def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sublime_helper = SublimeHelper(self.view) self.timesheet_helper = TimesheetHelper(self.sublime_helper) self.regions_to_highlight = []
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sublime_helper = SublimeHelper(self.view) self.timesheet_helper = TimesheetHelper(self.sublime_helper) # Remember if current view contains timesheet file. # This needed to save resources and don't process non-timesheet files. self.is_timesheet = None
def setUp(self): # Create view that will be used by tests self.view = sublime.active_window().new_file() self.sublime_helper = SublimeHelper(self.view) self.timesheet_helper = TimesheetHelper(self.sublime_helper)
class DuplicateTimesheetLineCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): """ Duplicate timesheet line under cursor, insert it into appropriate place, fill time_from and/or time_to fields. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sublime_helper = SublimeHelper(self.view) self.timesheet_helper = TimesheetHelper(self.sublime_helper) self.regions_to_highlight = [] def run(self, edit: sublime.Edit, copy_issue_and_comment: bool = True): """Entry-point, called when command is executed.""" # Extract timesheet info from line under cursor timesheet_info = self.timesheet_helper.extract_timesheet_info( self.sublime_helper.get_current_line_content()) # Do nothing if current line is not a timesheet line if not timesheet_info: self.view.window().status_message( 'No valid timesheet line under cursor to duplicate') return # Fill time_to if needed, # remember it to later fill time_from of new timesheet line new_time_to = self.fill_time_to(edit) new_time_to = new_time_to or self.floor_time( # Get last lines last_non_empty_line = self.get_last_non_empty_line_region() last_timesheet_line = self.get_last_timesheet_line_region() last_timesheet_line_info = self.timesheet_helper.extract_timesheet_info( self.view.substr(last_timesheet_line)) # Determine line after which new timesheet line should be inserted, # and if extra new line is needed. # Extra new line divides timesheet lines of different days, # or acts like separator from latest comment if self.timesheet_helper.is_today(last_timesheet_line_info): insert_after_line = last_timesheet_line extra_newline = False else: insert_after_line = last_non_empty_line extra_newline = True # Compose new timesheet line content new_timesheet_line_content = '\n{},{},{},{},{}'.format( new_time_to.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), new_time_to.strftime('%H:%M'), ' ' * len('12:00'), timesheet_info['issue'][1] if copy_issue_and_comment else '', timesheet_info['comment'] if copy_issue_and_comment else '', ) # Insert extra new line if needed if extra_newline: self.view.insert(edit, insert_after_line.end(), '\n') self.regions_to_highlight.append( sublime.Region(insert_after_line.end() + len('\n'), insert_after_line.end() + len('\n') + len('\n'))) insert_after_line = self.view.line(insert_after_line.end() + 1) # Insert new line self.view.insert(edit, insert_after_line.end(), new_timesheet_line_content) added_line_region = sublime.Region( insert_after_line.end() + len('\n'), insert_after_line.end() + len('\n') + len(new_timesheet_line_content), ) self.regions_to_highlight.append(added_line_region) # Move cursor to new inserted timesheet line, # keep column position same as original cursor row, column = self.view.rowcol(self.view.sel()[0].begin()) self.view.sel().clear() self.view.sel().add(insert_after_line.end() + len('\n') + column) self.highlight_regions() self.view.window().status_message('Added new timesheet line') def is_visible(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Called when context menu is appeared. Return True if current line has ticket info and Duplicate Timesheet Line menu item should appear. Return False otherwise. """ return self.timesheet_helper.is_valid_timesheet_under_cursor() def fill_time_to(self, edit: sublime.Edit) -> Optional[datetime]: """ If latest timesheet line is today and has empty time_to field, fill it with current time. Otherwise return time_to value. If there is no timesheet line, return None. """ last_timesheet_line_region = self.get_last_timesheet_line_region() last_timesheet_line_info = self.timesheet_helper.extract_timesheet_info( self.view.substr(last_timesheet_line_region)) # If latest timesheet line isn't today, do nothing if not self.timesheet_helper.is_today(last_timesheet_line_info): return # If time_to already filled, return it if last_timesheet_line_info['to_dt']: return last_timesheet_line_info['to_dt'] # Find start position of time_to field (it's fixed) time_to_start = len('2000-01-01,12:00,') # Find end position of time_to field # which could be any number of space chars pos = last_timesheet_line_region.begin() + time_to_start while pos < last_timesheet_line_region.end(): if self.view.substr(pos) == ',': break pos += 1 new_time_to = self.floor_time( # Replace empty time_to with current time self.view.replace( edit, sublime.Region(last_timesheet_line_region.begin() + time_to_start, pos), new_time_to.strftime('%H:%M')) # Add modified piece of line to highlight self.regions_to_highlight.append( sublime.Region( last_timesheet_line_region.begin() + time_to_start, last_timesheet_line_region.begin() + time_to_start + len('12:00'), )) return new_time_to def highlight_regions(self): """ Highlight new inserted content so user knows what was modified. Also remove that highlight after short time so it won't bother user. """ # For each inserted line generate unique key regions_key = 'timesheets-{}'.format(unixtime()) # Highlight regions self.view.add_regions(regions_key, self.regions_to_highlight, 'text', 'dot', sublime.DRAW_NO_FILL) self.regions_to_highlight.clear() # Schedule regions clear sublime.set_timeout(lambda: self.view.erase_regions(regions_key), 750) def get_last_non_empty_line_region(self) -> Optional[sublime.Region]: """ Return line region of latest non-empty string (including comments). """ for line_region in self.sublime_helper.iter_lines_regions_reversed(): line_content = self.view.substr(line_region) if line_content.strip(): return line_region def get_last_timesheet_line_region(self) -> Optional[sublime.Region]: """Return line region of latest timesheet line (excluding comments).""" for line_region in self.sublime_helper.iter_lines_regions_reversed(): line_content = self.view.substr(line_region) if self.timesheet_helper.extract_timesheet_info(line_content): return line_region def floor_time(self, dt: datetime) -> datetime: """ Return earliest time to given `dt` with rounding to 10 minutes. E.g.: 12:00 -> 12:00 12:01 -> 12:00 12:09 -> 12:00 """ return datetime.combine(, time(dt.hour, dt.minute // 10 * 10)) def ceil_time(self, dt: datetime) -> datetime: """ Return closest time in future to given `dt` with rounding to 10 minutes. E.g.: 12:00 -> 12:10 12:01 -> 12:10 12:09 -> 12:10 """ return self.floor_time(dt) + timedelta(minutes=10)
class GotoTicketCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sublime_helper = SublimeHelper(self.view) self.timesheet_helper = TimesheetHelper(self.sublime_helper) def run(self, edit): """Entry-point, called when command is executed""" line_content = self.sublime_helper.get_current_line_content() timesheet_info = self.timesheet_helper.extract_timesheet_info( line_content) if timesheet_info: ticket_url = self.generate_ticket_url(timesheet_info) if ticket_url: self.view.window().status_message( 'Opening {}'.format(ticket_url)) else: self.view.window().status_message( "Can't find ticket in current line") def is_visible(self, *args) -> bool: """ Called when context menu is appeared. Return True if current line has ticket info and Goto Ticket menu item should appear. Return False otherwise. """ return self.timesheet_helper.is_valid_timesheet_under_cursor() def generate_ticket_url(self, timesheet_info: dict) -> Optional[str]: """ Generate and return ticket URL to given `ticket_info`. If required setting isn't set, or doesn't have template, show error message and return None. """ error_prefix = 'Timesheets plugin' bug_tracker, ticket_id = timesheet_info['issue'] settings = sublime.load_settings('timesheets.sublime-settings') option_name = '{}_ticket_url'.format(bug_tracker) ticket_url_template = settings.get(option_name) if not ticket_url_template: sublime.error_message('{}: in order to open ticket in browser ' 'please specify valid "{}" option'.format( error_prefix, option_name)) return ticket_url = ticket_url_template.format(ticket_id) # If formatted template and raw template are the same, # looks like template missing placeholder ("{}") if ticket_url == ticket_url_template: sublime.error_message('{}: in order to open ticket in browser ' 'please specify valid "{}" option'.format( error_prefix, option_name)) return return ticket_url
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sublime_helper = SublimeHelper(self.view) self.timesheet_helper = TimesheetHelper(self.sublime_helper)