def request_file(self, file_requested = None):

            file_size = self.proxy.getFileSize(file_requested)
            print ('File size: ' + str(file_size) + ' Bytes')
            file_download = open(file_requested, 'w')
            timer = Timer()
            # 1.5 MB = 137 sec (1 KB)
            # 1.5 MB = 16 sec (10 KB)
            # 1.5 MB = 4 sec (50 KB)
            # 1.5 MB = 2.84 sec (100 KB)
            # 1.5 MB = 2.67 sec (150 KB)
            # 1.5 MB = 2.26 sec (500 KB)
            # 700 MB = 961 sec (16 min) (150 kb) 747 KB/s
            for size in range(0, file_size, self.DEFAULT_CHUNK_FILE_SIZE): # Loop each chunk size KB
                #print 'Requesting size: ' + str(size)
                async_result = self.proxy.begin_getFileChunk(file_requested, size, self.DEFAULT_CHUNK_FILE_SIZE) # Chunks
                #print 'Async call processed (' + str(size) + ')'
                    data = self.proxy.end_getFileChunk(async_result) # Ice::MemoryLimitException or timeout
                except Ice.CommunicatorDestroyedException as e: #@UndefinedVariable ::Ice::CommunicatorDestroyedException
                    sys.stderr.write('Error: The connection to comunicator was destroyed.\nClient abort.\n')
                    return -1
                except Exception as e:
                    sys.stderr.write('Error: unknown exception in request_file %s\nClient abort.\n' % str(e))
                    #print 'Message:' + e.message
                    #print 'Error:' + str(e.unknown)
                    #print 'ice_name:' + str(e.ice_name())
                    #print 'String:' + e.__str__()
                    return -1
                speed = size / timer.duration_in_seconds()
                if size / 1024.0 < 1024:
                    size = str(round(size / 1024.0, 2)) + ' KB'
                elif size / (1024.0 * 1024.0) < 1024:
                    size = str(round(size / (1024.0 * 1024.0), 2)) + ' MB'
                elif size / float(1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0) < 1024:
                    size = str(round(size / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0), 2)) + ' GB'  
                if speed / 1024.0 < 1024:
                    speed = str(round(speed / 1024.0, 2)) + ' KB/s'
                elif speed / (1024.0 * 1024.0) < 1024:
                    speed = str(round(speed / (1024.0 * 1024.0), 2)) + ' MB/s'
                elif speed / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0) < 1024:
                    speed = str(round(speed / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0), 2)) + ' GB/s'   
                print ('Received (' + str(size) + ') ' + 'Speed: ' + str(speed))  
            print ('Data saved in ' + str(timer.duration_in_seconds()) + ' seconds')