from xml.etree import ElementTree as Elem import os.path from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename, Tk window = Tk() window.withdraw() window.focus_force() # tree = Elem.parse("C:\\Users\\Jason\\Desktop\\bi-dir-test.xml") tree = Elem.parse( askopenfilename(initialdir=os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop"), title="Select Palo Alto xml configuration file.")) # root_tree = tree.getroot() nat_dict = {} nat_policy_count = 0 for elem in tree.iter(tag="nat"): for rules in elem: for entry in rules: nat_policy_count += 1 rule_dic = {"bi_d": 'no'} # print(entry.tag, entry.attrib) nat_dict[entry.attrib["name"]] = rule_dic for member in entry.find("source"): nat_dict[entry.attrib["name"]]["source"] = member.text # print(member.text) for member in entry.find("destination"): nat_dict[entry.attrib["name"]]["destination"] = member.text # print(member.text)
import csv import datetime import os import openpyxl from openpyxl.styles import Font, PatternFill from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename, Tk # from tkinter import messagebox # Tk().withdraw() # Prevents tkinter window from opening root = Tk() root.withdraw() root.focus_force() now ="%m/%d/%Y") def mode_1_import(): """ :return: dictionary {rulename: [set(apps), set(dest_port/protocol), hit value(T/F)] """ rules_dict = None # Eliminates Pycharm Error unk_tu_dict = {} # dict for unknown tcp and udp log entries # parse ruleset and get rule names and details try: with open( askopenfilename( initialdir=os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop"), title= "Select Security Rules CSV exported from Palo Alto firewall." )) as rules_file: # with open("C:\\Users\\Jason\\Desktop\\policies.csv") as rules_file: