def __notice_notdone(self): = db = DB(os.environ['TODO_DB']) self.dict_list = db.dict_list() = os.environ['SLACK_CHANNEL'] for dict in self.dict_list: # 前バージョンとの互換性を保つ if not "noticetime" in dict.keys(): continue noticetime = int(dict['noticetime']) try: self.__limit_at = dt.datetime.strptime(dict["limit_at"], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M') # statusの更新 if > self.__limit_at and dict['status'] == '未': db.change_id(dict['id'], 'status', '期限切れ') except: break color = '' text = '' post = False if dict["status"] == '未': if self.__limit_at < + dt.timedelta( hours=1) and noticetime == 1: text = "期限まであと1時間。ひょっとして提出し忘れてるんじゃ?:face_with_rolling_eyes::face_with_rolling_eyes:" noticetime = 0 color = 'ff4500' post = True elif self.__limit_at < + dt.timedelta( days=1) and noticetime == 2: text = "期限まであと1日もありません!!のんびりしてる暇なんてありませんね:sweat_drops:" noticetime = 1 color = 'ffff00' post = True elif self.__limit_at < + dt.timedelta( days=3) and noticetime == 3: text = "期限まであと3日。そろそろとりかかろう...:sunglasses:" noticetime = 2 color = '7cfc00' post = True if post == True: attachments = [{ "color": color, "blocks": [{ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": '*' + dict["title"] + '*\n' + '期限:' + dict["limit_at"] + '\nid:' + dict["id"] } }] }] tools.postMessage(text, attachments,, icon_emoji=":panda_face:") db.change_id(dict['id'], 'noticetime', noticetime)
def todo_change_id(id, column, value): database = DB(os.environ['TODO_DB']) status_code = database.change_id(id, column, value) msg = '' if status_code == 400: msg = 'カラムが不正です' elif status_code == 401: msg = 'idが不正です' elif status_code == 402: msg = 'sqlite文が実行できません' elif status_code == 403: msg = 'limit_atを正しく入力してください' elif status_code == 404: msg = 'idまたはupdate_atを変更することはできません' elif status_code == 200: msg = '値を変更しました' return msg
def todo_finish(userid, ids): msg = '' msg1 = '\nid: ' msg2 = '\nid: ' msg3 = '\nid: ' success = False failed = False others = False id = ids.split() database = DB(os.environ['TODO_DB']) for i in id: strip = i.find('|') if strip > 0: i = i[strip + 1:] i = i.replace('>', '') data = database.select_id(i) if data["user"] == None: msg2 += '`' + i + '` ' failed = True continue elif userid != data["user"]: msg3 += '`' + i + '` ' others = True continue status_code = database.change_id(i, 'status', '済') if status_code == 200: msg1 += '`' + i + '` ' success = True if success and failed and others: msg = msg1 + 'を完了しました。お疲れ様でした。' + msg2 + 'は存在しません。' + msg3 + 'は他人のタスクです。' elif success and failed: msg = msg1 + 'を完了しました。お疲れ様でした。' + msg2 + 'は存在しません。' elif failed and others: msg = msg2 + 'は存在しません。' + msg3 + 'は他人のタスクです。' elif success: msg = msg1 + 'を完了しました。お疲れ様でした。' elif failed: msg = msg2 + 'は存在しません。' elif others: msg = msg3 + 'は他人のタスクです。' else: msg = 'このコマンドは実行できません。' return msg
def __notice_notdone(self): = db = DB(os.environ['TODO_DB']) self.dict_list = db.dict_list() = os.environ['SLACK_CHANNEL'] self.notice_tasks = [] for dict in self.dict_list: # 前バージョンとの互換性を保つ if not "noticetime" in dict.keys(): continue noticetime = int(dict['noticetime']) try: self.__limit_at = dt.datetime.strptime(dict["limit_at"], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M') # statusの更新 if > self.__limit_at and dict['status'] == '未': db.change_id(dict['id'], 'status', '期限切れ') except: break color = '' text = '' post_dm = False post_announce = False attachments = [] # 全体アナウンス if dict['user'] == 'all': if self.__limit_at < + dt.timedelta( hours=1) and noticetime == 1: text = '3日後の予定をお知らせします。' noticetime = 0 color = 'ff4500' post_announce = True elif self.__limit_at < + dt.timedelta( days=1) and noticetime == 2: text = '1日後の予定をお知らせします。' noticetime = 1 color = 'ffff00' post_announce = True elif self.__limit_at < + dt.timedelta( days=3) and noticetime == 3: text = '1時間後の予定をお知らせします。' noticetime = 2 color = '7cfc00' post_announce = True else: if dict["status"] == '未': if self.__limit_at < + dt.timedelta( hours=1) and noticetime == 1: text = "期限まであと1時間。ひょっとして提出し忘れてるんじゃ?:face_with_rolling_eyes::face_with_rolling_eyes:" noticetime = 0 color = 'ff4500' post_dm = True elif self.__limit_at < + dt.timedelta( days=1) and noticetime == 2: text = "期限まであと1日もありません!!のんびりしてる暇なんてありませんね:sweat_drops:" noticetime = 1 color = 'ffff00' post_dm = True elif self.__limit_at < + dt.timedelta( days=3) and noticetime == 3: text = "期限まであと3日。そろそろとりかかろう...:sunglasses:" noticetime = 2 color = '7cfc00' post_dm = True if post_dm == True: dict["limit_at"] = dict["limit_at"][5:] if dict["subject"] != 'None' and dict["note"] != 'None': attachments = [{ "color": color, "blocks": [{ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": ' *' + dict["title"] + '* \n教科:' + dict["subject"] + '\n期限:' + dict["limit_at"] + '\n id : `' + str(dict["id"]) + '`' } }, { "type": "context", "elements": [{ "type": "plain_text", "text": "※備考\n" + dict["note"] }] }] }] elif dict["subject"] != 'None': attachments = [{ "color": color, "blocks": [{ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": ' *' + dict["title"] + '* \n教科:' + dict["subject"] + '\n期限:' + dict["limit_at"] + '\n id : `' + str(dict["id"]) + '` ' } }] }] elif dict["note"] != 'None': attachments = [{ "color": color, "blocks": [{ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": ' *' + dict["title"] + '* \n期限:' + dict["limit_at"] + '\n id : `' + str(dict["id"]) + '` ' } }, { "type": "context", "elements": [{ "type": "plain_text", "text": "※備考\n" + dict["note"] }] }] }] else: attachments = [{ "color": color, "blocks": [{ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": ' *' + dict["title"] + '* \n期限:' + dict["limit_at"] + '\n id : `' + str(dict["id"]) + '` ' } }] }] if post_announce == True: dict["user"] = dict["limit_at"] = dict["limit_at"][5:] if dict["subject"] != 'None' and dict["note"] != 'None': attachments = [{ "color": color, "blocks": [{ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": '*' + dict["title"] + '* の情報です。\n教科:' + dict["subject"] + '\n日付:' + dict["limit_at"] } }, { "type": "context", "elements": [{ "type": "plain_text", "text": "※備考\n" + dict["note"] }] }] }] elif dict["subject"] != 'None': attachments = [{ "color": color, "blocks": [{ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": '*' + dict["title"] + '* の情報です。\n教科:' + dict["subject"] + '\n日付:' + dict["limit_at"] } }] }] elif dict["note"] != 'None': attachments = [{ "color": color, "blocks": [{ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": '*' + dict["title"] + '* の情報です\n日付:' + dict["limit_at"] } }, { "type": "context", "elements": [{ "type": "plain_text", "text": "※備考\n" + dict["note"] }] }] }] else: attachments = [{ "color": color, "blocks": [{ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": '*' + dict["title"] + '* の情報です\n日付:' + dict["limit_at"] } }] }] if post_announce or post_dm: # tools.postMessage(text, attachments, channel=dict['user'], icon_emoji=":panda_face:") db.change_id(dict['id'], 'noticetime', noticetime) self.notice_tasks.append({ "text": text, "attachments": attachments, "channel": dict["user"] }) return self.notice_tasks
def slack_app(): if not signature_verifier.is_valid_request(request.get_data(), request.headers): return make_response("invalid request", 403) if "payload" in request.form: payload = json.loads(request.form["payload"]) user_id = payload["user"]["id"] if payload["type"] == "view_submission" \ and payload["view"]["callback_id"] == "login": # Handle a data submission request from the modal submitted_data = payload["view"]["state"]["values"] # {'block-id': {'action_id': {'type': 'plain_text_input', 'value': 'your input'}}} esc_id = submitted_data['esc_id']['esc_id']['value'] password = submitted_data['password']['password']['value'] status_code = user_database.change_id(user_id, esc_id, password) if status_code == 300: status_code = user_database.add(user_id, esc_id, password) if status_code == 400: slack_bot_client.chat_postMessage(text='登録に失敗しました。', channel=user_id, as_user=True) print('failed') return make_response("", 400) # if status_code == 200 or status_code == 300: # chat = slack_bot_client.chat_postMessage(channel=user_id, text='更新中...しばらくお待ちください', as_user=True) # login_data = user_database.select_id(user_id) # # def pandaThread(): # # login_data = user_database.select_id(user_id) # # panda_database_names[user_id] = DB(os.environ["TODO_DB"]) # # status_code = autoadd.main(user=login_data["id"], username=login_data["esc_id"], password=login_data["password"], database=panda_database_names[user_id]) # # if status_code == 400: # # slack_bot_client.chat_update(channel=chat["channel"], text='esc-idとパスワードが間違っています。\n/pandaコマンドを入力して再登録してください', ts=chat["ts"], as_user=True) # # elif status_code == 200: # # print('pandaThread終了') # # if chat != None: # # slack_bot_client.chat_update(channel=chat["channel"], text='更新が終了しました', ts=chat["ts"], as_user=True) # # msg = todo.todo_list(user_id) # # slack_bot_client.chat_postMessage(channel=chat["channel"], text=msg, as_user=True) # if panda_sched.get_job(user_id) != None: # panda_sched.remove_job(user_id) # panda_sched.add_job(func=pandaThread, trigger='interval', minutes=30, id=login_data["id"], return make_response("", 200) elif payload["type"] == "block_actions": task_user = payload["actions"][0]["block_id"] text = '' channel = payload["channel"]["id"] if payload["actions"][0]["value"] == 'finished': task_id = payload["actions"][0]["action_id"] if task_user == user_id: database = DB(os.environ["TODO_DB"]) database.change_id(task_id, 'status', '済') text = 'id:' + task_id + 'を完了しました' elif payload["actions"][0]["value"] == 'unfinished': task_id = payload["actions"][0]["action_id"][1:] if task_user == user_id: database = DB(os.environ["TODO_DB"]) database.change_id(task_id, 'status', '未') text = 'id:' + task_id + 'を未完了に変更しました' slack_bot_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=text) return make_response("", 200) return make_response("", 404)