def download_node_info(self, amount): for i in range(amount): logging.debug(str(nowtime()) + 'About to get node') node_info = requests.get(''+str(i+5000)+'/node/id') self.nodes[node_info.json()['node']] = node_info.json()['address'] logging.debug(str(nowtime()) + 'All nodes downloaded') logging.debug(self.nodes)
def shutdown_server(): logging.debug(str(nowtime()) + str(amount)) for i in range(amount): node_info = requests.get(''+str(i+5000)+'/shutdown') func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if func is None: raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server') func() logging.debug(str(nowtime()) + 'Manager shut')
def begin_sending(self, amount): ## with open('important_script.rtf', 'r') as f: ## read_data = ## for word in read_data: #add command that adds a single word to the block for n in range(amount): self.send_to_mine(''+str(5000+n)) logging.debug(str(nowtime()) + 'Sent mining request') time.sleep(random.randrange(1, stop=3, step=1))
def start(amount): processes = {} #this is where server side thread management will be #logging cwd = os.getcwd() LOG_FILE = cwd + '/Logs/' + str(nowtime()) + 'networkmngr' + '.log' logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILE,level=logging.DEBUG) for i in range(amount): #Starts each node in the background. pargz = ['pipenv', 'run', 'python', '', '-p', str(5000+i)] subprocess.Popen(pargz) logging.debug(str(nowtime()) + 'Created a process ' + str(i)) #delay to let the miners wake up to full operating mode. time.sleep(5) node.download_node_info(amount) node.register_to_all(amount) mine_requests = 10000
def main(): """ 主程序 """ cursor, db = init_mysql_connect() ds_queue = vaild_ds_list() start_time = nowtime() while True: if nowtime() - start_time > 60*60*24: return False ds_id = ds_queue.pop(0) ds_info = tassadar_api(cursor, ds_id, db) print ds_info if ds_info['status'] in (1, 0): if not vaild_time(ds_info['utime']): sleep(TIMESEELP*10) ds_queue.append(ds_id) print ('该数据源今天没有同步:{},等待600s'.format(ds_id)) # info().info('该数据源今天没有同步:{},等待600s'.format(ds_id)) continue else: # info().info('该数据源同步成功:{}'.format(ds_id)) pass elif ds_info['status'] == 2: if not vaild_time(ds_info['utime']): sleep(TIMESEELP*10) ds_queue.append(ds_id) print ('该数据源今天没有同步:{},等待600s'.format(ds_id)) # info().info('该数据源上次同步失败,今天没有同步:{},等待600s'.format(ds_id)) continue else: # info().info('该数据源今日同步失败:{}'.format(ds_id)) return False elif ds_info['status'] == 3: sleep(TIMESEELP) ds_queue.append(ds_id) # info().info('该数据源正在同步中:{},等待60s'.format(ds_id)) continue if len(ds_queue) == 0: break close(db) return True
def vaild_time(utime): """ 判断utime时间是否是今天,是返回True """ ds_struct_time = strptime(utime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ds_sec = mktime(ds_struct_time) now_sec = nowtime() now_struct_time = localtime(now_sec) if now_sec - ds_sec > 60*60*24: return False elif not ds_struct_time.tm_mday == now_struct_time.tm_mday: return False return True
def register_to_all(self, amount): for i in range(amount): r =''+str(i+5000)+'/nodes/register', json = json.dumps(self.format_to_register(self.nodes))) logging.debug(str(nowtime()) + 'Nodes list sent to all nodes')
def run_graph(self, train_data, val_data, test_data, early_stop=False, bad_epoch_tol=0, verbose=True): ''' :param distribution: :param num_features: :param k: the dimensionality of the embedding, Must be >= 0; when k=0, it is a simple model; Otherwise it is factorized :return: ''' tf.reset_default_graph() num_features = train_data.num_features() # INPUTs feature_indice = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='feature_indice') feature_values = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='feature_values') header_bids_true = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='header_bids') # shape: (batch_size, max_nonzero_len) embeddings_linear = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(shape=(num_features,), mean=0.0, stddev=1e-5)) filtered_embeddings_linear = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings_linear, feature_indice) * feature_values intercept = tf.Variable(1e-5) location = self.linear_function(filtered_embeddings_linear, intercept) embeddings_factorized = None filtered_embeddings_factorized = None if self.k > 0: # shape: (batch_size, max_nonzero_len, k) embeddings_factorized = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(shape=(num_features, self.k), mean=0.0, stddev=1e-5)) filtered_embeddings_factorized = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings_factorized, feature_indice) * \ tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(feature_values, axis=-1), [1, 1, 1]) factorized_term = self.factorization_machines(filtered_embeddings_factorized) location += factorized_term scale = tf.Variable(1.0) positive_scale = tf.square(scale) + 1e-6 log_prob = self.gumbelPDF(header_bids_true, location, positive_scale) neg_log_likelihood = tf.reduce_sum(log_prob) header_bids_pred = location \ # + positive_scale * tf.constant(0.5772) batch_loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(labels=header_bids_true, predictions=header_bids_pred, reduction = tf.losses.Reduction.MEAN) running_loss, loss_update = tf.metrics.mean(batch_loss) # L2 regularized sum of squares loss function over the embeddings l2_norm = self.lambda_linear * tf.nn.l2_loss(filtered_embeddings_linear) if embeddings_factorized is not None: l2_norm += self.lambda_factorized * tf.nn.l2_loss(filtered_embeddings_factorized) loss_mean = batch_loss training_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate).minimize(neg_log_likelihood + l2_norm) ### gradient clipping # optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate) # gradients, variables = zip(*optimizer.compute_gradients(loss_mean)) # gradients_clipped, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, 5.0) # training_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients_clipped, variables)) # Isolate the variables stored behind the scenes by the metric operation running_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES) # Define initializer to initialize/reset running variables running_vars_initializer = tf.variables_initializer(var_list=running_vars) init =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) with tf.Session() as sess: max_loss_val = None current_bad_epochs = 0 num_total_batches = int(np.ceil(train_data.num_instances() / self.batch_size)) for epoch in range(1, self.num_epochs + 1): ''' model training ''' num_batch = 0 start = nowtime() for hb_batch, featidx_batch, featval_batch in train_data.make_sparse_batch(self.batch_size): num_batch += 1 # print(hb_batch) # print(featidx_batch) # print(featval_batch) _, loss_batch, hb_pred, hb_true, pos_scale =[training_op, loss_mean, header_bids_pred, header_bids_true, positive_scale], feed_dict={ 'feature_indice:0': featidx_batch, 'feature_values:0': featval_batch, 'header_bids:0': hb_batch}) # print(pos_scale) # print(hb_pred) if verbose and epoch == 1: print("Epoch %d - Batch %d/%d: batch loss = %.4f" % (epoch, num_batch, num_total_batches, loss_batch)) print("\t\t\t\ttime: %.4fs" % (nowtime() - start)) start = nowtime() # evaluation on training data eval_nodes_update = [loss_update, neg_log_likelihood, header_bids_pred] eval_nodes_metric = [running_loss] print() print("========== Evaluation at Epoch %d ==========" % epoch) print('*** On Training Set:') [loss_train], _, _ = self.evaluate(train_data.make_sparse_batch(), running_vars_initializer, sess, eval_nodes_update, eval_nodes_metric, ) print("TENSORFLOW:\tMSE = %.6f" % loss_train) # evaluation on validation data print('*** On Validation Set:') [loss_val], hb_pred_val, hb_true_val = self.evaluate(val_data.make_sparse_batch(), running_vars_initializer, sess, eval_nodes_update, eval_nodes_metric, ) print("TENSORFLOW:\tMSE = %.6f" % loss_val) # print(loss_val, max_loss_val) if max_loss_val is None or loss_val < max_loss_val: current_bad_epochs = 0 print("!!! GET THE LOWEST VAL LOSS !!!") max_loss_val = loss_val # evaluation on test data print('*** On Test Set:') [loss_test], hb_pred_test, hb_true_test = self.evaluate(test_data.make_sparse_batch(), running_vars_initializer, sess, eval_nodes_update, eval_nodes_metric, ) print("TENSORFLOW:\tMSE = %.6f" % loss_test) prediction_result = pd.DataFrame( {'y_pred': hb_pred_test, 'y_true': hb_true_test }) prediction_result.to_pickle(os.path.join(INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_PKL_NAME % self.hb_agent_name)) elif early_stop: current_bad_epochs += 1 if current_bad_epochs == bad_epoch_tol: break
import yaml import jinja2 from netmiko import ConnectHandler from time import time as nowtime starttime = nowtime() with open("devices.yaml", "r") as f: devices = yaml.safe_load(f) with open("template.j2", "r") as f: template = jinja2.Template( for device in devices: conn = ConnectHandler( host=device["address"], username="******", password="******", device_type="cisco_ios", ) conf_to_send = template.render(device=device).splitlines() conn.send_config_set(conf_to_send) runtime = nowtime() - starttime print(f"Took {runtime} seconds to complete")
def run_graph(self, num_features, train_data, val_data, test_data, sample_weights=None): ''' :param distribution: :param num_features: :param k: the dimensionality of the embedding, Must be >= 0; when k=0, it is a simple model; Otherwise it is factorized :return: ''' # INPUTs feature_indice = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='feature_indice') feature_values = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='feature_values') min_hbs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='min_headerbids') # for regularization max_hbs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='max_headerbids') # for regularization times = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='times') events = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name='events') # shape: (batch_size, max_nonzero_len) embeddings_linear = tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal(shape=(num_features, ), mean=0.0, stddev=1e-5)) filtered_embeddings_linear = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( embeddings_linear, feature_indice) * feature_values intercept = tf.Variable(1e-5) linear_term = self.linear_function(filtered_embeddings_linear, intercept) scale = linear_term embeddings_factorized = None filtered_embeddings_factorized = None if self.k > 0: # shape: (batch_size, max_nonzero_len, k) embeddings_factorized = tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal(shape=(num_features, self.k), mean=0.0, stddev=1e-5)) filtered_embeddings_factorized = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings_factorized, feature_indice) * \ tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(feature_values, axis=-1), [1, 1, 1]) factorized_term = self.factorization_machines( filtered_embeddings_factorized) scale += factorized_term scale = tf.nn.softplus(scale) ''' if event == 0, right-censoring if event == 1, left-censoring ''' shape = tf.Variable(0.2, trainable=True) not_survival_proba = self.distribution.left_censoring( times, scale, shape) # the left area not_survival_bin = tf.where(tf.greater_equal(not_survival_proba, 0.5), tf.ones(tf.shape(not_survival_proba)), tf.zeros(tf.shape(not_survival_proba))) running_acc, acc_update = None, None if not sample_weights: running_acc, acc_update = tf.metrics.accuracy( labels=events, predictions=not_survival_bin) elif sample_weights == 'time': running_acc, acc_update = tf.metrics.accuracy( labels=events, predictions=not_survival_bin, weights=times) batch_loss = None if not sample_weights: batch_loss = tf.losses.log_loss(labels=events, predictions=not_survival_proba, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.MEAN) elif sample_weights == 'time': # class_weights = tf.where(tf.equal(events, 1), # tf.ones(tf.shape(events)) * 100, # tf.ones(tf.shape(events))) batch_loss = tf.losses.log_loss(labels=events, predictions=not_survival_proba, weights=times, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.MEAN) running_loss, loss_update = tf.metrics.mean(batch_loss) # Header Bidding Regularization hb_adxwon_partitions = tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(events, 0), # adx won tf.logical_and( tf.not_equal(0.0, max_hbs), # the max_hb is not missing tf.less(times, max_hbs) # tf.less(times, min_hbs), # tf.logical_and( # # # tf.less(times, max_hbs), # the max hb > the revenue # # # tf.less(max_hbs - time, 1.0) # remove the outliers # # tf.less(times, min_hbs), # # tf.less((max_hbs - times) / times, 0.01) # # # tf.logical_and( # # # tf.less((max_hbs - times) / times, 0.01), # # # tf.less(times, 10.0) # # # ) # # ) )), tf.int32) hb_adxlose_partitions = tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(events, 1), # adx lose tf.logical_and( tf.not_equal(0.0, min_hbs), # the min_hb is not missing tf.less(min_hbs, times) # the min hb < the floor # tf.less(max_hbs, times), # tf.logical_and( # tf.less(min_hbs, times), # # tf.less(max_hbs - time, 1.0) # remove the outliers # tf.less(0.9, (times - min_hbs) / times) # # tf.logical_and( # # tf.less(0.1, (times - min_hbs) / times), # # tf.less(times, 10.0) # # ) # ) )), tf.int32) # Using boolean_mask instead of dynamic_partition leads to: # "UserWarning: Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor of unknown shape. This may consume a large amount of memory." # regable_hb_adxwon = tf.dynamic_partition(max_hbs, hb_adxwon_partitions, 2)[1] regable_hb_adxlose = tf.dynamic_partition(min_hbs, hb_adxlose_partitions, 2)[1] regable_scale_adxwon = tf.dynamic_partition(scale, hb_adxwon_partitions, 2)[1] regable_scale_adxlose = tf.dynamic_partition(scale, hb_adxlose_partitions, 2)[1] hb_adxwon_pred = self.distribution.left_censoring( regable_hb_adxwon, regable_scale_adxwon, shape) hb_adxlose_pred = self.distribution.left_censoring( regable_hb_adxlose, regable_scale_adxlose, shape) hb_reg_adxwon, hb_reg_adxlose = None, None if not sample_weights: # if True: hb_reg_adxwon = tf.losses.log_loss(labels=tf.zeros( tf.shape(hb_adxwon_pred)), predictions=hb_adxwon_pred) hb_reg_adxlose = tf.losses.log_loss(labels=tf.zeros( tf.shape(hb_adxlose_pred)), predictions=hb_adxlose_pred) elif sample_weights == 'time': regable_time_adxwon = tf.dynamic_partition(times, hb_adxwon_partitions, 2)[1] regable_time_adxlose = tf.dynamic_partition( times, hb_adxlose_partitions, 2)[1] hb_reg_adxwon = tf.losses.log_loss( labels=tf.ones(tf.shape(hb_adxwon_pred)), predictions=hb_adxwon_pred, weights=1.0 / regable_time_adxwon) hb_reg_adxlose = tf.losses.log_loss( labels=tf.zeros(tf.shape(hb_adxlose_pred)), predictions=hb_adxlose_pred, weights=1.0 / regable_time_adxlose) mean_hb_reg_adxwon = tf.reduce_mean(hb_reg_adxwon) mean_hb_reg_adxlose = tf.reduce_mean(hb_reg_adxlose) # L2 regularized sum of squares loss function over the embeddings ''' l2_norm = tf.constant(self.lambda_linear) * tf.pow(embeddings_linear, 2) if embeddings_factorized is not None: l2_norm += tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(embeddings_factorized, 2), axis=-1) sum_l2_norm = tf.constant(self.lambda_factorized) * tf.reduce_sum(l2_norm) ''' l2_norm = self.lambda_linear * tf.nn.l2_loss( filtered_embeddings_linear) if embeddings_factorized is not None: l2_norm += self.lambda_factorized * tf.nn.l2_loss( filtered_embeddings_factorized) loss_mean = batch_loss + \ tf.constant(self.lambda_hb_adxwon) * mean_hb_reg_adxwon + \ tf.constant(self.lambda_hb_adxlose) * mean_hb_reg_adxlose + \ l2_norm # training_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate).minimize(loss_mean) ### gradient clipping optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate) gradients, variables = zip(*optimizer.compute_gradients(loss_mean)) gradients_clipped, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, 5.0) training_op = optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(gradients_clipped, variables)) # Isolate the variables stored behind the scenes by the metric operation running_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES) # Define initializer to initialize/reset running variables running_vars_initializer = tf.variables_initializer( var_list=running_vars) init =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) with tf.Session() as sess: max_loss_val = None num_total_batches = int( np.ceil(train_data.num_instances / self.batch_size)) for epoch in range(1, self.num_epochs + 1): # model training num_batch = 0 start = nowtime() for time_batch, event_batch, featidx_batch, featval_batch, minhbs_natch, maxhbs_batch, max_nz_len \ in train_data.make_sparse_batch(self.batch_size, only_freq=ONLY_FREQ_TRAIN): num_batch += 1 _, loss_batch, _, event_batch, time_batch, shape_batch = [ training_op, loss_mean, acc_update, events, times, shape ], feed_dict={ 'feature_indice:0': featidx_batch, 'feature_values:0': featval_batch, 'min_headerbids:0': minhbs_natch, 'max_headerbids:0': maxhbs_batch, 'times:0': time_batch, 'events:0': event_batch }) # print() # print('mean_hb_reg_adxwon_batch') # print(mean_hb_reg_adxwon_batch) # print('mean_hb_reg_adxlose_batch') # print(mean_hb_reg_adxlose_batch) # print('mean_batch_loss_batch') # print(mean_batch_loss_batch) # print("event_batch") # print(event_batch) # print('shape_batch') # print(shape_batch) if epoch == 1: print( "Epoch %d - Batch %d/%d: batch loss = %.4f" % (epoch, num_batch, num_total_batches, loss_batch)) print(" time: %.4fs" % (nowtime() - start)) start = nowtime() # evaluation on training data eval_nodes_update = [ loss_update, acc_update, not_survival_proba, scale, max_hbs ] eval_nodes_metric = [running_loss, running_acc] print() print("========== Evaluation at Epoch %d ==========" % epoch) print('*** On Training Set:') (loss_train, acc_train), _, _, _, _, _ = self.evaluate( train_data.make_sparse_batch(only_freq=ONLY_FREQ_TEST), running_vars_initializer, sess, eval_nodes_update, eval_nodes_metric, sample_weights) # print("TENSORFLOW:\tloss = %.6f\taccuracy = %.4f" % (loss_train, acc_train)) # evaluation on validation data print('*** On Validation Set:') ( loss_val, acc_val ), not_survival_val, _, _, events_val, times_val = self.evaluate( val_data.make_sparse_batch(only_freq=ONLY_FREQ_TEST), running_vars_initializer, sess, eval_nodes_update, eval_nodes_metric, sample_weights) # print("TENSORFLOW:\tloss = %.6f\taccuracy = %.4f" % (loss_val, acc_val)) print("Validation C-Index = %.4f" % c_index(events_val, not_survival_val, times_val)) if max_loss_val is None or loss_val < max_loss_val: print("!!! GET THE LOWEST VAL LOSS !!!") max_loss_val = loss_val # evaluation on test data print('*** On Test Set:') ( loss_test, acc_test ), not_survival_test, scale_test, max_hbs_test, events_test, times_test = self.evaluate( test_data.make_sparse_batch(only_freq=ONLY_FREQ_TEST), running_vars_initializer, sess, eval_nodes_update, eval_nodes_metric, sample_weights) # print("TENSORFLOW:\tloss = %.6f\taccuracy = %.4f" % (loss_test, acc_test)) print("TEST C-Index = %.4f" % c_index(events_test, not_survival_test, times_test)) # Store prediction results with open('output/all_predictions_factorized.csv', 'w', newline="\n") as outfile: csv_writer = csv.writer(outfile) csv_writer.writerow(('NOT_SURV_PROB', 'EVENTS', 'MAX(RESERVE, REVENUE)', 'MAX_HB', 'SCALE', 'SHAPE')) sh = shape.eval() for p, e, t, h, sc in zip(not_survival_test, events_test, times_test, max_hbs_test, scale_test): csv_writer.writerow((p, e, t, h, sc, sh)) print('All predictions are outputted for error analysis') # Store parameters params = { 'embeddings_linear': embeddings_linear.eval(), 'intercept': intercept.eval(), 'shape': shape.eval(), 'distribution_name': type(self.distribution).__name__ } if embeddings_factorized is not None: params[ 'embeddings_factorized'] = embeddings_factorized.eval( ), pickle.dump(params, open('output/params_k%d.pkl' % self.k, 'wb'))