Exemple #1
def open_mock(content, **kwargs):
    """Mock's mock_open only supports read() and write() which is not very useful.
    This context manager adds support for getting the value of what was written out
    and for iterating through a file line by line."""

    global file_spec
    if file_spec is None:
        # set on first use
        if PY2:
            file_spec = file
            import _io
            file_spec = list(set(dir(_io.TextIOWrapper)).union(set(dir(_io.BytesIO))))

    m = MagicMock(name='open', spec=open)

    handle = MagicMock(spec=file_spec)
    handle.__enter__.return_value = handle
    m.return_value = handle

    content_out = StringIO()

    if PY2:
        patch_module = "__builtin__.open"
        patch_module = "builtins.open"
    with patch(patch_module, m, create=True, **kwargs) as mo:
        stream = StringIO(content)
        rv = mo.return_value
        rv.write = lambda x: content_out.write(bytes(x, "utf-8"))
        rv.content_out = lambda: content_out.getvalue()
        rv.__iter__.return_value = iter(stream.readlines())
        rv.read.return_value = stream.read()
        yield rv