Exemple #1
def importPostProcessing(dvs, samples, dvsLbl=None, dvsFlow=None, **kwargs):
    Split by channel: The iit yarp format assumes that the channel bit 
    corresponds to 'left' and 'right' sensors, so it's handled explicitly here
    channels = {}
    for ch in [0, 1]:
        chDict = {}
        dvsCh = selectByLabel(dvs, 'ch', ch)
        if dvsCh:
            chDict['dvs'] = dvsCh
        if dvsLbl:
            dvsLblCh = selectByLabel(dvsLbl, 'ch', ch)
            if dvsLblCh:
                chDict['dvslbl'] = dvsLblCh
        samplesCh = selectByLabel(samples, 'ch', ch)
        if samplesCh:
            if kwargs.get('convertSamplesToImu', True):
                chDict['imu'] = samplesToImu(samplesCh, **kwargs)
                chDict['sample'] = samplesCh
        if dvsFlow:
            dvsFlowCh = selectByLabel(dvsFlow, 'ch', ch)
            if dvsFlowCh:
                chDict['flow'] = dvsFlowCh
                chDict['flow']['vx'] = flowFromBitsToFloat(
                chDict['flow']['vy'] = flowFromBitsToFloat(
        if any(chDict):
            for dataType in chDict:
                chDict[dataType]['ts'] = unwrapTimestamps(
                    chDict[dataType]['ts'], **
                    kwargs) * 0.00000008  # Convert to seconds

            if getOrInsertDefault(kwargs, 'zeroTimestamps', True):
            if ch == 0:
                channels['left'] = chDict
                channels['right'] = chDict
    # Construct the output dict
    outDict = {'info': kwargs, 'data': channels}
    outDict['info']['fileFormat'] = 'iityarp'
    return outDict
Exemple #2
def interpretMsgsAsPose6qTransform(msgs, **kwargs):
    Hmm - it's a bit hack how this is stuck in here at the moment, 
    but whereas rpg used PoseStamped message type, realsense use Transform:
    ros message is defined here:
    the result is a 7-column np array of np.float64,
    where the cols are x, y, z, q-x, q-y, q-z, q-w (i.e. quaternion orientation)
    ts must therefore come from the message header; does that mean there is
    only one pose per message?
    numEvents = 0
    sizeOfArray = 1024
    tsAll = np.zeros((sizeOfArray), dtype=np.float64)
    poseAll = np.zeros((sizeOfArray, 7), dtype=np.float64)
    for msg in tqdm(msgs, position=0, leave=True):
        if sizeOfArray < numEvents + 1:
            tsAll = np.append(tsAll, np.zeros((sizeOfArray), dtype=np.float64))
            poseAll = np.concatenate(
                (poseAll, np.zeros((sizeOfArray, 7), dtype=np.float64)))
            sizeOfArray *= 2
        # Note - ignoring kwargs['useRosMsgTimestamps'] as there is no choice
        timeS, timeNs = unpack('=LL', msg['time'])
        tsAll[numEvents] = np.float64(timeS) + np.float64(timeNs) * 0.000000001
        poseAll[numEvents, :] = np.frombuffer(msg['data'], dtype=np.float64)
        numEvents += 1
    # Crop arrays to number of events
    tsAll = tsAll[:numEvents]
    tsUnwrapped = unwrapTimestamps(
    )  # here we could pass in wrapTime=2**62, but actually it handles this internally
    poseAll = poseAll[:numEvents]
    point = poseAll[:, 0:3]
    rotation = poseAll[:, [6, 3, 4,
                           5]]  # Switch quaternion form from xyzw to wxyz
    outDict = {'ts': tsUnwrapped, 'point': point, 'rotation': rotation}
    return outDict
Exemple #3
def importSecDvs(**kwargs):
    filePathOrName = kwargs['filePathOrName']
    print('Attempting to import ' + filePathOrName + ' as secdvs')
    with open(filePathOrName, 'rb') as file:
        data = np.fromfile(file, dtype='>u4')

    print('Clipping any rows without column info...')
    # Hunt for the first col iteratively and cut data before this
    for idx, word in enumerate(data):
        if word & 0x4000000:
    data = data[idx:]

    print('Building indices for word types  ...')
    isTs = (data & 0x08000000).astype(np.bool) # Reference timestamp, i.e. tsMsb
    isCol = (data & 0x4000000).astype(np.bool) # X and tsLsb
    isRow = (data & 0x80000000).astype(np.bool) # y and pol

    print('Handling col data ...')
    # create an index which points data back to col
    numCol = np.count_nonzero(isCol)
    colIdsRange = np.arange(numCol)
    colIdsSparse = np.where(isCol)[0]
    colIdsNext = np.append(colIdsSparse[1:], len(data))
    colIdx = np.zeros_like(data)
    for rangeIdx, firstIdx, nextIdx in zip(colIdsRange, colIdsSparse, colIdsNext):
        colIdx[firstIdx:nextIdx] = rangeIdx
    # now we can isolate col
    col = data[isCol]
    # convert col data
    xByCol = (col & 0x000003FF).astype(np.uint16) # column Address
    tsSmallByCol = (col & 0x1FF800) >> 11
	# create col data vectors which match data
    x = xByCol[colIdx]
    tsSmall = tsSmallByCol[colIdx]
    print('Handling timestamp data ...')

    # from data extract the "start col" flag
    isStartCol = (data & 0x200000).astype(np.bool) & isCol
    # now, for each startCol, we want to search backwards through data for a ts    
    # To do this, we find the "data" idx of start col, we create a set of tsIds
    # and then we search tsIds for each dataIdx    
    tsIdsSparse = np.where(isTs)[0]
    # Actually find the tsMsb at this point, to avoid more indexing
    tsMsbSparse = (data[isTs] & 0x003FFFFF) << 10
    tsMsbSparse = np.insert(tsMsbSparse, 0, tsMsbSparse[0] - (1 << 10))
    # create an index which points data back to startCols
    startColIdsSparse = np.where(isStartCol)[0]
    # Search tsIds for each dataIdx
    tsForStartCol = np.zeros_like(startColIdsSparse)
    for idx, startColIdx in enumerate(startColIdsSparse):
        tsForStartCol[idx] = tsMsbSparse[np.searchsorted(tsIdsSparse, startColIdx)]

    # Now we have the ts(Large) for each startCol event. Now create a tsLarge
    # array which matches data; do this in just the same way as above for
    # tsSmall given col and colIdx
    # create an index which points data back to col
    numStartCol = np.count_nonzero(isStartCol)
    startColIdsRange = np.arange(numStartCol)
    startColIdsSparse = np.where(isStartCol)[0]
    startColIdsNext = np.append(startColIdsSparse[1:], len(data))
    startColIdx = np.zeros_like(data)
    for rangeIdx, firstIdx, nextIdx in zip(startColIdsRange, startColIdsSparse, startColIdsNext):
        startColIdx[firstIdx:nextIdx] = rangeIdx
    tsLarge = tsForStartCol[startColIdx]

    # Now we have tsLarge and tsSmall aligned by data, 
    # we can sum these to give the full ts
    ts = tsLarge + tsSmall

    print('Handling row data ...')

    # Now we have x and ts for each row in data; 
    # now select these just for group/row data
    x = x[isRow]
    ts = ts[isRow]
    data = data[isRow]

    # A major timewrap is possible, so handle unwrapping before the following 
    # processing, which will mix up the timestamps
    ts = unwrapTimestamps(ts)  / 1000000 # Convert to seconds in the same step
    # Break out addr and pol for each of the two groups
    pol1 = ((data & 0x00010000) >> 16).astype(np.bool)
    yLarge1 = ((data & 0x00FC0000) >> 15).astype(np.uint16) # grp1Address
    pol2 = ((data & 0x00020000) >> 17).astype(np.bool)
    grp2Offset = (data & 0x7C000000) >> 23 
    yLarge2 = (grp2Offset + yLarge1).astype(np.uint16)

    # for each of the single bit indices, select events for each of the two groups
    grp1Events = data & 0xFF
    grp2Events = data & 0xFF00
    tsToConcatenate = []
    xToConcatenate = []
    yToConcatenate = []
    polToConcatenate = []
    for idx in tqdm(range(8)):
        #group 1
        grp1Bool = (grp1Events & (2 ** idx)).astype(np.bool)
        yToConcatenate.append(yLarge1[grp1Bool] + idx)
        # group 2        
        grp2Bool = (grp2Events & (2 ** (idx + 8))).astype(np.bool)
        yToConcatenate.append(yLarge2[grp2Bool] + idx)

    print('Post-processing steps ...')

    # Concatenate the resulting arrays
    ts = np.concatenate(tsToConcatenate)
    x = np.concatenate(xToConcatenate)
    y = np.concatenate(yToConcatenate)
    pol = np.concatenate(polToConcatenate)
    # The above selection strategy mixed up the timestamps, so sort the events by ts
    ids = np.argsort(ts)
    ts = ts[ids]
    x = x[ids]
    y = y[ids]
    pol = pol[ids]
    dvsDict = {'ts': ts,
               'x': x,
               'y': y,
               'pol': pol,

    if kwargs.get('zeroTime', kwargs.get('zeroTimestamps', True)): 
    outDict = {
    'info': {'filePathOrName':filePathOrName,
        'fileFormat': 'secdvs'},
    'data': {
        'ch0': {
            'dvs': dvsDict
    return outDict