Exemple #1
def menu(options):
    """ Accepts a list and causes TextMate to show an inline menu.
    If options is a list of strings, will return the selected index.
    If options is a list of (key, value) tuples, will return value of the
    selected key. Note that we don't use dicts, so that key-value options
    can be ordered. If you want to use a dict, try dict.items().
    In either input case, a list item with value `None` causes tm_dialog to
    separator for that index.
    hashed_options = False
    if not options:
        return None
    if all_are_instance(options, (unicode, str, NoneType)):
        menu = dict(menuItems=[item(val) for val in options])
    elif all_are_instance(options, (tuple, NoneType)):
        hashed_options = True
        menu = dict(menuItems=[item(pair) for pair in options])
    plist = to_plist(menu)
    cmd = 'bash -c "%s -up %s"' % (sh_escape(dialog), sh_escape(plist))
    result = from_plist(sh(cmd))
    if not 'selectedIndex' in result:
        return None
    index = int(result['selectedIndex'])
    if hashed_options:
        return options[index][1]
    return options[index]
Exemple #2
def menu(options):
    """ Accepts a list and causes TextMate to show an inline menu.
    If options is a list of strings, will return the selected index.
    If options is a list of (key, value) tuples, will return value of the
    selected key. Note that we don't use dicts, so that key-value options
    can be ordered. If you want to use a dict, try dict.items().
    In either input case, a list item with value `None` causes tm_dialog to
    separator for that index.
    hashed_options = False
    if not options:
        return None
    if all_are_instance(options, (unicode, str, NoneType)):
        menu = dict(menuItems=[item(val) for val in options])
    elif all_are_instance(options, (tuple, NoneType)):
        hashed_options = True
        menu = dict(menuItems=[item(pair) for pair in options])
    plist = to_plist(menu)
    cmd = 'bash -c "%s -up %s"' % (sh_escape(dialog), sh_escape(plist))
    result = from_plist(sh(cmd))
    if not 'selectedIndex' in result:
        return None
    index = int(result['selectedIndex'])
    if hashed_options:
        return options[index][1]
    return options[index]
def html_header(page_title, sub_title, window_title=None):
    if not window_title:
        window_title = page_title
    return sh("""
    export TM_SUPPORT_PATH="%(tm_support_path)s"
    "%(tm_ruby)s" -r"%(tm_support_path)s/lib/web_preview.rb" <<-'RUBY'
    puts html_head(
        :window_title   => "%(window_title)s",
        :page_title     => "%(page_title)s",
        :sub_title      => "%(sub_title)s"
    """ % {
        "tm_ruby": tm_ruby,
        "tm_support_path": tm_support_path,
        "window_title": window_title,
        "page_title": page_title,
        "sub_title": sub_title,
def html_header(page_title, sub_title, window_title=None):
    if not window_title:
        window_title = page_title
    return sh(
    export TM_SUPPORT_PATH="%(tm_support_path)s"
    "%(tm_ruby)s" -r"%(tm_support_path)s/lib/web_preview.rb" <<-'RUBY'
    puts html_head(
        :window_title   => "%(window_title)s",
        :page_title     => "%(page_title)s",
        :sub_title      => "%(sub_title)s"
    """ % {
            "tm_ruby": tm_ruby,
            "tm_support_path": tm_support_path,
            "window_title": window_title,
            "page_title": page_title,
            "sub_title": sub_title,
def html_header(title, subtitle):    
    return sh('source %s; html_header %s %s' % (webpreview, sh_escape(title), sh_escape(subtitle)))
def html_footer():
    return sh('source %s; html_footer' % webpreview)
def html_header(title, subtitle):
    return sh('source %s; html_header "%s" "%s"' % (webpreview, title, subtitle))
def html_footer():
    return sh("source %s; html_footer" % webpreview)
Exemple #9
# encoding: utf-8
import os
env = os.environ.get
import sys

import dialog
from tm_helpers import sh
import re

word = env('TM_CURRENT_WORD') 
if not word: word = ""
functions = sh('grep -i "^$TM_CURRENT_WORD" "$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT"/tags.txt').split("\n")


if len(functions) > 1:
  skip_prefix = False
  if word and word[-1] == '-':
    # If the last char in the word is a _ we don't show the word in the completion list,
    # to enable the user to continue typing. See: array_⌥⎋
    skip_prefix = True
  names = [] 

  regex = re.compile(word+"(.*?)(%|$)")
  for line in functions :