def _mergefiles2stream(*infiles, **kwargs): """ Merge sort a bunch of tempfiles into a sorted stream of objects. Tempfiles are not deleted. Parameters ---------- infiles : str Input paths to merge sort. reader : Instance of the serializer for reading the `paths`. kwargs : **kwargs, optional Keyword arguments for `heapq.merge()`. Yields ------ object """ if 'reader' not in kwargs: raise TypeError("reader parameter is required.") else: reader = kwargs.pop('reader') with tools.batch_open(*infiles, as handles: for item in heapq_merge(*handles, **kwargs): yield item
def test_batch_open(tmpdir): base = tmpdir.mkdir('test_delete_files') paths = [str(base.join(str(i))) for i in range(5)] for p in paths: assert not os.path.exists(p) with tools.batch_open(*paths, mode='w') as handles: if six.PY2: t = file else: t = io.IOBase for h in handles: assert isinstance(h, t)