class CusCalendar(): def __init__(self, root): = tk.Toplevel(root) = Calendar(, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1", year=2018, month=2, day=5)"both", expand=True) ttk.Button(, width="14", text="선택", command=self.select_date).pack(side="left", padx=5, pady=5) ttk.Button(, width="14", text="창닫기", command=self.destory_win).pack(side="left", padx=5, pady=5) # = '' # def select_date(self): = def destory_win(self): = '' pass
def abrir_calendario(self, event): def print_sel(): f = (cal.selection_get()).weekday() if f < 5: print(cal.selection_get()) event.widget.delete(0, tk.END) event.widget.insert(0, cal.selection_get()) top.destroy() else: tk.messagebox.showerror( parent=top, message="Por favor elija un dia valido", title="Seleccionar fecha") top = tk.Toplevel(self) now = day = month = now.month year = now.year cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1", year=year, month=month, day=day) cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) ttk.Button(top, text="ok", command=print_sel).pack()
def test_calendar_buttons_functions(self): widget = Calendar(self.window) widget.pack() widget._prev_month() widget._next_month() widget._prev_year() widget._next_year() widget._remove_selection() widget.selection_set(format_date(date(2018, 12, 31), 'short')) self.assertEqual(widget.selection_get(), date(2018, 12, 31)) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): widget.selection_set("ab") widget.selection_set(None) self.assertIsNone(widget.selection_get()) widget.selection_set(date(2015, 12, 31)) self.assertEqual(widget.selection_get(), date(2015, 12, 31)) widget.config(selectmode='none') self.assertIsNone(widget.selection_get()) l = ttk.Label(widget, text="12") widget._on_click(TestEvent(widget=l)) self.assertIsNone(widget.selection_get()) self.window.update() widget.config(selectmode='day') l = ttk.Label(widget, text="12") widget._on_click(TestEvent(widget=l)) self.window.update() self.assertEqual(widget.selection_get(), date(2015, 12, 12)) widget.config(state='disabled') l = ttk.Label(widget, text="14") widget._on_click(TestEvent(widget=l)) self.window.update() self.assertEqual(widget.selection_get(), date(2015, 12, 12))
def PickDate(): # To pick a date for the task. def print_sel(): global addedTask global tasks_list global task if addedTask == "": # Solves a problem where the program would die if the user enters an empty string. Idk who'd do that, but yeah. Just in case. messagebox.showinfo( "Something bad happened :(", "Please enter your task first!" ) # Also to keep everything in order. (Task first, date second) else: print(task) this_date = cal.selection_get() task["tasks"].append( str(addedTask) + " --- Task Date: " + str(this_date) ) # Combines the task & date into a single string so it is easier to display. messagebox.showinfo( "Success!", "Set the date for the task! Don't forget to submit the task to your list!" ) # Just to give some feedback to the user. top = tk.Toplevel(root) cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1",,, # The date-picker system. cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) # Packing it. ttk.Button(top, text="Choose", command=print_sel).pack() # The pick date button.
def viewCalendar(): top = tk.Toplevel(root) today = mindate = #exception handling try: maxdate = + 4, mindate.month, except: #then we were on a leap year on last day of Feb maxdate = + 4, mindate.month + 1, 1) cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', locale='en_US', mindate=mindate, maxdate=maxdate, disabledforeground='red', cursor="hand1", year=mindate.year, month=mindate.month, cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
def test_calendar_virtual_events(self): widget = Calendar(self.window, year=2010, month=1, day=3) widget.pack() self.window.update() self.event_triggered = False def binding(event): self.event_triggered = True widget.bind('<<CalendarSelected>>', binding) widget._on_click(TestEvent(widget=widget._calendar[2][1])) self.window.update() self.assertTrue(self.event_triggered) widget.bind('<<CalendarMonthChanged>>', binding) self.event_triggered = False widget._l_month.invoke() self.window.update() self.assertTrue(self.event_triggered) self.event_triggered = False widget._r_month.invoke() self.window.update() self.assertTrue(self.event_triggered) self.event_triggered = False widget._l_year.invoke() self.window.update() self.assertTrue(self.event_triggered) self.event_triggered = False widget._r_year.invoke() self.window.update() self.assertTrue(self.event_triggered)
def example1(): def print_sel(): print(cal.selection_get()) cal.see(, month=2, day=5)) top = tk.Toplevel(root) import datetime today = mindate =, month=1, day=21) maxdate = today + datetime.timedelta(days=5) print(mindate, maxdate) cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', locale='en_US', mindate=mindate, maxdate=maxdate, disabledforeground='red', cursor="hand1", year=2018, month=2, day=5) cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) ttk.Button(top, text="ok", command=print_sel).pack()
def datePicker(): root = tk.Tk() def print_sel(): sel = cal.selection_get() print(sel) #cal.see(, month=2, day=5)) root.destroy() return sel top = tk.Toplevel(root) import datetime today = mindate =, month=1, day=21) maxdate = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1) #print(mindate, maxdate) print(today.year) print(today.month) print( cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', locale='en_US', mindate=mindate, maxdate=maxdate, disabledforeground='red', cursor="hand1", year=today.year, month=today.month, cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) ttk.Button(top, text="ok", command=print_sel).pack() root.mainloop()
def pickDateCmd(self): def print_sel(): #print(cal.selection_get()) global expenseDate expenseDate = cal.selection_get() #print(expenseDate) win = tk.Toplevel(self) win.resizable(0,0) # Get full day today = date.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') # Strip year fyear = int(today[:4]) # Strip month tmp_month = today[5:7] if tmp_month[0] == "0": fmonth = int(tmp_month[1]) else: fmonth = int(tmp_month) # Strip day tmp_day = today[8:10] if tmp_day[0] == "0": fday = int(tmp_day[1]) else: fday = int(tmp_day) cal = Calendar(win, font="Arial 7", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1", year=fyear, month=fmonth, day=fday) cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) ttk.Button(win, text="ok", command=print_sel).pack()
def get_calendar(self): print('in get_calendar app') window = tk.Tk() cal = Calendar(window) year = time.localtime(time.time())[0] month = time.localtime(time.time())[1] date = time.localtime(time.time())[2] if month == 12: cal.config(, month, date),, 1, date)) elif month == 1 and date > 28: cal.config(, month, date),, month + 1, 28)) else: try: cal.config(, month, date),, month + 1, date)) except ValueError: cal.config(, month, date),, month + 1, date - 1)) cal.config(showweeknumbers=False, disabledbackground='red', disabledforeground='blue', disabledselectbackground='pink', disabledselectforeground='purple', disableddaybackground='red') cal.pack() select_button = tk.Button(cal, text='Select Date', command=lambda: print(cal.selection_get())) select_button.pack() cal.mainloop()
class HebrewSchedulerGUI(object): def __init__(self, input_handler): self.input_handler = input_handler self.root = tk.Tk(className=' HebrewScheduler') s = ttk.Style(self.root) s.theme_use('clam') tk.Label(self.root, text="Summary").grid(row=0) tk.Label(self.root, text="Description").grid(row=1) tk.Label(self.root, text="Location").grid(row=2) tk.Label(self.root, text="Number of years").grid(row=3) tk.Label(self.root, text="Color").grid(row=4) ttk.Button(self.root, text='Calendar', command=self.open_calendar).grid(row=5) self.summary = tk.Entry(self.root) self.desc = tk.Entry(self.root) self.loc = tk.Entry(self.root) self.num_of_years = tk.Entry(self.root) self.color_listbox = tk.Listbox(self.root, selectmode=tk.SINGLE, height=len(configuration.COLOR_CODES)) for i, (c_n, c) in enumerate( zip(configuration.COLOR_CODES_LEGEND.keys(), configuration.COLOR_CODES)): self.color_listbox.insert("end", c_n) self.color_listbox.itemconfig(i, {'bg': c}) self.summary.grid(row=0, column=1) self.desc.grid(row=1, column=1) self.loc.grid(row=2, column=1) self.num_of_years.grid(row=3, column=1) self.color_listbox.grid(row=4, column=1) = None = None def open_calendar(self): = tk.Toplevel(self.root) ttk.Label(, text='Choose date').pack(padx=10, pady=10) = Calendar(, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1")"both", expand=True) ttk.Button(, text="ok", command=self.process_inputs).pack() def process_inputs(self): picked_vals = (, self.summary.get(), self.desc.get(), self.loc.get(), configuration.COLOR_CODES_LEGEND[ self.color_listbox.selection_get()], int(self.num_of_years.get())) print(picked_vals) self.root.destroy() self.input_handler(*picked_vals) def run_gui(self): self.root.mainloop()
def _orderDateFun(self, ver): def print_sel(): if ver == 0: self._orderDate = cal.selection_get() self.DateOrderLabel.config(text=str( + '-' + str(self._orderDate.month) + '-' + str(self._orderDate.year)) elif ver == 1: self._collectDate = cal.selection_get() self.DateCollectLabel.config(text=str( + '-' + str(self._collectDate.month) + '-' + str(self._collectDate.year)) top.destroy() top = Toplevel(self.root) today = cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', disabledforeground='red', cursor="hand1", year=today.year, month=today.month, cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) Button(top, text="zatwierdź", command=print_sel).pack()
def dateSelector(): def print_sel(): global date_selected dateselected = cal.selection_get() date_selected = dateselected print(dateselected) labelstatus = ttk.Label(top, text="Close this window.",width=20,font=("bold", 12)).pack() label_3 = ttk.Label(labelframe_2, text=dateselected,width=30,font=("bold", 10)) label_3.grid(row=4,column = 6, pady=4) top.destroy() return dateselected top = Toplevel(ingoal) import datetime today = mindate =, month=5, day=1) maxdate = today + datetime.timedelta(days=100) cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', locale='en_US', mindate=mindate, maxdate=maxdate, disabledforeground='red', cursor="hand1", year=2020, month=5, day=5) cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) incomebtn2 = ttk.Button(top, text="Select", command=print_sel).pack()
def tkinterCalendar(self, event): # respuesta = tk.messagebox.askquestion(parent=self, message="¿Cuenta con la fecha especifica? \n\n Conteste NO para guardar como PENDIENTE", title="Agregar fecha",icon = 'info') # if respuesta == 'yes': def print_sel(): f = (cal.selection_get()).weekday() if f < 5: event.widget.config(state="normal") self.updateDate(cal.selection_get()) event.widget.delete(0, tk.END) event.widget.insert(0, cal.selection_get()) event.widget.config(state="disabled") top.destroy() else: tk.messagebox.showerror(parent=top, message="Por favor elija un dia valido", title="Seleccionar fecha") def print_pendiente(): event.widget.config(state="normal") self.updateDate(cal.selection_get()) event.widget.delete(0, tk.END) event.widget.insert(0, 'Pediente') event.widget.config(state="disabled") top.destroy() top = tk.Toplevel(self) cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1", year=self.anio, month=self.mes, day=self.dia) cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) ttk.Button(top, text="ok", command=print_sel).pack(expand=True, fill=tk.BOTH, ipadx=10, ipady=10, pady=2) ttk.Button(top, text="Guardar como pendiente", command= print_pendiente).pack(expand=True, fill=tk.BOTH, ipadx=10, ipady=10, pady=2)
def calendar(): def scrapy_start(): start=cal.selection_get() cal.see(, month=11, day=1)) string_date.append(start) def scrapy_end(): end=cal.selection_get() cal.see(, month=11, day=1)) string_date.append(end) top = tk.Toplevel(root) import datetime today = mindate =, month=1, day=1) maxdate = today + datetime.timedelta(days=5) cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', locale='en_US', mindate=mindate, maxdate=maxdate, disabledforeground='red', cursor="hand1", year=maxdate.year, month=maxdate.month, cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) ttk.Button(top, text="Set Start", command=scrapy_start).pack() ttk.Button(top, text="Set End", command=scrapy_end).pack()
class Cal: def __init__(self, root): = '' = tk.Toplevel(root)'Select Start Date') = Calendar(, font='Arial 14', selectmode='day', cursor='hand1', )'both', expand=True) tk.Button(, text='OK', command=self.set_date).pack() tk.Button(, text='Close', command=self.quit).pack() def set_date(self): = def get_date(self): return def quit(self):
def test_calendar_selection(self): widget = Calendar(self.window, month=3, year=2011, day=10, maxdate=date(2013, 1, 1), mindate=date(2010, 1, 1)) widget.pack() self.assertEqual(widget.selection_get(), date(2011, 3, 10)) widget.selection_set(date(2012, 4, 11)) self.assertEqual(widget.selection_get(), date(2012, 4, 11)) self.assertEqual(widget._date, date(2012, 4, 1)) widget.selection_set(datetime(2012, 5, 11)) self.assertEqual(widget.selection_get(), date(2012, 5, 11)) self.assertNotIsInstance(widget.selection_get(), datetime) self.assertIsInstance(widget.selection_get(), date) widget.selection_set(datetime(2012, 5, 21).strftime('%x')) self.assertEqual(widget.selection_get(), date(2012, 5, 21)) self.assertNotIsInstance(widget.selection_get(), datetime) self.assertIsInstance(widget.selection_get(), date) widget.selection_set(date(2018, 4, 11)) self.assertEqual(widget.selection_get(), date(2013, 1, 1)) widget.selection_set(date(2001, 4, 11)) self.assertEqual(widget.selection_get(), date(2010, 1, 1)) widget.selection_clear() self.assertIsNone(widget.selection_get()) # test Swedish locale widget.destroy() widget = Calendar(self.window, locale='sv_SE') widget.pack() widget.selection_set(format_date(date(2012, 4, 11), 'short', 'sv_SE'))
def example1(): def print_sel(): print(cal.selection_get()) var.append(cal.selection_get()) # cal.see(, month=2, day=5)) var1 = str(var[0]) l4.config(text=var1) top.destroy() top = Toplevel(donate) import datetime today = mindate = today maxdate = today + datetime.timedelta(days=5) cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', locale='en_US', mindate=mindate, maxdate=maxdate, disabledforeground='red', cursor="hand1", year=2018, month=2, day=5) cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) ttk.Button(top, text="ok", command=print_sel).pack()
class CalendarGUI: is_open = False #새로 생성되는 클래스의 인자에 MainGUI을 넣어서 MainGUI 객체를 가져오게 함 그렇게 되면 MainGUI에 있는 변수들을 수정 가능 def __init__(self, MainGui, selectCommand=None): if CalendarGUI.is_open: return CalendarGUI.is_open = True self.main_gui = MainGui self.gui = Toplevel(self.main_gui.gui) self.gui.title("Calendar") now = = Calendar(self.gui, selectmode='day', year=now.year, month=now.month, Button(self.gui, text="날짜 선택", command=lambda cmd=selectCommand: self.SetTravelDate(command=cmd)).pack() self.gui.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.Closing) #현재는 시간이 20, 30으로 고정되어 있는데 이 부분은 xml 데이터 파일의 정보를 가져와서 설정해 주어야함. def SetTravelDate(self, command=None): date = if command is not None: command(date) def Closing(self): CalendarGUI.is_open = False self.gui.destroy()
def datepick(ob): if str(ob.var2.get()) == '0': ob.dateLabel.configure(text='') if str(ob.var2.get()) == '1': def print_sel(): ob.requestdate = str(cal.selection_get()) ob.dateLabel.configure(text=ob.requestdate) root.destroy() root = Tk() root.title("Calendar") #s = ttk.Style(root) #s.theme_use('clam') top = tk.Toplevel(root) cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1", year=2019, month=4, day=15) cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) ttk.Button(top, text="ok", command=print_sel).pack() root.mainloop()
def dateFunction(self): # Create Object rootNew = Tk() # Set geometry rootNew.geometry("300x300") rootNew.title("Calendar") # Add Calender cal = Calendar( rootNew, foreground="black", selectforeground="red", selectmode="day", year=2021, month=5, day=13, ) cal.pack(pady=20) def grad_date(): self.defaultDob.set(str(cal.get_date())) rootNew.destroy() # Add Button and Label Button(rootNew, text="Get Date", command=grad_date).pack(pady=20) date = Label(rootNew, text="") date.pack(pady=20)
def example1(): '''def doo(): cr = sheet.max_row sheet.cell(row=cr + 1, column=1).value = w.get() sheet.cell(row=cr + 1, column=2).value = y.get() sheet.cell(row=cr + 1, column=3).value = R sheet.cell(row=cr + 1, column=4).value = cal.selection_get() sheet.cell(row=cr + 1, column=5).value = t.get()'Database1.xlsx') main = tk.Tk() ourMessage ='Your ride will arrive in minute' messageVar = Message(main, text = ourMessage) messageVar.pack( ) main.mainloop( ) ''' def fu(): global fu2 fu2 = cal.selection_get() top = tk.Toplevel(root) cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1", year=2019, month=11, day=5) cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) ttk.Button(top, text="ok", command=fu).pack()
def __init__(self, parent, controller): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.controller = controller self.parent = parent global back_img, create_img back_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("assets/back.png")) back_btn = Button(self, text="Back to Menu", image=back_img, anchor="center", compound="left", bd=0, padx=-10, command=lambda: controller.show_frame("Homescreen"), cursor="hand1") back_btn.pack(pady=(0,20)) image = Label(self, image=diary_img, text="Diary", compound="left", padx=10, font=('Arial', 16)) image.pack() diary_help = Label(self, text="Use the diary to store your thoughts or narrate how your day went.\nDon't worry, Andy will never reveal your secrets :]") diary_help.pack(pady=10) create_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("assets/create.png").resize((45, 45), Image.ANTIALIAS)) create_btn = Button(self, text="Create new entry", image=create_img, anchor="center", compound="left", bd=0, command=lambda: controller.show_frame("DiaryCreateFrame"), cursor="hand1") create_btn.pack(pady=(10, 20)) cal = Calendar(self, firstweekday="sunday", showweeknumbers=False, borderwidth=0, date_pattern="yyyy-mm-dd") cal.pack(padx=20, pady=10) check_entries_btn = Button(self, text="Check Entries for the selected date", bd=0, command=lambda: self.check_records(cal.get_date()), cursor="hand1") check_entries_btn.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
def enterDate(): '''Let user set the date''' top = Toplevel(window_2) topText = 'Choose Date' top.title(topText) top.geometry('300x300+30+30') chooseDateText = 'Please click to choose a date' chooseDateLabel = Label(top, padx=10, pady=10, text=chooseDateText) chooseDateLabel.pack() mindate = currentDatePara maxdate = mindate + datetime.timedelta(days=365) cal = Calendar(top, mindate=mindate, maxdate=maxdate, width=12, background='darkblue', foreground='white', borderwidth=2) cal.pack(padx=10, pady=10) def getUserDate(): global userDate userDate = cal.selection_get() dateLabel['text']=userDate #update userDate in the dateLabel of window_2 top.destroy() # end of getUserDate() okDateButton = Button(top, padx=10, pady=5, bg='purple', fg='white', text='OK', command=getUserDate) okDateButton.pack()
class CalenderUI: """Calendar interface. Example taken from the official documentation of tkcalendar.""" def __init__(self, cal_root): """Construct widget with master as parent widget""" = tk.Toplevel(cal_root) = Calendar(, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1", year=int(settings.year), month=int(settings.month), day=int("both", expand=True) ttk.Button(, text="ok", command=self.print_sel).pack() ttk.Button(, text="exit", command=self.quit1).pack() = '' def print_sel(self): """Callback function saving the date to a variable.""" = def quit1(self): """Callback function that saves the date to a variable and exits the calendar window""" =
def date(): def print_sel(): global cal, DATE DATE = calen.selection_get() if DATE != '': cal = Label(root, text=DATE, bg='red', fg='black'), y=280) top.destroy() top = tk.Toplevel(root) top.geometry('300x300+650+400') import datetime today = #mindate = today mindate =, month=1, day=1) #maxdate = today + datetime.timedelta(days=5) maxdate =, month=1, day=1) #print(mindate, maxdate) calen = Calendar(top, font="Arial 10", selectmode='day', locale='en_US', mindate=mindate, maxdate=maxdate, disabledforeground='red', cursor="hand1", year=2020, month=1, day=1) calen.pack(fill="both", expand=True) ttk.Button(top, text="ok", command=print_sel).pack()
def end_date_selector(): # This function retrieves the user's selected end date and puts it in the textbox. def retrieve_end_date(): # Retrieves value of StringVar global end_date_value end_date_value = end_cal.selection_get() # Before we insert the chosen date into the textbox, we need to erase whatever # was there before. end_textbox.delete(1.0, END) # Inserts the chosen date into the textbox. end_textbox.insert(END, end_date_value) # Since the OK Button has been clicked, the user now expects the calendar window # to close itself. end_top.destroy() # The toplevel widget functions like a frame to hold our calendar. end_top = Toplevel(window) end_cal = Calendar(end_top, font="Arial 10", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1",,, end_cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) Button(end_top, text="Done", command=retrieve_end_date).pack()
def Calendrier(): def print_sel(): #bouton_ok.pack_forget() valeur_cal = cal.selection_get() print("la date est", cal.selection_get()) label = Label(fenetre, text=cal.selection_get().strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), bg="grey").pack(padx=30, pady=10) # Label cal.destroy() def recupere_date(): return cal.selection_get() cal = Calendar(fenetre, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', locale='en_US', cursor="hand1", year=2018, month=2, day=5) cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) bouton_ok = ttk.Button(fenetre, text="ok", command=print_sel).pack() bouton_ok.bind("<Button-1>", print_sel) # clic gauche
def calendarWindow(self): def selecting_start_date(): if cal.selection_get().weekday() == 0: db.startdate = cal.selection_get() self.controller.show_frame(0) else: top2 = tk.Toplevel(self) label5 = ttk.Label(top2, text="Please select a Monday") label5.pack() top = tk.Toplevel(self) style = ttk.Style(top) style.theme_use('clam') cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', cursor="hand2", year=2020, month=2, day=5, background="black", disabledbackground="black", bordercolor="black", headersbackground="black", normalbackground="black", foreground='white', normalforeground='white', headersforeground='white') cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True) ttk.Button(top, text="confirm", command=selecting_start_date).pack()
def calendar(self): """ So far only displays calendar.""" def print_sel(): print(cal.selection_get()) cal.see(, month=2, day=2)) top = self.root today = maxdate =, month=1, day=1) mindate = today + datetime.timedelta(days=5) print(mindate, maxdate) cal = Calendar(top, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', locale='en_US', mindate=mindate, maxdate=maxdate, disabledforeground='red', cursor="hand1", year=2018, month=2, day=5) cal.pack() ttk.Button(top, text="ok", command=print_sel).pack()