def needs_appliance(test_item):
    import json
    test_item = _mark_test('appliance', test_item)
    if less_strict_bool(os.getenv('TOIL_SKIP_DOCKER')):
        return unittest.skip('Skipping docker test.')(test_item)
    if which('docker'):
        image = applianceSelf()
            images = subprocess.check_output(['docker', 'inspect',
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
            images = []
            images = {
                for i in json.loads(images) if image in i['RepoTags']
        if len(images) == 0:
            return unittest.skip(
                "Cannot find appliance image %s. Use 'make test' target to "
                "automatically build appliance, or just run 'make docker' "
                "prior to running this test." % image)(test_item)
        elif len(images) == 1:
            return test_item
            assert False, 'Expected `docker inspect` to return zero or one image.'
        return unittest.skip('Install Docker to include this test.')(test_item)
def slow(test_item):
    Use this decorator to identify tests that are slow and not critical.
    Skip them if TOIL_TEST_QUICK is true.
    test_item = _mark_test('slow', test_item)
    if not less_strict_bool(os.getenv('TOIL_TEST_QUICK')):
        return test_item
        return unittest.skip('Skipped because TOIL_TEST_QUICK is "True"')(
def needs_docker(test_item):
    Use as a decorator before test classes or methods to only run them if
    docker is installed and docker-based tests are enabled.
    test_item = _mark_test('docker', test_item)
    if less_strict_bool(os.getenv('TOIL_SKIP_DOCKER')):
        return unittest.skip('Skipping docker test.')(test_item)
    if which('docker'):
        return test_item
        return unittest.skip("Install docker to include this test.")(test_item)
Exemple #4
def experimental(test_item):
    Use this to decorate experimental or brittle tests in order to skip them during regular builds.
    # We'll pytest.mark_test the test as experimental but we'll also unittest.skip it via an
    # environment variable.
    test_item = _mark_test('experimental', test_item)
    if less_strict_bool(os.getenv('TOIL_TEST_EXPERIMENTAL')):
        return test_item
        return unittest.skip(
            'Set TOIL_TEST_EXPERIMENTAL="True" to include this experimental test.')(test_item)
Exemple #5
def awsFilterImpairedNodes(nodes, ec2):
    # if TOIL_AWS_NODE_DEBUG is set don't terminate nodes with
    # failing status checks so they can be debugged
    nodeDebug = less_strict_bool(os.environ.get('TOIL_AWS_NODE_DEBUG'))
    if not nodeDebug:
        return nodes
    nodeIDs = [ for node in nodes]
    statuses = ec2.get_all_instance_status(instance_ids=nodeIDs)
    statusMap = { status.instance_status for status in statuses}
    healthyNodes = [node for node in nodes if statusMap.get(, None) != 'impaired']
    impairedNodes = [ for node in nodes if statusMap.get(, None) == 'impaired']
    logger.warn('TOIL_AWS_NODE_DEBUG is set and nodes %s have failed EC2 status checks so '
                'will not be terminated.', ' '.join(impairedNodes))
    return healthyNodes
Exemple #6
def integrative(test_item):
    Use this to decorate integration tests so as to skip them during regular builds. We define
    integration tests as A) involving other, non-Toil software components that we develop and/or
    B) having a higher cost (time or money). Note that brittleness does not qualify a test for
    being integrative. Neither does involvement of external services such as AWS, since that
    would cover most of Toil's test.
    # We'll pytest.mark_test the test as integrative but we'll also unittest.skip it via an
    # environment variable.
    test_item = _mark_test('integrative', test_item)
    if less_strict_bool(os.getenv('TOIL_TEST_INTEGRATIVE')):
        return test_item
        return unittest.skip(
            'Set TOIL_TEST_INTEGRATIVE="True" to include this integration test, '
            'or run `make integration_test_local` to run all integration tests.')(test_item)