def setup(pins=display_pins, val=8888): displays = [] for clk, dio in pins: print(clk, dio) tm = tm1637.TM1637(clk=Pin(clk), dio=Pin(dio)) tm.number(val) displays.append(tm) return displays
def init(self): display = tm1637.TM1637(int(self.params.clk), int(self.params.dio), tm1637.BRIGHT_TYPICAL) display.Clear() display.SetBrightnes(1) display.ShowDoublepoint(True) self._device = display return self._device
def __init__(self, config): """Define all objects and variables.""" = tm1637.TM1637(clk=machine.Pin(config['display_clock']), dio=machine.Pin(config['display_dio'])) self.config = config self.wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) self.wlan_ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) self.rtc = machine.RTC()
def __init__(self): self.lastRead = { "intern": {"humidity": 0, "temperature": 0}, "extern": {"humidity": 0, "temperature": 0} } self.timer = None # Initialize the clock (GND, VCC=3.3V, Example Pins are DIO-20 and CLK21) self.display = tm1637.TM1637(CLK=23, DIO=18, brightness=0.1) # read data using pin 17 self.sensor = dht11.DHT11(pin=17)
def output(): # /// Uncomment the following line out for terminal testing without 7-segment display time_file = open(time_file_path, "w") new_time_str = str(digits[3]) + str(digits[2]) + ':' + str( digits[1]) + str(digits[0]) time_file.write(new_time_str) time_file.close() print(new_time_str) display = tm1637.TM1637(CLK=5, DIO=6, brightness=1.0) display.ShowDoublepoint(True) display.Show([digits[3], digits[2], digits[1], digits[0]])
def __init__(self): self.display = tm1637.TM1637(clk=Pin(5), dio=Pin(4)) self.light = Pin(12, Pin.OUT) self.button = Pin(15, Pin.IN) self.speaker = PWM(Pin(0), 50) self.speaker.duty(0) self.remaining = 0 self.start = None self.last_update = None self.last_press = None self.running = False self.display.write([0, 0, 0, 0])
def main(args): # 초기화 FND = tm1637.TM1637(3, 2, tm1637.BRIGHT_TYPICAL) FND.Clear() FND.SetBrightnes(1) # 기능구현 try: while True: #현재 시간 정보 now = hour = now.hour minute = now.minute second = now.second currenttime = [ int(hour / 10), hour % 10, int(minute / 10), minute % 10 ] FND.Show(currenttime) FND.ShowDoublepoint(second % 2) time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("END FND") return 0
def init(): print("unix init") if not cfg.testmode:['modprobe', 'w1-gpio', 'gpiopin=10']) if['modprobe', 'w1_therm']): w1dev.sw_ds18b20 = True print('using sw ds18b20') if['modprobe', 'w1_ds2413']): w1dev.sw_ds2413 = True print('using sw ds2413') os.chdir('/opt/brewarm') else: w1dev.w1path = '.' + w1dev.w1path if 0: # rpi lcd import tm1637 lcd = tm1637.TM1637(16, 15, tm1637.BRIGHT_HIGHEST) lcd.ShowDoublepoint(True) lcd.Clear() if 0: # hw clock open( '/sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-' + str(cfg.config['i2c_bus']) + '/new_device', 'w').write("ds1307 0x68")['hwclock', '-s']) # load clock from rtc #if shutdown_pin != None: Timer(0, thread_shutdown, ()).start() #Timer(5, thread_discovery, ()).start() if shutdown_pin != None: threading.Thread(daemon=True, target=thread_shutdown).start() threading.Thread(daemon=True, target=thread_discovery).start() threading.Thread(daemon=True, target=thread_temp).start() def signal_term_handler(signal, frame): print('got SIGTERM') sync() sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_term_handler)
def plugin_init(self, enableplugin=None): plugin.PluginProto.plugin_init(self, enableplugin) self.hide = False if self.enabled == False or enableplugin == False: self.clrscr() return False if self.enabled: if int(self.taskdevicepin[0]) >= 0: self.initialized = False self.device = None try: if self.taskdevicepluginconfig[ 0] == self.P073_TM1637_4DGTDOTS: self.device = tm1637.TM1637Decimal( clk=int(self.taskdevicepin[0]), dio=int(self.taskdevicepin[1])) else: self.device = tm1637.TM1637( clk=int(self.taskdevicepin[0]), dio=int(self.taskdevicepin[1])) self.initialized = True except Exception as e: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "7DGT can not be initialized! " + str(e)) self.device = None return False if self.device is None: self.initialized = False if self.enabled and self.initialized: self.uservar[0] = "" self.blink = -1 self.p073_brightness(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[2]) if int(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1]) > int( self.P073_DISP_MANUAL): self.timer1s = True else: self.timer1s = False
GPIO.output(17,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(27,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(22,GPIO.LOW) # BCM #leds(7,0); //p 4 #leds(0,0); //c 17 #leds(2,0); //d 27 #leds(3,0); //e 22 if __name__ == '__main__': # executed as script # do something # tm1637.got_here() tm = tm1637.TM1637(21, 20) start_time = time.time() print ("start time = ") #show_ip_address(tm) clear_display() start_switch = 1 while start_switch == 1: start_switch = GPIO.input(26) time.sleep(0.5) #print ("start = " + str(start_switch)) light_loop()
import time #import utime import random import atexit import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from luma.core.interface.serial import spi, noop from luma.core.render import canvas from luma.core.legacy import show_message, text from luma.core.legacy.font import proportional, CP437_FONT, TINY_FONT, SINCLAIR_FONT, LCD_FONT from luma.led_matrix.device import max7219 from multiprocessing import Process, Array, Value import threading import os, signal, sys import tm1637 tm = tm1637.TM1637(clk=3, dio=2) serial = spi(port=0, device=0, gpio=noop()) device = max7219(serial, width=160, hight=8, block_orientation=-90) device.clear() BEAM_PINS = [24, 23, 22, 27, 17] timeupp = Value('i', 0) hitcountp = Value('i', 0) hitp = Value('i', 0) target = None p = None targetlist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
import spidev import tm1637 pd = 2 #Analog in (on linker-base ADC) spi = spidev.SpiDev(), 0) def readadc(adcnum): # read SPI data from MCP3004 chip, 4 possible adc’s (0 thru 3) if ((adcnum > 3) or (adcnum < 0)): return -1 r = spi.xfer2([1, 8 + adcnum << 4, 0]) #print(r) adcout = ((r[1] & 3) << 8) + r[2] return adcout Display = tm1637.TM1637(23, 24, tm1637.BRIGHT_TYPICAL) while True: value = readadc(pd) volts = (value * 3.3) / 1024 #print("%4d/1023 => %5.3f V" % (value, volts)) Display.ShowInt(value) time.sleep(0.1) print('done.')
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import dht11 import time import datetime import tm1637 # initialize GPIO GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.cleanup() # read data using pin 12 instance = dht11.DHT11(pin=12) # initialize the display display = tm1637.TM1637(clock_pin=5, data_pin=3) while True: result = if result.is_valid(): print("Last valid input: " + str( print("Temperature: %d C" % result.temperature) print("Humidity: %d %%" % result.humidity) display_map = map(int, str(result.temperature)) + map( int, str(result.humidity)) display.set_values(display_map) time.sleep(1)
#!/usr/bin/env python # tm1637 test import tm1637 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time CLK = 21 DATA = 20 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) d = tm1637.TM1637(CLK, DATA) d.showDoublePoint(1) # 显示中间两个点 d.showData([5, 6, 7, 9]) # 显示内容 GPIO.cleanup()
start = gpiozero.Button(26) # gumb za začetek igre gumb = [ gpiozero.Button(13), # modra gpiozero.Button(16), # rdeča gpiozero.Button(19), # oranžna gpiozero.Button(20) # zelena ] zvok = [ pygame.mixer.Sound('blue.ogg'), # modra pygame.mixer.Sound('red.ogg'), # rdeča pygame.mixer.Sound('orange.ogg'), # oranžna pygame.mixer.Sound('green.ogg') # zelena ] prikaz = tm1637.TM1637(3, 2) zaporedje = [] nivo = 0 def predvajaj(i): led[i].on() zvok[i].play() time.sleep(1) led[i].off() def konec_igre(): prikaz.set_values(['b', 'u', 'u', 'u']) prikaz.set_doublepoint(False)
import board import busio import Adafruit_DHT import time import datetime import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import tm1637 DHT_SENSOR = Adafruit_DHT.DHT22 DHT_PIN = 4 Display = tm1637.TM1637(20, 21, tm1637.BRIGHT_TYPICAL) Display.Clear() Display.SetBrightnes(3) while True: try: humidity, temp = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(DHT_SENSOR, DHT_PIN) if humidity is not None and temp is not None: Display.Clear() Display.Show([int(temp / 10), int(temp % 10), 38, 36]) time.sleep(5) Display.Show([int(humidity / 10), int(humidity % 10), 25, 36]) time.sleep(5) except: pass for i in range(0, 11): now = hour = now.hour minute = now.minute
# Updates TM1637 with each db update. import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import tm1637 import Adafruit_DHT # PI 1 #DHT11 # tm = tm1637.TM1637(clk=23, dio=24) # PI 4 #DHT22 tm = tm1637.TM1637(clk=24, dio=23) # v1.0.00a import time from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway, GatewayParameters PI = 4 # DHT Pin DHT_PIN = 4 # Print each reading DEBUG = 0 # Send every reading to application DEBUG_SOCKET = 0 def one(): return JavaGateway() def two():
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import tm1637 #led import time if __name__ == "__main__": display = tm1637.TM1637(CLK=21, DIO=20, brightness=1.0) display.Clear() display.ShowDoublepoint(False) try: while True: display.showtmp(8) time.sleep(3) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("stop") finally: display.cleanup()
import tm1637 from time import sleep from multiprocessing import Process import json tm = tm1637.TM1637(clk=21,dio=20) #brana tm2 = tm1637.TM1637(clk=6,dio=5) #garáž tm.brightness(val=2) tm2.brightness(val=2) sleepTime = 0.2 hodnota = 0 horniPul = 0b00000110 spodniPul = 0b00110000 sCel = 0b00110110 def write(obj,a,b,c,d): if(obj == "gate"): tm.write([a,b,c,d]) if(obj == "garage"): tm2.write([a,b,c,d]) sleep(sleepTime) def reset(obj): if(obj == "gate"):
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from time import sleep import tm1637 import signal # Initialize the display (GND, VCC=3.3V, Example Pins are DIO-21 and CLK20) # Do not use GPIO5 and GPIO6 for a display. Display1 = tm1637.TM1637(CLK=13, DIO=12, brightness=1.0) Display2 = tm1637.TM1637(CLK=19, DIO=16, brightness=1.0) Display3 = tm1637.TM1637(CLK=26, DIO=20, brightness=1.0) Display4 = tm1637.TM1637(CLK=21, DIO=22, brightness=1.0) # Display.ShowDoublepoint(True) Display1.SetBrightness(0.1) Display2.SetBrightness(0.1) Display3.SetBrightness(0.1) Display4.SetBrightness(0.1) def sigint_handler(signum, frame): Display1.Clear() Display2.Clear() Display3.Clear() Display4.cleanup() print("Exit Signal Recieved!") exit() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) def main():
#code developed by apurva singh[Embedded Engineer] # rev 10.2.2020 from gpiozero import CPUTemperature #pull temperature from board of raspberry pi import time #importing time makes no sense. import datetime #importing this also makes no sense. import sys #this is required to pull temperature from the system import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #this is required inorder for the tm1637 to run import tm1637 #this pulls the main library so we can use prebui3lt functions. #CLK -> GPIO23 (Pin 16) #Di0 -> GPIO24 (Pin 18) ##GUI DEFINITIONS ## Display = tm1637.TM1637(23, 24, tm1637.BRIGHT_TYPICAL) #inititating display Display.Clear() #clear display Display.SetBrightnes(7) #setting the brightness of the display while (True): b = CPUTemperature() cpu = CPUTemperature() a = int(cpu.temperature ) #converting temperature in integers as it can be in decimal c = [0, 0, int(a / 10), a % 10] #logic to print temperature on 7segment 4 digit print(c) #print temperature on display Display.Show(c) #display temperature on display using function time.sleep( 2) #delay of 2 sec. You can increase this as per your requirement.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Raspberry Pi Python 3 TM1637 quad 7-segment LED display driver examples from time import sleep import tm1637 CLK = 1 DIO = 0 DELAY = 0.5 tm = tm1637.TM1637(clk=CLK, dio=DIO) # all segments on "88:88" tm.write([127, 255, 127, 127]) tm.write(bytearray([127, 255, 127, 127])) tm.write(b'\x7F\xFF\x7F\x7F')'8888', True) tm.numbers(88, 88, True) sleep(DELAY) # all segments off tm.write([0, 0, 0, 0])' ') sleep(DELAY) # write to the 2nd and 3rd segments only tm.write([119, 124], 1) # _Ab_ sleep(DELAY) tm.write([0, 0, 0, 0]) tm.write([124], 2) # __b_
pi = pigpio.pi() PWM_RANGE = 2000 PWM_FREQUENCY = 100 pi.set_PWM_frequency(RED_LED_PIN, PWM_FREQUENCY) pi.set_PWM_frequency(GREEN_LED_PIN, PWM_FREQUENCY) pi.set_PWM_frequency(BLUE_LED_PIN, PWM_FREQUENCY) MAX_GREEN = 120 MAX_BLUE = MAX_GREEN * 0.8 pi.set_PWM_range(RED_LED_PIN, PWM_RANGE) pi.set_PWM_range(GREEN_LED_PIN, PWM_RANGE) pi.set_PWM_range(BLUE_LED_PIN, PWM_RANGE) clockDisplay = tm1637.TM1637(CLK_PIN, DIO_PIN, tm1637.BRIGHT_TYPICAL) clockDisplay.Clear() clockDisplay.SetBrightness(c.CLOCK_BRIGHTNESS) shouldDisplayBeClear = True isDisplayActuallyClear = True currentlySetFourNumbers = [0, 0, 0, 0] currentlyDisplayedLight = (0, 0, 0, 0) doublePoint = False def get_currently_displayed_light(): return currentlyDisplayedLight
import tm1637,math from machine import Pin,delay from machine import USonic sonic=USonic(0) tm = tm1637.TM1637(clk=Pin.board.P0, dio=Pin.board.P1) while True: dis = math.floor(sonic.distance()) #取整數 tm.number(dis) delay(200)
selatan.setGreenTime(selatan.countGreenTime(kendaraan_selatan_pertama)) barat.setGreenTime(selatan.countGreenTime(kendaraan_barat_pertama)) utara.setGreenTime(utara.countGreenTime(kendaraan_utara_pertama)) timur.setRedTime(0) selatan.setRedTime(selatan.countRedTime(timur)) barat.setRedTime(barat.countRedTime(selatan)) utara.setRedTime(utara.countRedTime(barat)) # selatan.setRedTime(10) # barat.setRedTime(10) # utara.setRedTime(10) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) tm_timur = tm1637.TM1637(clk=timur.getPinTraffic()[0], dio=timur.getDio()) tm_selatan = tm1637.TM1637(clk=selatan.getPinTraffic()[0], dio=selatan.getDio()) tm_barat = tm1637.TM1637(clk=barat.getPinTraffic()[0], dio=barat.getDio()) tm_utara = tm1637.TM1637(clk=utara.getPinTraffic()[0], dio=utara.getDio()) ruas = [timur, selatan, barat, utara] def decrement_number(): for i in range(len(ruas)): if ruas[i][2] >= 0 and ruas[i][3] is True: if i is 3: ruas[i][2] -= 1 ruas[0][0] -= 1 else:
# CLK == Shared P9_12 # DIO == GPIO PIN P9_23 # GND == External Power # 5v == External Power # Setup the pins for two LED's (AM/PM) GPIO.setup("P8_8", GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output("P8_8", GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup("P8_10", GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output("P8_10", GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup("P8_12", GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output("P8_12", GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup("P8_14", GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output("P8_14", GPIO.LOW) # Display 1 (Time) ShowTime=tm1637.TM1637("P9_12", "P9_23") # Display 2 (Date) ShowDate=tm1637.TM1637("P9_12", "P9_25") # Display 3 (Year) ShowYear=tm1637.TM1637("P9_12", "P9_27") # Clear all Displays ShowTime.clear() ShowDate.clear() ShowYear.clear() # Set Brightness of all Displays ShowTime.set_brightness(2) ShowDate.set_brightness(2) ShowYear.set_brightness(2) # Declare Variables x=True LastTime1='0'
import tm1637 from machine import Pin, RTC import network, usocket, utime, ntptime from time import sleep print("Connecting to WiFi...") wifi = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) wifi.connect('wifi', 'passwd') while not wifi.isconnected(): pass print("Connected") tm = tm1637.TM1637(clk=Pin(2), dio=Pin(0)) tm.brightness(1) ntptime.settime() while (True): sleep(60) local_time_sec = utime.time() + 8 * 3600 local_time = utime.localtime(local_time_sec) h = local_time[3] m = local_time[4] print(local_time) tm.numbers(h, m)
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 import os import sys import requests from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, HTTPError from time import sleep import tm1637 # Rpi: GPIO3, GPIO2 disp = tm1637.TM1637(3, 2) URL = 'http://panel.home.lan/get_metar' def display(string): """ Returns a four element list to be displayed. """ char_list = list(str(string)) new_list = [] # Check if the value is int or not for x in char_list: try: y = int(x) except ValueError: new_list.append(x) else: new_list.append(int(y))
def __init__(self): self.display = tm1637.TM1637(23, 24, brightness=1.0) self.display.Clear()
import urtc from machine import Pin, I2C from utime import sleep import tm1637 from ssd1306 import SSD1306_I2C sdapin = Pin(14) sclpin = Pin(15) i2c = I2C(1, sda=sdapin, scl=sclpin, freq=400000) rtc = urtc.DS3231(i2c) WIDTH = 128 # oled display width HEIGHT = 32 oled = SSD1306_I2C(WIDTH, HEIGHT, i2c) clock = tm1637.TM1637(clk=Pin(16), dio=Pin(17)) DAYS = 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday' def oled_blank(): 'blank the oled screen' oled.fill(0) def oled_fill(): 'fill the oled screen' oled.fill(1)