def run(spool): # notify("I'm alive!") jobs = [Job(name, data, spool) for name, data in config['jobs'].items()] due_jobs = [job for job in jobs if job.is_due()] for job in due_jobs: print(f'⏲ {job} is due!') try: with time_limit(job.time_limit): job.execute() dur = job.last_success - job.last_executed notify(, f'ran successfully in {dur}', icon='dialog-positive') job.status = 'SUCCESS' except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f'Error executing {job}: {e}', file=sys.stderr) notify(, f'encountered an error: {e}', icon='dialog-error', urgency='CRITICAL') with open(f'{SCHED_DIR}/{}_log.txt', 'w') as error_log_file: error_log_file.write(job.output) job.status = 'ERROR' has_errors = True except TimeoutException as e: print(f'Timeout executing {job}: {e}', file=sys.stderr) notify(, 'timed out', icon='dialog-error', urgency='CRITICAL') job.status = 'ERROR' has_errors = True job_to_last_executed = { job.to_spool() for job in jobs} return { 'jobs': job_to_last_executed, 'did_something': len(due_jobs) > 0, # We don't want to signal an error if it's not from the current execution. # Therefore, only due_jobs are considered. 'has_errors': any(job.status == 'ERROR' for job in due_jobs), }
if __name__ == '__main__': nodes, connections, degrees, freedoms = read_graph_data('Graph500.txt') data_storage = join('data', 'mls') solutions = pd.DataFrame() limit_in_seconds = 15 for j in range(25): tic2 = perf_counter() graph = Graph(nodes=nodes, connections=connections, freedoms=freedoms, degrees=degrees) previous_solution = {} try: with (time_limit(limit_in_seconds, 'MLS')): while True: if previous_solution: graph.init_partition(previous_solution['solution']) else: graph.init_partition() graph.setup_gains() result = graph.fiduccia_mattheyses() previous_solution = result except TimeoutException: pass solution = previous_solution['solution'] solution['cutstate'] = previous_solution['cutstate'] solution = previous_solution['solution']
current_position = update_position(current_position, user_move, False) # show the current view view = create_view(current_position, False) print_position(view) # update the information of the computer computer_view = create_view(current_position, True) possible = engine.update_possible(possible, True, computer_view) print(len(possible)) # come up with computer move node = engine.Node(view=computer_view, possible=possible, turn=True) try: with time_limit(30): engine.iterative_deepening(node, 10) except TimeoutError as e: print("Timed out!") print(engine.lookup_table["principal_variation"]) computer_move = engine.lookup_table["principal_variation"][0] # play computer move current_position = update_position(current_position, computer_move, True) # update the information of the computer computer_view = create_view(current_position, True) new_possible = set() for position in possible: new_position = update_position(position, computer_move, True)