class MfxScrolledCanvas: def __init__(self, parent, hbar=True, vbar=True, propagate=False, **kw): kwdefault(kw, highlightthickness=0, bd=1, relief='sunken') self.parent = parent self.createFrame(kw) self.canvas = None self.hbar = None self.vbar = None self.hbar_show = False self.vbar_show = False self.createCanvas(kw) self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.frame.grid_propagate(propagate) if hbar: self.createHbar() self.bindHbar() if vbar: self.createVbar() self.bindVbar() ###self.canvas.focus_set() # # # def destroy(self): self.unbind_all() self.canvas.destroy() self.frame.destroy() def pack(self, **kw): self.frame.pack(**kw) def grid(self, **kw): self.frame.grid(**kw) # # # def setTile(self, app, i, force=False): tile = app.tabletile_manager.get(i) if tile is None or tile.error: return False ##print i, tile if i == 0: assert tile.color assert tile.filename is None else: assert tile.color is None assert tile.filename assert tile.basename if not force: if (i == app.tabletile_index and tile.color == app.opt.colors['table']): return False # if not self.canvas.setTile(tile.filename, tile.stretch, tile.save_aspect): tile.error = True return False if i == 0: self.canvas.config(bg=tile.color) else: self.canvas.config(bg=app.top_bg) self.canvas.setTextColor(app.opt.colors['text']) return True # # # def unbind_all(self): unbind_destroy(self.hbar) unbind_destroy(self.vbar) unbind_destroy(self.canvas) unbind_destroy(self.frame) def createFrame(self, kw): width = kw.get("width") height = kw.get("height") self.frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.parent, width=width, height=height) def createCanvas(self, kw): bd = kw['bd'] kw['bd'] = 0 relief = kw['relief'] del kw['relief'] frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.frame, bd=bd, relief=relief) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="news") self.canvas = MfxCanvas(frame, **kw) self.canvas.pack(expand=True, fill='both') def createHbar(self): self.hbar = Tkinter.Scrollbar(self.frame, takefocus=0, orient="horizontal") self.canvas["xscrollcommand"] = self._setHbar self.hbar["command"] = self.canvas.xview self.hbar.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="we") self.hbar.grid_remove() def createVbar(self): self.vbar = Tkinter.Scrollbar(self.frame, takefocus=0) self.canvas["yscrollcommand"] = self._setVbar self.vbar["command"] = self.canvas.yview self.vbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="ns") self.vbar.grid_remove() def bindHbar(self, w=None): if w is None: w = self.canvas bind(w, "<KeyPress-Left>", self.unit_left) bind(w, "<KeyPress-Right>", self.unit_right) def bindVbar(self, w=None): if w is None: w = self.canvas bind(w, "<KeyPress-Prior>", self.page_up) bind(w, "<KeyPress-Next>", self.page_down) bind(w, "<KeyPress-Up>", self.unit_up) bind(w, "<KeyPress-Down>", self.unit_down) bind(w, "<KeyPress-Begin>", self.scroll_top) bind(w, "<KeyPress-Home>", self.scroll_top) bind(w, "<KeyPress-End>", self.scroll_bottom) # mousewheel support if WIN_SYSTEM == 'x11': bind(w, '<4>', self.mouse_wheel_up) bind(w, '<5>', self.mouse_wheel_down) # don't work on Linux #bind(w, '<MouseWheel>', self.mouse_wheel) def mouse_wheel(self, *args): print 'MfxScrolledCanvas.mouse_wheel', args def _setHbar(self, first, last): if self.canvas.busy: return sb = self.hbar if float(first) <= 0 and float(last) >= 1: sb.grid_remove() self.hbar_show = False else: if self.canvas.winfo_ismapped(): sb.grid() self.hbar_show = True sb.set(first, last) def _setVbar(self, first, last): if self.canvas.busy: return sb = self.vbar if float(first) <= 0 and float(last) >= 1: sb.grid_remove() self.vbar_show = False else: if self.canvas.winfo_ismapped(): sb.grid() self.vbar_show = True sb.set(first, last) def _xview(self, *args): if self.hbar_show: self.canvas.xview(*args) return 'break' def _yview(self, *args): if self.vbar_show: self.canvas.yview(*args) return 'break' def page_up(self, *event): return self._yview('scroll', -1, 'page') def page_down(self, *event): return self._yview('scroll', 1, 'page') def unit_up(self, *event): return self._yview('scroll', -1, 'unit') def unit_down(self, *event): return self._yview('scroll', 1, 'unit') def mouse_wheel_up(self, *event): return self._yview('scroll', -5, 'unit') def mouse_wheel_down(self, *event): return self._yview('scroll', 5, 'unit') def page_left(self, *event): return self._xview('scroll', -1, 'page') def page_right(self, *event): return self._xview('scroll', 1, 'page') def unit_left(self, *event): return self._xview('scroll', -1, 'unit') def unit_right(self, *event): return self._xview('scroll', 1, 'unit') def scroll_top(self, *event): return self._yview('moveto', 0) def scroll_bottom(self, *event): return self._yview('moveto', 1)
class FindCardDialog(Tkinter.Toplevel): CARD_IMAGES = {} # key: (rank, suit) def __init__(self, parent, game, dir, size='large'): Tkinter.Toplevel.__init__(self) title = TITLE + ' - ' + _('Find card') self.title(title) self.wm_resizable(False, False) # ##self.images_dir = dir if size == 'large': self.images_dir = os.path.join(dir, 'large') self.label_width, self.label_height = LARGE_EMBLEMS_SIZE else: self.images_dir = os.path.join(dir, 'small') self.label_width, self.label_height = SMALL_EMBLEMS_SIZE self.canvas = MfxCanvas(self, bg='white') ##self.canvas = MfxCanvas(self, bg='black') self.canvas.pack(expand=True, fill='both') # self.groups = [] self.highlight_items = None self.busy = False self.connectGame(game) # bind(self, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.destroy) bind(self, "<Escape>", self.destroy) # ##self.normal_timeout = 400 # in milliseconds self.normal_timeout = int(1000*['highlight_samerank']) self.hidden_timeout = 200 self.timer = None def createCardLabel(self, suit, rank, x0, y0): dx, dy = self.label_width, self.label_height dir = self.images_dir canvas = self.canvas group = MfxCanvasGroup(canvas) # im = FindCardDialog.CARD_IMAGES.get((rank, suit)) if im is None: r = '%02d' % (rank+1) s = 'cshd'[suit] fn = os.path.join(dir, r+s+'.gif') im = makeImage(file=fn) FindCardDialog.CARD_IMAGES[(rank, suit)] = im cim = MfxCanvasImage(canvas, x0, y0, image=im, anchor='nw') cim.addtag(group) cim.lower() # rect_width = 4 x1, y1 = x0+dx, y0+dy rect = MfxCanvasRectangle(self.canvas, x0+1, y0+1, x1-1, y1-1, width=rect_width, fill=None, outline='red', state='hidden' ) rect.addtag(group) # bind(group, '<Enter>', lambda e, suit=suit, rank=rank, rect=rect: self.enterEvent(suit, rank, rect, group)) bind(group, '<Leave>', lambda e, suit=suit, rank=rank, rect=rect: self.leaveEvent(suit, rank, rect, group)) self.groups.append(group) def connectGame(self, game): self.canvas.delete('all') = game suits = game.gameinfo.suits ranks = game.gameinfo.ranks dx, dy = self.label_width, self.label_height uniq_suits = [] i = 0 for suit in suits: if suit in uniq_suits: continue uniq_suits.append(suit) j = 0 for rank in ranks: x, y = dx*j+2, dy*i+2 self.createCardLabel(suit=suit, rank=rank, x0=x, y0=y) j += 1 i += 1 w, h = dx*j+2, dy*i+2 self.canvas.config(width=w, height=h) self.wm_iconname(TITLE + " - " + game.getTitleName()) self.wm_geometry('') # cancel user-specified geometry def enterEvent(self, suit, rank, rect, group): ##print 'enterEvent', suit, rank, self.busy if self.busy: return if return self.busy = True self.highlight_items =, rank) if not self.highlight_items: self.highlight_items = [] if self.highlight_items: self.timer = after(self, self.normal_timeout, self.timeoutEvent) rect.config(state='normal') self.canvas.update_idletasks() self.busy = False def leaveEvent(self, suit, rank, rect, group): ##print 'leaveEvent', suit, rank, self.busy if self.busy: return self.busy = True if self.highlight_items: for i in self.highlight_items: i.delete() self.highlight_items = [] if self.timer: after_cancel(self.timer) self.timer = None rect.config(state='hidden') if self.canvas.update_idletasks() self.busy = False def timeoutEvent(self, *event): if self.highlight_items: state = self.highlight_items[0].cget('state') if state in ('', 'normal'): state = 'hidden' self.timer = after(self, self.hidden_timeout, self.timeoutEvent) else: state = 'normal' self.timer = after(self, self.normal_timeout, self.timeoutEvent) for item in self.highlight_items: item.config(state=state) def destroy(self, *args): for l in self.groups: unbind_destroy(l) unbind_destroy(self) if self.timer: after_cancel(self.timer) self.timer = None self.wm_withdraw() if self.highlight_items: for i in self.highlight_items: i.delete() Tkinter.Toplevel.destroy(self)