Exemple #1
    def write_labels(self, content):
            Content is in form of a list [start, end, name] 
            Where start and end can be given in seconds or as a string

        #If we are writing for the first time, then we open the file in write mode so that previous contents are erased
        if self.write_count == 0:
            f = open(self.newfile, 'w')
            f = open(self.newfile, 'a')

        start = content[0]
        end = content[1]
        name = content[2]
        line = ""
        if type(start) == type(end) == int:
            line = timeFunc.get_time_string(
                start) + " - " + timeFunc.get_time_string(end) + " = " + name
        elif type(start) == type(end) == str:
            line = start + " - " + end + " = " + name
        line += '\n'
        self.write_count += 1
def add(request):
        The url /output/add/ maps to this function.
        The function is called by the click of the button '+'.
        It is used to add another label.
        When the function is called, these are the following operations performed.
            - Obtain the new start time in seconds of the next label
            - Make the end time of the new label, equal to the end time of the original label(where + was clicked)
            - Change the end time of the previous label(the label whose + was clicked) to the new start time

    global lines
    actual_start = int(request.POST.get(u'actual_start'))
    start = int(request.POST.get(u'start_sec'))
    end = int(request.POST.get(u'end_sec'))

    if start in lines.keys():
        #If already in the dictionary don't update
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'server_response': '1'}))

    #Now we add the value in lines as well
        start: [
            timeFunc.get_time_string(end), UNCLASSIFIED_CONTENT, start, end

    #We change the "end" of the previous start
    lines[actual_start][1] = timeFunc.get_time_string(start)

    print len(lines[start]), len(lines[actual_start])
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'server_response': '1'}))
 def write_labels(self, content):
         Content is in form of a list [start, end, name] 
         Where start and end can be given in seconds or as a string
     #If we are writing for the first time, then we open the file in write mode so that previous contents are erased
     if self.write_count == 0:
         f = open(self.newfile, 'w')
         f = open(self.newfile, 'a')
     start = content[0]
     end = content[1]
     name = content[2]
     line = ""
     if type(start) == type(end) == int:
         line = timeFunc.get_time_string(start) + " - " + timeFunc.get_time_string(end) + " = " + name
     elif type(start) == type(end) == str:
         line = start + " - " + end + " = " + name
     line += '\n'
     self.write_count += 1
def add(request):
        The url /output/add/ maps to this function.
        The function is called by the click of the button '+'.
        It is used to add another label.
        When the function is called, these are the following operations performed.
            - Obtain the new start time in seconds of the next label
            - Make the end time of the new label, equal to the end time of the original label(where + was clicked)
            - Change the end time of the previous label(the label whose + was clicked) to the new start time
    global lines 
    actual_start = int(request.POST.get(u'actual_start'))
    start = int(request.POST.get(u'start_sec'))
    end = int(request.POST.get(u'end_sec'))
    if start in lines.keys():
        #If already in the dictionary don't update
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'server_response': '1' }))
    #Now we add the value in lines as well
    lines.update({start: [timeFunc.get_time_string(start), timeFunc.get_time_string(end), UNCLASSIFIED_CONTENT, start, end]})
    #We change the "end" of the previous start
    lines[actual_start][1] = timeFunc.get_time_string(start)
    print len(lines[start]), len(lines[actual_start])
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'server_response': '1' }))
def delete(request):
        The url /output/delete/ maps to this function.
        This function is called by the click of the button '-'.
        It is used to delete the label, intended to be deleted by the user.
        When a label is deleted the following operations take place:
            - the end time of the to be deleted label is written onto the end time of the label preceeding it.
            - the label to be deleted is removed from lines dictionary
    global lines
    keys = lines.keys()
    start = int(request.POST.get(u'start_sec'))
    end = int(request.POST.get(u'end_sec'))
    #Now we find the preceeding label
    for i in range(len(keys)):
        if keys[i] == start:
    #This will be the label, just above the label to be deleted
    old_start = keys[i - 1]
    #Performing the operations
    #We assign the endtime of this to the previous start
    lines[old_start][1] = timeFunc.get_time_string(end)
    lines[old_start][-1] = end
    del lines[start]
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'server_response': '1' }))
def delete(request):
        The url /output/delete/ maps to this function.
        This function is called by the click of the button '-'.
        It is used to delete the label, intended to be deleted by the user.
        When a label is deleted the following operations take place:
            - the end time of the to be deleted label is written onto the end time of the label preceeding it.
            - the label to be deleted is removed from lines dictionary

    global lines
    keys = lines.keys()
    start = int(request.POST.get(u'start_sec'))
    end = int(request.POST.get(u'end_sec'))

    #Now we find the preceeding label
    for i in range(len(keys)):
        if keys[i] == start:

    #This will be the label, just above the label to be deleted
    old_start = keys[i - 1]

    #Performing the operations

    #We assign the endtime of this to the previous start
    lines[old_start][1] = timeFunc.get_time_string(end)
    lines[old_start][-1] = end

    del lines[start]

    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'server_response': '1'}))
    def recognize_ads_file(self, input_file_path):
                Recognize all the commercials present in the file

                1) Convert input_file to wav file
                2) Process the file in chunks
                3) Skip parts based on the offset and duration of recognize_chunk
                4) Append [start_time, end_time, name] of each confident segment
                input_file_path: Either video or audio file whose ads have to be detected.

                List of [start_time, end_time, name] of all the ads detected in the file
        ext = input_file_path.split('.')[-1]
        audio = pydub.AudioSegment.from_file(input_file_path, ext)
        audio = audio.set_channels(1)

        strt = 0
        duration = audio.duration_seconds

        labels = []
        while strt < duration - self.config['analyze_span']:
            end = strt + self.config['analyze_span']
            audio_segment = audio[strt * 1000:end * 1000]
            ad = self.recognize_segment(audio_segment)

            if ad:
                strt = int(strt - ad[ComDet.OFFSET_SECS])
                end = int(strt + ad[ComDet.AD_DURATION])
                strt_string = get_time_string(strt)
                end_string = get_time_string(end)
                print "Found:", strt_string, end_string, ad[
                    ComDet.AD_NAME], ad[ComDet.CONFIDENCE]
                labels.append([strt_string, end_string, ad[ComDet.AD_NAME]])
                strt = end
                strt += self.config['analyze_skip']
        return labels
    def recognize_ads_file(self, input_file_path):
                Recognize all the commercials present in the file

                1) Convert input_file to wav file
                2) Process the file in chunks
                3) Skip parts based on the offset and duration of recognize_chunk
                4) Append [start_time, end_time, name] of each confident segment
                input_file_path: Either video or audio file whose ads have to be detected.

                List of [start_time, end_time, name] of all the ads detected in the file
        ext = input_file_path.split('.')[-1]
        audio = pydub.AudioSegment.from_file(input_file_path, ext)
        audio = audio.set_channels(1)

        strt = 0
        duration = audio.duration_seconds

        labels = []
        while strt < duration - self.config['analyze_span']:
            end = strt + self.config['analyze_span']
            audio_segment = audio[strt*1000:end*1000]    
            ad = self.recognize_segment(audio_segment)

            if ad:
                strt = int(strt - ad[ComDet.OFFSET_SECS])
                end = int(strt + ad[ComDet.AD_DURATION])
                strt_string = get_time_string(strt)
                end_string = get_time_string(end)
                print "Found:", strt_string, end_string, ad[ComDet.AD_NAME], ad[ComDet.CONFIDENCE]
                labels.append([strt_string, end_string, ad[ComDet.AD_NAME]])
                strt = end
                strt += self.config['analyze_skip']
        return labels
Exemple #9
    def detect(self):

        #        self.X = hickle.load('../data/newdat.hkl')
        m, n = self.X.shape
        freqs = np.abs(np.fft.fftfreq(n, 1.0 / 44100))
        times = []
        print "Detecting video cuts..",
        for i in range(m):
            magnitudes = self.X[i, :]
            val = (np.max(magnitudes) +
                   np.min(magnitudes)) / (np.var(magnitudes))
            val *= 100

            #Pretty output
            sys.stdout.write("%s done" %
                             (timeFunc.get_time_string(i * WINDOW_SIZE)))

            if val > 1:
                ts = timeFunc.get_time_string(i * WINDOW_SIZE)
                    self.times_dic[ts] += 1
                    self.times_dic[ts] = 0
        j = 0
        times = self.times_dic.keys()
        for time in times:
            if self.times_dic[
                    time] == 0:  #Occurred only once, very low chances of it being valid
                del self.times_dic[time]
        self.times = self.times_dic.keys()
        print "Video cuts detected !"
Exemple #10
    def recognize(self):

        labels = LabelsFile(outfile=OUTPUT)
        print "Now detecting commercials.."
        i = 0
        prev = 0
        while i < self.duration:

            #Pretty printing
            remaining_time = self.duration - i
            sys.stdout.write("Duration of video pending analysis: %s" %

            next, data = self.find_commercial(i)

            #data is an empty list when there is no commercial
            if len(data) != 0:
                #If commercial is detected
                start = data[0]
                name = data[1]
                i = next + (VIDEO_GAP / 2)

                #prev = the end time of the last add that was detected
                if (start - prev) >= VIDEO_SPAN:
                    #If greater than the amount to scan, has to be marked unclassified
                        timeFunc.get_time_string(start), UNCLASSIFIED_CONTENT
                    start = prev  #We safely skip

                prev = next

                #We mark the commercial detected
                    timeFunc.get_time_string(next), name

                #No commercial, proceed scanning
                i += VIDEO_GAP

        if (self.duration - prev) > 1:  #Atleast one second
                timeFunc.get_time_string(self.duration), UNCLASSIFIED_CONTENT
    def detect(self):
#        self.X = hickle.load('../data/newdat.hkl')
        m,n= self.X.shape
        freqs = np.abs(np.fft.fftfreq(n, 1.0/44100))
        times = []
        print "Detecting video cuts..",
        for i in range(m):
            magnitudes = self.X[i, :]
            val = (np.max(magnitudes) + np.min(magnitudes)) / (np.var(magnitudes))
            val *= 100
            #Pretty output
            sys.stdout.write("%s done" % (timeFunc.get_time_string(i * WINDOW_SIZE)))
            if val > 1:
                ts = timeFunc.get_time_string(i * WINDOW_SIZE)
                    self.times_dic[ts] += 1
                    self.times_dic[ts] = 0
        j = 0
        times = self.times_dic.keys()
        for time in times:
            if self.times_dic[time] == 0: #Occurred only once, very low chances of it being valid
                del self.times_dic[time]
        self.times = self.times_dic.keys()
        print "Video cuts detected !"
Exemple #12
    def get_data(self, window, overlap):
            Gets the freq region of data
            audio_name = name of the audio file
            Window = size of the window in seconds, by default it creates a window of 2 milliseconds
            Overlap = ratio of overlap between frames
        print "Computing FFT..",
        self.Fs, frames = wavfile.read(self.audio_name)
        start = 0
        i = window
        m = int(len(frames) /
                (window * self.Fs))  # As (k + 1)*window*fs < len(frames)

        #Creating an empty X matrix
        n = np.fft.fftfreq(int(self.Fs * window))[:self.Fs //
                                                  2].shape[0]  #Only real part
        n = n / 2 + 1  #Since we take only half of real part
        self.X = np.zeros((m, n), dtype=np.float32)

        k = 0
        while ((i * self.Fs) < len(frames)):
            #Pretty output
            sys.stdout.write("%s done" % (timeFunc.get_time_string(i)))

            end = start + int(self.Fs * window)
            x = np.array(
                dtype=np.float32) + 0.0000001  #To remove any zero errors
            magnitudes = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(x))[:self.Fs / 4]
            self.X[k] = np.copy(magnitudes)
            start += int(self.Fs * (1 - overlap) * window)
            i += window
            k += 1
        print "Done computing FFT !"
 def recognize(self):
     labels = LabelsFile(outfile=OUTPUT) 
     print "Now detecting commercials.."
     i = 0
     prev = 0
     while i < self.duration:
         #Pretty printing
         remaining_time = self.duration - i
         sys.stdout.write("Duration of video pending analysis: %s" % timeFunc.get_time_string(remaining_time))
         next, data = self.find_commercial(i)
         #data is an empty list when there is no commercial            
         if len(data) != 0:
             #If commercial is detected
             start = data[0]
             name = data[1]
             i = next + (VIDEO_GAP / 2)
             #prev = the end time of the last add that was detected
             if (start - prev) >= VIDEO_SPAN:
                 #If greater than the amount to scan, has to be marked unclassified
                 labels.write_labels([timeFunc.get_time_string(prev), timeFunc.get_time_string(start), UNCLASSIFIED_CONTENT])
                 start = prev #We safely skip
             prev = next   
             #We mark the commercial detected
             labels.write_labels([timeFunc.get_time_string(start), timeFunc.get_time_string(next), name])                     
             #No commercial, proceed scanning
             i += VIDEO_GAP
     if (self.duration - prev) > 1: #Atleast one second
         labels.write_labels([timeFunc.get_time_string(prev), timeFunc.get_time_string(self.duration), UNCLASSIFIED_CONTENT])
    def get_data(self, window, overlap):

            Gets the freq region of data
            audio_name = name of the audio file
            Window = size of the window in seconds, by default it creates a window of 2 milliseconds
            Overlap = ratio of overlap between frames
        print "Computing FFT..",
        self.Fs, frames = wavfile.read(self.audio_name)
        start = 0
        i = window
        m = int(len(frames) / (window * self.Fs)) # As (k + 1)*window*fs < len(frames)
        #Creating an empty X matrix
        n = np.fft.fftfreq(int(self.Fs*window))[: self.Fs // 2].shape[0] #Only real part
        n = n / 2 + 1 #Since we take only half of real part
        self.X = np.zeros((m, n), dtype=np.float32)
        k = 0
        while ((i*self.Fs) < len(frames)):
            #Pretty output
            sys.stdout.write("%s done" % (timeFunc.get_time_string(i)))
            end = start + int(self.Fs * window)
            x = np.array(frames[start:end], dtype=np.float32) + 0.0000001#To remove any zero errors
            magnitudes = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(x))[:self.Fs / 4]
            self.X[k] = np.copy(magnitudes)
            start += int(self.Fs * (1 - overlap) * window)
            i += window
            k += 1
        print "Done computing FFT !"