Exemple #1
def main():

    N = 1e8 // 2
    print("Data size", N)

    targets = ["cpu", "parallel"]

    # run just one target if is specified in the argument
    for t in targets:
        if t in sys.argv[1:]:
            targets = [t]

    for target in targets:
        print("== Target", target)
        vect_discriminant = vectorize(["f4(f4, f4, f4)", "f8(f8, f8, f8)"], target=target)(discriminant)

        A, B, C = generate_input(N, dtype=np.float32)
        D = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype)

        ts = time()
        D = vect_discriminant(A, B, C)
        te = time()

        total_time = te - ts

        print("Execution time %.4f" % total_time)
        print("Throughput %.4f" % (N / total_time))

        if "-verify" in sys.argv[1:]:
            check_answer(D, A, B, C)
Exemple #2
    def test_func(self):
        A = np.array(np.random.random((n, n)), dtype=np.float32)
        B = np.array(np.random.random((n, n)), dtype=np.float32)
        C = np.empty_like(A)

        s = time()
        stream = cuda.stream()
        with stream.auto_synchronize():
            dA = cuda.to_device(A, stream)
            dB = cuda.to_device(B, stream)
            dC = cuda.to_device(C, stream)
            cu_square_matrix_mul[(bpg, bpg), (tpb, tpb), stream](dA, dB, dC)
            dC.copy_to_host(C, stream)

        e = time()
        tcuda = e - s

        # Host compute
        Amat = np.matrix(A)
        Bmat = np.matrix(B)

        s = time()
        Cans = Amat * Bmat
        e = time()
        tcpu = e - s

        # Check result
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(C, Cans))
Exemple #3
def run_div_test(fld, exact, title='', show=False, ignore_inexact=False):
    t0 = time()
    result_numexpr = viscid.div(fld, preferred="numexpr", only=False)
    t1 = time()
    logger.info("numexpr magnitude runtime: %g", t1 - t0)

    result_diff = viscid.diff(result_numexpr, exact)['x=1:-1, y=1:-1, z=1:-1']
    if not ignore_inexact and not (result_diff.data < 5e-5).all():
        logger.warning("numexpr result is far from the exact result")
    logger.info("min/max(abs(numexpr - exact)): %g / %g",
                np.min(result_diff.data), np.max(result_diff.data))

    planes = ["y=0j", "z=0j"]
    nrows = 2
    ncols = len(planes)
    _, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, squeeze=False)

    for i, p in enumerate(planes):
        vlt.plot(result_numexpr, p, ax=axes[0, i], show=False)
        vlt.plot(result_diff, p, ax=axes[1, i], show=False)


    if show:
Exemple #4
def trace_fortran(fld_bx, fld_by, fld_bz):
    gx, gy, gz = fld_bx.get_crds_cc(('x', 'y', 'z'))
    nz, ny, nx = fld_bx.shape

    t0 = time()
    bx_farr = np.array(np.ravel(fld_bx.data, order='K').reshape((nx, ny, nz), order="F"))  # pylint: disable=C0301
    by_farr = np.array(np.ravel(fld_by.data, order='K').reshape((nx, ny, nz), order="F"))  # pylint: disable=C0301
    bz_farr = np.array(np.ravel(fld_bz.data, order='K').reshape((nx, ny, nz), order="F"))  # pylint: disable=C0301

    topo = np.zeros(gsize, order='F', dtype='int32')
    nsegs = np.zeros((1,), order='F', dtype='int32')

    # logger.info((np.ravel(bx_farr, order='K') == np.ravel(fld_bx.data, order='K')).all())  # pylint: disable=C0301
    # logger.info((np.ravel(by_farr, order='K') == np.ravel(fld_by.data, order='K')).all())  # pylint: disable=C0301
    # logger.info((np.ravel(bz_farr, order='K') == np.ravel(fld_bz.data, order='K')).all())  # pylint: disable=C0301
    # logger.info("bx_arr")
    # logger.info(bx_farr.strides)
    # logger.info(bx_farr.flags)
    # logger.info("topo")
    # logger.info(topo.strides)
    # logger.info(topo.shape)

    tracer.get_topo(gx, gy, gz, bx_farr, by_farr, bz_farr, topo,
                    x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, nsegs)
    t1 = time()

    t = t1 - t0
    print("total segments calculated: {0:.05e}".format(float(nsegs)))
    print("time: {0:.4}s ... {1:.4}s/segment".format(t, t / float(nsegs)))

    topo_fld = vol.wrap_field(topo, name="FortTopo")
    return None, topo_fld
Exemple #5
 def run(self):
     print('Running part 5')
     filename = './' + self.out_dir + '/time.txt'
     with open(filename, 'w') as text_file:
         t0 = time()
         text_file.write('nn_pca_wine: %0.3f seconds\n' % (time() - t0))
         t0 = time()
         text_file.write('nn_ica_wine: %0.3f seconds\n' % (time() - t0))
         t0 = time()
         text_file.write('nn_rp_wine: %0.3f seconds\n' % (time() - t0))
         t0 = time()
         text_file.write('nn_lda_wine: %0.3f seconds\n' % (time() - t0))
         t0 = time()
         text_file.write('nn_wine_orig: %0.3f seconds\n' % (time() - t0))
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, url, sc, tag):
            url: url to author page on freeclassicebooks.com site
            sc: SparkContext object
            tag: name of the tag where text is located in mht files
        self.url = url
        self.sc = sc
        self.tag = tag

        t0 = time()
        self.words = self.get_words()
        self.time_message(time() - t0, "get_words")

        t0 = time()
        self.words_num = self.count_words()
        self.time_message(time() - t0, "count_words")

        t0 = time()
        self.words_occ = self.count_words_occurrence()
        self.time_message(time() - t0, "count_words_occurrence")

        t0 = time()
        self.top_words = self.top_words()
        self.time_message(time() - t0, "top_words")

        t0 = time()
        self.top_nouns = self.top_nouns()
        self.time_message(time() - t0, "top_nouns")
Exemple #7
def run_mag_test(fld, title="", show=False):
    vx, vy, vz = fld.component_views()  # pylint: disable=W0612
    vx, vy, vz = fld.component_fields()

        t0 = time()
        mag_ne = viscid.magnitude(fld, preferred="numexpr", only=False)
        t1 = time()
        logger.info("numexpr mag runtime: %g", t1 - t0)
    except viscid.verror.BackendNotFound:
        xfail("Numexpr is not installed")

    planes = ["z=0", "y=0"]
    nrows = 4
    ncols = len(planes)

    _, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False)

    for ind, p in enumerate(planes):
        vlt.plot(vx, p, ax=axes[0, ind], show=False)
        vlt.plot(vy, p, ax=axes[1, ind], show=False)
        vlt.plot(vz, p, ax=axes[2, ind], show=False)
        vlt.plot(mag_ne, p, ax=axes[3, ind], show=False)

    vlt.auto_adjust_subplots(subplot_params=dict(top=0.9, right=0.9))
    plt.gcf().set_size_inches(6, 7)

    if show:
Exemple #8
def timeit(message, display=True):
    """Context to time an execution."""
    start = time()
    if not display:
    print("{}: {:.3f} s".format(message, time() - start))
Exemple #9
def objective(trial: Trial):
    args = gen_args()

    # acquisition hyperparam's
    args.cluster = bool(trial.suggest_int('cluster', 0, 1))
    if not args.cluster and random() > 0.5:
        args.epsilon = trial.suggest_float('epsilon', 0.00, 0.2, step=0.05)

    args.fps = None
    if args.model in {'rf', 'nn'} or args.cluster:
        args.encoder = trial.suggest_categorical('encoder',
                                                 {'morgan', 'pair', 'rdkit'})

        exp = Explorer(**vars(args))
    except (IncompatibilityError, NotImplementedError) as e:
        return float('-inf')

    start = time()
    total = time() - start
    m, s = divmod(total, 60)
    h, m = divmod(int(m), 60)
    print(f'Total time for trial #{trial.number}: {h}h {m}m {s:0.2f}s\n')

    return exp.top_k_avg
def main():

    N = 1e+8 // 2
    print('Data size', N)

    targets = ['cpu', 'parallel']
    # run just one target if is specified in the argument
    for t in targets:
        if t in sys.argv[1:]:
            targets = [t]

    for target in targets:
        print('== Target', target)
        vect_discriminant = vectorize([f4(f4, f4, f4), f8(f8, f8, f8)],

        A, B, C = generate_input(N, dtype=np.float32)
        D = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype)

        ts = time()
        D = vect_discriminant(A, B, C)
        te = time()

        total_time = (te - ts)

        print('Execution time %.4f' % total_time)
        print('Throughput %.4f' % (N / total_time))

        if '-verify' in sys.argv[1:]:
            check_answer(D, A, B, C)
 def nn_analysis(self, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, data_set_name, analysis_name='Neural Network'):
     clf = MLPClassifier(activation='relu',
     with open(self.nn_time_filename, 'a+') as text_file:
         t0 = time()
         clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
         text_file.write(analysis_name.lower() + ' fit time: %0.3f seconds\n' % (time() - t0))
         t0 = time()
         y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)
         text_file.write(analysis_name.lower() + ' predict time: %0.3f seconds\n' % (time() - t0))
     cv = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=100, test_size=0.2, random_state=0)
     title = 'Learning Curve (' + analysis_name + ') for ' + data_set_name
     name = data_set_name.lower() + '_' + analysis_name.lower() + '_nn.png'
     filename = './' + self.out_dir + '/' + name
     ## Plots
     ph = plot_helper()
     ## Learning Curve
     ph.plot_learning_curve(clf, title, X_train, y_train, ylim=None, cv=cv, n_jobs=-1, filename=filename)
Exemple #12
def main():
    targets = ['cpu', 'parallel']

    # run just one target if is specified in the argument
    for t in targets:
        if t in sys.argv[1:]:
            targets = [t]

    for target in targets:
        print('== Target', target)
        vect_sum = vectorize(['f4(f4, f4)', 'f8(f8, f8)'],

        A = np.random.random(N).astype(np.float32)
        B = np.random.random(N).astype(np.float32)
        assert A.shape == B.shape
        assert A.dtype ==  B.dtype
        assert len(A.shape) == 1

        D = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype)

        print('Data size', N)

        ts = time()
        D = vect_sum(A, B)
        te = time()

        total_time = (te - ts)

        print('Execution time %.4f' % total_time)
        print('Throughput %.4f' % (N / total_time))

        if '-verify' in sys.argv[1:]:
            check_answer(D, A, B, C)
def fill_mem(memories):
    # get remaining memory count
    remaining = memories.MEMORY_SIZE - len(memories.ltmemory)

    print("Filling {} memories".format(remaining))

    n_jobs = 4

    batch_size = remaining / n_jobs if remaining % n_jobs == 0 else int(
        remaining / n_jobs) + 1

    executor = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs,

    start = time()
    chunks = executor(
        delayed(worker)(batch_size, testing_agent(MCTS_SIMS, 'best_player'))
        for _ in range(n_jobs))

    for chunk in chunks:
        for state, value in chunk:
            memories.stmemory[-1]["value"] = value

    total = time() - start
    print("Total time: {}, time per memory: {}".format(
        total, total / len(memories.ltmemory)))
    pickle.dump(memories, open("bo3texas42_50k.p", "wb"))
Exemple #14
def search(graph, state, is_goal, limit, heuristic):
    tempfinal = 0
    start_time = time()
    frontier = []  # our queue which we interpret  as a priority queue
    heappush(frontier, (0, state))  #putting our instial position with its cost
    came_from = {}  # where we have been
    cost_so_far = {}  #the cost so far
    came_from[state] = (0, 0)  #just setting up the intial destination
    cost_so_far[state] = 0  #where were starting
    done = 0
    counter = 0
    # Implement your search here! Use your heuristic here!
    # When you find a path to the goal return a list of tuples [(state, action)]
    # representing the path. Each element (tuple) of the list represents a state
    # in the path and the action that took you to this state
    while frontier:

        (_, current) = heappop(frontier)  # gets lowest priority
        cur_cost = cost_so_far[current]
        #print("current cost", cur_cost)
        if is_goal(current):  # if it equals our goal destnation
            done = 1
            goback = []
            current = (current, 0)
            while current[0] != 0:
                goback.insert(0, current)
                current = came_from[current[0]]
            #print("final length:", len(goback))
            tempfinal = cur_cost

        #print("loop "+str(counter))
        counter += 1
        for next in graph(current):  # for all elements in adjacent to it
            h = heuristic(next[1], next[0])
            if h == -1:
            if next[1] in cost_so_far:
                if next[2] + cur_cost < cost_so_far[next[1]]:
                    cost_so_far[next[1]] = next[2] + cur_cost
                    came_from[next[1]] = (current, next[0])
                cost_so_far[next[1]] = next[2] + cur_cost
                came_from[next[1]] = (current, next[0])
                priority = cost_so_far[next[1]] + h
                #print("priority", priority, "cost so far", cur_cost, "recipe cost", next[2])
                #print("recipe name", next[0])
                heappush(frontier, (priority, next[1]))
                #print("pushed", next)

    print(time() - start_time, 'seconds.')
    if done == 1:  # if it equals our goal destnation
        print("final cost:", tempfinal)
        # Failed to find a path
        print("Failed to find a path from", state, 'within time limit.')
        return None
 def fibo3(n):
     fib3Start = time()
     fib3End = time()
     fibo3time = fib3End - fib3Start
     return fibo3time
Exemple #16
        def test(ty):
            print("Test %s" % ty)
            data = np.array(np.random.random(1e6 + 1), dtype=ty)

            ts = time()
            stream = cuda.stream()
            device_data = cuda.to_device(data, stream)
            dresult = cuda_ufunc(device_data, device_data, stream=stream)
            result = dresult.copy_to_host()
            tnumba = time() - ts

            ts = time()
            gold = np_ufunc(data, data)
            tnumpy = time() - ts

            print("Numpy time: %fs" % tnumpy)
            print("Numba time: %fs" % tnumba)

            if tnumba < tnumpy:
                print("Numba is FASTER by %fx" % (tnumpy / tnumba))
                print("Numba is SLOWER by %fx" % (tnumba / tnumpy))

            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(gold, result), (gold, result))
Exemple #17
def timeit(message, display=True):
    """Context to time an execution."""
    start = time()
    if not display:
    print("{}: {:.3f} s".format(message, time() - start))
Exemple #18
    def test_gufunc(self):

        @guvectorize([void(float32[:, :], float32[:, :], float32[:, :])],
        def matmulcore(A, B, C):
            m, n = A.shape
            n, p = B.shape
            for i in range(m):
                for j in range(p):
                    C[i, j] = 0
                    for k in range(n):
                        C[i, j] += A[i, k] * B[k, j]

        gufunc = matmulcore
        gufunc.max_blocksize = 512

        matrix_ct = 1001 # an odd number to test thread/block division in CUDA
        A = np.arange(matrix_ct * 2 * 4, dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 2,
        B = np.arange(matrix_ct * 4 * 5, dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 4,

        ts = time()
        C = gufunc(A, B)
        tcuda = time() - ts

        ts = time()
        Gold = ut.matrix_multiply(A, B)
        tcpu = time() - ts

        non_stream_speedups.append(tcpu / tcuda)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(C, Gold))
Exemple #19
def main():
*  __    __     ______     __         ______   ______     __        *
* /\ "-./  \   /\  __ \   /\ \       /\  == \ /\  __ \   /\ \       *
* \ \ \-./\ \  \ \ \/\ \  \ \ \____  \ \  _-/ \ \  __ \  \ \ \____  *
*  \ \_\ \ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_____\  \ \_\    \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\ *
*   \/_/  \/_/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_/     \/_/\/_/   \/_____/ *
    print('Welcome to MolPAL!')
    params = vars(args.gen_args())
    print(f'MolPAL will be run with the following arguments:')
    for k, v in sorted(params.items()):
        print(f'  {k}: {v}')

    explorer = Explorer(**params)

    start = time()
    except BaseException:
        state_file = explorer.save()
        print(f'Exception raised! Intemediate state saved to "{state_file}"')
    stop = time()

    m, s = divmod(stop - start, 60)
    h, m = divmod(int(m), 60)
    d, h = divmod(h, 24)
    print(f'Total time for exploration: {d}d {h}h {m}m {s:0.2f}s')
    print('Thanks for using MolPAL!')
Exemple #20
def process_answers(questions_asked=[], unprocessed_questions=[], facts={}):
    # questions_asked - all the question/answer tuples that you want to add to the 'answers' list (of instantiated classes)
    # unprocessed_questions - all the question/answer tuples that you still need to incorporate into the facts dictionary
    # facts - the facts dictionary so far (altered in place)
    #instantiate classes for each dataset we have
    #put these instances in the 'answers' array which is
    #returned. Also alter the facts variable in place.

    answers = []
    for it, qa in enumerate(questions_asked):
        t0 = time()
        if 'answer' not in qa:
            continue  #this question doesn't have an answer
        c = [
            cls for cls in ans.Answer.__subclasses__()
            if cls.dataset == qa['dataset']
        if len(c) == 0:
            continue  #don't know this sort of data: skip it
        name = "item%d" % it
        new_answer = c[0](name, qa['dataitem'], qa['detail'], qa['answer'])
        if qa in unprocessed_questions:
            logging.info("process_answers: adding facts from %s" %
            new_answer.append_facts(facts, answers)
        logging.info('Time (class %s) append_facts %fms' %
                     (new_answer.dataset, (time() - t0) * 1000))
    return answers
    def _bin_data(self, X, rng, is_training_data):
        """Bin data X.

        If is_training_data, then set the bin_mapper_ attribute.
        Else, the binned data is converted to a C-contiguous array.

        description = 'training' if is_training_data else 'validation'
        if self.verbose:
            print("Binning {:.3f} GB of {} data: ".format(
                X.nbytes / 1e9, description), end="", flush=True)
        tic = time()
        if is_training_data:
            X_binned = self.bin_mapper_.fit_transform(X)  # F-aligned array
            X_binned = self.bin_mapper_.transform(X)  # F-aligned array
            # We convert the array to C-contiguous since predicting is faster
            # with this layout (training is faster on F-arrays though)
            X_binned = np.ascontiguousarray(X_binned)
        toc = time()
        if self.verbose:
            duration = toc - tic
            print("{:.3f} s".format(duration))

        return X_binned
Exemple #22
 def func2(num):
     s = time()
     num = sp.sympify(num)
     res = num.is_Symbol
     e = time()
     print e-s
     return res
Exemple #23
    def fn(*args, **kwargs):
        before = time()
        return_val = func(*args, **kwargs)
        after = time()
        time_ms = (after - before) * 1000

        return return_val, time_ms
Exemple #24
    def _bin_data(self, X, rng, is_training_data):
        """Bin data X.

        If is_training_data, then set the bin_mapper_ attribute.
        Else, the binned data is converted to a C-contiguous array.

        description = 'training' if is_training_data else 'validation'
        if self.verbose:
            print("Binning {:.3f} GB of {} data: ".format(
                X.nbytes / 1e9, description), end="", flush=True)
        tic = time()
        if is_training_data:
            X_binned = self.bin_mapper_.fit_transform(X)  # F-aligned array
            X_binned = self.bin_mapper_.transform(X)  # F-aligned array
            # We convert the array to C-contiguous since predicting is faster
            # with this layout (training is faster on F-arrays though)
            X_binned = np.ascontiguousarray(X_binned)
        toc = time()
        if self.verbose:
            duration = toc - tic
            print("{:.3f} s".format(duration))

        return X_binned
Exemple #25
def main():
    targets = ['cpu', 'parallel']

    # run just one target if is specified in the argument
    for t in targets:
        if t in sys.argv[1:]:
            targets = [t]

    for target in targets:
        print('== Target', target)
        vect_sum = vectorize([f4(f4, f4), f8(f8, f8)], target=target)(sum)

        A = np.random.random(N).astype(np.float32)
        B = np.random.random(N).astype(np.float32)
        assert A.shape == B.shape
        assert A.dtype == B.dtype
        assert len(A.shape) == 1

        D = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype)

        print('Data size', N)

        ts = time()
        D = vect_sum(A, B)
        te = time()

        total_time = (te - ts)

        print('Execution time %.4f' % total_time)
        print('Throughput %.4f' % (N / total_time))

        if '-verify' in sys.argv[1:]:
            assert np.allclose
Exemple #26
def main():

    N = 1e+8 // 2
    print('Data size', N)

    targets = ['cpu', 'parallel']

    # run just one target if is specified in the argument
    for t in targets:
        if t in sys.argv[1:]:
            targets = [t]

    for target in targets:
        print('== Target', target)
        vect_discriminant = vectorize(
            [f4(f4, f4, f4), f8(f8, f8, f8)], target=target)(discriminant)

        A, B, C = generate_input(N, dtype=np.float32)
        D = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype)

        ts = time()
        D = vect_discriminant(A, B, C)
        te = time()

        total_time = (te - ts)

        print('Execution time %.4f' % total_time)
        print('Throughput %.4f' % (N / total_time))

        if '-verify' in sys.argv[1:]:
            check_answer(D, A, B, C)
def generate_evaluations(gate_num):
    for i in range(1, gate_num + 1):
        start_t = time()
        results = {name: [] for name in empty_results.keys()}
        cnt = 0
        for tree in trees_list[i]:
            cnt += 1
            print(str(tree) + "  " + str(cnt), end=" ")
            start_ti = time()
            evaluations = generate_all_evaluations(tree)
            # for expression, evaluation in evaluations.items():
            #     check(expression, evaluation, i)

            evaluations = check_all(evaluations, i, results)
            if i != num_of_gates or next_level_test:
                add_tree(tree, evaluations, i)
            # add_tree(tree, evaluations, i)
            end_ti = time()
            if i >= 4:
                print("Tree Time: " + str(end_ti - start_ti), end="")
        if overwrite_results:
        # print("IM " + str(i) + " : " + str(total_size(intermediate)))
        print("Loop " + str(i) + " Time: " + str(time() - start_t))
Exemple #28
def tick_context(value, sleep=sleep):
    """Generate a context that controls the duration of its execution."""
    start = time()
    sleep_time = start + value - time()
    if sleep_time > 0:
Exemple #29
def main():
    targets = ['cpu', 'stream', 'parallel']

    # run just one target if is specified in the argument
    for t in targets:
        if t in sys.argv[1:]:
            targets = [t]

    for target in targets:
        print('== Target', target)
        vect_sum = vectorize([f4(f4, f4), f8(f8, f8)], target=target)(sum)

        A = np.fromfile('inputA.dat', dtype=np.float32)
        B = np.fromfile('inputB.dat', dtype=np.float32)
        assert A.shape == B.shape
        assert A.dtype == B.dtype
        assert len(A.shape) == 1
        N = A.shape[0]
        D = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype)

        print('Data size', N)

        ts = time()
        D = vect_sum(A, B)
        te = time()

        total_time = (te - ts)

        print('Execution time %.4f' % total_time)
        print('Throughput %.4f' % (N / total_time))

        if '-verify' in sys.argv[1:]:
            check_answer(D, A, B, C)
Exemple #30
def timeit(f, *args, **kwargs):
    t0 = time()
    ret = f(*args, **kwargs)
    t1 = time()

    print("Took {0:.03g} secs.".format(t1 - t0))
    return ret
Exemple #31
def main():
    if (len(sys.argv) > 2):
        print('must pass path to the bash script')
        print('e.g. python ./validator ./bash.sh')
    elif (len(sys.argv) < 2):
        print('path to the bash script was not passed')
        print('will try using ./script.sh')
        path = './script.sh'
        path = sys.argv[1]
    cum_sum = 0
    for n_idx, n in enumerate(N):
        for h_idx, h in enumerate(H):
            k = Ks[n_idx][h_idx]
            ref = Ref[n_idx][h_idx]
            print(f'Will do k: {k} h: {h} n: {n}')
            original_input = parse_original_input(n, k, h)
            # print(original_input)
            start = time()
            output = check_output(f'{path} {str(n)} {str(k)} {str(h)}',
            end = time()
            part_time = end - start
            cum_sum += part_time
            print(f'Czas: {part_time}')
            output = output.decode("utf-8")
            # print(output)
            validate_output(output, original_input, ref)
            # calculate_time
    print(f'Cum_time_sum: {cum_sum}')
Exemple #32
def asyncDFListProcessing(function, df, lst, function_name=None, *args):

    if function_name:
        print("Starting: {}".format(function_name))

    print("This could take several minutes.")

    start = time()
    pool = Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    results = [pool.apply_async(function, args=(
    )) for val in lst]
    output = [p.get() for p in results]
    end = time()

    if function_name:
        print("Completed: {}".format(function_name))
        print("Time required: {}".format(end - start))
        print("Completion time: {}".format(end - start))

    return output
 def fn(*args, **kwargs):
     before = time()
     return_val = func(*args, **kwargs)
     after = time()
     time_ms = (after - before) * 1000
     print(f'Time take to execute {func.__qualname__}: {time_ms} ms')
     return return_val
Exemple #34
def run_mag_test(fld, title="", show=False):
    vx, vy, vz = fld.component_views()  # pylint: disable=W0612
    vx, vy, vz = fld.component_fields()

        t0 = time()
        mag_ne = viscid.magnitude(fld, preferred="numexpr", only=False)
        t1 = time()
        logger.info("numexpr mag runtime: %g", t1 - t0)
    except viscid.verror.BackendNotFound:
        xfail("Numexpr is not installed")

    planes = ["z=0", "y=0"]
    nrows = 4
    ncols = len(planes)
    ax = plt.subplot2grid((nrows, ncols), (0, 0))

    for ind, p in enumerate(planes):
        plt.subplot2grid((nrows, ncols), (0, ind), sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        mpl.plot(vx, p, show=False)
        plt.subplot2grid((nrows, ncols), (1, ind), sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        mpl.plot(vy, p, show=False)
        plt.subplot2grid((nrows, ncols), (2, ind), sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        mpl.plot(vz, p, show=False)
        plt.subplot2grid((nrows, ncols), (3, ind), sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        mpl.plot(mag_ne, p, show=False)

    mpl.plt.gcf().set_size_inches(6, 7)

    if show:
def generate_evaluations(gate_num):
    for i in range(1, gate_num + 1):
        start_t = time()
        cnt = 0
        for tree in trees_list[i]:
            cnt += 1
            print(str(tree) + "  " + str(cnt), end=" ")
            start_ti = time()
            evaluations = generate_all_evaluations(tree)
            # for expression, evaluation in evaluations.items():
            #     check(expression, evaluation, i)

            # 26.5 s w/  21.5 s w/o  20.8 s w/mod
            # 20 s w/mod+trees  25.5 s w/mod+trees on 4
            evaluations = check_all(evaluations, i)
            if i != num_of_gates or next_level_test:
                add_tree(tree, evaluations, i)
            end_ti = time()
            if i >= 4:
                print("Tree Time: " + str(end_ti - start_ti), end="")
        print("Loop " + str(i) + " Time: " + str(time() - start_t))
Exemple #36
    def generate_yaw_filtered(self):

        if not hasattr(self, 'x_filtered'): return

        start = time()

        self.ya_filtered = []

        prevHeading = np.array([.0, .0, .0])

        for s, _ in enumerate(self.vx_filtered[1:]):
            p1 = np.array([self.x_filtered[s], self.y_filtered[s]])
            p2 = np.array([self.x_filtered[s + 1], self.y_filtered[s + 1]])

            if self.YAW_HEADING[0] == 'center':
                heading = np.array(self.YAW_HEADING[1]) - p1
            elif self.YAW_HEADING[0] == 'axes':
                heading = np.array(self.YAW_HEADING[1])
                heading = p2 - p1

            heading = (heading / self.norm2(heading)
                       ) if self.norm2(heading) != 0 else prevHeading
            prevHeading = heading

            self.ya_filtered.append(math.atan2(heading[1], heading[0]))


        print('generate_yaw_filtered() runs in {} s'.format(time() - start))
def _bench(meta_info, X_train, y_train, fit_samples, fit_repetitions,
           predict_samples, predict_repetitions, svc_params_dict):

    fit_times = []
    for it in range(fit_samples):
        start = time()
        for __ in range(fit_repetitions):
            clf = svm.SVC(**svc_params_dict)
            clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
        stop = time()
        fit_times.append(stop - start)

    predict_times = []
    for it in range(predict_samples):
        start = time()
        for __ in range(predict_repetitions):
            res = clf.predict(X_train)
        stop = time()
        predict_times.append(stop - start)

                 fit_t=min(fit_times) / fit_repetitions,
                 pred_t=min(predict_times) / predict_repetitions,
                 acc=100 * accuracy_score(y_train, res),
Exemple #38
def main():
    gsize = (2, 2, 2)
    x1 = -10.0; x2 = -5.0  # pylint: disable=C0321
    y1 = -5.0; y2 = 5.0  # pylint: disable=C0321
    z1 = -5.0; z2 = 5.0  # pylint: disable=C0321
    vol = seed.Volume((z1, y1, x1), (z2, y2, x2), gsize)

    f3d = readers.load_file("/Users/kmaynard/dev/work/t1/t1.3df.004320.xdmf")
    fld_bx = f3d["bx"]
    fld_by = f3d["by"]
    fld_bz = f3d["bz"]

    B = field.scalar_fields_to_vector([fld_bx, fld_by, fld_bz], name="B_cc",
    topo_arr = np.empty(gsize, order='C', dtype='int')
    lines, topo = None, None
    t0 = time()
    cProfile.runctx("nsegs = py_get_topo(B, topo_arr, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2)",
                    globals(), locals(), "topo.prof")
    t1 = time()
    s = pstats.Stats("topo.prof")
    nsegs = py_get_topo(B, topo_arr, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2)
    t = t1 - t0


    # print("numba time: {0}s, {1}s/seg".format(t, t / nsegs))
    print("numba time: {0}s".format(t))
Exemple #39
    def test_gufunc_stream(self):
        matrix_ct = 1001 # an odd number to test thread/block division in CUDA
        A = np.arange(matrix_ct * 2 * 4, dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 2,
        B = np.arange(matrix_ct * 4 * 5, dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 4,

        ts = time()
        stream = cuda.stream()
        dA = cuda.to_device(A, stream)
        dB = cuda.to_device(B, stream)

        dC = cuda.device_array(shape=(1001, 2, 5), dtype=A.dtype, stream=stream)
        dC = gufunc(dA, dB, out=dC, stream=stream)
        C = dC.copy_to_host(stream=stream)

        tcuda = time() - ts

        ts = time()
        Gold = ut.matrix_multiply(A, B)
        tcpu = time() - ts

        stream_speedups.append(tcpu / tcuda)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(C, Gold))
 def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
     # Open link
     if self.link is None:
     # Init time
     start = time()
     no_control = self.callback_timeout >= self.instrument_timeout
     # Loop over timeouts
     while True:
             # Run the function
             result = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
         except Vxi11Exception as exc:
             # Time control
             no_timeout = exc.err != ERR_IO_TIMEOUT
             expired = time() > start + self.instrument_timeout
             # Reraise exception
             if no_control or no_timeout or expired:
             # Callback with exc
             if self.callback:
             # Callback without exc
             if self.callback:
             # Return
             return result
Exemple #41
    def test_func(self):
        A = np.array(np.random.random((n, n)), dtype=np.float32)
        B = np.array(np.random.random((n, n)), dtype=np.float32)
        C = np.empty_like(A)

        s = time()
        stream = cuda.stream()
        with stream.auto_synchronize():
            dA = cuda.to_device(A, stream)
            dB = cuda.to_device(B, stream)
            dC = cuda.to_device(C, stream)
            cu_square_matrix_mul[(bpg, bpg), (tpb, tpb), stream](dA, dB, dC)
            dC.copy_to_host(C, stream)

        e = time()
        tcuda = e - s

        # Host compute
        s = time()
        Cans = np.dot(A, B)
        e = time()
        tcpu = e - s

        # Check result
        np.testing.assert_allclose(C, Cans, rtol=1e-5)
def search(graph, state, is_goal, limit, heuristic, goal):
    start_time = time()
    next_state = state
    cost = 0
    states = 0
    actions = [(state.copy(), None)]
    if is_goal(next_state):
        return actions, cost, start_time

    # Implement your search here! Use your heuristic here!
    # When you find a path to the goal return a list of tuples [(state, action)]
    # representing the path. Each element (tuple) of the list represents a state
    # in the path and the action that took you to this state
    while time() - start_time < limit:
        states_to_search = []
        for new_state in graph(next_state.copy()):
            states += 1
            heu = heuristic(new_state[1], new_state[2], goal)
                     (heu, (new_state[0], new_state[1].copy(), new_state[2])))
            checker_state = next_state.copy()
        test = heappop(states_to_search)[1]
        next_state = test[1].copy()
        test_tuple = (test[1].copy(), test[0])
        cost += test[2]
        if is_goal(next_state):
            return actions, cost, start_time

    # Failed to find a path
    print(time() - start_time, 'seconds.')
    print("Failed to find a path from", state, 'within time limit.')
    return None
Exemple #43
async def generate(si):
    # loop over frames from the output stream
    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(0.003)  #FIXME: is this necessary?
        # wait until the lock is acquired
        frame = await si.get_frame()
        # check if the output frame is available, otherwise skip
        # the iteration of the loop
        if frame is None:

        t1 = time()
        # encode the frame in JPEG format
        (flag, encodedImage) = cv2.imencode(".jpg", frame)
        t2 = time()

        # ensure the frame was successfully encoded
        if not flag:

        # yield the output frame in the byte format
        t1 = time()
        yield (b'--frame\r\n'
               b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + bytearray(encodedImage) +
        t2 = time()
Exemple #44
def asyncDictProcessing(function, processing_list, function_name=None, *args):

    if function_name:
        print("Starting: {}".format(function_name))

    start = time()
    pool = Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    results = [
        pool.apply_async(function, args=(
        )) for key, val in processing_list.items()
    output = [p.get() for p in results]
    end = time()

    if function_name:
        print("Completed: {}".format(function_name))
        print("Time required: {}".format(end - start))
        print("Completion time: {}".format(end - start))

    return output
Exemple #45
    def test_func(self):
        A = np.array(np.random.random((n, n)), dtype=np.float32)
        B = np.array(np.random.random((n, n)), dtype=np.float32)
        C = np.empty_like(A)

        print("N = %d x %d" % (n, n))

        s = time()
        stream = cuda.stream()
        with stream.auto_synchronize():
            dA = cuda.to_device(A, stream)
            dB = cuda.to_device(B, stream)
            dC = cuda.to_device(C, stream)
            cu_square_matrix_mul[(bpg, bpg), (tpb, tpb), stream](dA, dB, dC)
            dC.copy_to_host(C, stream)

        e = time()
        tcuda = e - s

        # Host compute
        Amat = np.matrix(A)
        Bmat = np.matrix(B)

        s = time()
        Cans = Amat * Bmat
        e = time()
        tcpu = e - s

        print('cpu:  %f' % tcpu)
        print('cuda: %f' % tcuda)
        print('cuda speedup: %.2fx' % (tcpu / tcuda))

        # Check result
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(C, Cans))
Exemple #46
    def test_gufunc(self):
        @guvectorize([void(float32[:, :], float32[:, :], float32[:, :])],
        def matmulcore(A, B, C):
            m, n = A.shape
            n, p = B.shape
            for i in range(m):
                for j in range(p):
                    C[i, j] = 0
                    for k in range(n):
                        C[i, j] += A[i, k] * B[k, j]

        gufunc = matmulcore
        gufunc.max_blocksize = 512

        matrix_ct = 1001  # an odd number to test thread/block division in CUDA
        A = np.arange(matrix_ct * 2 * 4,
                      dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 2, 4)
        B = np.arange(matrix_ct * 4 * 5,
                      dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 4, 5)

        ts = time()
        C = gufunc(A, B)
        tcuda = time() - ts

        ts = time()
        Gold = ut.matrix_multiply(A, B)
        tcpu = time() - ts

        non_stream_speedups.append(tcpu / tcuda)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(C, Gold))
Exemple #47
    def generate_states(self):

        start = time()

        self.x_discretized.extend([self.x_discretized[-1]] *
        self.y_discretized.extend([self.y_discretized[-1]] *
        self.z_discretized.extend([self.z_discretized[-1]] *

        self.ya_discretized = [.0]
        self.vx_discretized = [.0]
        self.vy_discretized = [.0]
        self.vz_discretized = [.0]
        self.ax_discretized = [.0]
        self.ay_discretized = [.0]
        self.az_discretized = [.0]
        self.ti_discretized = [.0]

        prevHeading = np.array([.0, .0])

        for s, _ in enumerate(self.x_discretized[1:]):
            p1 = np.array([self.x_discretized[s], self.y_discretized[s]])
            p2 = np.array(
                [self.x_discretized[s + 1], self.y_discretized[s + 1]])

            if self.YAW_HEADING[0] == 'center':
                heading = np.array(self.YAW_HEADING[1]) - p1
            elif self.YAW_HEADING[0] == 'axes':
                heading = np.array(self.YAW_HEADING[1])
                heading = p2 - p1

            heading = (heading / self.norm2(heading)
                       ) if self.norm2(heading) != 0 else prevHeading
            prevHeading = heading

            self.ya_discretized.append(math.atan2(heading[1], heading[0]))
                (self.x_discretized[s + 1] - self.x_discretized[s]) *
                (self.y_discretized[s + 1] - self.y_discretized[s]) *
                (self.z_discretized[s + 1] - self.z_discretized[s]) *
                (self.vx_discretized[-1] - self.vx_discretized[-2]) *
                (self.vy_discretized[-1] - self.vy_discretized[-2]) *
                (self.vz_discretized[-1] - self.vz_discretized[-2]) *
            self.ti_discretized.append((s + 1.) / self.FREQUENCY)

        print('generate_states() runs in {} s'.format(time() - start))
Exemple #48
def run_div_test(fld, exact, title='', show=False, ignore_inexact=False):
    t0 = time()
    result_numexpr = viscid.div(fld, preferred="numexpr", only=False)
    t1 = time()
    logger.info("numexpr magnitude runtime: %g", t1 - t0)

    result_diff = viscid.diff(result_numexpr, exact)['x=1:-1, y=1:-1, z=1:-1']
    if not ignore_inexact and not (result_diff.data < 5e-5).all():
        logger.warn("numexpr result is far from the exact result")
    logger.info("min/max(abs(numexpr - exact)): %g / %g",
                np.min(result_diff.data), np.max(result_diff.data))

    planes = ["y=0f", "z=0f"]
    nrows = 2
    ncols = len(planes)
    ax = plt.subplot2grid((nrows, ncols), (0, 0))

    for i, p in enumerate(planes):
        plt.subplot2grid((nrows, ncols), (0, i), sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        mpl.plot(result_numexpr, p, show=False)
        plt.subplot2grid((nrows, ncols), (1, i), sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        mpl.plot(result_diff, p, show=False)


    if show:
def gaussian_original(params, n_rep=DEFAULT_TRIALS, rec_time=False):  
	Generates n_rep number of Guassian facilitation curves for Go response for all 
	simulated trials required
	params : sequence (4,) of float
		a_facGo - amplitude of gaussian curve
		b_facGo - time to peak of gaussian curve
		c_facGo - curvature of gaussian curve
		fac_i : array
			facilitation curves for all simulated trials
		t : array
			sequence of time index

	# expand params
	a_facGo_mean, a_facGo_sd, b_facGo_mean, b_facGo_sd, c_facGo_mean, c_facGo_sd, \
	inhib_mean, inhib_sd = params

	t = np.linspace(-.4, .2, 600, endpoint=False)
	#tau_facGo = 2  # Currently set, but will need to optomize

	# generates n_rep random numbers from a normal distribution of mean, sd that given into function
	a_facGo = np.random.normal(a_facGo_mean, a_facGo_sd, size=n_rep)
	b_facGo = np.random.normal(b_facGo_mean, b_facGo_sd, size=n_rep)
	c_facGo = np.random.normal(c_facGo_mean, c_facGo_sd, size=n_rep)

	# had to change from fac_i, t - why does this cause error now?!?! 
	# sets up empty array of zeros for all simulated trials
	fac_i = np.zeros((n_rep, t.size))

	inhib_tonic = np.zeros((n_rep, t.size))	
	inhib = np.random.normal(inhib_mean, inhib_sd, size=n_rep)
	inhib_tonic += inhib[:,np.newaxis]
	# time performance if required
	if (rec_time):
		t_start = time()

	for i in range(n_rep):  # for each simulated trial
		# takes parameters passed into model plus pre_t number randomly generated
		# for that simulated trial
		myparams_fac = a_facGo[i], b_facGo[i], c_facGo[i]  
		fac_i[i] = _gaussian_original(t, myparams_fac)  # generates curve for that simulated trial
		#inhib_tonic[i] = get_inhib_tonic(t, inhib[i])
	if (rec_time):
		t_diff = time() - t_start
		tps = n_rep / t_diff
		print "Original trials per second: %.0f" % (tps)

	return fac_i, inhib_tonic, t
Exemple #50
    def test_func(self):

        @cuda.jit(argtypes=[float32[:, ::1], float32[:, ::1], float32[:, ::1]])
        def cu_square_matrix_mul(A, B, C):
            sA = cuda.shared.array(shape=SM_SIZE, dtype=float32)
            sB = cuda.shared.array(shape=(tpb, tpb), dtype=float32)

            tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
            ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
            bx = cuda.blockIdx.x
            by = cuda.blockIdx.y
            bw = cuda.blockDim.x
            bh = cuda.blockDim.y

            x = tx + bx * bw
            y = ty + by * bh

            acc = float32(0)  # forces all the math to be f32
            for i in range(bpg):
                if x < n and y < n:
                    sA[ty, tx] = A[y, tx + i * tpb]
                    sB[ty, tx] = B[ty + i * tpb, x]


                if x < n and y < n:
                    for j in range(tpb):
                        acc += sA[ty, j] * sB[j, tx]


            if x < n and y < n:
                C[y, x] = acc

        A = np.array(np.random.random((n, n)), dtype=np.float32)
        B = np.array(np.random.random((n, n)), dtype=np.float32)
        C = np.empty_like(A)

        s = time()
        stream = cuda.stream()
        with stream.auto_synchronize():
            dA = cuda.to_device(A, stream)
            dB = cuda.to_device(B, stream)
            dC = cuda.to_device(C, stream)
            cu_square_matrix_mul[(bpg, bpg), (tpb, tpb), stream](dA, dB, dC)
            dC.copy_to_host(C, stream)

        e = time()
        tcuda = e - s

        # Host compute
        s = time()
        Cans = np.dot(A, B)
        e = time()
        tcpu = e - s

        # Check result
        np.testing.assert_allclose(C, Cans, rtol=1e-5)
Exemple #51
def timereps(reps, func, *args, **kwargs):
    arr = [None] * reps
    for i in range(reps):
        start = time()
        func(*args, **kwargs)
        end = time()
        arr[i] = end - start
    return min(arr), max(arr), sum(arr) / reps
Exemple #52
def timeit(f, *args, **kwargs):
    from timeit import default_timer as time
    t0 = time()
    ret = f(*args, **kwargs)
    t1 = time()

    print("Took {0:.03g} secs.".format(t1 - t0))
    return ret
Exemple #53
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test xdmf")
    parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument('file', nargs="?", default=None)
    args = vutil.common_argparse(parser)

    # f3d = readers.load_file(_viscid_root + '/../../sample/sample.3df.xdmf')
    # b3d = f3d['b']
    # bx, by, bz = b3d.component_fields()  # pylint: disable=W0612

    if args.file is None:
        args.file = "/Users/kmaynard/dev/work/cen4000/cen4000.3d.xdmf"
    f3d = readers.load_file(args.file)

    bx = f3d["bx"]
    by = f3d["by"]
    bz = f3d["bz"]
    B = field.scalar_fields_to_vector([bx, by, bz], name="B_cc",

    t0 = time()
    lines_single, topo = trace_cython(B, nr_procs=1)
    t1 = time()
    topo_single = vol.wrap_field(topo, name="CyTopo1")
    print("single proc:", t1 - t0, "s")

    nr_procs_list = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    # nr_procs_list = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
    times = np.empty_like(nr_procs_list, dtype="float")

    print("always parallel overhead now...")
    for i, nr_procs in enumerate(nr_procs_list):
        t0 = time()
        lines, topo = trace_cython(B, nr_procs=nr_procs, force_subprocess=True)
        t1 = time()
        fld = vol.wrap_field(topo, name="CyTopo")
        same_topo = (fld.data == topo_single.data).all()
        same_lines = True
        for j, line in enumerate(lines):
            same_lines = same_lines and (line == lines_single[j]).all()
        print("nr_procs:", nr_procs, "time:", t1 - t0, "s",
              "same topo:", same_topo, "same lines:", same_lines)
        times[i] = t1 - t0

    plt.plot(nr_procs_list, times, 'k^')
    plt.plot(nr_procs_list, times[0] / nr_procs_list, 'b--')

    if False:
        cmap = plt.get_cmap('spectral')
        levels = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16, 17]
        norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, cmap.N)
        mpl.plot(topo_flds[-1], "y=0", cmap=cmap, norm=norm, show=False)
        #mpl.plot_streamlines2d(lines[::5], "y", topology=topo[::5], show=False)
        #mpl.plot_streamlines(lines, topology=topo, show=False)
Exemple #54
def trace_numba(fld_bx, fld_by, fld_bz):
    B = field.scalar_fields_to_vector([fld_bx, fld_by, fld_bz], name="B_cc",
    topo_arr = np.empty(gsize, order='C', dtype='int')
    lines, topo = None, None
    t0 = time()
    nsegs = topo_numba.get_topo(B, topo_arr, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2)
    t1 = time()
    topo_fld = vol.wrap_field(topo, name="CyTopo")
    return t1 - t0, nsegs, lines, topo_fld
Exemple #55
def compute_embedding(high, method, n_components=2, n_neighbors=None):
    """Reduce dimension of `high` to `n_components` using `method`
    (parametrized by `n_neighbors`)"""
    n_neighbors = n_neighbors or (n_components * (n_components + 3) / 2) + 4
        projector = choose_manifold_method(method, n_components, n_neighbors)
    except ValueError:
        projector = choose_decomposition_method(method, n_components)
    start = time()
    lower = projector.fit_transform(high)
    return lower, time() - start
Exemple #56
def test_zeros():
    st = time()
    for i in range(10000):
    en = time()
    print en-st
    st = time()
    for i in range(10000):
        [0 for i in range(1000)]
    en = time()
    print en-st
def backsearch(reverse_graph, end, is_start, limit):
    start_time = time()
    end_state = end.copy()
    times = {end_state: 0}
    previous_recipe = {end_state: (None, None)}
    queue = [(0, end_state)]
    known_recipes = {}
    current_state = None

    # Search
    while time() - start_time < limit and queue:
        current_game_time, current_state = heappop(queue)
        # print("cur " + str(current_state))
        if is_start(current_state):
            # print (current_game_time)
            node = None
            if previous_recipe[current_state] is not None:
                node = current_state
            path = []
            while previous_recipe[node][0] is not None:
                node = previous_recipe[node][1]
                # print(previous_recipe[node][0])
            total_time = time() - start_time
            # print (path)
            # print(current_state)
            # print(current_game_time)
            # print(total_time)
            return (path, total_time)
        for name, resulting_state, time_cost, heuristic in reverse_graph(current_state):
            new_time = current_game_time + heuristic(resulting_state)
            # print("go " + name)
            # print(resulting_state)
            # if resulting_state in times:
            # print("res " + str(times[resulting_state]))
            # print(new_time)
            if resulting_state not in times or new_time < times[resulting_state]:
                # print (new_time)
                times[resulting_state] = new_time
                previous_recipe[resulting_state] = (name, current_state)
                # print("he " + name)
                if name not in known_recipes:
                    known_recipes[name] = 0
                    # print(name)
                    new_time /= exploration_factor
                heappush(queue, (new_time, resulting_state))

    # Failed to find a path
    # print(time() - start_time)
    print("Failed to find a path from", state, 'within time limit.')
    return None
Exemple #58
def timeit(f, *args, **kwargs):
    """overly simple timeit wrapper

        f: callable to timeit
        *args: positional arguments for `f`
        **kwargs: keyword arguments for `f`

    Keyword arguments:
        timeit_repeat (int): number of times to call `f` (Default: 1)
        timeit_print_stats (bool): print min/max/mean/median when done
        timeit_quet (bool): quiets all output (useful if you only want
            the timeit_stats dict filled)
        timeit_stats (dict): Stats will be stuffed into here

        The result of `f(*args, **kwargs)`
    timeit_repeat = kwargs.pop('timeit_repeat', 1)
    timeit_print_stats = kwargs.pop('timeit_print_stats', True)
    timeit_quiet = kwargs.pop('timeit_quiet', False)
    timeit_stats = kwargs.pop('timeit_stats', dict())

    times = np.empty((timeit_repeat,), dtype='f8')

    for i in range(timeit_repeat):
        ret = None
        t0 = time()
        ret = f(*args, **kwargs)
        t1 = time()

        s = "{0:.03g}".format(t1 - t0)
        times[i] = t1 - t0
        if not timeit_quiet and (timeit_repeat == 1 or not timeit_print_stats):
            secs = "second" if s == "1" else "seconds"
            print("<function {0}.{1}>".format(f.__module__, f.__name__),
                  "took", s, secs)

    timeit_stats['min'] = np.min(times)
    timeit_stats['max'] = np.max(times)
    timeit_stats['mean'] = np.mean(times)
    timeit_stats['median'] = np.median(times)
    timeit_stats['repeat'] = timeit_repeat

    if not timeit_quiet and timeit_repeat > 1 and timeit_print_stats:
        print("<function {0}.{1}> stats ({2} runs):"
              "".format(f.__module__, f.__name__, timeit_repeat))
        print("  Min: {min:.3g}, Mean: {mean:.3g}, Median: {median:.3g}, "
              "Max: {max:.3g}".format(**timeit_stats))

    return ret