def __init__( self, uid, creator_uid, tid, # Replace later with the controller deadline, title, pid=None, status=Status.IN_PROGRESS, priority=Priority.MEDIUM, parent=None, comment='', realization_time=None, creation_time=0, period=None): logger.debug('creating a task...') self.childs = [] self.uid = uid self.creator_uid = creator_uid self.tid = tid = pid self.title = title self.status = status self.priority = priority self.parent = parent self.period = period self.deadline = deadline self.comment = comment self.realization_time = realization_time self.creation_time = creation_time
def get_milliseconds(formatted_time): """ This function returns time in milliseconds according to the given formatted time :param formatted_time: Time in following format of date_format (%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S) :type formatted_time: String :return: Int """ logger.debug('passed time %s' % formatted_time) try: date_time = datetime.strptime(_time_get_formatted(formatted_time), FORMAT) logger.debug('date converted') # Note that here we are subtracting 1970's to define them as lower point final_time = (date_time - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000 - error if final_time < 0: raise m_e.InvalidArgumentFormat(m_e.TimeMessages.TIME_EPOCH) return int(final_time) except ValueError: raise m_e.InvalidArgumentFormat(m_e.TimeMessages.TIME_FORMAT)
def add_task(self, title, priority=None, status=None, time=None, parent_id=None, comment='', pid=None, receiver_uid=None, period=None): """ This function will add passed task to the database, with the creator and executor that named in the config.ini (i.e current logged user) :param pid: Project's id :param receiver_uid: User's login :param comment: Task's comment for some detailed explanation :param parent_id: Parent's task id :param time: Time in following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS :param title: Task's title :param priority: Task's priority (enum from Priority) :param status: Task's status (enum from Status) :param period: Task's period in hours :type pid: Int :type receiver_uid: String :type comment: String :type parent_id: Int :type time: String :type title: String :type priority: Int :type status: Int :type period: String :return: None """ if priority is None: logger.debug('Default priority has been set') priority = Priority.MEDIUM elif priority < Priority.MIN or priority > Priority.MAX: raise v_e.InvalidPriorityError( v_e.PriorityMessages.INVALID_PRIORITY) if status is None: logger.debug('Default status has been set') status = Status.IN_PROGRESS elif status < Status.EXPIRED or status > Status.DONE: raise v_e.InvalidStatusError(v_e.StatusMessages.INVALID_STATUS) if time is not None: time = time_candle.model.time_formatter.get_milliseconds(time) # if period not is none we convert it to the milliseconds if period is not None: period = time_candle.model.time_formatter.\ days_to_milliseconds(period) v.check_comment(comment) v.check_title(title) self.task_logic.add_task(title, priority, status, time, parent_id, comment, pid, receiver_uid, period)
def make_project(cls, obj): """ This function converts some data type to project :type obj: type with fields: - pid - admin uid - title - description :return: Project """ logger.debug('convert storage to model project') project = cls(, obj.admin, obj.title, obj.description) return project
def make_message(cls, obj): """ This function converts some data type to user :type obj: type with fields: - mid - content - user :return: Message """ logger.debug('convert storage to model message') message = cls(uid=obj.uid, mid=obj.mid, content=obj.content) return message
def make_user(cls, obj): """ This function converts some data type to user :type obj: type with fields: - uid - login - nickname - about :return: User """ logger.debug('convert storage to model user') user = cls(uid=obj.uid, login=obj.login, nickname=obj.nickname, about=obj.about) return user
def _time_get_formatted(formatted_time): """ This function returns formatted_time, but with the now's date if the date is not pointed :param formatted_time: string of formatted time :type formatted_time: String :return: String of format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S to the strptime function """ long_pattern = r'\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}' short_pattern = r'\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}' if re.match(long_pattern, formatted_time): logger.debug('date matched long pattern') return formatted_time elif re.match(short_pattern, formatted_time): logger.debug('date matched short pattern') date_string = datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') return date_string + ' ' + formatted_time else: logger.warning('the date must be %Y-%m-%d or %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') raise m_e.InvalidArgumentFormat(m_e.TimeMessages.TIME_FORMAT)
def _update(self, task): changed_flag = False # make tasks expired if deadline is crossed if task.deadline is not None \ and time_candle.model.\ time_formatter.time_delta(task.deadline) < 0 \ and task.status == Status.IN_PROGRESS: task.status = Status.EXPIRED self.queue.append( task.uid, TaskMessages.TASK_EXPIRED.format(task.title)) self._set_status_expired_to_childs(task) logger.debug('tasks status updated') changed_flag = True # make new deadline to the period task if there is need to do so and if # we are not expired our task if task.period is not None: old_deadline = task.deadline # check on expired and maybe change deadline if task.status != Status.EXPIRED: task.deadline = time_candle.model.time_formatter.\ get_next_deadline(task.period, task.deadline) # if we are changed it then we are in progress if old_deadline != task.deadline: task.status = Status.IN_PROGRESS logger.debug('status in progress for period task %s', task.tid) changed_flag = True if changed_flag: logger.debug('task updated')
def make_task(cls, obj): """ This function converts some data type to task :type obj: type with fields: - receiver uid - creator uid - other obj project with pid - tid - deadline_time - creation_time - realization_time - title - status - priority - period - other obj parent with tid or None - comment :return: Task """ logger.debug('convert storage to model task') # we can have a None parent, so we have to determine this to take it's # id or not if obj.parent is None: parent_id = None else: parent_id = obj.parent.tid if obj.project is None: project_id = None else: project_id = task = cls(obj.receiver, obj.creator, obj.tid, obj.deadline_time, obj.title, project_id, obj.status, obj.priority, parent_id, obj.comment, obj.realization_time, obj.creation_time, obj.period) return task
def add_task(self, title, priority, status, deadline_time, parent_id, comment, pid, uid, period): # add task to the database # This code is also checking is our parent tid exists in the database # for logged user. The max func needed to set tasks status and priority # not lower then parent's if parent_id is not None: parent_task = self.task_adapter.get_task_by_id(parent_id) if parent_task.status == Status.DONE: raise m_e.InvalidStatusError( m_e.StatusMessages.MAKE_PARENT_STATUS_DONE) if parent_task.period is not None: raise m_e.InvalidParentError( m_e.ParentMessages.PARENT_HAS_PERIOD) priority = max(priority, parent_task.priority) if status == Status.EXPIRED: raise m_e.InvalidStatusError(m_e.StatusMessages.ADD_EXPIRED) logger.debug('time in milliseconds %s', deadline_time)'time now (from milliseconds to datetime) %s', time_candle.model.time_formatter.get_datetime( time_candle.model.time_formatter.get_now_milliseconds() )) # Check for rights and id's if uid is None: task_uid = self.uid else: self.project_adapter.is_user_in_project(uid, pid) task_uid = uid # check that if we are in the project that we has proper rights if pid is not None: logger.debug('pid is not none') if task_uid != self.uid: logger.debug('the receiver is not us') if not self.project_adapter.has_rights(pid): raise m_e.InvalidLoginError( m_e.ProjectMessages.DO_NOT_HAVE_RIGHTS) else: logger.debug('we are the receiver') self.project_adapter.is_user_in_project(self.uid, pid) # if deadline is not none if deadline_time is not None: # we checking that deadline is in the future if time_candle.model.time_formatter.time_delta(deadline_time) < 0: raise m_e.InvalidTimeError(m_e.TimeMessages.TIME_SHIFT) # also we must specify deadline if there is a period if period is not None and deadline_time is None: raise m_e.InvalidTimeError(m_e.TimeMessages.NO_DEADLINE) if period is not None and period < 0: raise m_e.InvalidTimeError(m_e.TimeMessages.NEGATIVE_PERIOD) if status == Status.EXPIRED and deadline_time is None: raise m_e.InvalidTimeError(m_e.TimeMessages.NO_DEADLINE) if status == Status.DONE: realization_time = time_candle.model.time_formatter.\ get_now_milliseconds() else: realization_time = None task = TaskInstance(uid=task_uid, creator_uid=self.uid, tid=self.task_adapter.last_id() + 1, deadline=deadline_time, title=title, pid=pid, status=status, priority=priority, parent=parent_id, comment=comment, realization_time=realization_time, creation_time=time_candle.model.time_formatter. get_now_milliseconds(), period=period) logger.debug('task configured and ready to save , the task id is %s', task.tid) logger.debug('task added')