Exemple #1
def jwkthumb(e, n):
        JSON Web Key Thumbprint SHA256 from RSA exponent end modulus

    js = '{"e":"%s","kty":"RSA","n":"%s"}' % (tobase64(e), tobase64(n))
    return tobase64(hashlib.sha256(tobytes(js)).digest())
Exemple #2
def jwkthumb(e, n):
        JSON Web Key Thumbprint SHA256 from RSA exponent end modulus

        js = '{"e":"%s","kty":"RSA","n":"%s"}' % (tobase64(e), tobase64(n))
        return tobase64(hashlib.sha256(tobytes(js)).digest())
Exemple #3
def main(fin, fout, meth):
    if meth is None:
        meth = 'mkpy'
    xs = fin.read()
    insize = fin.tell()
    que = mkprioque(xs)
    squ = serializq(que)
    fout.write(struct.pack('I', insize))
    bmp = mkht_methods[meth](que).tomap()
    bs = ''.join(bmp[x] for x in xs)
    res = bits2bytes(bs)
Exemple #4
def _sslutils_req(domains=[], cfg="", key="", ecdsa=False):
        Create new RSA key and simple CSR request.
        XXX TODO - remove dependency on openssl

    if len(domains) == 0:
        raise Exception("no domains")

    i = 1
    subject = "/CN="
    config = "[req]\n"
    config += "distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name\n"
    config += "req_extensions=v3_req\n"
    config += "[req_distinguished_name]\n"
    config += "[v3_req]\n"
    config += "basicConstraints=CA:FALSE\n"
    config += "keyUsage=nonRepudiation,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment\n"
    config += "subjectAltName=@alt_names\n"
    config += "[alt_names]\n"

    for domain in domains:
        if domain.find('/') >= 0:
            raise Exception("bad domain %s" % (domain))
        if domain.find('*') >= 0:
            raise Exception("bad domain %s" % (domain))
        config += "DNS.%d=%s\n" % (i, domain)
        if i == 1:
            subject += domain
        i += 1

    savesync(cfg, tobytes(config))

    if ecdsa:
        #create ECDSA key
        #create RSA key
        _sslutils_rsa_makekey(key, "", 2048)

    #create request
    cmd = [
        'openssl', 'req', '-sha256', '-nodes', '-subj', subject, '-key', key,
        '-new', '-outform', 'der', '-config', cfg
    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
    ret = p.communicate('')[0]
    if (p.returncode != 0):
        raise Exception("%s: failed" % (" ".join(cmd)))
    return ret
def _sslutils_req(domains = [], cfg = "", key = ""):
        Create new RSA key and simple CSR request.
        XXX TODO - remove dependency on openssl

        if len(domains) == 0:
                raise Exception("no domains")

        i = 1
        subject = "/CN="
        config  = "[req]\n"
        config += "distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name\n"
        config += "req_extensions=v3_req\n"
        config += "[req_distinguished_name]\n"
        config += "[v3_req]\n"
        config += "basicConstraints=CA:FALSE\n"
        config += "keyUsage=nonRepudiation,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment\n"
        config += "subjectAltName=@alt_names\n"
        config += "[alt_names]\n"

        for domain in domains:
                if domain.find('/') >= 0:
                        raise Exception("bad domain %s" % (domain))
                if domain.find('*') >= 0:
                        raise Exception("bad domain %s" % (domain))
                config += "DNS.%d=%s\n" % (i, domain)
                if i == 1:
                        subject += domain
                i += 1

        savesync(cfg, tobytes(config))

        if 1 == 1:
                #create RSA key
                _sslutils_rsa_makekey(key, "", 2048)
                #create ECDSA key - XXX TODO

        #create request
        cmd = ['openssl', 'req', '-sha256', '-nodes', '-subj', subject, '-key', key, '-new', '-outform', 'der', '-config', cfg]
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subprocess.PIPE)
        ret = p.communicate('')[0]
        if (p.returncode != 0):
                raise Exception("%s: failed" % (" ".join(cmd)))
        return ret
Exemple #6
def main(fin, fout, meth):
    if fin.read(2) != b'\x7fZ':
        raise Exception('wrong file format!')
    meth = fin.read(4).decode('utf-8').lower()
    if meth not in mkht_methods:
        raise Exception('unknown compressing method!')
    outsize = unpack('I', fin.read(calcsize('I')))
    if isinstance(outsize, tuple):
        outsize = outsize[0]
    que = unserializq(fin)
    htr = mkht_methods[meth](que)
    res = fin.read()

    bs = bytes2bits(res)
    res = unapplyhtr(bs, htr)
    if len(res) < outsize:
        res += ['\n' for i in range(outsize - len(res))]
        res = res[:outsize]
def tobase64(x):
        python2/3 compatible conversion to urlsafe base64 encoding

        return tostr(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(tobytes(x))).replace('=', '')
def tobase64(x):
        python2/3 compatible conversion to urlsafe base64 encoding

    return tostr(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(tobytes(x))).replace('=', '')
def tojson(x):
        python2/3 compatible conversion to json string

        return tobytes(json.dumps(x))