def get_molecule_type(prefix, ext='.ent'): ''' will get the download .extension file (either ent or pdb) and parse the molecule type out into a file ''' d = parse_equivalencesFile(prefix) outf=open(prefix+'.moltype','w') l=[] for k,v in d.iteritems(): q = Popen("cat pdb%s.ent | grep 'COMPND 2 MOLECULE'"%(transform_lowercase([k])[0]),shell=True, stdout=PIPE) out=q.communicate()[0].split('COMPND 2 MOLECULE:')[1].strip().strip(';') l.append(out+'\t'+k+'\t'+v) l.sort() for e in l: outf.write(e)
from numpy import median filename = sys.argv[1] col = int(sys.argv[2]) #number of columns f = open(filename).read().split('\n') #parse the equivalences file sps = {} for e in f: if e == '' or e == '\t\t': continue else: bline = e.split('\t') sp = bline[0].split('_')[0] sp = sp.split() if 'SP.' in bline[0]: sp = transform_sentence_case([sp[0]])[0]+' '+transform_lowercase([sp[1]])[0] else: sp = ' '.join(sp)#sp[0][0]+'. '+transform_lowercase([sp[1]])[0] pdb=bline[1] ind=bline[2] if not sp in sps: sps[sp]= [] sps[sp].append((pdb,ind)) else: sps[sp].append((pdb,ind)) #create the table t = open(filename[:filename.rfind('.')]+'.latextable','w') header ='\\begin{table}[ht]\n\t\\tiny\n\t\\caption{}\n\t\\begin{center}\n\\begin{tabular}{ ccc'+' cc'*(col-1) header += '}\n\t\\toprule\n\t Species'+ '& PDB & Plot'*col +'\\\\\n'
filename = sys.argv[1] col = int(sys.argv[2]) #number of columns f = open(filename).read().split('\n') #parse the equivalences file sps = {} for e in f: if e == '' or e == '\t\t': continue else: bline = e.split('\t') sp = bline[0].split('_')[0] sp = sp.split() if 'SP.' in bline[0]: sp = transform_sentence_case( [sp[0]])[0] + ' ' + transform_lowercase([sp[1]])[0] else: sp = ' '.join(sp) #sp[0][0]+'. '+transform_lowercase([sp[1]])[0] pdb = bline[1] ind = bline[2] if not sp in sps: sps[sp] = [] sps[sp].append((pdb, ind)) else: sps[sp].append((pdb, ind)) #create the table t = open(filename[:filename.rfind('.')] + '.latextable', 'w') header = '\\begin{table}[ht]\n\t\\tiny\n\t\\caption{}\n\t\\begin{center}\n\\begin{tabular}{ ccc' + ' cc' * ( col - 1)