def __download_package (self, item_attrs): r""" tries to download zip archive and install it locally; """ # inits _src = item_attrs["src"] # got remote zip archive? if tools.is_pstr(_src): # ask user for downloading zip archive _response = MB.askquestion( _("Download"), _( "Package is missing locally.\n" "Download it from the web?" ), parent=self, ) # user is OK to download package if _response == MB.YES: # show download box component self._show_download_box() # download in temporary file return else: MB.showinfo( _("Info"), _("Package download aborted."), parent=self, ) # end if - MB.response else: # error raise ValueError( _("no remote ZIP archive to download") )
def go_parent (self, *args, **kw): r""" shows parent section; """ if tools.is_pstr(self._parent_section_id): self._open_section(section_id = self._parent_section_id) else: self.go_home()
def do_open_project (self, fpath): """ effective procedure for opening project; """ # param controls if self.is_good_file_format(fpath): # notify application self.notify(_("Opening project, please wait.")) # reset to new self.do_reset_project() # open zip archive with zipfile.ZipFile(fpath, 'r') as _archive: # browse archive files for tab_id, fname in self.ARCHIVE_FILES.items(): # simple file contents if tools.is_pstr(fname): # set contents instead fname = # strip unwanted fname = fname.strip() # end if # setup notebook tab self.setup_tab(tab_id, fname, _archive) # end for # end with # we can update project's filepath by now self.set_project_path(fpath) # notify application self.notify(_("Project opened OK.")) # succeeded return self.YES # could not open file else: # show error MB.showerror( title=_("Error"), message=_( "Could not open project. " "Incorrect file path or file format." ), parent=self.mainwindow, ) # failed return self.NO
def do_save_project (self, fpath): """ effective procedure for saving project; """ # param inits fpath = P.normalize(fpath) # param controls if tools.is_pstr(fpath): # notify application self.notify(_("Saving project, please wait.")) # open zip archive with zipfile.ZipFile(fpath, 'w') as _archive: # browse archive files for tab_id, fname in self.ARCHIVE_FILES.items(): # get multiple files and contents _contents = self.get_fc_tab(tab_id, fname) # browse contents for _fname, _fcontents in _contents.items(): # put files and contents into zip archive _archive.writestr( _fname, bytes(_fcontents, ENCODING) ) # end for # end for # end with # we can update project's filepath by now self.set_project_path(fpath) # notify application self.notify(_("Project saved OK.")) # succeeded return self.YES # could not save file else: # show error MB.showerror( title=_("Error"), message=_( "Could not save project. Incorrect file path." ), parent=self.mainwindow, ) # failed return self.NO
def get_files_from_dict (self, dict_object): """ extracts filenames from an archive dictionnary; """ # inits _flist = list() # browse dict items for _fname in dict_object.values(): # got another dict? if tools.is_pdict(_fname): # extend list with other list _flist.extend(self.get_files_from_dict(_fname)) # must be plain string elif tools.is_pstr(_fname): # append item _flist.append(_fname) # end if # end for # return list of filenames return _flist
def import_character_name (self, **fields): """ imports a new character name into database; """ # param inits self.parse_gender(fields) # all mandatory fields *DO* exist by now (and *ONLY* them) _row = self.clean_up(fields, self.FIELD_NAMES) # value *MUST* be a plain string of chars if tools.is_pstr(_row["name"]): # inits _row["origin"] = _row["origin"].lower() _row["description"] = _row["description"].capitalize() # do SQL query self.sql_query(self.SQL_IMPORT, **_row) # no name to import else: # error raise ValueError( "cannot import character name without a given name. " "Expected plain string of chars for field 'name'." )