Exemple #1
    def add(self, product):
        :param product: The order that will be added to the machine
        :return: Adds the order to the work center to be scheduled
        product.scheduled = True  # Sets the order as scheduled
        self.products[product.id] = product  # Adds the order to the work center
        changeDuration(product, self.availability)  # Changes the duration of making the order based on the availability of the work center
        add_time = getMouldChangeTime(product.moulds)
        total_time = new_time(self.remainder.year, self.remainder.month, self.remainder.day + (product.time.day - 1), self.remainder.hour + product.time.hour, self.remainder.minute + product.time.minute + add_time, self.remainder.second + product.time.second)

        add_time = 0
        if len(product.combined) > 1:  # There are orders combined
            comb_orders = []
            old_insert = product.insert
            product.combined = order_combined_orders(product, addcolor(product.id), old_insert, comb_orders)

            for p in product.combined:  # For each combined product add the duration and insert change time
                if len(old_insert) == len(p.insert):
                    bo = True
                    for ins in old_insert:
                        if not ins in p.insert:
                            bo = False
                    if not bo:  # There is an insert change
                        add_time += getInsertChangeTime(p.moulds)
                        old_insert = p.insert
                elif len(old_insert) != len(p.insert):  # There is an insert change
                    add_time += getInsertChangeTime(p.moulds)
                    old_insert = p.insert
        self.remainder = new_time(total_time.year, total_time.month, total_time.day, total_time.hour, total_time.minute + add_time, total_time.second)
Exemple #2
    def first(self, product):
        :param product: The order to schedule on the work center
        :return: The order is scheduled as the first order on the work center
        begin = self.m_date  # The date that the planning starts
        end = new_time(self.m_date.year, self.m_date.month + (product.duration.month - 1), self.m_date.day + (product.duration.day - 1), self.m_date.hour + product.duration.hour, self.m_date.minute + product.duration.minute, self.m_date.second + product.duration.second)
        self.schedule.append([product, begin, end])  # Adds the information for the schedule
        self.old_insert = product.insert  # Changes the last insert used
        self.old_mould = product.moulds  # Changes the last mould used

        if len(product.combined) > 0:  # Schedule orders with the same mould (combined)
            comb_orders = []
            old_insert = product.insert
            product.combined = order_combined_orders(product, addcolor(product.id), old_insert, comb_orders)

            for p in product.combined:  # Each combined order is planned
                add_time = 0
                if len(self.old_insert) == len(product.insert):  # The inserts could be the same (same number of inserts)
                    bo = True
                    for ins in self.old_insert:
                        if not ins in product.insert:
                            bo = False
                    if not bo:  # The inserts are different
                        add_time = getInsertChangeTime(p.moulds)
                        self.old_insert = p.insert
                    add_time = getInsertChangeTime(p.moulds)
                    self.old_insert = p.insert
                begin = new_time(end.year, end.month, end.day, end.hour, end.minute + add_time, end.second)
                end = new_time(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day + (p.duration.day - 1), begin.hour + p.duration.hour, begin.minute + p.duration.minute, begin.second + p.duration.second)
                self.schedule.append([p, begin, end])  # Information for the schedule
        self.m_date = end
Exemple #3
def mouldChangeCapacity(start_date, end_date):
    mould_change_capacity = pd.read_excel(
        'Mould change capacity.xlsx',
        header=0)  # The amount of mould changes that can be done
    mould_change_capacity['Date'] = mould_change_capacity['Date'].astype(str)
    mould_change_capacity = mould_change_capacity.set_index('Date')
    morning_shift = mould_change_capacity[
        'Morning shift']  # The capacity of the morning shift
    afternoon_shift = mould_change_capacity[
        'Afternoon shift']  # The capacity of the afternoon shift
    night_shift = mould_change_capacity[
        'Night shift']  # The capacity of the night shift
    change_capacity = {
    }  # The dict containing all the mould change capacities of every planning day
    date = start_date  # The date that the planning starts
    while date <= end_date:
        if str(
        ) in mould_change_capacity.index:  # Fill up with the given capacity for each date
            change_capacity[str(date)] = [
                morning_shift[str(date)], afternoon_shift[str(date)],
            change_capacity[str(date)] = [
                4, 3, 3
            ]  # Fills up the (standard) capacity for each date
        date = new_time(date.year, date.month, date.day + 1)
    return change_capacity
Exemple #4
def ChangeMould(work_center_id, product, old_mould, m_date, mould_changes,
    :param work_center_id: The number of the work center that the mould is changed on
    :param product: The product that is the reason the mould needs to be changed
    :param old_mould: The mould that was previously on the work center
    :param m_date: The current date and time of the planning of the work center
    :param mould_changes: The list containg all the mould changes that have already happened
    :param mould_change_capacity: A list containing the number of mould changes that can still happen for each shift each day
    :return: The mould change is scheduled and the date and time that the mould change ends is returned
    Get a possible datetime for the mould change to start 
    when there is still capacity left
    begin = m_date  # The date and time that the mould change begins
    change = False  # True if the mould change can happen at this time according to the capacity
    while not change:
        if not str(
                datetime.datetime(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day)
        ) in mould_change_capacity.keys(
        ):  # The mould change tries to be scheduled outside the allowed date range
            return False
        if 6 <= begin.hour <= 14:  # 6am - 2pm
            if mould_change_capacity[str(
                    datetime.datetime(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day)
            )][0] > 0:  # The capacity allows a mould change
                        begin.year, begin.month,
                        begin.day))][0] -= 1  # The capacity gets decreased
                change = True  # The mould change will get planned
                begin = new_time(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day,
                                 begin.hour + 1, begin.minute, begin.second)
        elif 14 <= begin.hour <= 22:  # 2pm - 10pm
            if mould_change_capacity[str(
                    datetime.datetime(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day)
            )][1] > 0:  # The capacity allows a mould change
                    datetime.datetime(begin.year, begin.month,
                                      begin.day))][1] -= 1
                change = True
                begin = new_time(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day,
                                 begin.hour + 1, begin.minute, begin.second)
        elif 22 <= begin.hour <= 24 or 0 <= begin.hour <= 6:  # 10 pm - 6am
            if mould_change_capacity[str(
                    datetime.datetime(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day)
            )][2] > 0:  # The capacity allows a mould change
                    datetime.datetime(begin.year, begin.month,
                                      begin.day))][2] -= 1
                change = True
                begin = new_time(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day,
                                 begin.hour + 1, begin.minute, begin.second)
    Get the time that the changes of the old and new mould are done
    add_time = getMouldChangeTime(product.moulds, type_when="in")
    add_time += getMouldChangeTime(old_mould, type_when="out")
    finished = new_time(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day, begin.hour,
                        begin.minute + add_time, begin.second)
    Find whether there are problems scheduling the mould change
    If there is a problem, the change will be tried to be scheduled 10 min later
    if not problem(
            begin, finished, mould_changes
    ):  # There isn't a conflict while changing the mould (only 1 change at a time)
        mouldChange(begin, finished, mould_changes, work_center_id,
                    product.order, product.moulds, "Change between moulds")
    else:  # There is a conflict while changing the mould at this time
        if 6 <= begin.hour <= 14:  # 6am - 2pm
                    begin.year, begin.month,
                    begin.day))][0] += 1  # Turn back the change in capacity
        elif 14 <= begin.hour <= 22:  # 2pm - 10pm
                datetime.datetime(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day))][1] += 1
        elif 22 <= begin.hour <= 24 or 0 <= begin.hour <= 6:  # 10 pm - 6am
                datetime.datetime(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day))][2] += 1
        m_date = new_time(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day, begin.hour,
                          begin.minute + 10, begin.second)
        return ChangeMould(
            work_center_id, product, old_mould, m_date, mould_changes,
            mould_change_capacity)  # Plan the mould change again
    return finished  # There is no conflict, so return the time when the mould change is done
Exemple #5
    def scheduleTime(self, product, mould_changes, mould_change_capacity, not_planned, end_date):
        :param product: The order that needs to be scheduled
        :param mould_changes: The list containing all mould changes
        :param mould_change_capacity: A dict containing the mould change capacity for each day
        :param not_planned:
        :param end_date:
        :return: Schedules the order on the work center
        begin = self.m_date  # The current date of the planning
        if begin >= end_date:
            not_planned.append([product.id, "No capacity for order on machine", product.order])
            for p in product.combined:
                not_planned.append([p.id, "No capacity for order on machine in for", p.order])

        """ Schedule mould change if necessary """
        if self.old_mould == 'nan' or str(product.moulds) != self.old_mould:  # There is a mould change
            begin = ChangeMould(self.id, product, self.old_mould, self.m_date, mould_changes, mould_change_capacity)  # Change the mould
            if not begin:  # The mould change couldn't be scheduled in time with the capacity
                not_planned.append([product.id, "No capacity for mould change", product.order])
                for p in product.combined:
                    not_planned.append([p.id, "No capacity for mould change", p.order])
            self.old_mould = str(product.moulds)  # Change the last used mould of the work center

        """ Insert change if necessary """
        if self.schedule != [] and self.old_mould != 'nan' and str(product.moulds) == self.old_mould:  # Same mould
            add_time = 0
            if len(self.old_insert) == len(product.insert):
                bo = True
                for ins in self.old_insert:
                    if not ins in product.insert:
                        bo = False
                if not bo:  # Insert change
                    add_time = getInsertChangeTime(product.moulds)
                    self.old_insert = product.insert
                begin = new_time(begin.year, begin. month, begin.day, begin.hour, begin.minute + add_time, begin.second)
            elif len(self.old_insert) != len(product.insert):  # Insert change
                add_time = getInsertChangeTime(product.moulds)
                self.old_insert = product.insert
                begin = new_time(begin.year, begin. month, begin.day, begin.hour, begin.minute + add_time, begin.second)

        if begin >= end_date:
            not_planned.append([product.id, "No capacity for order on machine", product.order])
            for p in product.combined:
                not_planned.append([p.id, "No capacity for order on machine", p.order])

        end = new_time(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day + (product.duration.day - 1), begin.hour + product.duration.hour, begin.minute + product.duration.minute, begin.second + product.duration.second)
        self.schedule.append([product, begin, end])  # Add order to schedule
        self.m_date = end  # Set time of work center

        if len(product.combined) > 0:  # Has Orders with same mould
            no_capacity = False
            for p in product.combined:  # Schedule each combined order
                if not no_capacity:
                    begin = end

                    """ Insert change if necessary """
                    add_time = 0
                    if len(self.old_insert) == len(p.insert):
                        bo = True
                        for ins in self.old_insert:
                            if not ins in p.insert:
                                bo = False
                        if not bo:  # Insert change
                            add_time = getInsertChangeTime(p.moulds)
                            begin = new_time(end.year, end. month, end.day, end.hour, end.minute + add_time, end.second)
                            self.old_insert = p.insert
                    elif len(self.old_insert) != len(p.insert):  # Insert change
                        add_time = getInsertChangeTime(p.moulds)
                        begin = new_time(end.year, end. month, end.day, end.hour, end.minute + add_time, end.second)
                        self.old_insert = p.insert

                    end = new_time(begin.year, begin. month, begin.day + (p.duration.day - 1), begin.hour + p.duration.hour, begin.minute + p.duration.minute, begin.second + p.duration.second)

                    if end > end_date:
                        no_capacity = True
                        not_planned.append([p.id, "No capacity for order on machine", p.order])
                        end = self.m_date
                        self.schedule.append([p, begin, end])  # Add order to schedule
                        self.m_date = end  # Set time of work center
                elif no_capacity:
                    not_planned.append([p.id, "No capacity for order on machine", p.order])

Exemple #6
def prioritiseOrdersDf(df, zcs, begin_date, end_date, batchID):
    :param df: The dataframe containing the orders
    :param zcs: The material info containg the number of machines for each item number
    :param begin_date: The date that the planning begins
    :param end_date: The date that the planning end
    :return: Sorts the dataframe of the orders based on priority
    """ Get the different weights """
    connection = db_connection()
    cursor = connection.cursor(
    )  # This code gets the weights given to different aspects of the orders
    cursor.execute('SELECT Weight_1 FROM dbo.Batch WHERE ID = (?)', batchID)
    (weight_date, ) = cursor.fetchone(
    )  # The importance of planning before the needed on date
    cursor.execute('SELECT Weight_2 FROM dbo.Batch WHERE ID = (?)', batchID)
     ) = cursor.fetchone()  # The importance of planing a promo order
    cursor.execute('SELECT Weight_3 FROM dbo.Batch WHERE ID = (?)', batchID)
     ) = cursor.fetchone()  # The importance of plannig a listing order
    """ Get the cutoff points and the dates of these points """
    cursor.execute('SELECT Cutoff_promo FROM dbo.Batch WHERE ID = (?)',
    (days_over_end_date_promo, ) = cursor.fetchone(
    )  # Promo orders x days over the end date can still be planned
    if days_over_end_date_promo == None:
        days_over_end_date_promo = 0
    cursor.execute('SELECT Cutoff_listing FROM dbo.Batch WHERE ID = (?)',
    (days_over_end_date_listing, ) = cursor.fetchone(
    )  # Listing orders x days over the end date can still be planned
    if days_over_end_date_listing == None:
        days_over_end_date_listing = 0
    end_date_promo = new_time(end_date.year, end_date.month,
                              end_date.day + days_over_end_date_promo)
    end_date_listing = new_time(end_date.year, end_date.month,
                                end_date.day + days_over_end_date_listing)
    Check whether the orders are valid
    If there is a problem the order is removed
    Otherwise it gets a weight based on different criteria
    n_on = df['needed on']
    orig_document = df['Originating document']
    material_number = df['Material']
    work_center = df['Work center']
    order = df['Order']
    in_production = df['Start Point']
    mould_df = df['Mould']
    prio = []  # A list containing the priority of each order
    amoun = [
    ]  # A list containing the amount of machines each order is compatible with
    wrong = [
    ]  # A list containing the orders that aren't planned and the reason why
    for i in range(len(df["Material"])):  # For each order
        # The order is not needed before the cutoff point of the planning
        if (n_on[i] != "nan" and n_on[i] != "None") and (
                not (str(orig_document[i]) == 'nan'
                     or str(orig_document[i]) == 'None')
        ) and n_on[
                i] > end_date_promo:  # promo with needed on date after allowed promo needed on date
            df = df.drop([i])  # Removes the order (row)
                str(material_number[i]), "Needed on date after planning",
        elif (n_on[i] != "nan" and n_on[i] != "None") and str(
        ) == 'nan' or str(orig_document[i]) == 'None' and n_on[
                i] > end_date_listing:  # listing with needed on date after allowed listing needed on date
            df = df.drop([i])  # Removes the order (row)
                str(material_number[i]), "Needed on date after planning",

        # The order is a dummy order
        elif str(material_number[i]) == 'nan' or str(
        ) == 'None':  # If there is no item number --> orders is dummy order
            if str(work_center[i]) != 'nan' and str(
            ) != 'None':  # There has to be a machine given to plan dummy orders
                p = 0  # The priority of the order (lower number is planned/prioritized earlier)
                if n_on[i] == "nan" or n_on[i] == "None":
                    p += (weight_promo + weight_date + weight_listing)
                elif n_on[i] <= begin_date:
                    p -= weight_date
                elif n_on[i] <= end_date:
                    p -= (weight_date / 2)
                    p += weight_date
                if not (str(orig_document[i]) == 'nan' or str(orig_document[i])
                        == 'None'):  # If it is a promo order
                    p -= weight_promo  # The priority is higher
                if str(orig_document[i]) == 'nan' or str(
                ) == 'None':  # If it is a listing order
                    p -= weight_listing
                if str(in_production[i]) == str(
                        1):  # If the order is already on a machine
                    p -= (weight_promo + weight_date + weight_listing
                          )  # This is most important
                )  # There is only one machine that the order can be planned on
                df = df.drop([i])  # Removes the order (row)
                    "Dummy order has no Work center in input",

        # The order is not a dummy order, but the item number isn't in the database
        elif not str(material_number[i]) in zcs.index:
            df = df.drop([i])  # Removes the order (row)
            if mould_df[i] == None or mould_df[i] == 'nan':
                    [str(material_number[i]), "Assembly order",
                    "Item unknown - Material/Mould not known to bot",

        # The order is a normal order that is in the database
            If the order has no mould in the input,
            we add one from the zcs04 data or the historical data
            Otherwise the order will be removed
            if str(mould_df[i]) == 'nan' or str(
                    mould_df[i]) == 'None':  # No mould is given
                mould = zcs['Mould'].loc[str(material_number[i])]
                    i] = mould  # Adds the mould from the zcs part of the material_info dataframe
            if str(mould_df[i]) == "nan" or str(
                    mould_df[i]) == 'None':  # If there still isn't a mould
                    mould = zcs["('Mould', 'unique')"].loc[str(
                    mould = mould.replace('[', '')
                    mould = mould.replace(']', '')
                    mould = mould.split(', ')
                        i] = mould  # Adds the mould from the historical data
                        str(material_number[i]), "Item unknown - No mould",
            if str(mould_df[i]) == "nan" or str(
            ) == 'None':  # If the earlier data couldn't give a mould
                df = df.drop([i])  # Removes the order (row)
                    "Order has no mould in the input or database",
            else:  # There is a mould for this order
                p = 0  # The priority of the order (lower number is planned/prioritized earlier)
                if not (str(orig_document[i]) == 'nan' or str(orig_document[i])
                        == 'None'):  # If it is a promo order
                    p = 1  # The priority is higher
                if str(orig_document[i]) == 'nan' or str(
                ) == 'None':  # If it is a listing order
                    p = 2
                if str(in_production[i]) == str(
                        1):  # If the order is already on a machine
                    p = 0  # This is most important

    df['Priority'] = prio  # Adds the priority of each order to the database
    df['Amount'] = amoun  # Adds the amount of compatible machines to each order
    return sortOrdersDf(df), wrong