def get_preprocessed_images(images_dir, tracker=None): images_dir = Path(images_dir) output_path = Path('data/processed/transformed_images') output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if tracker is None: print('--------------- This is a Dry Run ---------------') tracker = time_util.time_tracker() total = len(list(images_dir.glob('*.jpg'))) for i, img_path in enumerate(images_dir.glob('*.jpg')): img = cv2.imread(str(img_path), 0) hist, bins = np.histogram(img.flatten(), 256, [0, 256]) cdf = hist.cumsum() cdf_m =, 0) cdf_m = (cdf_m - cdf_m.min()) * 255 / (cdf_m.max() - cdf_m.min()) cdf =, 0).astype('uint8') img2 = cdf[img] cv2.imwrite(str('transformed_images' / Path(, img2) paths_util.printProgressBar(i + 1, total) print("----" * 20) print( f"Preprocessed {total} Images - Completed at {time_util.timestamp()}") print(f"--- {tracker.total_time()} seconds passed ---------") return str(output_path)
def __init__(self, images_dir): self.print_start() self.session = time_util.timestamp_simple() self.tracker = time_util.time_tracker() print( f'--- New Session: {self.session }, Created for Directory: {images_dir} ---' ) self.images_dir = images_dir self.session_out_path = Path("data") / "main_run" / self.session self.images_dataframe = self.queue_images(images_dir) = len(self.images_dataframe) self.images_dataframe[JPG_PATH] = self.images_dataframe[FILE_PATH] self.preprocess_flag = False self.resize_max_length = RESIZE_MAX_LENGTH self.similarity_threshold = SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD
# file_list.append(file_dict) paths_util.printProgressBar(i + 1, total) print( f"[INFO] Generating Feature Vectors - Completed @ {time_util.timestamp()}" ) print(f"--- {track_vectorizer_time.total_time()} seconds passed ---------") out_path = Path(out_path) (out_path / 'vectors').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Saves the image feature vectors into a file for later use np.savetxt(out_path / f'vectors/{MODEL_NAME}_vector_matrix.npz', vector_matrix, delimiter=',') return str(out_path / f'vectors/{MODEL_NAME}_vector_matrix.npz') if __name__ == "__main__": print('--------------- This is a Dry Run ---------------') jpg_list = list(Path("data/raw/orignal_images").glob("*.jpg")) vector_matrix_path = get_image_feature_vectors(jpg_list, "data/vectors", time_util.time_tracker()) print(f"Vector Matrix Creates as: {vector_matrix_path}")
def main(resize_max_length_c, top_x_features_c, top_x_likeness_c, top_x_limit_c, face_scale_c, face_neighbors_c, face_min_c, face_resize_c, blur_threshold_c): """ This program takes a directory path of images and processes them for cull flags ******************************** 1. Take directory path for Smart Previews. DONE 2. Recursively parse directory into List. DONE 3. Convert DNG to JPG. DONE 4. Resize images smaller. DONE 5. Process list of images for Duplicates. 6. Process list of images for Faces. DONE 7. Process list of images for Blurs. DONE 8. Process list of images for Blinks. DONE 9. Process list of images for Distortions (later feature). 10. Convert list to CSV for interpretation by other programs. DONE Typical usage example: Python3 $path_to_smart_preview_directory python3 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/AI-Cull/images/dngs-structured-small Will store intermediary steps and performance in the output folder ******************************** """ # Constants for CSV header lookup so we don't have to use indexes, sort in order of csv row CONST_KEY = 'Key' # 0 CONST_FILE = 'File' # 1 CONST_LOCATION = 'Location' # 2 CONST_JPG = 'JPG' # 3 CONST_JPG_LOCATION = 'JPG Location' # 4 CONST_SCALED_JPG = 'Scaled JPG' # 5 CONST_FEATURES = 'Features' # 6 CONST_VECTOR = 'Vector' # 7 CONST_NEIGHBORS = 'Neighbors' # 8 CONST_FACES = 'Faces' # 9 CONST_FOCUS = 'Focus' # 10 CONST_BLURRY = 'Blurry' # 11 CONST_BLINKS = 'Blinks' # 12 # Instance variables args = sys.argv # take in args from system arg_len = len(args) # check how many args came in run_at = time_util.timestamp_simple() csv_title = 'Results_' + run_at # title of csv file being output csv_performance = "All_Performance.csv" # title of performance csv csv_columns = [] # initialize column headers for csv list_data = [] # inititalize list data as empty progress = 1 # initialize progress to 1st item queue = 0 # initialize size of queue to 0 root_dir = os.getcwd() # initialize root directory location verbose = 0 # clean Up Old Run Before Starting New One # clean_up.folder('converted_jpgs') # clean_up.folder('faces/individuals') # clean_up.folder('faces/overlays') # clean_up.folder('image_vectors') # clean_up.folder('nearest_neighbors') # clean_up.folder('scaled_bw_jpgs') # print(time_util.timestamp() + '[INFO] Clean Up Done') # Print path given # Performance Metrics # this is the long edge size of our resized images resize_max_length = resize_max_length_c top_x_features = top_x_features_c top_x_likeness = top_x_likeness_c top_x_limit = top_x_limit_c face_scale = face_scale_c face_neighbors = face_neighbors_c face_min = face_min_c face_resize = face_resize_c face_cascade = 'haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml' # not implemented yet blur_threshold = blur_threshold_c eyes_min = 20 # not implemented in blinks image_count = 0 face_found = 0 eyes_found = 0 # not implemented in blinks blinks_found = 0 blurs_found = 0 # Total Time Amounts for Each Step total_time = 0.0 queue_time = 0.0 convert_time = 0.0 resize_time = 0.0 feature_time = 0.0 likeness_time = 0.0 face_time = 0.0 blink_time = 0.0 blur_time = 0.0 csv_time = 0.0 # Set arg_path if there are args if (len(args) >= 2): arg_path = args[1] # sets arg path for use later # arg index 0 is filename, index 1 is the first option. If no args explain correct usage if (arg_len != 2): # Explain correct usage print("\n") print(time_util.timestamp( ) + '[ERROR] No path given, correct usage: Python3 %s $image_directory' % args[0]) print(time_util.timestamp( ) + '[Example] Python3 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/AI-Cull/images/dngs-structured-small') print('*******************************************') print('*************** PROGRAM END ***************') print('*******************************************') quit() # quit program if being used incorrectly track_total_time = time_util.time_tracker() # start tracking time if(verbose == 1): # Confirm path given in args # Print path given print(time_util.timestamp() + '[INFO] You gave directory path:' + arg_path) print("\n") print('*******************************************') """ Let user know that we are generating a queue of "n" size based on the contents of folder path given ******************************** INPUT = directory of files 1. This code block will look through the path given and find all dng files OUTPUT = List Data is updated with file and location of the dng files PRINTS = Each time item is added to queue for processing ******************************** """ print("\n") print(time_util.timestamp() + '[STEP] Genearting Queue of files from directory path...') print("\n") # create the output/run_at folder if it does not exist if not os.path.exists('output/'): if(verbose == 1): print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Missing output folder, creating it...") os.makedirs('output/') # create the output/run_at folder if it does not exist if not os.path.exists('output/' + run_at): if(verbose == 1): print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Missing output/run_at folder, creating it...") os.makedirs('output/' + run_at) # Add headers for File and Location csv_columns.append(CONST_KEY) csv_columns.append(CONST_FILE) csv_columns.append(CONST_LOCATION) track_queue_time = time_util.time_tracker() # start tracking time # Add data for File and Location xi = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(arg_path): for _file in files: if xi < 10: if (fnmatch.fnmatch(_file, '*.dng') or fnmatch.fnmatch(_file, '*.jpg')): xi = xi + 1 print(f'{xi + 1} file added to queue') key = _file[:-4] # is the non extension name add_item = [key, os.path.join( _file), os.path.join(root, _file)] list_data.append(add_item) if(verbose == 1): print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Added to Queue: " + key) queue = queue + 1 total_images = queue # set queue size print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Queue Size: " + str(queue)) print("\n") print(time_util.timestamp( ) + "[INFO] Total Time to generate queue: " + str(track_queue_time.total_time())) # how long did it take to generate queue queue_time = track_queue_time.total_time() if(verbose == 1): print("\n") print('*******************************************') """ Convert DNG to JPG ******************************** INPUT = queue of files in list data 1. This code block will look through the queue in list data and convert dngs to jpg OUTPUT = JPG files from the DNGs OUTPUT = List Data is updated with file and location of the jpg files PRINTS = Each time item is converted to jpg ******************************** """ print("\n") print(time_util.timestamp() + '[STEP] Converting DNGs to JPG from queue...') print("\n") progress = progress # this doesn't do anything it is just to keep pattern # Add header for jpg file and location csv_columns.append(CONST_JPG) csv_columns.append(CONST_JPG_LOCATION) track_convert_time = time_util.time_tracker() # start tracking time # create the output/ folder if it does not exist if not os.path.exists('output/converted_jpgs'): #print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Missing output/converted_jpgs folder, creating it...") os.makedirs('output/converted_jpgs') # create the output/run_at folder if it does not exist if not os.path.exists('output/' + run_at + '/converted_jpgs'): #print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Missing output/run_at/converted_jpgs folder, creating it...") os.makedirs('output/' + run_at + '/converted_jpgs') # Convert all DNGs to JPG for row in list_data: name = row[csv_columns.index(CONST_KEY)] dng_to_jpg.convert( run_at, row[csv_columns.index(CONST_LOCATION)], name) # dng path if(verbose == 1): print(time_util.timestamp( ) + "[INFO] DNG to JPG (" + str(progress) + " of " + str(queue) + "): " + name) progress = progress + 1 # Add New Data row.append(name + '.jpg') # Convert DNG every time row.append("output/"+ str(run_at) + "/converted_jpgs/" + name + ".jpg") # Convert DNG once row.append("output/converted_jpgs/" + name + ".jpg") print("\n") print(time_util.timestamp( ) + "[INFO] Total Time to Convert DNG to JPG: " + str(track_convert_time.total_time())) # how long did it take to convert to JPG convert_time = track_convert_time.total_time() print("\n") if(verbose == 1): print('*******************************************') """ Scale down JPG and Convert to Grayscale ******************************** INPUT = queue of files in list data 1. This code block will look through the queue in list data and resize down jpgs OUTPUT = Scaled / BW JPG files OUTPUT = List Data is updated with file and location of the jpg files PRINTS = Each time item is converted to jpg ******************************** """ print("\n") print(time_util.timestamp() + '[STEP] Converting JPG to ' + str( resize_max_length) + 'px long edge and grayscale from queue...') print("\n") progress = 1 # reset progress for this step # Add header for scale bw jpgs csv_columns.append(CONST_SCALED_JPG) track_resize_time = time_util.time_tracker() # start tracking time # Black white and resize all JPG for row in list_data: name = row[csv_columns.index(CONST_KEY)] # name key resize.resize_image(run_at, row[csv_columns.index( CONST_JPG_LOCATION)], name, resize_max_length) # jpg path if(verbose == 1): print(time_util.timestamp( ) + "[INFO] BW Resize Complete on (" + str(progress) + " of " + str(queue) + "): " + name) progress = progress + 1 # Add New Data # if scaling every time row.append("output/" + str(run_at) + "/scaled_bw_jpgs/" + name + "_bw.jpg") # if scaling just one time # row.append("output/scaled_bw_jpgs/" + name + "_bw.jpg") print("\n") print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Total Time to Scale JPG: " + str(track_resize_time.total_time())) resize_time = track_resize_time.total_time() # how long did it take to resize print("\n") if(verbose == 1): print('*******************************************') """ Run Feature Detection to Vectorize Images for Comparison ******************************** INPUT = directory of files 1. This code block will look through the queue in list data and find features (things) OUTPUT = image vectors based on feature detection OUTPUT = List Data is updated with feature confidence PRINTS = Each time feature is found ******************************** """ print("\n") print(time_util.timestamp() + '[STEP] Running Feature detection on scaled JPGs...') print("\n") progress = 1 # reset progress for this step # Add headers for duplicates data # csv_columns.append(CONST_FEATURES) csv_columns.append(CONST_VECTOR) track_feature_time = time_util.time_tracker() # start tracking time # Run whole directory at once #["python", "", arg_path]) list_data = classify_images.classify_image(run_at, list_data, csv_columns) print("\n") print(time_util.timestamp( ) + "[INFO] Total Time to Feature Detect: " + str(track_feature_time.total_time())) # how long did it take to generate features feature_time = track_feature_time.total_time() print("\n") print(list_data) if(verbose == 1): print('*******************************************') """ Run Nearest Neighbor for Likeness Comparison ******************************** INPUT = directory of files 1. This will check the image_vectors directory and return json list of nearest neighboors OUTPUT = json file of nearest neighbor OUTPUT = List data of nearest neighbor PRINTS = Each json object ******************************** """ print("\n") print(time_util.timestamp() + '[STEP] Running nearest ' + str( top_x_likeness) + ' likeness detection on image vectors...') print("\n") progress = 1 # reset progress for this step # Add header for duplicates data csv_columns.append(CONST_NEIGHBORS) track_likeness_time = time_util.time_tracker() # start tracking time # Duplicates detection will find vectorize based on feature detect # Images with the same features at similar confidence levels will be believed to be the same # Add to list an array of duplicate data # Run whole directory at once list_data = cluster_vectors.nearest_neighboors( run_at, list_data, csv_columns, top_x_likeness, top_x_limit) print("\n") print(time_util.timestamp( ) + "[INFO] Total Time to Likeness Detect: " + str(track_likeness_time.total_time())) # how long did it take to generate likeness data likeness_time = track_likeness_time.total_time() print("\n") # """ TEMP DISABLED as not needed for APP 3""" # if(verbose == 1): # print('*******************************************') # """ #Find faces in images and save cropped faces # #******************************** # #INPUT = directory of files # #1. This code block will look through the queue in list data and find faces # #OUTPUT = face cropped jpgs # #OUTPUT = List Data is updated with face details # #PRINTS = Each time face is found # #******************************** # """ # print("\n") # print(time_util.timestamp() + '[STEP] Running Face detection on converted full size JPGs...') # print("\n") # progress = 1 # reset progress for this step # # Add header for faces data # csv_columns.append(CONST_FACES) # track_face_time = time_util.time_tracker() # start tracking time # # create the output/run_at folder if it does not exist # if not os.path.exists('output/' + run_at + '/faces'): # #print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Missing output/run_at/faces folder, creating it...") # os.makedirs('output/' + run_at + '/faces') # # create the output/run_at folder if it does not exist # if not os.path.exists('output/' + run_at + '/faces/individuals/'): # #print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Missing output/run_at/faces/individuals/ folder, creating it...") # os.makedirs('output/' + run_at + '/faces/individuals/') # # create the output/run_at folder if it does not exist # if not os.path.exists('output/' + run_at + '/faces/overlays/'): # #print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Missing output/run_at/ffaces/overlays/ folder, creating it...") # os.makedirs('output/' + run_at + '/faces/overlays/') # # Face images will be used for both blur and blink detection # # Save all faces to their own JPGs # # Add to list an array of face photo locations # # TODO add profile face detection # # TODO eventually move to a RNN model rather than haarcascade # for row in list_data: # name = row[csv_columns.index(CONST_KEY)] # name key # faces = face_detect.get_faces(run_at, row[csv_columns.index(CONST_SCALED_JPG)], name, face_scale, face_neighbors, face_min, face_resize) # jpg path # if(verbose == 1): # print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Face Detection Complete on (" + str(progress) + " of " + str(queue) +"): " + name) # progress = progress + 1 # face_num = len(faces) # # Add New Data # row.append(faces) # faces # face_found = face_found + int(face_num) # print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Total Faces Found: " + str(face_found)) # print("\n") # print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Total Time to Face Detect: " + str(track_face_time.total_time())) # face_time = track_face_time.total_time() # how long did it take to generate likeness data # print("\n") # """ TEMP DISABLED do not need for APP3 """ # if(verbose == 1): # print('*******************************************') # """ #Check all faces found if they are blurry # #******************************** # #INPUT = directory of files # #1. This code block will look through the queue in list data and determine if faces are blurry # #OUTPUT = focus measure and blur decision # #PRINTS = Each time a photo is reviewed # #******************************** # """ # print("\n") # print(time_util.timestamp() + '[STEP] Running Blur Detection...') # print("\n") # progress = 1 # reset progress for this step # # Add header for Blur Check # csv_columns.append(CONST_FOCUS) # csv_columns.append(CONST_BLURRY) # track_blur_time = time_util.time_tracker() # start tracking time # # Blur Check Images # # TODO also check profile faces # # ADD RNN model rather than laplacian only (need to categorize the cropped faces we have) # for row in list_data: # blur_check = "image" # faces or image # faces = row[csv_columns.index(CONST_FACES)] # List of faces # # Ex faces # # [ # # ['0AC0C99D-0B40-4331-AC92-CF6BC9C60D34_Face_1_196x196_faces', 'faces/individuals/0AC0C99D-0B40-4331-AC92-CF6BC9C60D34_Face_1_196x196_faces.jpg', '196', '196'], # # ['0AC0C99D-0B40-4331-AC92-CF6BC9C60D34_Face_2_194x194_faces', 'faces/individuals/0AC0C99D-0B40-4331-AC92-CF6BC9C60D34_Face_2_194x194_faces.jpg', '194', '194'], # # ['0AC0C99D-0B40-4331-AC92-CF6BC9C60D34_Face_3_90x90_faces', 'faces/individuals/0AC0C99D-0B40-4331-AC92-CF6BC9C60D34_Face_3_90x90_faces.jpg', '90', '90'] # #] # focus = 0 # blurry = 0 # blurry_faces = 0 # name = row[csv_columns.index(CONST_KEY)] # name key # original = row[csv_columns.index('Scaled JPG')] # if( len(faces) > 0 and blur_check == "faces"): # for face in faces: # face_result = blur_detect.check_image_for_blur(run_at, name, face[0], original, face[1], blur_threshold) # index 1 is the location of the face file # # Add New Data for Focus and Blur # face.append("%0.2f" % face_result[0]) # focus # face.append(face_result[1]) # blur # focus = focus + int(face_result[0]) # add up all focus results # blurry_faces = blurry_faces + int(face_result[1]) # add up number of blurry faces # focus = focus / len(faces) # average focus measure # else: # # Check the whole image if no faces found or if blur_check is NOT set to faces # image_result = blur_detect.check_image_for_blur(run_at, name, name, original, original, blur_threshold) # index 1 is the location of the face file # focus = focus + int(image_result[0]) # add up all focus results # blurry = blurry + int(image_result[1]) # add up number of blurry faces # # If focus was calculated # if( focus>0 ): # row.append("%0.0f" % focus) # focus average # # If average focus for the image is below threshold then image is blurry, save sample # if( focus < blur_threshold): # # create the output/run_at folder if it does not exist # if not os.path.exists('output/' + run_at + "/blurs/blurry_images/" + str("%0.2f" % focus) + '_' + name + '.jpg'): # copyfile(original, 'output/' + run_at + "/blurs/blurry_images/" + str("%0.2f" % focus) + '_' + name + '.jpg') # else: # # create the output/run_at folder if it does not exist # if not os.path.exists('output/' + run_at + "/blurs/not_blurry_images/" + str("%0.2f" % focus) + '_' + name + '.jpg'): # copyfile(original, 'output/' + run_at + "/blurs/not_blurry_images/" + str("%0.2f" % focus) + '_' + name + '.jpg') # # If focus was NOT calculated # else: # row.append('') # focus # row.append(blurry) # blur # blurs_found = blurs_found + blurry # if(verbose == 1): # print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Blur Check Complete on (" + str(progress) + " of " + str(queue) +"): " + name) # progress = progress + 1 # print("\n") # print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Total Time to Blur Detect: " + str(track_blur_time.total_time())) # blur_time = track_blur_time.total_time() # how long did it take to generate likeness data # print("\n") # """ TEMP DISABLED DO NOT NEED for APP3 """ # if(verbose == 1): # print('*******************************************') # """ #Check all faces found if they are blinking # #******************************** # #INPUT = directory of files # #1. This code block will look through the queue in list data and determine if faces are blinking # #OUTPUT = blink decision decision # #PRINTS = Each time a photo is reviewed # #******************************** # """ # print("\n") # print(time_util.timestamp() + '[STEP] Running Blink Detection on all faces found...') # print("\n") # progress = 1 # reset progress for this step # # Add header for Blink Check # csv_columns.append(CONST_BLINKS) # track_blink_time = time_util.time_tracker() # start tracking time # # Run whole directory at once # results = blink_detect.check_list_for_blink(run_at, list_data, csv_columns, face_cascade, face_scale, face_neighbors, face_min) # eyes_found = results[0] # blinks_found = results[1] # list_data = results[2] # """ # # Move Blink Detection to BULK # # Blink Check Images # # TODO also check profile faces # """ # for row in list_data: # faces = row[csv_columns.index(CONST_FACES)] # List of faces # # Ex faces # # [ # # ['0AC0C99D-0B40-4331-AC92-CF6BC9C60D34_Face_1_196x196_faces', 'faces/individuals/0AC0C99D-0B40-4331-AC92-CF6BC9C60D34_Face_1_196x196_faces.jpg', '196', '196'], # # ['0AC0C99D-0B40-4331-AC92-CF6BC9C60D34_Face_2_194x194_faces', 'faces/individuals/0AC0C99D-0B40-4331-AC92-CF6BC9C60D34_Face_2_194x194_faces.jpg', '194', '194'], # # ['0AC0C99D-0B40-4331-AC92-CF6BC9C60D34_Face_3_90x90_faces', 'faces/individuals/0AC0C99D-0B40-4331-AC92-CF6BC9C60D34_Face_3_90x90_faces.jpg', '90', '90'] # #] # blinks = 0 # name = row[csv_columns.index(CONST_KEY)] # name key # if( len(faces) > 0): # for face in faces: # face_result = blink_detect.check_image_for_blink(face[1], face_cascade, face_scale, face_neighbors, face_min) # index 1 is the location of the face file # # Add New Data for confidence and blink # face.append("%0.2f" % face_result[0]) # blink confidence # face.append(face_result[1]) # blink count # blinks = blinks + int(face_result[1]) # row.append(blinks) # focus # blinks_found = blinks_found + blinks # print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Blink Check Complete on (" + str(progress) + " of " + str(queue) +"): " + name) # progress = progress + 1 # """ TEMP DISABLED NOT NEEDED in APP3 """ # print("\n") # print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Total Time to Blink Detect: " + str(track_blink_time.total_time())) # blink_time = track_blink_time.total_time() # how long did it take to generate likeness data # print("\n") if(verbose == 1): print('*******************************************') """ Output data to CSV ******************************** INPUT = list data 1. This code block will convert list data into csv format OUTPUT = csv PRINTS = name of csv ******************************** """ print("\n") print(time_util.timestamp() + "[STEP] Generating CSV...") print("\n") # Convert headers list to string listToStr = ' '.join(map(str, csv_columns)) if(verbose == 1): # Display csv headers print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] CSV Headers: " + listToStr) # Convert list to csv track_csv_time = time_util.time_tracker() # start tracking time csv_generator.list_to_csv(csv_title, csv_columns, list_data) print(time_util.timestamp() + '[INFO] Your CSV File is: ' + csv_title + ".csv") print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Total Time to generate csv: " + str(track_csv_time.total_time())) # how long did it take to generate likeness data csv_time = track_csv_time.total_time() print(time_util.timestamp() + "[INFO] Total Time to Run AI: " + str(track_total_time.total_time())) # how long did it take to generate likeness data total_time = track_total_time.total_time() # Log Performance performance_tracking_headers = ["run_at", "image_count", "resize_max_length", "top_x_features", "top_x_likeness", "top_x_limit", "face_scale", "face_neighbors", "face_min", "face_resize", "face_cascade", "face_found", "blur_threshold", "eyes_min", "eyes_found", "blinks_found", "blurs_found", "Total Time", "Generate Queue Time", "Convert to JPG Time", "Resize JPG Time", "Feature Time", "Likeness Time", "Face Time", "Blink Time", "Blur Time", "Csv Time"] try: f = open("output/" + csv_performance) except IOError: print(time_util.timestamp() + '[ERROR] Could not find performance CSV, creating new one...') # this will always add headers which will need to be scrubbed in review csv_generator.append_to_csv( "all_performance.csv", performance_tracking_headers) f = open("output/" + csv_performance) finally: f.close() performance_row = [run_at, queue, resize_max_length, top_x_features, top_x_likeness, top_x_limit, face_scale, face_neighbors, face_min, face_resize, face_cascade, face_found, blur_threshold, eyes_min, eyes_found, blinks_found, blurs_found, total_time, queue_time, convert_time, resize_time, feature_time, likeness_time, face_time, blink_time, blur_time, csv_time] # this will always add headers which will need to be scrubbed in review csv_generator.append_to_csv("all_performance.csv", performance_row) # This is the end of the porgram print('*******************************************') print('*************** PROGRAM END ***************') print('*******************************************')
out_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(out_path / 'optimized_cluster_index.json', 'w') as out: json.dump(clusters_list, out, indent=4) cluster_list_w_indieces = [-1]*total cluster_index_util = 0 for cluster_ in clusters_list: for index in cluster_: cluster_list_w_indieces[index] = cluster_index_util cluster_index_util += 1 return cluster_list_w_indieces, clusters_list, similarity_util if __name__ == "__main__": print('--------------- This is a Dry Run ---------------') cluster_tracker = time_util.time_tracker() args = sys.argv # take in args from system arg_len = len(args) # check how many args came in # Set arg_path if there are args if (len(args) >= 2): arg_path = args[1] # sets arg path for use later # arg index 0 is filename, index 1 is the first option. If no args explain correct usage if (arg_len != 2): # Explain correct usage print("\n") print(time_util.timestamp( ) + '[ERROR] No path given, correct usage: Python3 %s $image_directory' % args[0]) print(time_util.timestamp(
# arg index 0 is filename, index 1 is the first option. If no args explain correct usage if (arg_len != 2): # Explain correct usage print("\n") print( time_util.timestamp() + '[ERROR] No path given, correct usage: Python3 %s $image_directory' % args[0]) print( time_util.timestamp() + '[Example] Python3 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/AI-Cull/images/dngs-structured-small' ) quit() # quit program if being used incorrectly track_total_time = time_util.time_tracker() # start tracking time # Print path given print(time_util.timestamp() + '[INFO] You gave directory path:' + arg_path) print("\n") print('****' * 20) new_session = create_session(arg_path) new_session.preprocess(mode="hard overwrite") new_session.start_main_run(cluster_output="one") performance = track_checkpoints.get_performance() performance_df = pd.DataFrame(data=[performance.values()],