Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, selector):
        self._path = os.path.join(GLib.get_user_config_dir(), "gtk-3.0",

        self.parser = tinycss.make_parser()
        self.selector = selector

        self.rule_separator = "/***** %s - cinnamon-settings-generated - do not edit *****/" % self.selector
        self.my_ruleset = None

        file = Gio.File.new_for_path(self._path)

            success, content_bytes, tag = file.load_contents(None)

            self._contents = content_bytes.decode()
            self.stylesheet = self.parser.parse_stylesheet(self._contents)
        except GLib.Error as e:
            if e.code == Gio.IOErrorEnum.NOT_FOUND:
                self._contents = ""
                self.stylesheet = tinycss.css21.Stylesheet(rules=[],
                raise PermissionError(
                    "Could not load ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css file, check permissions"
def get_background_color():
    themes = {"default": ("#000000", "#FFFFFF")}
    p = theme_path()
    themes_list = list_themes()
    par = tinycss.make_parser("page3")
    for file in themes_list:
        with open("%s/%s" % (p, file), "r") as f:
            style = par.parse_stylesheet_file(f)
            i = [str(x) for x in style.rules]
            index = 0
            for x in i:
                if x.endswith("CodeMirror>"):
                    index += 1
            if index < len(style.rules):
                decs = style.rules[index].declarations
                background = ""
                text = ""
                for dec in decs:
                    if dec.name == "background":
                        background = str(dec.value.as_css())
                    if dec.name == "color":
                        text = str(dec.value.as_css())

                if background == "":
                    background = "#FFFFFF"
                if text == "":
                    text = "#000000"
                themes[file.replace(".css", "")] = (background, text)
                background = ""
                text = ""
    return themes
Exemple #3
def save_custom_style():
    flash(Markup('Styling updated. View your <a href="/">updated shop</a>'))

    return redirect(url_for('style_shop.style_shop'))
    # Replace jamla->theme->options->styles with new css rulesets
    jamla['theme']['options']['styles'] = []  # Clear existing styles

    css = request.form['css']
    parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
    stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet(css)
    # Parse each rule, get its rulesets, declarations and save to jamla
    styles = []
    for ruleSet in stylesheet.rules:
        selector = ruleSet.selector.as_css()
        # Add selector to draftJamla
        rules = []
        for rule in ruleSet.declarations:
            cssProperty = rule.name
            propertyValue = rule.value.as_css()
            rules.append({cssProperty: propertyValue})
        styles.append({'selector': selector, 'rules': rules})
    # Append each style
    for style in styles:

    fp = open(current_app.config["JAMLA_PATH"], "w")
    yaml.safe_dump(jamla, fp, default_flow_style=False)
    flash(Markup('Styling updated. View your <a href="/">updated shop</a>'))

    return redirect(url_for('style_shop.style_shop'))
Exemple #4
def genUsedNamesDictionary(data):

    parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
    stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_bytes(data)
    for rle in stylesheet.rules:
        if not hasattr(rle, 'declarations'): continue

        for prop in rle.declarations:
            #print prop.name
            if prop.name in propCountDictionary:
                propCountDictionary[prop.name] += 1
                propCountDictionary[prop.name] = 1

    valsDict = sorted(propCountDictionary.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)

    sortedVals = []
    for k,v in valsDict:
        #print k

    return sortedVals
Exemple #5
    def _find_css_problems(self, sheets):
        issues_json = []
            parser = tinycss.make_parser()
            for key, value in sheets.iteritems():
                parsed_sheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_bytes(value.encode('utf8'))
                for rule in parsed_sheet.rules:
                    look_for_decl = []
                    # process_rule will go through rule.declarations and fill look_for_decl with a list of potential problems
                    self._process_rule(rule, look_for_decl)
                    # having gone through all declarations in the rule, we now have a list of
                    # "equivalent" rule names or name:value sets - so we go through the declarations
                    # again - and check if the "equivalents" are present
                    look_for_decl[:] = [x for x in look_for_decl if not self._found_in_rule(rule, x)] # replace list by return of list comprehension
                    # the idea is that if all "problems" had equivalents present,
                    # the look_for_decl list will now be empty
                    for issue in look_for_decl:
                        dec = issue["dec"];
                        name = dec.name
                        if '-webkit-' in name:
                                name = name[8:]
                        if name in LOG_CSS_PROPS or re.search(LOG_CSS_VALUES, dec.value.as_css()):
                                issues_json.append({"file": key, "selector": issue["sel"], "property":dec.name, "value":dec.value.as_css()})
                                print('ignored %s ' % dec.name)

        except Exception, e:
            print e
            return ["ERROR PARSING CSS"]
Exemple #6
def _remove_css_definitions(css, defs):
  selector_decl_map = {}

  # Map the selector to the declaration to remove
  for d in defs:
    parts = d.split('|')
    selector_decl_map[parts[0]] = parts[1]

  parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
  sheet = parser.parse_stylesheet(css)

  remove_lines = []
  for rule in sheet.rules:
    css_rule = ' '.join(rule.selector.as_css().split('\n'))

    if not (css_rule in selector_decl_map):

    # Grab the decl to remove
    remove_decl = selector_decl_map[css_rule]

    # Grab the decls for this rule
    decls = rule.declarations

    for d in decls:
      if d.name == remove_decl:

  css_lines = css.splitlines()

  for line in remove_lines:
    del css_lines[line-1]

  return '\n'.join(css_lines)
Exemple #7
def parseCSS(file):
    parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
    stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(file);
    global prefix
    global fontName
    first = True
    content = False
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
        # get raw glyph and name
        glyph = rule.declarations
        name = rule.selector.as_css().split(':', 1)[0].replace('.', '')
        if first == True:
            fontName = glyph[0].value.as_css().replace('\'', '').replace('"', '') # set fontName
            first = False
            if prefix == '': # we dont have the prefix yet
                tmp = rule.selector.as_css().split('-', 1)[0].replace('.', '')
                if tmp[0] != '[' and tmp != '':
                    prefix = tmp # set the prefix we are looking for
            if (glyph[0].value.as_css()[1] == '\\'):
                content = True # font selector with needed content appeared
            if content == True:
                glyph = glyph[0].value.as_css().replace('"', '')
                glyphs.append(glyph.lower()) # set a glyph in glyphs
            if name[0] != '[':
                names.append(name.lower()) # set a name in names
Exemple #8
    def load_module(self, name):
        if name in sys.modules:
            return sys.modules[name]

        mod = imp.new_module(name)
        mod.__file__ = self.css_path
        mod.__loader__ = self

        #decoder = json.JSONDecoder(object_hook=DottedDict)
        parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')

            stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(self.css_path)
            raise ImportError(
                'Could not open file.')

        b = {}

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        for i in stylesheet.rules:
            b[i.selector.as_css()] = i.declarations


        sys.modules[name] = mod
        return mod
Exemple #9
    def load_module(self, name):
        if name in sys.modules:
            return sys.modules[name]

        mod = imp.new_module(name)
        mod.__file__ = self.css_path
        mod.__loader__ = self

        #decoder = json.JSONDecoder(object_hook=DottedDict)
        parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')

            stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(self.css_path)
            raise ImportError('Could not open file.')

        b = {}

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        for i in stylesheet.rules:
            b[i.selector.as_css()] = i.declarations


        sys.modules[name] = mod
        return mod
Exemple #10
 def __init__(self, filename, font_class_prefix):
     import tinycss
     global icons
     new_icons = {}
     parser = tinycss.make_parser("page3")
     stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(filename)
     is_icon = re.compile(u("\.%s(.*):before,?" % font_class_prefix))
     for rule in stylesheet.rules:
         selector = rule.selector.as_css()
         for match in is_icon.finditer(selector):
             name = match.groups()[0]
             for declaration in rule.declarations:
                 if declaration.name == u"content":
                     val = declaration.value.as_css()
                     if val.startswith('"') and val.endswith('"'):
                         val = val[1:-1]
                         new_icons[name] = uchr(int(val[1:], 16))
                     except UnicodeEncodeError:
                         new_icons[name] = val[1:]
                     except ValueError:
                         new_icons[name] = u(val[1:])
     icons = new_icons
Exemple #11
    def extract(self, node):
        textfield = ''.join(map(filter_non_ascii, node.text))
        textfield_as_list = textfield.split('\n')
        ss_offset = 0

        # sets textfield to the text in the style tag, if exists and adjusts the offset
        if BeautifulSoup(textfield).style:
            ss_offset = textfield.find("<style>") + len("<style>")
            textfield = ''.join(map(filter_non_ascii, BeautifulSoup(textfield).style.text))
            textfield_as_list = textfield.split('\n')

        # parses textfield as a stylesheet
        parser = tinycss.make_parser()
        stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet(textfield)
        valid_regions = []

        # calculate the start index of the selector
        for rule in stylesheet.rules:
            sel = rule.selector
            ss_start = ss_offset
            if sel.line > 1:
                for l in xrange(sel.line - 1):
                    # add 1 to account for newline characters
                    ss_start += len(textfield_as_list[l]) + 1
            ss_start += sel.column - 1
            sel = rule.selector.as_css()
            if rule.declarations:
                valid_regions.append(Region(node, ss_start, ss_start + len(sel) - 1, sel))

        # check if the regions found contain valid selectors
        for region in valid_regions:
            if not is_selector(region.string):
        return valid_regions
def retrieve_css_content(css_destination, url_path, destination_dir, base_url):

    style = css_destination.read_text()

    stylesheet = tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(style)
    # print(stylesheet)
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
        # print(rule, dir(rule))
        # print(type(rule))
        if isinstance(rule, tinycss.css21.ImportRule):
            print("TODO ImportRule")

        for decl in rule.declarations:
            # print(dir(decl))
            value = decl.value
            for token in value:
                # if token.type not in ('IDENT', 'PERCENTAGE', 'DIMENSION', 'S', 'INTEGER', 'HASH', 'STRING', 'DELIM'):
                if token.type == 'URI':
                    # print(token.type, token)
                    if hasattr(token, 'value'):

                        # print(css_destination)
                        # print(css_destination.parent)
                        # print(token.value)
                        destination = css_destination.parent.joinpath(
                            token.value)  #.resolve()
                        zdroj = Path(url_path.lstrip('/')).parent.joinpath(
                            token.value)  #.resolve()
                        zdroj = urljoin(base_url, str(zdroj))
                        # print(zdroj, destination)
                        _retrieve(zdroj, destination)
Exemple #13
    def _find_css_problems(self, sheets):
        issues = []
            parser = tinycss.make_parser()
            for key, value in sheets.iteritems():
                parsed_sheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_bytes(value.encode('utf8'))
                for rule in parsed_sheet.rules:
                    look_for_decl = []
                    # process_rule will go through rule.declarations and fill look_for_decl with a list of potential problems
                    self._process_rule(rule, look_for_decl)
                    # having gone through all declarations in the rule, we now have a list of
                    # "equivalent" rule names or name:value sets - so we go through the declarations
                    # again - and check if the "equivalents" are present
                    look_for_decl[:] = [x for x in look_for_decl if not self._found_in_rule(rule, x)] # replace list by return of list comprehension
                    # the idea is that if all "problems" had equivalents present,
                    # the look_for_decl list will now be empty
                    for issue in look_for_decl:
                        dec = issue["dec"];
                        issues.append(dec.name +
                                      ' used without equivalents for '+issue["sel"]+' in ' +
                                      key + ':' + str(dec.line) +
                                      ':' + str(dec.column) +
                                      ', value: ' +

        except Exception, e:
            print e
            return ["ERROR PARSING CSS"]
    def _parse_self(self) -> None:
        Parse this css document and get the colors defined in it.
        :return: None
        parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
        stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(self._file_path)

        for rule in stylesheet.rules:
            if rule.selector.as_css().startswith('.'):
                if len(rule.declarations) == 2:
                    dec_names = []
                    dec_color = None
                    for declaration in rule.declarations:
                        if declaration.name == 'color':
                            dec_color = webcolors.hex_to_rgb(
                    # This means we have a text color declaration
                    if dec_names == ['color', 'display']:
                        color = Colour(dec_color.red, dec_color.green,
                        if color == Colour(0, 0, 255, 255):
                            raise WrongFormatException(
                                Strings.exception_reserved_blue + ': ' +
                            '.')] = color
Exemple #15
def css_parse(text_or_node):
    parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
    css = parser.parse_stylesheet(html_cast_text(text_or_node))
    if len(css.errors) == 0:
        return (css, tuple())
    return (None, ('Line: {:d} Character: {:d} Error: {}'.format(
        e.line, e.column, e.reason) for e in css.errors))
Exemple #16
    def rewrite_css(self, base_url, css, append_line=None):
        _css_base_url = base_url.replace(os.path.basename(base_url), '')
        parser = tinycss.make_parser()
        css_columns = css.split("\n")
        count_replaced = 0
        for rule in parser.parse_stylesheet(css).rules:
            if hasattr(rule, 'uri') and hasattr(rule, 'at_keyword'):
                if rule.at_keyword == "@import":
                    logging.debug("Found import rule in css %s" % rule.uri)
                    if not rule.uri.startswith('http://') or rule.uri.startswith('https://'):
                        url2 = _css_base_url + rule.uri
                        url2 = tok.value
                    if append_line:
                        url2 = append_line + url2
                    css_columns[rule.line - 1] = css_columns[rule.line - 1].replace(rule.uri, url2)
                    logging.debug("rewrote %r => %r at line %s" % (rule.uri, url2, rule.line))
                    count_replaced += 1
            elif hasattr(rule, 'declarations'):
                for declaration in rule.declarations:
                    for tok in declaration.value:
                        if tok.type == 'URI' and not tok.value.startswith("data:image"):
                            logging.debug("Found uri rule in css %s" % tok.value)
                            if not tok.value.startswith('http://') or tok.value.startswith('https://'):
                                url2 = urlparse.urljoin(base_url, tok.value)
                                url2 = tok.value
                            if append_line:
                                url2 = append_line + url2
                            css_columns[tok.line - 1] = css_columns[tok.line - 1].replace(tok.value, url2)
                            logging.debug("rewrote %r => %r at line %s" % (tok.value, url2, rule.line))
                            count_replaced += 1

        logging.debug("%s css rules replaced in %s" % (count_replaced, base_url))
        return '\n'.join(css_columns)
Exemple #17
def parse_bootstrap(bootstrap_url):
    parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
    global parsed_bootstrap
    with urllib.request.urlopen(bootstrap_url) as url:
        parsed_bootstrap = parser.parse_stylesheet_bytes(url.read())
        cherrypy.log("parsed bootstrap {} from {}".format(
            bootstrap_url, str(parsed_bootstrap)))
Exemple #18
def parseCSS(file):
    parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
    stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(file)
    global prefix
    global fontName
    first = True
    content = False
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
        # get raw glyph and name
        glyph = rule.declarations
        name = rule.selector.as_css().split(':', 1)[0].replace('.', '')
        if first == True:
            fontName = glyph[0].value.as_css().replace('\'', '').replace(
                '"', '')  # set fontName
            first = False
            if prefix == '':  # we dont have the prefix yet
                tmp = rule.selector.as_css().split('-', 1)[0].replace('.', '')
                if tmp[0] != '[' and tmp != '':
                    prefix = tmp  # set the prefix we are looking for
            if (glyph[0].value.as_css()[1] == '\\'):
                content = True  # font selector with needed content appeared
            if content == True:
                glyph = glyph[0].value.as_css().replace('"', '')
                glyphs.append(glyph.lower())  # set a glyph in glyphs
            if name[0] != '[':
                names.append(name.lower())  # set a name in names
Exemple #19
def _remove_css_definitions(css, defs):
    selector_decl_map = {}

    # Map the selector to the declaration to remove
    for d in defs:
        parts = d.split('|')
        selector_decl_map[parts[0]] = parts[1]

    parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
    sheet = parser.parse_stylesheet(css)

    remove_lines = []
    for rule in sheet.rules:
        css_rule = ' '.join(rule.selector.as_css().split('\n'))

        if not (css_rule in selector_decl_map):

        # Grab the decl to remove
        remove_decl = selector_decl_map[css_rule]

        # Grab the decls for this rule
        decls = rule.declarations

        for d in decls:
            if d.name == remove_decl:

    css_lines = css.splitlines()

    for line in remove_lines:
        del css_lines[line - 1]

    return '\n'.join(css_lines)
Exemple #20
def get_background_color():
    themes = {"default": ("#000000", "#FFFFFF")}
    p = theme_path()
    themes_list = list_themes()
    par = tinycss.make_parser("page3")
    for file in themes_list:
        with open("%s/%s" % (p, file), "r") as f:
            style = par.parse_stylesheet_file(f)
            i = [str(x) for x in style.rules]
            index = 0
            for x in i:
                if x.endswith("CodeMirror>"):
                    index += 1
            if index < len(style.rules):
                decs = style.rules[index].declarations
                background = ""
                text = ""
                for dec in decs:
                    if dec.name == "background":
                        background = str(dec.value.as_css())
                    if dec.name == "color":
                        text = str(dec.value.as_css())

                if background == "":
                    background = "#FFFFFF"
                if text == "":
                    text = "#000000"
                themes[file.replace(".css", "")] = (background, text)
                background = ""
                text = ""
    return themes
Exemple #21
 def get_css(self, soup):
     css_parts = [tag for tag in soup.select('style[type="text/css"]') if isinstance(tag, bs4.Tag)]
     big_css = max(css_parts, key=lambda x: len(x.text))
     style_rules = tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(big_css.string, encoding="utf8").rules
     style_dict = OrderedDict(self.css_rule2entry(rule) for rule in style_rules)
     if None in style_dict:
         del style_dict[None]
     return style_dict
def find_hidden_style_element(content, element):
    parse the CSS in style beacons
    :param content: the content of the style beacon
    :param element:  element need to find in the page
    :return: list of factors elements find
    visibility = {
        "display": "none",
        "visibility": "hidden",
        "border-style": "none"
    position = {"position": "absolute"}
    location = {"left": "-", "right": "-", "top": "-"}
    pos = False
    result = []
    json_keys = []
    css_dct = {}
    a = ">"
    b = "</style>"
    # remove all occurrences streamed comments (/*COMMENT */) from string
    content = re.sub(re.compile("/\*.*?\*/", re.DOTALL), "", content)
    begin = content.find(a) + len(a)
    end = content.find(b)
    content_without_style = content[begin:end]
    stylesheet = tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(content_without_style)
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
        selector = rule.selector.as_css()
        dct_style = {}
        for d in rule.declarations:
            value = ""
            for v in d.value:
                value = value + v.as_css()
            dct_style[d.name] = value
        css_dct[selector] = dct_style
    j = json.dumps(css_dct)
    json_data = json.loads(j)
    for json_key, json_val in json_data.items():
        if element in json_key:
            for element_key, element_val in visibility.items():
                for find_key, find_val in json_data[json_key].items():
                    if element_key in find_key and element_val in find_val:
                        if json_key not in json_keys:
            for position_key, position_val in position.items():
                for find_key, find_val in json_data[json_key].items():
                    if position_key in find_key and position_val in find_val:
                        pos = True
            if pos:
                for element_key, element_val in location.items():
                    for find_key, find_val in json_data[json_key].items():
                        if element_key in find_key and element_val in find_val:
                            if json_key not in json_keys:

    return result
Exemple #23
def process_css_file(file_path):
    parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
    stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(file_path)
    css_blocks = []
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
        css_block = CSSBlock(rule.selector, rule.declarations)

    return css_blocks
Exemple #24
	def get_parsed_sheet(self):
		source = self.get_latest_source()
		if not hasattr(self, 'sheet'):
			if self.inline is True:
				source = self.extract_inline_source()
			parser = tinycss.make_parser()
			sheet = parser.parse_stylesheet(source)
			self.sheet = sheet
		return self.sheet
Exemple #25
    def __init__(self, settings):
        conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('goodgame.ru')
        conn.request('GET', '/css/compiled/chat.css')
        response = conn.getresponse()
        parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
        self.css = parser.parse_stylesheet(response.read())

        self.smiles = {}
        self.imgs = {}
    def css_style(self):
        `css_style` returns a tinycss's set of tokens based on
        style text from .design file.

        if not self._css_style:
            self._css_style = tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(self._xml_design_style.text)

        return self._css_style
Exemple #27
    def css(self):
        pq = PyQuery(self.tender_src)

        for style in pq('link[rel="stylesheet"]'):
            href = style.get('href')
            if href and href.startswith('/'):
                resp = self.client.get(href)
                if resp.status_code == 200:
                    css = resp.content
Exemple #28
 def parseFile(self):
     parser = tinycss.make_parser()
     stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(self.filename)
     self.basicDict = {rule.selector.as_css():{declaration.name:declaration.value.as_css() for declaration in rule.declarations  } for rule in stylesheet.rules}
         self.dict = {removeHashesAndDots(rule.selector.as_css()):{declaration.name:makeFloatsOutOfPercentages(declaration.value.as_css()) for declaration in rule.declarations  } for rule in stylesheet.rules}
     except Exception, e:
         warn( "problem with submethod, only generating basicDict")
         raise e
Exemple #29
    def style_parse(self, response):
            css parser to extract import css and image
        url = response.url
        content = response.text
        resource = ResourceItem()
        resource['url'] = url
        resource['content'] = content
        resource['rtype'] = 'asset'
        resource['location'] = self.site_url
        # resource['encoding'] = response.get('encoding')

        record = self.get_record(url)
        should_update = self.should_update(record)
        if not self.debug and should_update:
            yield resource

        print '*' * 40
        print '(url,type)', resource['url'], resource['rtype']

        #   last_update = datetime.date.today()
        #   self.save_record(response.url,{'url':resource['url'],'type':resource['rtype']})

        stylesheet = tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(content)

        for item in stylesheet.rules:
            if isinstance(item, tinycss.css21.ImportRule):
                uri = item.uri
                http_url = self.gen_http_url(url, uri, None)

                if http_url:
                    record = self.get_record(http_url)
                    should_crawl = self.should_crawl(record)
                    request = scrapy.Request(http_url,
                    if should_crawl:
                        yield request

            elif hasattr(item, 'declarations'):
                for decl in getattr(item, 'declarations'):
                    for decl_val in getattr(decl, 'value'):
                        if getattr(decl_val, 'type') == u'URI':
                            uri = getattr(decl_val, 'value')
                            image_url = self.gen_http_url(url, uri, None)
                            if image_url:
                                record = self.get_record(image_url)
                                should_crawl = self.should_crawl(record)
                                request = scrapy.Request(
                                if should_crawl:
                                    yield request
def find_hidden_element(url, element):
    parse the CSS page
    :param url: url of the css page
    :param element: element need to find in the page
    :return: list of factors elements find
    visibility = {
        "display": "none",
        "visibility": "hidden",
        "border-style": "none"
    position = {"position": "absolute"}
    location = {"left": "-", "right": "-", "top": "-"}
    pos = False
    result = []
    hidden = []
    css_dct = {}
    request = requests.get(url).content.decode("utf-8")
    stylesheet = tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(request)
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
            selector = rule.selector.as_css()
        except AttributeError:
            for i in rule.rules:
                selector = None
        if selector:
            dct_style = {}
            for d in rule.declarations:
                value = ""
                for v in d.value:
                    value = value + v.as_css()
                dct_style[d.name] = value
            css_dct[selector] = dct_style
    j = json.dumps(css_dct)
    json_data = json.loads(j)
    for json_key, json_val in json_data.items():
        if element in json_key:
            for element_key, element_val in visibility.items():
                for find_key, find_val in json_data[json_key].items():
                    if element_key in find_key and element_val in find_val:
            for position_key, position_val in position.items():
                for find_key, find_val in json_data[json_key].items():
                    if position_key in find_key and position_val in find_val:
                        pos = True
            if pos:
                for element_key, element_val in location.items():
                    for find_key, find_val in json_data[json_key].items():
                        if element_key in find_key and element_val in find_val:
    if hidden:
    return result
Exemple #31
def parse_css():
    parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
    stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(CSS_FILENAME)
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
        if isinstance(rule, tinycss.css21.RuleSet):
            names = re.findall(r'\.(fa\-[\w\-]+):before\b', rule.selector.as_css())
            for decl in rule.declarations:
                if decl.name == 'content':
                    content_ord = int(decl.value.as_css()[2:-1], 16)
                    for iconname in names:
                        yield iconname, content_ord
Exemple #32
	def _parseTechFile(self, fileName):
		Reads in a css techfile and builds necessary device map & default styles.

		fileName : string
			location of techfile

		out : [defaultAttribs, deviceMap]
			List of two dictionaries. First describing default attributes,
			second linking tag names to the function meant to build them.

		cssparser = tinycss.make_parser()
		stylesheet = cssparser.parse_stylesheet_file(fileName)

		## Never modifying globals, just using to link text names to objects
		globs = globals()

		deviceMap = {}
		defaultAttribs = {}

		for rule in stylesheet.rules:
			# skip at rules
			if rule.at_keyword != None:

			# Grab the tag and declarations
			thisTag  = rule.selector[0]
			thisDecl = self._declaration2dict(rule.declarations)

			# In the declarations, we require a 'libname' and 'devname'
				thisLib = thisDecl['libname']
				thisDev = thisDecl['devname']
				raise Exception( "FATAL: techfile is malformed at line "
								 + str(rule.line) )

			# Use these properties to map the tag to a builder function
			deviceMap[thisTag.value] = getattr(getattr(self,thisLib),thisDev)

			# Deal with the other declarations
			defaultAttribs[thisTag.value] = thisDecl

		return [defaultAttribs, deviceMap]
Exemple #33
def isCSS(txt): # {{{
    if isJSON(txt) or isJavaScript(txt) or isFlash(txt) or isHTML(txt):
        return False
        parser = tinycss.make_parser()
        res = parser.parse_stylesheet_bytes(txt)
        if len(res.rules) > len(res.errors) and len(res.rules) > 5:
            return True
    return False
    def __init__(self):
        self._path = os.path.join(GLib.get_user_config_dir(), "gtk-3.0",

        self.parser = tinycss.make_parser()

            self.stylesheet = self.parser.parse_stylesheet_file(self._path)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            self.stylesheet = tinycss.css21.Stylesheet(rules=[],
Exemple #35
def parse_css():
    parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
    stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(CSS_FILENAME)
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
        if isinstance(rule, tinycss.css21.RuleSet):
            names = re.findall(r'\.(fa\-[\w\-]+):before\b',
            for decl in rule.declarations:
                if decl.name == 'content':
                    content_ord = int(decl.value.as_css()[2:-1], 16)
                    for iconname in names:
                        yield iconname, content_ord
Exemple #36
def find_stylesheets_rules(tree, stylesheet, url):
    """Find the rules in a stylesheet."""
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
        if isinstance(rule, tinycss.css21.ImportRule):
            css_url = parse_url(rule.uri, url)
            stylesheet = tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(
                tree.fetch_url(css_url, 'text/css').decode('utf-8'))
            for rule in find_stylesheets_rules(tree, stylesheet,
                yield rule
        if not rule.at_keyword:
            yield rule
Exemple #37
def find_stylesheets(tree):
    """Find the stylesheets included in ``tree``."""
    # TODO: support contentStyleType on <svg>
    default_type = "text/css"
    for element in tree.iter():
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/styling.html#StyleElement
        if (element.tag == "style" and
                element.get("type", default_type) == "text/css"):
            # TODO: pass href for relative URLs
            # TODO: support media types
            # TODO: what if <style> has children elements?
            yield tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(element.text)
Exemple #38
def find_stylesheets(tree):
    """Find the stylesheets included in ``tree``."""
    # TODO: support contentStyleType on <svg>
    default_type = "text/css"
    for element in tree.iter():
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/styling.html#StyleElement
        if (element.tag == "style" and
                element.get("type", default_type) == "text/css"):
            # TODO: pass href for relative URLs
            # TODO: support media types
            # TODO: what if <style> has children elements?
            yield tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(element.text)
 def validateCSS(self, text):
     # Detect if all texts are CSS  
         stylesheet = tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(text)
         if len(stylesheet.rules) > 0 and len(stylesheet.errors) == 0:
             return True
     except Exception as e:
         #print('Invalid css. ')
     return False
Exemple #40
def find_stylesheets_rules(tree, stylesheet, url):
    """Find the rules in a stylesheet."""
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
        if isinstance(rule, tinycss.css21.ImportRule):
            css_url = parse_url(rule.uri, url)
            stylesheet = tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(
                tree.fetch_url(css_url, 'text/css').decode('utf-8'))
            for rule in find_stylesheets_rules(tree, stylesheet,
                yield rule
        if not rule.at_keyword:
            yield rule
Exemple #41
def test_make_parser():
    class MyParser(object):
        def __init__(self, some_config):
            self.some_config = some_config

    parsers = [
        make_parser(MyParser, some_config=42),
        make_parser(CSSPage3Parser, MyParser, some_config=42),
        make_parser(MyParser, 'page3', some_config=42),

    for parser, exp in zip(parsers, [False, True, True, False, True, True]):
        assert isinstance(parser, CSSPage3Parser) == exp

    for parser, exp in zip(parsers, [False, False, False, True, True, True]):
        assert isinstance(parser, MyParser) == exp

    for parser in parsers[3:]:
        assert parser.some_config == 42

    # Extra or missing named parameters
    raises(TypeError, make_parser, some_config=4)
    raises(TypeError, make_parser, 'page3', some_config=4)
    raises(TypeError, make_parser, MyParser)
    raises(TypeError, make_parser, MyParser, some_config=4, other_config=7)
Exemple #42
def test_make_parser():
    class MyParser(object):
        def __init__(self, some_config):
            self.some_config = some_config

    parsers = [
        make_parser(MyParser, some_config=42),
        make_parser(CSSPage3Parser, MyParser, some_config=42),
        make_parser(MyParser, 'page3', some_config=42),

    for parser, exp in zip(parsers, [False, True, True, False, True, True]):
        assert isinstance(parser, CSSPage3Parser) == exp

    for parser, exp in zip(parsers, [False, False, False, True, True, True]):
        assert isinstance(parser, MyParser) == exp

    for parser in parsers[3:]:
        assert parser.some_config == 42

    # Extra or missing named parameters
    raises(TypeError, make_parser, some_config=4)
    raises(TypeError, make_parser, 'page3', some_config=4)
    raises(TypeError, make_parser, MyParser)
    raises(TypeError, make_parser, MyParser, some_config=4, other_config=7)
    def _parse_css(self, data):
        cssparser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
        css = cssparser.parse_stylesheet(data)

        if not css:
            return None

        re_emote = re.compile(
        emotes_staging = defaultdict(dict)

        for rule in css.rules:
            if re_emote.match(rule.selector.as_css()):
                for match in re_emote.finditer(rule.selector.as_css()):
                    rules = {}

                    for declaration in rule.declarations:
                        if match.group(3):
                            name = match.group(
                                3).strip() + '-' + declaration.name
                            rules[name] = declaration.value.as_css()
                        elif declaration.name in [
                                'text-align', 'line-height', 'color'
                        ] or declaration.name.startswith(
                                'font') or declaration.name.startswith('text'):
                            name = 'text-' + declaration.name
                            rules[name] = declaration.value.as_css()
                        elif declaration.name in [
                            name = declaration.name
                            if name == 'background-position':
                                val = [
                                                  v.unit if v.unit else '')
                                    for v in declaration.value
                                    if v.value != ' '
                                val = declaration.value[0].value
                            if match.group(2):
                                name = 'hover-' + name
                            rules[name] = val
        return emotes_staging
Exemple #44
def find_stylesheets(tree, url):
    """Find the stylesheets included in ``tree``."""
    # TODO: support contentStyleType on <svg>
    default_type = 'text/css'
    process = tree.getprevious()
    while process is not None:
        if (getattr(process, 'target', None) == 'xml-stylesheet' and
                process.attrib.get('type', default_type) == 'text/css'):
            href = parse_url(process.attrib.get('href'), url)
            if href:
                yield tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet_bytes(
        process = process.getprevious()
    for element in tree.iter():
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/styling.html#StyleElement
        if (element.tag == 'style'
                and element.get('type', default_type) == 'text/css'
                and element.text):
            # TODO: pass href for relative URLs
            # TODO: support media types
            # TODO: what if <style> has children elements?
            yield tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(element.text)
Exemple #45
 def _get_styles(self):
     """Gets all CSS content from and removes all <link rel="stylesheet"> and
     <style> tags concatenating into one CSS string which is then parsed with
     cssutils and the resulting CSSStyleSheet object set to
     for style_string in self.extra_style_strings:
         self.style_string += style_string
     import tinycss
     cssparser = tinycss.make_parser()
     self.stylesheet = cssparser.parse_stylesheet(self.style_string)
Exemple #46
 def get_image_url_from_style(style: str):
     css = make_parser()
     value = None
     for declaration in css.parse_style_attr(style)[0]:
         if declaration.name == 'background':
             for token in declaration.value:
                 if token.type == 'URI':
                     value = token.value
         if declaration.name == 'background-image':
             value = declaration.value[0].value
     return value
Exemple #47
def find_stylesheets(tree, url):
    """Find the stylesheets included in ``tree``."""
    # TODO: support contentStyleType on <svg>
    default_type = 'text/css'
    process = tree.getprevious()
    while process is not None:
        if (getattr(process, 'target', None) == 'xml-stylesheet' and
                process.attrib.get('type', default_type) == 'text/css'):
            href = parse_url(process.attrib.get('href'), url)
            if href:
                yield tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet_bytes(
        process = process.getprevious()
    for element in tree.iter():
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/styling.html#StyleElement
        if (element.tag == 'style'
                and element.get('type', default_type) == 'text/css'
                and element.text):
            # TODO: pass href for relative URLs
            # TODO: support media types
            # TODO: what if <style> has children elements?
            yield tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(element.text)
Exemple #48
def parse_style(element):
    parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
    contents = element.childNodes[0].nodeValue
    if isinstance(contents, str):
        contents = contents.encode('utf-8')
    stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_bytes(contents)
    rules = {}
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
        _decs = {}
        for dec in rule.declarations:
            _decs[dec.name] = dec.value[0].value
        rules["{}{}".format(*[d.value for d in rule.selector[0:2]])] = _decs
    return rules
Exemple #49
def inline_css(html,
    """Produces html output with css styles inlined.

    :param html: the original html
    :param css: the css rules to apply to the html
    :param strip_unsupported_css: a flag for stripping invalid email css
    :param remove_classes: a flag for stripping class attributes from the output
    :param pretty_print: toggle pretty printing of resulting html
    node_declarations = {}
        dom = etree.fromstring(html)
    except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
        # fall back on the soup parser if we don't have valid XML
        dom = soupparser.fromstring(html)

    css_rules = tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(css).rules
    for rule in css_rules:
        css_selector = rule.selector.as_css()
        for node in CSSSelector(css_selector)(dom):
            for declaration in rule.declarations:

                if strip_unsupported_css and get_clients_without_support(
                    # skip invalid rules

                declaration.specificity = _selector_specificity(
                    css_selector, declaration.priority)
                node_declarations.setdefault(node, {})
                active_declaration = node_declarations[node].get(
                if active_declaration and active_declaration.specificity > declaration.specificity:
                    # skip rules with lower specificity

                node_declarations[node][declaration.name] = declaration

    for node, declarations in node_declarations.items():
        inline_styles = node.get('style', '')
        inline_css = _get_node_style(declarations, inline_styles)
        node.set('style', inline_css)
        if remove_classes and "class" in node.attrib:

    res = etree.tostring(dom, pretty_print=pretty_print)
    return res.decode("utf-8")
Exemple #50
def gen(axure_folder, key, output):
	if not axure_folder.endswith(path.sep):
		axure_folder = axure_folder + path.sep

	css_path = axure_folder + key + "_files/axurerp_pagespecificstyles.css"
	html_path = axure_folder + key + ".html"

	parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
	css = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(css_path)

	rd = get_ruledict(css.rules)

	soup = BeautifulSoup(open(html_path))

	text_dict = {}

	for i in range(1, len(rd)):
		node_id = 'u%d' % i
		nodes = soup.find_all(id = node_id)
		if len(nodes) == 1:
			key = nodes[0].get_text().encode("utf-8").strip()
			key = key.replace(" ", "").replace("*", "").replace("c2a0".decode("hex"), "")
			if len(key) < 2 or  "\n" in key[:-1]:
			text_dict[key] = node_id

	rows = {}
	data = {}
	for text in text_dict.keys():
		key = text_dict[text]
		if rd.has_key(key):
			size = rd[key]
			rows[text] = size.top + float(size.left) / (len(str(size.left)) * 10)
			data[text] = size
	top = 0
	result = ""
	for w in sorted(rows, key=rows.get):
		size = data[w]
		if size.top - top > 10:
			if top > 0:
				result += "\n"
			top = size.top
			result += "\t"
		result += w

	f = file(output, "w+")

	return result
def getSheetCellStyles(page):

    parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')

    stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(page)

    container_tokens = {}
    rules = {}
    edge_code = {'top': 'T', 'right': 'R', 'bottom': 'B', 'left': 'L'}
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
        ident_tokens = [
            token for token in rule.selector if token.type == 'IDENT'
        if ident_tokens[0].value == u'tblGenFixed':
            #            print 'Ident {} {}'.format(ident_tokens[0].value, ident_tokens[2].value)
            got = False
            rule_id = ident_tokens[2].value
            temp = {'T': '', 'R': '', 'B': '', 'L': ''}
            for declaration in rule.declarations:
                if declaration.name.startswith('border'):

                    style = [
                        attribute.value for attribute in declaration.value
                        if attribute.type == 'IDENT'
                    color = [
                        attribute.value for attribute in declaration.value
                        if attribute.type == 'HASH'
                    thickness = [
                        attribute.value for attribute in declaration.value
                        if attribute.type == 'DIMENSION'

                    #                     print 'Style {} is {} {} {} {}'.format(rule_id, declaration.name, thickness, style, color)

                    if style != 'solid' or color != '#CCC':
                        got = True
                        edge = edge_code[declaration.name[7:]]
                        temp[edge] = {}
                        temp[edge]['type'] = style
                        temp[edge]['color'] = color
                        temp[edge]['thickness'] = str(thickness)

            if got:
                rules[rule_id] = temp

#     for key, rule in rules.items() :
#         print 'Rule {} is {}'.format(key, rule)
    return rules
Exemple #52
def find_stylesheets_rules(stylesheet, url):
    """Find the rules in a stylesheet."""
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
        if isinstance(rule, tinycss.css21.ImportRule):
            css_path = os.path.normpath(
                os.path.join(os.path.dirname(url), rule.uri))
            if not os.path.exists(css_path):
            with open(css_path) as f:
                stylesheet = tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(f.read())
                for rule in find_stylesheets_rules(stylesheet, css_path):
                    yield rule
        if not rule.at_keyword:
            yield rule
    def load_css(self):
        Creates a dict of all icons available in CSS file, and finds out
        what's their common prefix.

        :returns sorted icons dict, common icon prefix
        icons = dict()
        common_prefix = None
        parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
        stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(self.css_file)

        is_icon = re.compile("\.(.*):before,?")

        for rule in stylesheet.rules:
            selector = rule.selector.as_css()

            # Skip CSS classes that are not icons
            if not is_icon.match(selector):

            # Find out what the common prefix is
            if common_prefix is None:
                common_prefix = selector[1:]
                common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix(
                    (common_prefix, selector[1:]))

            for match in is_icon.finditer(selector):
                name = match.groups()[0]
                for declaration in rule.declarations:
                    if declaration.name == "content":
                        val = declaration.value.as_css()
                        # Strip quotation marks
                        if re.match("^['\"].*['\"]$", val):
                            val = val[1:-1]
                        icons[name] = unichr(int(val[1:], 16))

        common_prefix = common_prefix or ''

        # Remove common prefix
        if not self.keep_prefix and len(common_prefix) > 0:
            non_prefixed_icons = {}
            for name in icons.keys():
                non_prefixed_icons[name[len(common_prefix):]] = icons[name]
            icons = non_prefixed_icons

        sorted_icons = OrderedDict(sorted(icons.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))

        return sorted_icons, common_prefix
Exemple #54
def find_stylesheets_rules(stylesheet, url):
    """Find the rules in a stylesheet."""
    for rule in stylesheet.rules:
        if isinstance(rule, tinycss.css21.ImportRule):
            css_path = os.path.normpath(
                os.path.join(os.path.dirname(url or ''), rule.uri))
            if not os.path.exists(css_path):
            with open(css_path) as f:
                stylesheet = tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(f.read())
                for rule in find_stylesheets_rules(stylesheet, css_path):
                    yield rule
        if not rule.at_keyword:
            yield rule
    def load_css(self):
        Creates a dict of all icons available in CSS file, and finds out
        what's their common prefix.

        :returns sorted icons dict, common icon prefix
        icons = dict()
        common_prefix = None
        parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
        stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(self.css_file)

        is_icon = re.compile("\.(.*):before,?")

        for rule in stylesheet.rules:
            selector = rule.selector.as_css()

            # Skip CSS classes that are not icons
            if not is_icon.match(selector):

            # Find out what the common prefix is
            if common_prefix is None:
                common_prefix = selector[1:]
                common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix((common_prefix,

            for match in is_icon.finditer(selector):
                name = match.groups()[0]
                for declaration in rule.declarations:
                    if declaration.name == "content":
                        val = declaration.value.as_css()
                        # Strip quotation marks
                        if re.match("^['\"].*['\"]$", val):
                            val = val[1:-1]
                        icons[name] = unichr(int(val[1:], 16))

        common_prefix = common_prefix or ''

        # Remove common prefix
        if not self.keep_prefix and len(common_prefix) > 0:
            non_prefixed_icons = {}
            for name in icons.keys():
                non_prefixed_icons[name[len(common_prefix):]] = icons[name]
            icons = non_prefixed_icons

        sorted_icons = OrderedDict(sorted(icons.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))

        return sorted_icons, common_prefix
Exemple #56
    def _parse_css(self, data):
        cssparser = tinycss.make_parser("page3")
        css = cssparser.parse_stylesheet(data)

        if not css:
            return None

        re_emote = re.compile("a\[href[|^$]?=[\"']/([\w:]+)[\"']\](:hover)?(\sem|\sstrong)?")
        emotes_staging = defaultdict(dict)

        for rule in css.rules:
            if re_emote.match(rule.selector.as_css()):
                for match in re_emote.finditer(rule.selector.as_css()):
                    rules = {}

                    for declaration in rule.declarations:
                        if match.group(3):
                            name = match.group(3).strip() + "-" + declaration.name
                            rules[name] = declaration.value.as_css()
                        elif (
                            declaration.name in ["text-align", "line-height", "color"]
                            or declaration.name.startswith("font")
                            or declaration.name.startswith("text")
                            name = "text-" + declaration.name
                            rules[name] = declaration.value.as_css()
                        elif declaration.name in [
                            name = declaration.name
                            if name == "background-position":
                                val = [
                                    "{}{}".format(v.value, v.unit if v.unit else "")
                                    for v in declaration.value
                                    if v.value != " "
                                val = declaration.value[0].value
                            if match.group(2):
                                name = "hover-" + name
                            rules[name] = val
        return emotes_staging
 def _load_css(filename):
     import tinycss
     new_icons = {}
     parser = tinycss.make_parser("page3")
     stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet_file(filename)
     is_icon = re.compile(u("^\.fa-(.*):before$"))
     for rule in stylesheet.rules:
         selector = rule.selector.as_css()
         match = is_icon.match(selector)
         if match:
             name = match.groups()[0]
             for declaration in rule.declarations:
                 if declaration.name == u("content"):
                     new_icons[name] = declaration.value.as_css()
     return new_icons
Exemple #58
def find_stylesheets(tree, url):
    """Find the stylesheets included in ``tree``."""
    # TODO: support contentStyleType on <svg>
    default_type = "text/css"
    process = tree.getprevious()
    while process is not None:
        if (getattr(process, "target", None) == "xml-stylesheet" and
                process.attrib.get("type", default_type) == "text/css"):
            # TODO: handle web URLs
            filename = process.attrib.get("href")
            if filename:
                path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(url), filename)
                if os.path.isfile(path):
                    yield tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet_file(path)
        process = process.getprevious()
    for element in tree.iter():
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/styling.html#StyleElement
        if (element.tag == "style"
                and element.get("type", default_type) == "text/css"
                and element.text):
            # TODO: pass href for relative URLs
            # TODO: support media types
            # TODO: what if <style> has children elements?
            yield tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(element.text)
Exemple #59
	def parseCSS(self, url):
		r = requests.get(url)
		urls = []
		parser = tinycss.make_parser('page3')
			stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet(r.text)
			for rule in stylesheet.rules:
				for dec in rule.declarations:
					for token in dec.value:
						if token.type == "URI":
							# Strip out anything not part of the URL and append it to the list
		return urls
 def parse_backgr_color(self, raw_css):
     :return tuple rgb() for 'html' or 'body', None for no color
     parser = tinycss.make_parser()
     stylesheet = parser.parse_stylesheet(raw_css)
     for rule in stylesheet.rules:
         if rule.selector.as_css() in ['html', 'body']:
             for declar in rule.declarations:
                 # assert isinstance(declar.value, tinycss.token_data.TokenList)
                 if declar.name == 'background-color':
                     # parse color value to single format as tuple rgb()
                     return tinycss.color3.parse_color(declar.value[0])
                     # return declar.value.as_css()
     return None