lat, lon, confidence elif prev != None and next != None and (prev[1:2] == next[1:2]) and abs(prev[0]-next[0]) < 3*60*60: #probable position, if previous and next cell are the same cont_pos.append((closest[1], closest[2], 0.2)) #lat, lon, confidence else: #position too old cont_pos.append((None, None, 0.0)) #lat, lon, confidence assert(len(cont_pos) == 24*60) return cont_pos
def runUntil(self, stopDate=None, **kw): """Runs the EventLoop until the given time plus interval have been reached or it runs out of things to monitor. This method should not be called when the EventLoop is already running. The current time is assumed, if no date time is passed in. Examples:(note, these aren't real doctests yet) Run until a given date, say St. Patty's day >> date=datetime.datetime(2007, 03,17, 17,00) >> EventLoop.currentEventLoop().runUntil(dateAndTime) Additionally you can pass in any keyword argument normally taken by daetutilse.relativedelta to derive the date. These include: years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds These are moste useful when you want to compute the relative offset from now. For example to run the EventLoop for 5 seconds you could do this. >> EventLoop.currentEventLoop().runUntil(seconds=5) Or, probably not as practical but still possible, wait one year and 3 days >> EventLoop.currentEventLoop().runUntil(years=1, days=3) """ if self.running: raise RuntimeError("EventLoop is already running.") else: self.running = True delta = relativedelta(**kw) now = if stopDate is None: stopDate = now stopDate = now + delta # convert the time back into seconds since the epoch, # subtract now from it, and this will then be the delay we # can use seconds2Run = time.mktime(stopDate.timetuple()) - time.mktime(now.timetuple()) self.waitBeforeCalling(seconds2Run, self.stop) while self._shouldRun(1): try: self.runOnce() except: self.log.exception("Caught unexpected error in RunOnce.") self.reset()
def __init__( self, timestr=None, timezone=LOCALTZ, allowpast=True, allowfuture=True): """ Converts input to UTC timestamp. """ if timestr is None: timestr = time.time() self.timezone = timezone if type(timestr) == str: self.__timestamp__ = self.__fromstring__(timestr) elif type(timestr) in [int, float]: self.__timestamp__ = timestr + self.timezone elif type(timestr) in [ datetime.datetime,, datetime.time ]: self.__timestamp__ = time.mktime(timestr.timetuple()) elif type(timestr) == time.struct_time: self.__timestamp__ = time.mktime(timestr) + self.timezone else: raise TypeError("Invalid type specified.") if not allowpast and self.__timestamp__ < currentutc(): raise DateRangeError("Values from the past are not allowed.") if not allowfuture and self.__timestamp__ > currentutc(): raise DateRangeError("Values from the future are not allowed.")
def get_actions(self,coordinator): accumulator=dict() accumulator['total']=0 try: url = "http://" + + ":" + str(self.port) + self.api_url['actions_from_coordinator'] % (coordinator,0,0) response = requests.get(url, auth=self.html_auth) if not response.ok: return {} total_actions=json.loads(response.content)['total'] url = "http://" + + ":" + str(self.port) + self.api_url['actions_from_coordinator'] % (coordinator,total_actions-self.query_size,self.query_size) response = requests.get(url, auth=self.html_auth) if not response.ok: return {} actions = json.loads(response.content)['actions'] for action in actions: created=time.mktime(self.time_conversion(action['createdTime'])) modified=time.mktime(self.time_conversion(action['lastModifiedTime'])) runtime=modified-created if accumulator.get(action['status']) is None: accumulator[action['status']]=defaultdict(int) accumulator[action['status']]['count']+=1 accumulator[action['status']]['runtime']+=runtime accumulator['total']+=1 except: logging.error('http request error: "%s"' % url) return {} return accumulator
def create_id_token(user, aud, nonce): """ Receives a user object and aud (audience). Then creates the id_token dictionary. See: Return a dic. """ sub = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_SUB_GENERATOR')(user=user) expires_in = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_EXPIRE') # Convert datetimes into timestamps. now = iat_time = int(time.mktime(now.timetuple())) exp_time = int(time.mktime((now + timedelta(seconds=expires_in)).timetuple())) user_auth_time = user.last_login or user.date_joined auth_time = int(time.mktime(user_auth_time.timetuple())) dic = { 'iss': get_issuer(), 'sub': sub, 'aud': str(aud), 'exp': exp_time, 'iat': iat_time, 'auth_time': auth_time, } if nonce: dic['nonce'] = str(nonce) return dic
def get_data_agents_resports_total_merchart(self, args=None, critern_name=None, critern_parent=None): # 查询总的 res_total = db.session.query( OnlinetradesDao.user_name.label('user_name'), func.sum(OnlinetradesDao.real_cost_agent).label('cost_agent'), func.count('agents_number')).group_by( OnlinetradesDao.user_name).filter(*args) res_total = res_total.subquery() res_total_amount = db.session.query( OnlinetradesDao.user_name.label('user_name'), func.sum( OnlinetradesDao.amount).label('cost_agent_amount')).group_by( OnlinetradesDao.user_name).filter(*args).filter( OnlinetradesDao.state == 2) res_total_amount = res_total_amount.subquery() # 查询今日 today = zeroPointToday = int(time.mktime(today.timetuple())) endPointToday = zeroPointToday + SECONDS_PER_DAY res_day = db.session.query( OnlinetradesDao.user_name.label('user_name'), func.sum(OnlinetradesDao.amount).label('sum_amount_day')).filter( and_(OnlinetradesDao.audit_time >= zeroPointToday, OnlinetradesDao.audit_time <= endPointToday)).group_by( OnlinetradesDao.user_name) res_day = res_day.outerjoin( MerchantDao, MerchantDao.code == OnlinetradesDao.mer_code) res_day = res_day.subquery() # 查讯昨日 endPointToday = zeroPointToday + SECONDS_PER_DAY endPointYestoday = zeroPointToday # print('昨日%s' % endPointYestoday) zeroPointYestoday = endPointYestoday - 60 * 60 * 24 res_yes = db.session.query( OnlinetradesDao.user_name.label('user_name'), func.sum(OnlinetradesDao.amount).label('sum_amount_yes')).filter( and_(OnlinetradesDao.audit_time >= zeroPointYestoday, OnlinetradesDao.audit_time <= endPointYestoday)).group_by( OnlinetradesDao.user_name) res_yes = res_yes.outerjoin( MerchantDao, MerchantDao.code == OnlinetradesDao.mer_code) res_yes = res_yes.subquery() q = db.session.query( res_total.c.user_name.label('user_name'), res_total.c.cost_agent.label('cost_agent'), res_total_amount.c.cost_agent_amount.label('cost_agent_amount'), res_total.c.agents_number.label('agents_number'), res_day.c.sum_amount_day.label('sum_amount_day'), res_yes.c.sum_amount_yes.label('sum_amount_yes')) q = q.outerjoin(res_day, res_day.c.user_name == res_total.c.user_name) q = q.outerjoin(res_yes, res_yes.c.user_name == res_total.c.user_name) q = q.outerjoin(res_total_amount, res_total_amount.c.user_name == res_total.c.user_name) q = q.subquery() res = db.session.query( MerchantDao.parent_name.label('username'), func.sum(q.c.cost_agent).label('cost_agent'), func.sum(q.c.cost_agent_amount).label('cost_agent_amount'), func.sum(q.c.agents_number).label('agents_number'), func.sum(q.c.sum_amount_day).label('sum_amount_day'), func.sum(q.c.sum_amount_yes).label('sum_amount_yes'), ).group_by(MerchantDao.parent_name).filter(*critern_name) res = res.outerjoin(q, q.c.user_name == MerchantDao.username) res = res.subquery() res_res = db.session.query( MerchantDao.username.label('username'), MerchantDao.amount.label('amount'), res.c.cost_agent.label('cost_agent'), res.c.cost_agent_amount.label('cost_agent_amount'), res.c.agents_number.label('agents_number'), res.c.sum_amount_day.label('sum_amount_day'), res.c.sum_amount_yes.label('sum_amount_yes'), ).filter(*critern_parent) res_res = res_res.outerjoin(res, res.c.username == MerchantDao.username) res_res = res_res.all() return res_res
def set(text, context): """ Allows individual settings to be created """ if len(text) == 0 or text.strip() == '': return slack_response(FN_RESPONSE_SET) parts, setting = validate_input(text, FN_RESPONSE_SET) if setting == 'url': if len(parts) != 3: return slack_response(ERR_SET_SETTING_3_ARGS + FN_RESPONSE_SET) value = {parts[1]: parts[2]} val_type = "M" if setting == 'urlpattern': if len(parts) != 2: return slack_response(ERR_SET_SETTING_2_ARGS + FN_RESPONSE_SET) value = parts[1] if ('{environment}' not in value and '{urlseparator}' not in value and '{basedomain}' not in value): return slack_response(ERR_SET_URLPATTERN_SPECIFIC_VARS) val_type = "S" if setting == 'basedomain': if len(parts) != 2: return slack_response(ERR_SET_SETTING_2_ARGS + FN_RESPONSE_SET) value = parts[1] val_type = "S" if setting == 'urlseparator': if len(parts) != 2: return slack_response(ERR_SET_SETTING_2_ARGS + FN_RESPONSE_SET) value = parts[1] val_type = "S" setting = 'setting_{}'.format(setting) table = dynamodb.Table(os.environ['DYNAMODB_TABLE_PROJECT']) entries = table.scan() for entry in entries['Items']: if entry['slack_channelid'] == context['channel_id']: entry['updatedAt'] = int(time.mktime( if setting in entry and val_type == "M": # only override the key we've changed value = entry[setting] value[parts[1]] = parts[2] table.update_item( Key={ 'repository': entry['repository'], 'slack_channelid': entry['slack_channelid'] }, UpdateExpression='SET {} = :v'.format(setting), ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':v': value, # surely {val_type: value} for maps ? }, ReturnValues="ALL_NEW") return slack_response(FN_RESPONSE_SET_CONFIRM % (setting[8:], " ".join(parts[1::]))) return slack_response(ERR_SET)
def import_item(self, item, out_folder=None): """Takes an item from the feed and creates a post file.""" if out_folder is None: out_folder = 'posts' # link is something like # So, take the path, utils.slugify it, and that's our slug link = link_path = urlparse(link).path title = item.title # blogger supports empty titles, which Nikola doesn't if not title: LOGGER.warn("Empty title in post with URL {0}. Using NO_TITLE " "as placeholder, please fix.".format(link)) title = "NO_TITLE" if link_path.lower().endswith('.html'): link_path = link_path[:-5] slug = utils.slugify(link_path) if not slug: # should never happen LOGGER.error("Error converting post:", title) return description = '' post_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.mktime(item.published_parsed)) for candidate in item.content: if candidate.type == 'text/html': content = candidate.value break # FIXME: handle attachments tags = [] for tag in item.tags: if tag.scheme == '': tags.append(tag.term) if item.get('app_draft'): tags.append('draft') is_draft = True else: is_draft = False self.url_map[link] = self.context['SITE_URL'] + '/' + \ out_folder + '/' + slug + '.html' if is_draft and self.exclude_drafts: LOGGER.notice('Draft "{0}" will not be imported.'.format(title)) elif content.strip(): # If no content is found, no files are written. content = self.transform_content(content) self.write_metadata( os.path.join(self.output_folder, out_folder, slug + '.meta'), title, slug, post_date, description, tags) self.write_content( os.path.join(self.output_folder, out_folder, slug + '.html'), content) else: LOGGER.warn('Not going to import "{0}" because it seems to contain' ' no content.'.format(title))
def getCurrentEpochTime() -> int: return int(time.mktime(
def get_week_start_timestamp(time_check, time_split=0): dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time_check).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) monday = dt - datetime.timedelta(days=dt.weekday()) return int(time.mktime((monday.year, monday.month,, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))) + time_split
def parse_date_to_float(date): try: return time.mktime(email.utils.parsedate(date)) except TypeError: return 0.0
def history(self, period="1mo", interval="1d", start=None, end=None, prepost=False, actions=True, auto_adjust=True, back_adjust=False, proxy=None, rounding=True, tz=None, **kwargs): """ :Parameters: period : str Valid periods: 1d,5d,1mo,3mo,6mo,1y,2y,5y,10y,ytd,max Either Use period parameter or use start and end interval : str Valid intervals: 1m,2m,5m,15m,30m,60m,90m,1h,1d,5d,1wk,1mo,3mo Intraday data cannot extend last 60 days start: str Download start date string (YYYY-MM-DD) or _datetime. Default is 1900-01-01 end: str Download end date string (YYYY-MM-DD) or _datetime. Default is now prepost : bool Include Pre and Post market data in results? Default is False auto_adjust: bool Adjust all OHLC automatically? Default is True back_adjust: bool Back-adjusted data to mimic true historical prices proxy: str Optional. Proxy server URL scheme. Default is None rounding: bool Round values to 2 decimal places? Optional. Default is False = precision suggested by Yahoo! tz: str Optional timezone locale for dates. (default data is returned as non-localized dates) **kwargs: dict debug: bool Optional. If passed as False, will suppress error message printing to console. """ if start or period is None or period.lower() == "max": if start is None: start = -2208988800 elif isinstance(start, _datetime.datetime): start = int(_time.mktime(start.timetuple())) else: start = int(_time.mktime( _time.strptime(str(start), '%Y-%m-%d'))) if end is None: end = int(_time.time()) elif isinstance(end, _datetime.datetime): end = int(_time.mktime(end.timetuple())) else: end = int(_time.mktime(_time.strptime(str(end), '%Y-%m-%d'))) params = {"period1": start, "period2": end} else: period = period.lower() params = {"range": period} params["interval"] = interval.lower() params["includePrePost"] = prepost params["events"] = "div,splits" # 1) fix weired bug with Yahoo! - returning 60m for 30m bars if params["interval"] == "30m": params["interval"] = "15m" # setup proxy in requests format if proxy is not None: if isinstance(proxy, dict) and "https" in proxy: proxy = proxy["https"] proxy = {"https": proxy} # Getting data from json url = "{}/v8/finance/chart/{}".format(self._base_url, self.ticker) data = _requests.get(url=url, params=params, proxies=proxy) if "Will be right back" in data.text: raise RuntimeError("*** YAHOO! FINANCE IS CURRENTLY DOWN! ***\n" "Our engineers are working quickly to resolve " "the issue. Thank you for your patience.") data = data.json() # Work with errors debug_mode = True if "debug" in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs["debug"], bool): debug_mode = kwargs["debug"] err_msg = "No data found for this date range, symbol may be delisted" if "chart" in data and data["chart"]["error"]: err_msg = data["chart"]["error"]["description"] shared._DFS[self.ticker] = utils.empty_df() shared._ERRORS[self.ticker] = err_msg if "many" not in kwargs and debug_mode: print('- %s: %s' % (self.ticker, err_msg)) return shared._DFS[self.ticker] if "chart" not in data or data["chart"]["result"] is None or \ not data["chart"]["result"]: shared._DFS[self.ticker] = utils.empty_df() shared._ERRORS[self.ticker] = err_msg if "many" not in kwargs and debug_mode: print('- %s: %s' % (self.ticker, err_msg)) return shared._DFS[self.ticker] # parse quotes try: quotes = utils.parse_quotes(data["chart"]["result"][0], tz) except Exception: shared._DFS[self.ticker] = utils.empty_df() shared._ERRORS[self.ticker] = err_msg if "many" not in kwargs and debug_mode: print('- %s: %s' % (self.ticker, err_msg)) return shared._DFS[self.ticker] # 2) fix weired bug with Yahoo! - returning 60m for 30m bars if interval.lower() == "30m": quotes2 = quotes.resample('30T') quotes = _pd.DataFrame(index=quotes2.last().index, data={ 'Open': quotes2['Open'].first(), 'High': quotes2['High'].max(), 'Low': quotes2['Low'].min(), 'Close': quotes2['Close'].last(), 'Adj Close': quotes2['Adj Close'].last(), 'Volume': quotes2['Volume'].sum() }) try: quotes['Dividends'] = quotes2['Dividends'].max() except Exception: pass try: quotes['Stock Splits'] = quotes2['Dividends'].max() except Exception: pass if auto_adjust: quotes = utils.auto_adjust(quotes) elif back_adjust: quotes = utils.back_adjust(quotes) if rounding: quotes = _np.round(quotes, data[ "chart"]["result"][0]["meta"]["priceHint"]) quotes['Volume'] = quotes['Volume'].fillna(0).astype(_np.int64) quotes.dropna(inplace=True) # actions dividends, splits = utils.parse_actions(data["chart"]["result"][0], tz) # combine df = _pd.concat([quotes, dividends, splits], axis=1, sort=True) df["Dividends"].fillna(0, inplace=True) df["Stock Splits"].fillna(0, inplace=True) # index eod/intraday df.index = df.index.tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert( data["chart"]["result"][0]["meta"]["exchangeTimezoneName"]) if params["interval"][-1] in {"m", "h"}: = "Datetime" else: df.index = _pd.to_datetime( if tz is not None: df.index = df.index.tz_localize(tz) = "Date" self._history = df.copy() if not actions: df.drop(columns=["Dividends", "Stock Splits"], inplace=True) return df
def setSearchDisplay(self, pages): shControl = self.getControl(PANEL_LIST) shControl.reset() items = utils.parseValue(pages, ['items', 'item'], False) if items: if not isinstance(items, list): items = list([items]) for item in items: try: button = None plPath = None plParams = None if self.myQueue is None: self.myQueue = dict() shTitle = utils.parseValue(item, ['title']) shPath = utils.parseValue(item, ['pointer', 'path']) shParams = utils.parseValue(item, ['pointer', 'params']) shThumbnail = utils.parseValue( item, ['thumbnail', 'alternate'], True, ['parseAlternateImg', '@platforms', 'firetv']) shThumbnail = shThumbnail if shThumbnail is not None else utils.parseValue( item, ['thumbnail', '#text']) shThumbnail = funimationnow.formatImgUrl(shThumbnail, theme='show') shStarRating = utils.parseValue(item, ['starRating', 'rating']) shTitleimg = os.path.join(self.shows_search_title, ('s_%s.png' % shParams)) shRecentContentItem = utils.parseValue( item, ['content', 'metadata', 'recentContentItem']) shRecentlyAdded = utils.parseValue( item, ['content', 'metadata', 'recentlyAdded']) buttons = utils.parseValue(item, ['legend', 'button'], False) if buttons: if not isinstance(buttons, list): buttons = list([buttons]) for btn in buttons: bTarget = utils.parseValue(btn, ['pointer'], False) if utils.parseValue( bTarget, ['target']) == 'togglewatchlist': button = btn elif utils.parseValue(bTarget, ['target']) == 'player': plPath = utils.parseValue(bTarget, ['path']) plParams = utils.parseValue( bTarget, ['params']) shToggleParams = utils.parseValue( button, ['pointer', 'toggle', 'data', 'params']) shMyQueuePath = utils.parseValue( self.myQueue, [shToggleParams, 'myQueuePath']) shTogglePath = utils.parseValue( btn, ['pointer', 'toggle', 'data', 'path']) shToggleParams = shToggleParams shMyQueuePath = shMyQueuePath shMyQueueParams = utils.parseValue( self.myQueue, [shToggleParams, 'myQueueParams']) shInQueue = str((0 if shMyQueuePath is not None else 1)) shListitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(shTitle, '', shThumbnail, shThumbnail) titles = [shTitle] shTitleimg = utils.text2Title(list(titles), self.details_search_title, shTitleimg) if shTitleimg: shListitem.setProperty('ctitle', shTitleimg) if shInQueue is not None: shListitem.setProperty('qtexture', str(shInQueue)) if shRecentContentItem: if shRecentContentItem == 'Episode': shRecentContentItem = 'Movie' tempImg = os.path.join( self.shows_search_subtitle, ('%s.png' % re.sub( r'[^\w\d]+', '_', shRecentContentItem, re.I))) if not os.path.isfile(tempImg): utils.text2Display(shRecentContentItem, 'RGB', (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0), 26, 'Regular', tempImg, multiplier=1, sharpen=False, bgimage=None) shListitem.setProperty('subtitle', tempImg) if shRecentlyAdded: tfname = re.sub(r'[^\d]+', '', shRecentlyAdded, re.I) ttname = 'added 0d ago' try: import time import dateutil.parser from time import mktime from datetime import datetime ttdate = datetime.fromtimestamp( mktime(time.gmtime(float(tfname)))) ttday = (datetime.utcnow() - ttdate).days if ttday >= 365: ttname = 'added %sy ago' % int( round(float(ttday) / 365)) elif ttday >= 1: ttname = 'added %sd ago' % ttday else: ttday = (datetime.utcnow() - ttdate).total_seconds() if (ttday / 60) <= 59: ttname = 'added %sm ago' % int( round(float(ttday) / 60)) else: ttname = 'added %sh ago' % int( round((float(ttday) / 60) / 60)) except Exception as inst: self.logger.error(inst) ttname = 'added 0d ago' tempImg = os.path.join(self.shows_search_added, ('%s.png' % tfname)) #if not os.path.isfile(tempImg): utils.text2Display(ttname, 'RGB', (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0), 26, 'Italic', tempImg, multiplier=1, sharpen=False, bgimage=None) shListitem.setProperty('addedon', tempImg) if shStarRating: shStarRating = str( utils.roundQuarter(str(shStarRating))) shListitem.setProperty('starrating', shStarRating) else: shListitem.setProperty('starrating', '0.0') shListitem.setProperty('title', shTitle) shListitem.setProperty('thumbnail', shThumbnail) shListitem.setProperty('path', shPath) shListitem.setProperty('params', shParams) shListitem.setProperty('titleimg', shTitleimg) shListitem.setProperty('recentContentItem', shRecentContentItem) #shListitem.setProperty('recentlyAdded', shRecentlyAdded); shListitem.setProperty('togglePath', shTogglePath) shListitem.setProperty('toggleParams', shToggleParams) shListitem.setProperty('myQueuePath', shMyQueuePath) shListitem.setProperty('myQueueParams', shMyQueueParams) shListitem.setProperty('inQueue', shInQueue) #shListitem.setProperty('starRating', shStarRating); shControl.addItem(shListitem) except Exception as inst: self.logger.error(inst)
def convert_ts(self, ts): return time.mktime(ts.timetuple()) + (ts.microsecond * 1e-6)
def to_python(self, value): time_array = time.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") time_stamp = int(time.mktime(time_array)) return time_stamp
def associationView(request, site=None, group=None): group_req = group site_req = site #Get the data to generate the table of datasets to clean runDate = None blockTable = False datasets = victorDao.getDatasetsToClean('%s^%s' % (site, group_req)) if datasets: runDate = datasets[0][6] blockTable = True #Get the data to generate the space evolution plot for the ASSOCIATION rows = victorDao.getAssociationEvolution('%s^%s' % (site, group_req)) data_used = [] data_total = [] for row in rows: total, used, runDate = row timestamp = time.mktime( runDate.timetuple()) * 1000 #multiply by 1000 for javascript if used != None: data_used.append([timestamp, int(used)]) if total != None: data_total.append([timestamp, int(total)]) full = False if used and total: if float(used) / float(total) > 0.9: full = True #------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Get the data to generate the space evolution plot for the SITE with all groups #------------------------------------------------------------------------ rows_groups = victorDao.getGroupsOnSiteEvolutions(site_req) group_accounting = {} for row in rows_groups: association, used, run_date = row if not used: continue group = association.split('^')[1] group_accounting.setdefault(group, []) group_accounting[group].append( [time.mktime(run_date.timetuple()) * 1000, float(used)]) group_accounting_flat = [] for group in group_accounting: group_accounting_flat.append([group, group_accounting[group]]) rows_total = victorDao.getTotalEvolutionSite(site_req) total_processed_group = [] for row in rows_total: total, run_date = row total_processed_group.append( [time.mktime(run_date.timetuple()) * 1000, float(total)]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Get the data to generate the space evolution plot for the GROUP on all sites #------------------------------------------------------------------------ rows_sites = victorDao.getSitesForGroupEvolutions(group_req) site_accounting = {} for row in rows_sites: association, used, run_date = row if not used: continue site = association.split('^')[0] site_accounting.setdefault(site, []) site_accounting[site].append( [time.mktime(run_date.timetuple()) * 1000, float(used)]) site_accounting_flat = [] for site in site_accounting: site_accounting_flat.append([site, site_accounting[site]]) rows_total = victorDao.getTotalEvolutionGroup(group_req) total_processed_site = [] for row in rows_total: total, run_date = row total_processed_site.append( [time.mktime(run_date.timetuple()) * 1000, float(total)]) #Get the date and the menu today = str( menu = generateAssociationMenu() return render_to_response( 'space_evolution_view.html', { 'site': site_req, 'full': full, 'group': group_req, 'today': today, 'run_date': runDate, 'datasets': datasets, 'block_table': blockTable, 'data_used': str(data_used), 'data_total': str(data_total), 'data_site': group_accounting_flat, 'totals_site': total_processed_group, 'data_group': site_accounting_flat, 'totals_group': total_processed_site, 'regions': menu })
def _timestamp_to_prefix(self, ts): ts = time.mktime(ts.timetuple()) + (ts.microsecond * 1e-6) return '%012x' % int(ts * 1000)
def get_device_event_data(request, *args, **kwargs): """ Get a list of event data according to the request and the argument giving. @param member: Member object to whom vehicule belongs to or the owner @param device_id: Id of the vehicle object in the database @param string_date: string format date sent from the client eg: 01/05/2016 12:00 - 07/05/2016 11:00 @param string_start_date: building from the string format date @param string_end_date: building from the string format date @param positions: queryset of even data happened during the period choosen by the client @param data_count: number of data event of the current user; this is use during the live dislay to know if the device sent a new event data or not this function return a JSON objet of: event data and data count """ member = request.user device_id = request.GET.get('device_id') string_date = request.GET.get('string_date') string_start_date = None string_end_date = None device = Device.objects.get(pk=device_id) if string_date: dates_list = retrieve_dates_from_interval(string_date) string_start_date = dates_list[0] string_end_date = dates_list[1] vehicle = Vehicle.objects.get(device=device) positions = EventData.objects.using('opengts').filter(deviceID=device_id) # positions = EventData.objects.using('opengts') data_count = positions.count() start_date, end_date = None, None if string_start_date is not None: start_date = int(time.mktime(datetime.strptime(string_start_date, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M').timetuple())) if string_end_date is not None: end_date = int(time.mktime(datetime.strptime(string_end_date, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M').timetuple())) if start_date and end_date: positions = positions.filter(Q(creationTime__gte=start_date) & Q(creationTime__lt=end_date)) elif start_date and not end_date: now = end_date = time.mktime(now.timetuple()) positions = positions.filter(Q(creationTime__gte=start_date) & Q(creationTime__lt=end_date)) elif end_date and not start_date: end_date_dtime = datetime.strptime(string_end_date, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M') end_date_dt = datetime(end_date_dtime.year, end_date_dtime.month,, 0) start_date = int(time.mktime(end_date_dt.timetuple())) positions = positions.filter(Q(creationTime__gte=start_date) & Q(creationTime__lt=end_date)) if not start_date and not end_date and len(positions)>0: positions = [positions.order_by('-creationTime')[0]] else: # Order by -creationTime and grab the first 1000, # that is equivalent to grab the 1000 latest eventData positions = list(positions.order_by('-creationTime')[:1000]) positions = reversed(positions) event_data = [] late_lat = 0.0 late_lng = 0.0 for position in positions: if position.speedKPH > 0: icon_url = get_the_right_icon(position, device) else: icon_url = vehicle.type.static_icon_img.url if late_lat != position.latitude and late_lng != position.longitude: if position.latitude != 0.0 and position.longitude != 0.0: pos = { 'latitude': position.latitude, 'longitude': position.longitude, 'displayName': device.displayName, 'dateTime': change_date_to_string(datetime.fromtimestamp(position.creationTime)), 'speed': position.speedKPH, 'heading': position.heading, 'address': position.address, 'description': + " / " + device.displayName, 'icon': icon_url } event_data.append(pos) late_lat = position.latitude late_lng = position.longitude return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'event_data': event_data, 'data_count': data_count}), 'content-type: text/json', **kwargs)
def date(self): if self.exists: return time.mktime( default_storage.get_modified_time(self.path).timetuple()) return None
'_', '').isalnum() is_name_eq = lambda x: '=' in x and (lambda a, b: is_name(a) and not b. startswith('='))(*x.split('=', 1)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OUT #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- str_len = lambda S: int( reduce(lambda r, c: r + 1. / (1 + (ord(c) > 127)) + 4 * (c == '\t'), S, 0)) time2string = lambda x, precision=3: "%i:%02i:%0*.*f" % (int( x / 3600), int(x / 60) % 60, 2 + bool(precision) + precision, precision, x % 60) #string2time = lambda x: reduce(lambda S, v: S+float(v[0])*v[1], map(None, x.split(':'), (3600, 60, 1)), 0.) string2time = lambda x: reduce(lambda S, v: S + float(v[0]) * v[1], zip(x.split(':'), (3600, 60, 1)), 0.) date2string = lambda t: time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d-%X", time.localtime(t)) string2date = lambda s: time.mktime(time.strptime(s, "%Y.%m.%d-%X")) def string2bool(value): if value in 'Y y YES Yes yes ON On on TRUE True true V v 1'.split(): return True if value in 'N n NO No no OFF Off off FALSE False false X x 0'.split(): return False raise Exception( 'incorrect value=%s for convert to bool, Y|y|YES|Yes|yes|ON|On|on|TRUE|True|true|V|v|1' ' or N|n|NO|No|no|OFF|Off|off|FALSE|False|false|X|x|0 expected' % value) def size2string(sz): for d, p in ((2**40, '%.2fT'), (2**30, '%.1fG'), (2**20, '%.1fM'),
def _get_timestamp(self, entry): """Convert the given RSS entry timestamp into a Python datetime compatible with our DB""" return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.mktime(entry.updated_parsed)).replace(tzinfo=utc)
sys.path.insert(0, folder_path + "\Library") sys.path.insert(0, folder_path + "\Syslibrary") sys.path.insert(0, folder_path + "\Data") sys.path.insert(0, folder_path + "\Object") from launcheTender import LauncheTenderclass from eTenderUpdateProjectDetails import updatedetails from Tenderplan import Tenderplans from tenderDetails import Tenderdetails from datadriven import DataDriver from setupenviron import setupValue from logouteTender import Userprofilemenu from logdriver import logvalue from TenderModification import TenderClass logs = logvalue.logger logclose = logvalue() ftime = time.mktime(time.localtime()) ptime = time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%H%M%S", time.localtime(ftime)) #filename = 'TestCase-100287-{0}.png'.format(ptime) tf = 'test_Plantemplateactualforecastdates' filename = 'Testcase-%s.png' % (tf) path = setupValue().screenpath fullpath = os.path.join(path, filename) #Test case Number = 100287 class Plantemplateactualforecastdates(unittest.TestCase): def test_Plantemplateactualforecastdates(self): try: browserInstance = setupValue() browser = browserInstance.setupfunction() browser.implicitly_wait(5)
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import codecs import time, datetime members_xml = ET.parse('all-members-2010.xml') attrs = ['firstname', 'lastname', 'party', 'constituency', 'fromdate', 'todate', 'house'] members = [] for member in members_xml.findall('member'): member = { attr: member.get(attr) for attr in attrs } try: member['fromdate'] = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(member['fromdate'], "%Y-%m-%d").timetuple())) member['todate'] = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(member['todate'], "%Y-%m-%d").timetuple())) member['fullname'] = "%s %s" % (member['firstname'], member['lastname']) members.append(member) except Exception, e: print 'error', member pass attrs.append('fullname') with'members.csv', 'w', 'utf-8') as outfile: outfile.write(','.join(attrs) + '\n') for member in members: if member['party'] != 'unknown': outfile.write(','.join(['"%s"' % member[attr] for attr in attrs]) + '\n')
async def sendWxMessage(self, openId, bid, tempId, msg, fromType, tourl): if openId is None: return None templateInfo = self.db.query(online_message_template).filter( == bid, online_message_template.sendtype == 2, online_message_template.weixinId == tempId).first() if not templateInfo: return {'info': '发送失败', 'status': -1, 'msg': '没有相关模版'} else: sendContent = '' config_wt = online_config_weixin_template weixinTempInfo = self.db.query(config_wt).filter( == templateInfo.weixinTemplateId).first() if weixinTempInfo is None: return {'info': '发送失败', 'status': -1, 'msg': '没有微信默认配置模板'} fieldList = weixinTempInfo.fieldList # print(weixinTempInfo) fieldListArr = fieldList.split(',') # 取出微信模版字段然后格式化 params = {} if len(msg) != len(fieldListArr): return {'info': '发送失败', 'status': -1, 'msg': '所传内容字段和模板不符'} else: for key, val in enumerate(fieldListArr): if bid == 86: # 万菱汇模板消息要黑色字体、 params[val] = {msg[key], '#000000'} sendContent += msg[key] + "|" pass else: params[val] = msg[key] if tourl: params['tourl'] = tourl returnArr = await self.sendWeixinTemplateMessage( openId, bid, templateInfo.weixinTemplateId, params) if returnArr['errcode'] == 0: # 给message_list表插入发送内容 # $message_list = M('message_list'); data = {} # 组织数据添加 data['bid'] = bid data['valueType'] = 3 # //1文本格式;2html;3模版 data['fromType'] = fromType # 注册 data['sendType'] = 2 # 2微信 data['openId'] = openId if bid == 86: # 万菱汇模板消息要黑色字体 data['sendContent'] = sendContent.strip('|') # 发送微信通知内容 else: data['sendContent'] = '|'.join(params) # 发送微信通知内容 data['errorCode'] = returnArr['errcode'] data['errorMsg'] = returnArr['errmsg'] data['sendTime'] = int(time.time()) # 发送时间 data['intime'] = int(time.time()) data['indate'] = int( time.mktime( time.strptime( time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime()), '%Y-%m-%d'))) try: dbreturn = self.db.execute( online_message_list.__table__.insert(), data) self.db.commit()'online_message_log,insetr to db %s', data) except: # print('----db insert online_message_log error-----') self.AppLogging.warning( '----db insert online_message_log error-----') if dbreturn is not None: lastId = dbreturn.lastrowid else: lastId = None # lastId=session.query(func.max(User.tid)).one()[0] # $lastId = $message_list->add($data); if lastId is not None: # 在message_log表插入信息 # $message_log = M('message_log'); obj = {} obj['mlistId'] = lastId obj['bid'] = bid obj['valueType'] = 3 # 1文本格式;2html;3模版 obj['fromType'] = fromType # 注册 obj['sendType'] = 2 # 2微信 obj['errorCode'] = data['errorCode'] obj['errorMsg'] = data['errorMsg'] obj['intime'] = int(time.time()) obj['indate'] = int( time.mktime( time.strptime( time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime()), '%Y-%m-%d'))) try: rr = self.db.execute( online_message_log.__table__.insert(), obj) self.db.commit() 'online_message_log,insetr to db %s', obj) except: self.AppLogging.warning( '----db insert online_message_log error-----') # print('----db insert online_message_log error-----') return {'info': '发送成功', 'status': returnArr['errcode']} else: return { 'info': '发送失败', 'status': returnArr['errcode'], 'msg': returnArr['errmsg'] } pass
def getTimestamp(self, date, mytime): d = localtime(date) dt = datetime(d.tm_year, d.tm_mon, d.tm_mday, mytime[0], mytime[1]) return int(mktime(dt.timetuple()))
def v(text, args): if args.verbose: print(text) while True: v("Starting iteration " + str(iteration_count), args) feed = feedparser.parse(args.address) # Obtain the feed if iteration_count is 0: # Iteration 0, send posts sent after a certain time in the past or just place all posts that are currently in the feed into seen_posts if args.preload is not 0: # Preload is on. for post in feed['items']: # struct_time doesnt support subtraction, so we convert it to datetime with a bit of a hack post_time_delta = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.mktime( time.gmtime())) - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.mktime(post['published_parsed'])) if post_time_delta < datetime.timedelta( seconds=int(args.preload)): # We don't really need to check if the post is in seen_posts as this is the first iteration, but we might dump seen_posts to a file in the future. if not in seen_posts: v( 'Publishing message with title "' + post.title + '" as part of preload', args) telegram.send_message(args.token, args.destination_id, post, args.localtz, args.sourcetz, args.msgformat, args.parsemode, args.timefmt) seen_posts.append( else: if not in seen_posts: # Prevent duplicates.
def mktime(timestamp): return time.mktime(timestamp.timetuple())
utc_ts = int(t) dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(utc_ts) except ValueError, e: ## Pytimes earlier than the epoch are a pain in the rear end. dt = datetime(year=t.year, month=t.month,, hour=t.hour, minute=t.minute, second=t.second) d = dt + utc_off if ret_dt: return d else: return _time.mktime(d.timetuple()) def classify_email_addr (addr, domains): """Return a tuple of (home, work, other) booleans classifying if the specified address falls within one of the domains.""" res = {'home' : False, 'work' : False, 'other' : False} for cat in res.keys(): try: for domain in domains[cat]: if + '$'), addr): res[cat] = True except KeyError, e: logging.warning('Invalid email_domains specification.')
if "saas_store" in sys.argv: def getAppkey(): datatype_list = [] try: from MysqlClient import MysqlClient client = MysqlClient("saas_meta") result = client.getAppkey_app() datatype_list = [item["appkey"] for item in result] client.closeMysql() except: import traceback print traceback.print_exc() datatype_list.append("hbtv") if "hbtv" not in datatype_list else None return datatype_list datatype_list = ["huiyue_ad", "huiyue_ios"] startstamp = time.mktime(time.strptime('20170320+000000', '%Y%m%d+%H%M%S')) endstamp = time.mktime(time.strptime('20170324+110600', '%Y%m%d+%H%M%S')) while startstamp <= endstamp: try: collectFiles(timestamp=endstamp, remote_dir_format="/data1/logs/transformsaaslogs/%(datatype)s/%(yyyymmdd)s/%(hhmm)s.log.gz", local_dir_part_format="/data1/logs/transformsaaslogs/%(datatype)s/%(yyyymmdd)s/%(hhmm)s_%(part)d.log.gz", local_dir_format="/data1/logs/transformsaaslogs/%(datatype)s/%(yyyymmdd)s/%(hhmm)s.log.gz", datatypeList=datatype_list, is_store=True) except: import traceback print traceback.print_exc() endstamp -= 60 if 'store' in sys.argv: def getAppkey():
def test_03_stats(self): """Test STATS stats method works""" today = unicode( hour = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%H')) date_ms = time.mktime(time.strptime(today, "%Y-%m-%d")) * 1000 anon = 0 auth = 0 TaskRunFactory.create(task=self.project.tasks[0]) TaskRunFactory.create(task=self.project.tasks[1]) dates_stats, hours_stats, user_stats = stats.get_stats( for item in dates_stats: if item['label'] == 'Anon + Auth': assert item['values'][-1][0] == date_ms, item['values'][0][0] assert item['values'][-1][1] == 10, "There should be 10 answers" if item['label'] == 'Anonymous': assert item['values'][-1][0] == date_ms, item['values'][0][0] anon = item['values'][-1][1] if item['label'] == 'Authenticated': assert item['values'][-1][0] == date_ms, item['values'][0][0] auth = item['values'][-1][1] if item['label'] == 'Total Tasks': assert item['values'][-1][0] == date_ms, item['values'][0][0] assert item['values'][-1][1] == 4, "There should be 4 tasks" if item['label'] == 'Expected Answers': assert item['values'][0][0] == date_ms, item['values'][0][0] for i in item['values']: assert i[1] == 100, "Each date should have 100 answers" assert item['values'][0][1] == 100, "There should be 10 answers" assert auth + anon == 10, "date stats sum of auth and anon should be 10" max_hours = 0 for item in hours_stats: if item['label'] == 'Anon + Auth': max_hours = item['max'] print item assert item['max'] == 10, item['max'] assert item['max'] == 10, "Max hours value should be 10" for i in item['values']: if i[0] == hour: assert i[1] == 10, "There should be 10 answers" assert i[2] == 5, "The size of the bubble should be 5" else: assert i[1] == 0, "There should be 0 answers" assert i[2] == 0, "The size of the buggle should be 0" if item['label'] == 'Anonymous': anon = item['max'] for i in item['values']: if i[0] == hour: assert i[1] == anon, "There should be anon answers" assert i[2] == (anon * 5) / max_hours, "The size of the bubble should be 5" else: assert i[1] == 0, "There should be 0 answers" assert i[2] == 0, "The size of the buggle should be 0" if item['label'] == 'Authenticated': auth = item['max'] for i in item['values']: if i[0] == hour: assert i[1] == auth, "There should be anon answers" assert i[2] == (auth * 5) / max_hours, "The size of the bubble should be 5" else: assert i[1] == 0, "There should be 0 answers" assert i[2] == 0, "The size of the buggle should be 0" assert auth + anon == 10, "date stats sum of auth and anon should be 8" err_msg = "user stats sum of auth and anon should be 7" assert user_stats['n_anon'] + user_stats['n_auth'] == 7, err_msg
sys.exit(1) file = '' for key, val in optlist: if key == '--file': file = val if file == '' or os.path.exists(file) == 0: print ts() + 'no file assigned.' sys.stdout.flush() sys.exit(1) lines = open(file).readlines() output = [] for line in lines: if string.find(line, 'RUN_START_TIME:') != -1: tstart = line.split()[1] + ' ' + line.split()[2].split('.')[0] elif (string.find(line, 'RUN_END_TIME:') != -1): tend = line.split()[1] + ' ' + line.split()[2].split('.')[0] t1 = time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime(tstart, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").timetuple()) t2 = time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime(tend, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").timetuple()) print tstart, tend print t1, t2, t2 - t1 sys.exit(0)
def timestamp(dt): """Returns the timestamp of a datetime object.""" if not dt: return None return time.mktime(dt.timetuple())
def get_file_stats(self, path): # type: (str) -> FileStats return FileStats( size=self._size, mtime=time.mktime( )
def parse_all_edges(inputfile, outputfile, node_map, noencode): """ Parse all edges with the timestamp to a file. Format: <source_node_id> \t <destination_node_id> \t <hashed_source_type>:<hashed_destination_type>:<hashed_edge_type>:<edge_timestamp> """ # Scan through the file to validate edges (i.e., both end nodes must exist) and find the smallest timestamp. description = '\x1b[6;30;43m[i]\x1b[0m Edge Scanning Progress of File: \x1b[6;30;42m{}\x1b[0m'.format( inputfile) pb = tqdm.tqdm(desc=description, mininterval=1.0, unit="recs") total_edges = 0 smallest_timestamp = None with open(inputfile, 'r') as f: for line in f: pb.update() json_object = json.loads(line) if "used" in json_object: used = json_object["used"] for uid in used: if "prov:type" not in used[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (used) record without type. UUID: %s", uid) continue if "cf:date" not in used[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (used) record without date. UUID: %s", uid) continue if "prov:entity" not in used[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (used/{}) record without srcUUID. UUID: {}". format(used[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue if "prov:activity" not in used[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (used/{}) record without dstUUID. UUID: {}". format(used[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue srcUUID = used[uid]["prov:entity"] dstUUID = used[uid]["prov:activity"] if srcUUID not in node_map: logging.debug( "Edge (used/{}) record with an unmatched srcUUID. UUID: {}" .format(used[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue if dstUUID not in node_map: logging.debug( "Edge (used/{}) record with an unmatched dstUUID. UUID: {}" .format(used[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue total_edges += 1 timestamp_str = used[uid]["cf:date"] ts = time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime( timestamp_str, "%Y:%m:%dT%H:%M:%S").timetuple()) if smallest_timestamp == None or ts < smallest_timestamp: smallest_timestamp = ts if "wasGeneratedBy" in json_object: wasGeneratedBy = json_object["wasGeneratedBy"] for uid in wasGeneratedBy: if "prov:type" not in wasGeneratedBy[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasGeneratedBy) record without type. UUID: %s", uid) continue if "cf:date" not in wasGeneratedBy[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasGeneratedBy) record without date. UUID: %s", uid) continue if "prov:entity" not in wasGeneratedBy[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasGeneratedBy/{}) record without srcUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasGeneratedBy[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue if "prov:activity" not in wasGeneratedBy[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasGeneratedBy/{}) record without dstUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasGeneratedBy[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue srcUUID = wasGeneratedBy[uid]["prov:activity"] dstUUID = wasGeneratedBy[uid]["prov:entity"] if srcUUID not in node_map: logging.debug( "Edge (wasGeneratedBy/{}) record with an unmatched srcUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasGeneratedBy[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue if dstUUID not in node_map: logging.debug( "Edge (wasGeneratedBy/{}) record with an unmatched dstUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasGeneratedBy[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue total_edges += 1 timestamp_str = wasGeneratedBy[uid]["cf:date"] ts = time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime( timestamp_str, "%Y:%m:%dT%H:%M:%S").timetuple()) if smallest_timestamp == None or ts < smallest_timestamp: smallest_timestamp = ts if "wasInformedBy" in json_object: wasInformedBy = json_object["wasInformedBy"] for uid in wasInformedBy: if "prov:type" not in wasInformedBy[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasInformedBy) record without type. UUID: %s", uid) continue if "cf:date" not in wasInformedBy[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasInformedBy) record without date. UUID: %s", uid) continue if "prov:informant" not in wasInformedBy[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasInformedBy/{}) record without srcUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasInformedBy[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue if "prov:informed" not in wasInformedBy[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasInformedBy/{}) record without dstUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasInformedBy[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue srcUUID = wasInformedBy[uid]["prov:informant"] dstUUID = wasInformedBy[uid]["prov:informed"] if srcUUID not in node_map: logging.debug( "Edge (wasInformedBy/{}) record with an unmatched srcUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasInformedBy[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue if dstUUID not in node_map: logging.debug( "Edge (wasInformedBy/{}) record with an unmatched dstUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasInformedBy[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue total_edges += 1 timestamp_str = wasInformedBy[uid]["cf:date"] ts = time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime( timestamp_str, "%Y:%m:%dT%H:%M:%S").timetuple()) if smallest_timestamp == None or ts < smallest_timestamp: smallest_timestamp = ts if "wasDerivedFrom" in json_object: wasDerivedFrom = json_object["wasDerivedFrom"] for uid in wasDerivedFrom: if "prov:type" not in wasDerivedFrom[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasDerivedFrom) record without type. UUID: %s", uid) continue if "cf:date" not in wasDerivedFrom[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasDerivedFrom) record without date. UUID: %s", uid) continue if "prov:usedEntity" not in wasDerivedFrom[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasDerivedFrom/{}) record without srcUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasDerivedFrom[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue if "prov:generatedEntity" not in wasDerivedFrom[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasDerivedFrom/{}) record without dstUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasDerivedFrom[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue srcUUID = wasDerivedFrom[uid]["prov:usedEntity"] dstUUID = wasDerivedFrom[uid]["prov:generatedEntity"] if srcUUID not in node_map: logging.debug( "Edge (wasDerivedFrom/{}) record with an unmatched srcUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasDerivedFrom[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue if dstUUID not in node_map: logging.debug( "Edge (wasDerivedFrom/{}) record with an unmatched dstUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasDerivedFrom[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue total_edges += 1 timestamp_str = wasDerivedFrom[uid]["cf:date"] ts = time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime( timestamp_str, "%Y:%m:%dT%H:%M:%S").timetuple()) if smallest_timestamp == None or ts < smallest_timestamp: smallest_timestamp = ts if "wasAssociatedWith" in json_object: wasAssociatedWith = json_object["wasAssociatedWith"] for uid in wasAssociatedWith: if "prov:type" not in wasAssociatedWith[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasAssociatedWith) record without type. UUID: %s", uid) continue if "cf:date" not in wasAssociatedWith[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasAssociatedWith) record without date. UUID: %s", uid) continue if "prov:agent" not in wasAssociatedWith[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasAssociatedWith/{}) record without srcUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasAssociatedWith[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue if "prov:activity" not in wasAssociatedWith[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasAssociatedWith/{}) record without dstUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasAssociatedWith[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue srcUUID = wasAssociatedWith[uid]["prov:agent"] dstUUID = wasAssociatedWith[uid]["prov:activity"] if srcUUID not in node_map: logging.debug( "Edge (wasAssociatedWith/{}) record with an unmatched srcUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasAssociatedWith[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue if dstUUID not in node_map: logging.debug( "Edge (wasAssociatedWith/{}) record with an unmatched dstUUID. UUID: {}" .format(wasAssociatedWith[uid]["prov:type"], uid)) continue total_edges += 1 timestamp_str = wasAssociatedWith[uid]["cf:date"] ts = time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime( timestamp_str, "%Y:%m:%dT%H:%M:%S").timetuple()) if smallest_timestamp == None or ts < smallest_timestamp: smallest_timestamp = ts f.close() pb.close() output = open(outputfile, "w+") description = '\x1b[6;30;43m[i]\x1b[0m Progress of Generating Output of File: \x1b[6;30;42m{}\x1b[0m'.format( inputfile) pb = tqdm.tqdm(desc=description, mininterval=1.0, unit="recs") with open(inputfile, 'r') as f: for line in f: pb.update() json_object = json.loads(line) if "used" in json_object: used = json_object["used"] for uid in used: if "prov:type" not in used[uid]: continue else: edgetype = valgencf(used[uid]) if "cf:id" not in used[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (used) record without timestamp. UUID: %s", uid) continue else: timestamp = used[uid][ "cf:id"] # Can be used as timestamp if "prov:entity" not in used[uid]: continue if "prov:activity" not in used[uid]: continue srcUUID = used[uid]["prov:entity"] dstUUID = used[uid]["prov:activity"] if srcUUID not in node_map: continue else: srcVal = node_map[srcUUID] if dstUUID not in node_map: continue else: dstVal = node_map[dstUUID] ts_str = used[uid]["cf:date"] ts = time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime( ts_str, "%Y:%m:%dT%H:%M:%S").timetuple()) adjusted_ts = ts - smallest_timestamp if noencode: output.write(str(srcUUID) + '\t' \ + str(dstUUID) + '\t' \ + str(srcVal) + ':' + str(dstVal) \ + ':' + str(edgetype) + ':' + str(timestamp) \ + ':' + str(adjusted_ts) + '\t' + '\n') else: output.write(str(hashgen([srcUUID])) + '\t' \ + str(hashgen([dstUUID])) + '\t' \ + str(srcVal) + ':' + str(dstVal) \ + ':' + str(edgetype) + ':' + str(timestamp) \ + ':' + str(adjusted_ts) + '\t' + '\n') if "wasGeneratedBy" in json_object: wasGeneratedBy = json_object["wasGeneratedBy"] for uid in wasGeneratedBy: if "prov:type" not in wasGeneratedBy[uid]: continue else: edgetype = valgencf(wasGeneratedBy[uid]) if "cf:id" not in wasGeneratedBy[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasGeneratedBy) record without timestamp. UUID: %s", uid) continue else: timestamp = wasGeneratedBy[uid]["cf:id"] if "prov:entity" not in wasGeneratedBy[uid]: continue if "prov:activity" not in wasGeneratedBy[uid]: continue srcUUID = wasGeneratedBy[uid]["prov:activity"] dstUUID = wasGeneratedBy[uid]["prov:entity"] if srcUUID not in node_map: continue else: srcVal = node_map[srcUUID] if dstUUID not in node_map: continue else: dstVal = node_map[dstUUID] ts_str = wasGeneratedBy[uid]["cf:date"] ts = time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime( ts_str, "%Y:%m:%dT%H:%M:%S").timetuple()) adjusted_ts = ts - smallest_timestamp if noencode: output.write(str(srcUUID) + '\t' \ + str(dstUUID) + '\t' \ + str(srcVal) + ':' + str(dstVal) \ + ':' + str(edgetype) + ':' + str(timestamp) \ + ':' + str(adjusted_ts) + '\t' + '\n') else: output.write(str(hashgen([srcUUID])) + '\t' \ + str(hashgen([dstUUID])) + '\t' \ + str(srcVal) + ':' + str(dstVal) \ + ':' + str(edgetype) + ':' + str(timestamp) \ + ':' + str(adjusted_ts) + '\t' + '\n') if "wasInformedBy" in json_object: wasInformedBy = json_object["wasInformedBy"] for uid in wasInformedBy: if "prov:type" not in wasInformedBy[uid]: continue else: edgetype = valgencf(wasInformedBy[uid]) if "cf:id" not in wasInformedBy[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasInformedBy) record without timestamp. UUID: %s", uid) continue else: timestamp = wasInformedBy[uid]["cf:id"] if "prov:informant" not in wasInformedBy[uid]: continue if "prov:informed" not in wasInformedBy[uid]: continue srcUUID = wasInformedBy[uid]["prov:informant"] dstUUID = wasInformedBy[uid]["prov:informed"] if srcUUID not in node_map: continue else: srcVal = node_map[srcUUID] if dstUUID not in node_map: continue else: dstVal = node_map[dstUUID] ts_str = wasInformedBy[uid]["cf:date"] ts = time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime( ts_str, "%Y:%m:%dT%H:%M:%S").timetuple()) adjusted_ts = ts - smallest_timestamp if noencode: output.write(str(srcUUID) + '\t' \ + str(dstUUID) + '\t' \ + str(srcVal) + ':' + str(dstVal) \ + ':' + str(edgetype) + ':' + str(timestamp) \ + ':' + str(adjusted_ts) + '\t' + '\n') else: output.write(str(hashgen([srcUUID])) + '\t' \ + str(hashgen([dstUUID])) + '\t' \ + str(srcVal) + ':' + str(dstVal) \ + ':' + str(edgetype) + ':' + str(timestamp) \ + ':' + str(adjusted_ts) + '\t' + '\n') if "wasDerivedFrom" in json_object: wasDerivedFrom = json_object["wasDerivedFrom"] for uid in wasDerivedFrom: if "prov:type" not in wasDerivedFrom[uid]: continue else: edgetype = valgencf(wasDerivedFrom[uid]) if "cf:id" not in wasDerivedFrom[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasDerivedFrom) record without timestamp. UUID: %s", uid) continue else: timestamp = wasDerivedFrom[uid]["cf:id"] if "prov:usedEntity" not in wasDerivedFrom[uid]: continue if "prov:generatedEntity" not in wasDerivedFrom[uid]: continue srcUUID = wasDerivedFrom[uid]["prov:usedEntity"] dstUUID = wasDerivedFrom[uid]["prov:generatedEntity"] if srcUUID not in node_map: continue else: srcVal = node_map[srcUUID] if dstUUID not in node_map: continue else: dstVal = node_map[dstUUID] ts_str = wasDerivedFrom[uid]["cf:date"] ts = time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime( ts_str, "%Y:%m:%dT%H:%M:%S").timetuple()) adjusted_ts = ts - smallest_timestamp if noencode: output.write(str(srcUUID) + '\t' \ + str(hashgen([dstUUID])) + '\t' \ + str(srcVal) + ':' + str(dstVal) \ + ':' + str(edgetype) + ':' + str(timestamp) \ + ':' + str(adjusted_ts) + '\t' + '\n') else: output.write(str(hashgen([srcUUID])) + '\t' \ + str(hashgen([dstUUID])) + '\t' \ + str(srcVal) + ':' + str(dstVal) \ + ':' + str(edgetype) + ':' + str(timestamp) \ + ':' + str(adjusted_ts) + '\t' + '\n') if "wasAssociatedWith" in json_object: wasAssociatedWith = json_object["wasAssociatedWith"] for uid in wasAssociatedWith: if "prov:type" not in wasAssociatedWith[uid]: continue else: edgetype = valgencfe(wasAssociatedWith[uid]) if "cf:id" not in wasAssociatedWith[uid]: logging.debug( "Edge (wasAssociatedWith) record without timestamp. UUID: %s", uid) continue else: timestamp = wasAssociatedWith[uid]["cf:id"] if "prov:agent" not in wasAssociatedWith[uid]: continue if "prov:activity" not in wasAssociatedWith[uid]: continue srcUUID = wasAssociatedWith[uid]["prov:agent"] dstUUID = wasAssociatedWith[uid]["prov:activity"] if srcUUID not in node_map: continue else: srcVal = node_map[srcUUID] if dstUUID not in node_map: continue else: dstVal = node_map[dstUUID] ts_str = wasAssociatedWith[uid]["cf:date"] ts = time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime( ts_str, "%Y:%m:%dT%H:%M:%S").timetuple()) adjusted_ts = ts - smallest_timestamp if noencode: output.write(str(srcUUID) + '\t' \ + str(hashgen([dstUUID])) + '\t' \ + str(srcVal) + ':' + str(dstVal) \ + ':' + str(edgetype) + ':' + str(timestamp) \ + ':' + str(adjusted_ts) + '\t' + '\n') else: output.write(str(hashgen([srcUUID])) + '\t' \ + str(hashgen([dstUUID])) + '\t' \ + str(srcVal) + ':' + str(dstVal) \ + ':' + str(edgetype) + ':' + str(timestamp) \ + ':' + str(adjusted_ts) + '\t' + '\n') f.close() output.close() pb.close() return total_edges
def ahora(): then = return (time.mktime(then.timetuple())*1e3 + then.microsecond/1e3)/1000