Exemple #1
    def loadData(self):
        Palette = ColorBlind_10
        NMFiles = self.getFileNames(self.Args.nocs_maps)
        ColorFiles = [None] * len(NMFiles)
        PoseFiles = [None] * len(NMFiles)
        if self.Args.colors is not None:
            ColorFiles = self.getFileNames(self.Args.colors)
        if self.Args.poses is not None:
            PoseFiles = self.getFileNames(self.Args.poses)

        for (NMF, Color, CF, PF) in zip(NMFiles, Palette.colors, ColorFiles, PoseFiles):
            NOCSMap = cv2.imread(NMF, -1)
            NOCSMap = NOCSMap[:, :, :3] # Ignore alpha if present
            NOCSMap = cv2.cvtColor(NOCSMap, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # IMPORTANT: OpenCV loads as BGR, so convert to RGB
            if self.Intrinsics is None:
                self.ImageSize = (NOCSMap.shape[1], NOCSMap.shape[0])
                NOCSMap = self.resizeAndPad(NOCSMap)
            CFIm = None
            if CF is not None:
                CFIm = cv2.imread(CF)
                CFIm = cv2.cvtColor(CFIm, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # IMPORTANT: OpenCV loads as BGR, so convert to RGB
                if CFIm.shape != NOCSMap.shape: # Re-size only if not the same size as NOCSMap
                    CFIm = cv2.resize(CFIm, (NOCSMap.shape[1], NOCSMap.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # Ok to use cubic interpolation for RGB
            NOCS = ds.NOCSMap(NOCSMap, RGB=CFIm)

            if self.Args.no_pose == False:
                _, K, R, C, Flip = self.estimateCameraPoseFromNM(NOCSMap, NOCS, N=self.Args.num_points, Intrinsics=self.Intrinsics) # The rotation and translation are about the NOCS origin
                self.Cameras.append(ds.Camera(ds.CameraExtrinsics(self.CamRots[-1], self.CamPos[-1]), ds.CameraIntrinsics(self.CamIntrinsics[-1])))

                if PF is not None:
                    with open(PF) as f:
                        data = json.load(f)
                        # Loading convention: Flip sign of x postiion, flip signs of quaternion z, w
                        P = np.array([data['position']['x'], data['position']['y'], data['position']['z']])
                        Quat = np.array([data['rotation']['w'], data['rotation']['x'], data['rotation']['y'], data['rotation']['z']]) # NOTE: order is w, x, y, z
                        # Cajole transforms to work
                        P[0] *= -1
                        P += 0.5
                        Quat = np.array([Quat[0], Quat[1], -Quat[2], -Quat[3]])

                        R = quaternions.quat2mat(Quat).T

        self.nNM = len(NMFiles)
        self.activeNMIdx = self.nNM # len(NMFiles) will show all
Exemple #2
def NOCS_to_scaled_pc(path):

    if os.path.exists(path + '/nocs_pc_scaled.npy'):

    nocs = cv2.imread(path + '/nocs.png')
    nocs = cv2.cvtColor(nocs, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

    nocs = ds.NOCSMap(nocs)
    Points = nocs.Points

    total_size = (Points.max(axis=0) - Points.min(axis=0)).max()
    centers = (Points.max(axis=0) - Points.min(axis=0)) / 2
    Points -= centers
    Points /= total_size

    np.save(path + '/nocs_pc_scaled.npy', Points)
Exemple #3
    def generateDiffMap(self):
        if self.Args.error_viz != -1:
            self.isVizError = True
            self.ErrorReferenceNM = self.Args.error_viz
            if self.ErrorReferenceNM >= len(self.NOCSMaps):
                print('[ WARN ]: Resetting reference NOCS map to 0 for error computation.')
                self.ErrorReferenceNM = 0 # Reset to first

        if self.isVizError == True:
            for i in range(0, len(self.NOCSMaps)):
                DM = self.NOCSMaps[i].astype(np.float)-self.NOCSMaps[self.ErrorReferenceNM].astype(np.float) # Convert to float
                Norm = np.linalg.norm(DM, axis=2)
                Frac = 10
                NormFact = (441.6729 / Frac) / 255 # Maximum possible error in NOCS is 441.6729 == sqrt(3 * 255^2). Let's take a fraction of that
                Norm = Norm / (NormFact)
                Norm = Norm.astype(np.uint8)
                NormCol = cv2.applyColorMap(Norm, cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
                #cv2.imwrite('norm_{}.png'.format(str(i).zfill(3)), NormCol)
                self.NOCS[i] = ds.NOCSMap(self.NOCSMaps[i], RGB=cv2.cvtColor(NormCol, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))# IMPORTANT: OpenCV loads as BGR, so convert to RGB
Exemple #4
    def log_batch(self, batch):
        # get data
        if not self.NAME in batch['parser'].keys():
        keys_list = batch['parser'][self.NAME]
        if len(keys_list) == 0:
        data = batch['data']
        phase = batch['phase']
        current_batch = batch['batch-id']
        current_epoch = batch['epoch-id']
        meta_info = batch['meta-info']  # {k:[info0,info1,info2,....]}
        # check dir
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.log_path, 'epoch_%d' % current_epoch),
        # check whether need log
        if phase.lower() == 'train':
            if current_batch % self.visual_train_interval_batch != 0 or current_batch % self.visual_interval_batch != 0:
            if current_epoch % self.visual_interval_epoch != 0 or current_batch % self.visual_interval_batch != 0:
        # for each key
        for obj_key in keys_list:  # for each key
            nocs = data[obj_key[0]]
            color = data[obj_key[1]]
            if isinstance(nocs, list):
                assert isinstance(color, list)
                assert len(nocs[0].shape) == 4
                assert len(color[0].shape) == 4
                assert nocs[0].shape[0] == color[0].shape[0]
                nbatch = nocs[0].shape[0]
                assert len(nocs.shape) == 4
                assert len(color.shape) == 4
                assert nocs.shape[0] == color.shape[0]
                nbatch = nocs.shape[0]
                nocs = [nocs]
                color = [color]

            # convert to ndarray
            if isinstance(nocs[0], torch.Tensor):
                for i, tensor in enumerate(nocs):
                    nocs[i] = tensor.detach().cpu().numpy()
            if isinstance(color[0], torch.Tensor):
                for i, tensor in enumerate(color):
                    color[i] = tensor.detach().cpu().numpy()
            nocs = deepcopy(nocs)
            color = deepcopy(color)

            # for each sample in batch
            for batch_id in range(nbatch):
                # get meta postfix
                prefix = ""
                for k, v in meta_info.items():
                    prefix += k + "_" + str(v[batch_id]) + "_"
                # now all case convert to list of image
                nview = len(nocs)
                for view_id in range(nview):
                    nocs_map = nocs[view_id][batch_id]  # 3*H*W [0,1]
                    color_map = color[view_id][batch_id]  # 3*H*W [0,1]

                    assert nocs_map.ndim == 3
                    assert nocs_map.shape[0] == 3
                    assert color_map.ndim == 3
                    assert color_map.shape[0] == 3
                    nocs_map = nocs_map.transpose(1, 2, 0)  # H*W*3
                    color_map = color_map.transpose(1, 2, 0)  # H*W*3

                    # smaller meshes
                    nocs_map = cv.resize(nocs_map,
                                         dsize=(int(nocs_map.shape[1] / 4),
                                                int(nocs_map.shape[0] / 4)),
                    color_map = cv.resize(color_map,
                                          dsize=(int(color_map.shape[1] / 4),
                                                 int(color_map.shape[0] / 4)),

                    # save to file
                    filename = os.path.join(
                        self.log_path, 'epoch_%d' % current_epoch,
                        prefix + 'b%d_v%d_' % (batch_id, view_id) +
                        obj_key[0] + '-' + obj_key[1] + '.obj')
                    # save here
                    # need to convert color, need to *255
                    if nocs_map.max() < 1 + 1e-4:
                        nocs_map = nocs_map[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] * 255.0
                    if color_map.max() < 1 + 1e-4:
                        color_map = color_map[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] * 255.0
                    tk3dv_nocs_mp = ds.NOCSMap(nocs_map, RGB=color_map)
                if self.visual_one: