Exemple #1
def test9k():
    os.system('rm -rf tof_save.txt')
    field = mytof.Field(1., 1., 2.)
    pat = mytof.Particle(13, -1., 0.1056583745, -.1, 0., .02, 0., 0.33, -1.5)
    tof = mytof.Tof(.5, 2., 3., 25.e-9, .999)
    print tof.get_time_v2(pat, field)
    os.system('cp -f tof_save.txt tof_test_9k.txt')
Exemple #2
def test9c():
    os.system('rm -rf tof_save.txt')
    field = mytof.Field(1., 1., 2.)
    pat = mytof.Particle(13, -1., 0.1056583745, .10 / 2**.5, .10 / 2**.5, .1,
                         0.0, 0.00, -1.5)
    tof = mytof.Tof(1.5, 2., 3., 25.e-9, .999)
    print tof.get_time_v2(pat, field)
    os.system('cp -f tof_save.txt tof_test_9c.txt')
Exemple #3
def test8b():
    os.system('rm -rf tof_save.txt')
    field = mytof.Field(1., 1., 2.)
    pat = mytof.Particle(130, 0., pdg2m(130), .5 / 2**.5, .5 / 2**.5, 1., 0.5,
                         0.25, 1.5)
    tof = mytof.Tof(1.5, 2., 3., 25.e-9, .999)
    print tof.get_time_v2(pat, field)
    os.system('cp -f tof_save.txt tof_test_8.txt')
Exemple #4
def test6b():
    os.system('rm -rf tof_save.txt')
    field = mytof.Field(1., 1., 2.)
    pat = mytof.Particle(-13, 1., 0.1056583745, .3 / 2**.5, .3 / 2**.5, -1.,
                         -.90 / 2**.5, .90 / 2**.5, 1.5)
    tof = mytof.Tof(1.5, 2., 3., 25.e-9, .999)
    print tof.get_time_v2(pat, field)
    os.system('cp -f tof_save.txt tof_test_6b.txt')
Exemple #5
def test4():
    os.system('rm -rf tof_save.txt')
    field = mytof.Field(1., 1., 2.)
    pat = mytof.Particle(13, -1., 0.1056583745, .5 / 2**.5, .5 / 2**.5, 1.,
                         0.5, 0.25, 1.75)
    tof = mytof.Tof(.5, 2., 3., 25.e-9, .999)
    print tof.get_time_v2(pat, field)
    os.system('cp -f tof_save.txt tof_test_4.txt')
Exemple #6
def test6c():
    os.system('rm -rf tof_save.txt')
    field = mytof.Field(1., 1., 2.)
    phi = math.pi / 180 * 88.
    pat = mytof.Particle(-13, 1., 0.1056583745, .3 * math.cos(phi),
                         .3 * math.sin(phi), -.1, -.99, 0.001, 1.5)
    tof = mytof.Tof(1.5, 2., 3., 25.e-9, .999)
    print tof.get_time_v2(pat, field)
    os.system('cp -f tof_save.txt tof_test_6c.txt')
Exemple #7
def test1():
    os.system('rm -rf tof_save.txt')
    field = mytof.Field(1., 1., 2.)
    # def __init__(self, pdgid, charge, m, px, py, pz, vx=0., vy=0., vz=0.):
    pat = mytof.Particle(13, -1., 0.1056583745, .5 / 2**.5, .5 / 2**.5, 0., 0.,
                         0., 0.)
    # def __init__(self, r_in, r_out, z, sigma, eff):
    tof = mytof.Tof(.5, 2., 3., 25.e-9, .999)
    print tof.get_time_v2(pat, field)
    os.system('cp -f tof_save.txt tof_test_1.txt')
Exemple #8
def main():
    # PID systems
    # create ToF and mu as a ToF.
    field = mytof.Field(1., 1.575, 3.780/2)
    tofdet = mytof.Tof(.250, 1.090, 2.550/2, .1, .99)
    mu0det = mytof.Tof(.950, 1.930, 3.900/2, .1, .99)
    Fin = r.TFile('/home/vvorob/public/tuples/fccedm/dkspipi.root')
    tin = Fin.Get('events')
    finname = 'output/tmp_out.txt'
    Fout = r.TFile('output/txt2root.root', 'recreate')
    t = r.TTree('t', 'ctau papas tree :)')
    n = array.array('i', [0])
    recgen = array.array('i', [0]*100)
    pdg = array.array('i', [0]*100)
    q = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    en = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    pt = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    px = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    py = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    pz = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    th = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    phi = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    tof = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    tofmu = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    t.Branch('n', n, 'n/I')
    t.Branch('recgen', recgen, 'recgen[n]/I')
    t.Branch('pdg', pdg, 'pdg[n]/I')
    t.Branch('q', q, 'q[n]/F')
    t.Branch('en', en, 'en[n]/F')
    t.Branch('pt', pt, 'pt[n]/F')
    t.Branch('px', px, 'px[n]/F')
    t.Branch('py', py, 'py[n]/F')
    t.Branch('pz', pz, 'pz[n]/F')
    t.Branch('th', th, 'th[n]/F')
    t.Branch('phi', phi, 'phi[n]/F')
    t.Branch('tof', tof, 'tof[n]/F')
    t.Branch('tofmu', tofmu, 'tofmu[n]/F')
    n0 = array.array('i', [0])
    pdg0 = array.array('i', [0]*100)
    genver = array.array('i', [0]*100)
    q0 = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    en0 = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    pt0 = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    px0 = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    py0 = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    pz0 = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    th0 = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    phi0 = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    tof0 = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    tofmu0 = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    t.Branch('n0', n0, 'n0/I')
    t.Branch('genver', genver, 'genver[n0]/I')
    t.Branch('pdg0', pdg0, 'pdg0[n0]/I')
    t.Branch('q0', q0, 'q0[n0]/F')
    t.Branch('en0', en0, 'en0[n0]/F')
    # t.Branch('pt0', pt0, 'pt0[n0]/F')
    t.Branch('px0', px0, 'px0[n0]/F')
    t.Branch('py0', py0, 'py0[n0]/F')
    t.Branch('pz0', pz0, 'pz0[n0]/F')
    # t.Branch('th0', th0, 'th0[n0]/F')
    # t.Branch('phi0', phi0, 'phi0[n0]/F')
    t.Branch('tof0', tof0, 'tof0[n]/F')
    t.Branch('tofmu0', tofmu0, 'tofmu0[n]/F')
    nv0 = array.array('i', [0])
    vx0 = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    vy0 = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    vz0 = array.array('f', [0.]*100)
    t.Branch('nv0', nv0, 'nv0/I')
    t.Branch('vx0', vx0, 'vx0[nv0]/F')
    t.Branch('vy0', vy0, 'vy0[nv0]/F')
    t.Branch('vz0', vz0, 'vz0[nv0]/F')
    # type evn prt pdgid en pt px py pz th eta phi  m  q
    #        0   1     2  3  4  5  6  7  8   9 10  11 12
    fin = open(finname)
    evn = 1
    n[0] = 0
    n0[0] = 0
    for line in fin:
        if line[0] == '#':
        # print line.rstrip('\n')
        lin = line.split()
        li = [float(x) for x in lin[4:]]
        li = [int(x) for x in lin[1:4]] + li
        if lin[0] == 'gen':
            isGen = True
            isRec = False
        elif lin[0] == 'rec':
            isRec = True
            isGen = False
        if isRec:
            pdg[n[0]] = li[2]
            en[n[0]] = li[3]
            pt[n[0]] = li[4]
            px[n[0]] = li[5]
            py[n[0]] = li[6]
            pz[n[0]] = li[7]
            th[n[0]] = li[8]
            phi[n[0]] = li[10]
            q[n[0]] = li[12]
            n[0] += 1
        if isGen:
            if evn != li[0] and evn != -1:
                bbeforeFill(evn, tin, n0, pdg0, q0, en0, px0, py0, pz0)
                beforeFill(evn, tin, genver, nv0, vx0, vy0, vz0, n, recgen, px, py, pz, n0, px0, py0, pz0)
                beforeFill_pid(n0, pdg0, q0, en0, px0, py0, pz0, tof0, tofmu0, tof, tofmu, tofdet, mu0det, field)
                evn = li[0]
                n[0] = 0
                n0[0] = 0
    bbeforeFill(evn, tin, n0, pdg0, q0, en0, px0, py0, pz0)
    beforeFill(evn, tin, genver, nv0, vx0, vy0, vz0, n, recgen, px, py, pz, n0, px0, py0, pz0)
    beforeFill_pid(n0, pdg0, q0, en0, px0, py0, pz0, tof0, tofmu0, tof, tofmu, tofdet, mu0det, field)