Exemple #1
def list_tree_to_sequence_preorder(l):
    seq = [l[0]]
    if token.ISTERMINAL(l[0]):
        return seq
    for c in l[1:]:
        seq += list_tree_to_sequence_preorder(c)
    return seq
Exemple #2
 def walk(self, elements, symtabs):
     if type(elements) != types.TupleType:
     if token.ISTERMINAL(elements[0]):
     production = elements[0]
     if production == symbol.funcdef:
         self.handle_funcdef(elements, symtabs)
     elif production == symbol.varargslist:
         self.handle_varargslist(elements, symtabs)
     elif production == symbol.fpdef:
         self.handle_fpdef(elements, symtabs)
     elif production == symbol.import_as_name:
         self.handle_import_as_name(elements, symtabs)
     elif production == symbol.dotted_as_name:
         self.handle_dotted_as_name(elements, symtabs)
     elif production == symbol.dotted_name:
         self.handle_dotted_name(elements, symtabs)
     elif production == symbol.global_stmt:
         self.handle_global_stmt(elements, symtabs)
     elif production == symbol.atom:
         self.handle_atom(elements, symtabs)
     elif production == symbol.trailer:
         self.handle_trailer(elements, symtabs)
     elif production == symbol.classdef:
         self.handle_classdef(elements, symtabs)
     elif production == symbol.argument:
         self.handle_argument(elements, symtabs)
     elif production == symbol.lambdef:
         self.handle_lambdef(elements, symtabs)
     elif production == symbol.decorator:
         self.handle_decorator(elements, symtabs)
         for node in elements:
             self.walk(node, symtabs)
Exemple #3
 def get_fpdef_names(elements):
     result = []
     if type(elements) != types.TupleType:
         return result
     if token.ISTERMINAL(elements[0]):
         return result
     name = elements[1]
     assert name[0] == token.NAME
     id = name[1]
     line = name[2]
     result.append((line, id))
     for node in elements:
     return result
    def _render_tree(node):
        nonlocal prev, pos, source

        out = ''
        if type(node) == list:
            for n in node:
                out += _render_tree(n)
        if type(node) == int:
            if token.ISTERMINAL(node):
                name = token.tok_name[node]
                color = parsing.token_colors[name]
                name = symbol.sym_name[node]
                color = parsing.symbol_colors[name]

            if color:
                out += color

            if debug:
                print((color if color else colors.reset) + '[' + name + ']')
            prev = name

        if prev == 'NAME':
            if node == 'self':
                out += colors.syntax.self
            if node in ['super', 'elif', 'else', 'print']:
                out += colors.syntax.keyword

        if type(node) == str:
            if debug:

            out += node
            pos += len(node)

            whitespace_and_comments = r_whitespace_and_comments.search(

            if whitespace_and_comments:
                if whitespace_and_comments.group(1):
                    # syntax highlight comments
                    out += colors.syntax.comment

                # add trailing whitespace to output (because parser removes whitespace and comma's)
                out += whitespace_and_comments.group(0)
                pos += len(whitespace_and_comments.group(0))
            out += default_color

        return out
Exemple #5
def printToken(tok, level):
       Print the symbolic name for a token or symbol from a python
       parse tree.

       @param tok: token to be printed.
       @type tok: integer, values defined in symbol or token modules

       @param level: recursion depth, specified as a string of spaces.
       @type level: string
    if (token.ISTERMINAL(tok)):
        print level + token.tok_name[tok]
        print level + symbol.sym_name[tok]
def parsetree_to_string(parsetree):
    """function that takes a parse tree and turns it back into Python source code"""
    if len(parsetree)==2 and token.ISTERMINAL(parsetree[0]):
        return parsetree[1]
        result = ''
        for t in parsetree[1:]:
            # Insert a space if need be.  We need a space if the last thing 
            # in result and the first thing in the new string are both alphnumeric.
            st = parsetree_to_string(t)
            if len(result)>0 and len(st)>0 and (result[-1]).isalnum() and (st[0]).isalnum():
                result = result + ' ' + st
                result = result + st
        return result
Exemple #7
    def get_fpdef_names(elements):
        """Extract all argument names from fpdef"""
        result = []

        # We are not interested in terminal tokens
        if type(elements) != types.TupleType:
            return result
        if token.ISTERMINAL(elements[0]):
            return result

        name = elements[1]
        assert name[0] == token.NAME
        id = name[1]
        line = name[2]
        result.append((line, id))
        for node in elements:
        return result
Exemple #8
    def replace_list_preorder(l):
        nonlocal seq_index
        if token.ISTERMINAL(l[0]):
            ter_l = [seq_index]
            seq_index += 1
            if keep_terminal_info:
                ter_l += l[1:]
                ter_l += [l[0]]
            return ter_l

        index_list = []
        for i in l:
            if type(i) == int:
                index_list += [seq_index]
                seq_index += 1
            elif type(i) == list:
                index_list += [replace_list_preorder(i)]
        return index_list
Exemple #9
def list_tree_to_sequence(l, convert_to_str=False, walk_type='preorder'):

    :param l: a list-tree
    :param walk_type: four type: {'preorder', 'inorder', 'postorder', 'breadth'}
    if walk_type == 'preorder':
        seq = list_tree_to_sequence_preorder(l)
    elif walk_type == 'inorder':
        raise NotImplementedError
    elif walk_type == 'postorder':
        raise NotImplementedError
    elif walk_type == 'breadth':
        raise NotImplementedError
    if convert_to_str:
        seq = [
            token.tok_name[s] if token.ISTERMINAL(s) else symbol.sym_name[s]
            for s in seq
    return seq
Exemple #10
def construct_filter_list_tree(l, test_mode=False):
    if len(l) == 0:
        return l
    if token.ISTERMINAL(l[0]):
        return l
    current_id = l[0]
    current_test_mode = True if current_id in test_nodes or test_mode else False

    l_c = []
    for c in l[1:]:
        l_c += [construct_filter_list_tree(c, current_test_mode)]

    # remove current node(replace it by it child) if current node is (meet all conditions)
    # (1) under a test node
    # (2) has only one child
    # (3) the only child is a non-terminal node
    # (4) for special, the child is not the atom node(to keep the parent of the atom node)
    if current_test_mode \
            and len(l_c) == 1 \
            and token.ISNONTERMINAL(l_c[0][0]) \
            and l_c[0][0] != symbol.atom:
        return l_c[0]

    return [l[0]] + l_c
Exemple #11
class parse_text_x_python:
    def __init__(self, viewer, reload=0):
	self.__viewer = viewer
	self.__source = ''
	viewer.new_font((None, 0, 0, 1))

    def feed(self, data):
	self.__source = self.__source + data

	token.ENDMARKER, token.NEWLINE, token.INDENT, token.DEDENT)
    __wanted_terminals = {}
    for ntype in token.tok_name.keys():
	if token.ISTERMINAL(ntype) and ntype not in IGNORED_TERMINALS:
	    __wanted_terminals[ntype] = ntype

    def close(self):
        self.show("Colorizing Python source text - parsing...")
	import parser
	    nodes = parser.ast2list(parser.suite(self.__source), 1)
	except parser.ParserError, err:
		"Syntax error in Python source: %s" % err)
	from types import IntType, ListType
	wanted = self.__wanted_terminals.has_key
	tag_add = self.tag_add = self.__viewer.text.tag_add
	colorize = self.colorize
	prevline, prevcol = 0, 0
	sourcetext = string.split(self.__source, "\n")
	sourcetext.insert(0, '')
	self.show("Colorizing Python source text - coloring...")
	steps = 0
	while nodes:
	    steps = steps + 1
	    if not (steps % 2000): self.show()
	    node = nodes[0]
	    del nodes[0]
	    if type(node) is ListType:
		ntype = node[0]
		if wanted(ntype):
		   [ntype, nstr, lineno] = node
		   # The parser spits out the line number the token ENDS on,
		   # not the line it starts on!
		   if ntype == token.STRING and "\n" in nstr:
		       strlines = string.split(nstr, "\n")
		       endpos = lineno, len(strlines[-1]), sourcetext[lineno]
		       lineno = lineno - len(strlines) + 1
		       endpos = ()
		   if prevline != lineno:
			       "%d.%d" % (prevline, prevcol), "%d.0" % lineno)
		       prevcol = 0
		       prevline = lineno
		       sourceline = sourcetext[lineno]
           match = ws_width(sourceline, prevcol)
           if match:
               prevcol = match.end()
		   colorize(ntype, nstr, lineno, prevcol)
		   # point prevline/prevcol to 1st char after token:
		   if endpos:
		       prevline, prevcol, sourceline = endpos
		       prevcol = prevcol + len(nstr)
		    nodes = node[1:] + nodes
Exemple #12
class parse_text_x_python:
    def __init__(self, viewer, reload=0):
        self.__viewer = viewer
        self.__source = ''
        viewer.new_font((None, 0, 0, 1))

    def feed(self, data):
        self.__source = self.__source + data

    __wanted_terminals = {}
    for ntype in token.tok_name.keys():
        if token.ISTERMINAL(ntype) and ntype not in IGNORED_TERMINALS:
            __wanted_terminals[ntype] = ntype

    __ws_width = re.compile("[%s]*" % string.whitespace).match

    def close(self):
        self.show("Colorizing Python source text - parsing...")
        import parser
            nodes = parser.ast2list(parser.suite(self.__source), 1)
        except parser.ParserError as err:
            self.__viewer.context.message("Syntax error in Python source: %s" %
        from types import IntType, ListType
        wanted = self.__wanted_terminals.has_key
        ws_width = self.__ws_width
        tag_add = self.tag_add = self.__viewer.text.tag_add
        colorize = self.colorize
        prevline, prevcol = 0, 0
        sourcetext = str.split(self.__source, "\n")
        sourcetext.insert(0, '')
        self.show("Colorizing Python source text - coloring...")
        steps = 0
        while nodes:
            steps = steps + 1
            if not (steps % 2000): self.show()
            node = nodes[0]
            del nodes[0]
            if type(node) is ListType:
                ntype = node[0]
            if wanted(ntype):
                [ntype, nstr, lineno] = node
        # The parser spits out the line number the token ENDS on,
        # not the line it starts on!
            if ntype == token.STRING and "\n" in nstr:
                strlines = str.split(nstr, "\n")
                endpos = lineno, len(strlines[-1]), sourcetext[lineno]
                lineno = lineno - len(strlines) + 1
                endpos = ()
            if prevline != lineno:
                tag_add('python:comment', "%d.%d" % (prevline, prevcol),
                        "%d.0" % lineno)
                prevcol = 0
                prevline = lineno
                sourceline = sourcetext[lineno]
                prevcol = prevcol + ws_width(sourceline, prevcol)
                colorize(ntype, nstr, lineno, prevcol)
        # point prevline/prevcol to 1st char after token:
            if endpos:
                prevline, prevcol, sourceline = endpos
                prevcol = prevcol + len(nstr)
            nodes = node[1:] + nodes
        # end of last token to EOF is a comment...
        start = "%d.%d" % (prevline or 1, prevcol)
        tag_add('python:comment', start, tkinter.END)
        self.tag_add = None

    def show(self, message=None):
        if message:

    # Each element in this table maps an identifier to a tuple of
    # the tag it should be marked with and the tag the next token
    # should be marked with (or None).
    __keywords = {
        # real keywords
        'and': ('python:operator', None),
        'break': ('python:control', None),
        'class': ('python:define', 'python:class'),
        'continue': ('python:control', None),
        'def': ('python:define', 'python:def'),
        'del': ('python:statement', None),
        'elif': ('python:control', None),
        'else': ('python:control', None),
        'except': ('python:control', None),
        'finally': ('python:control', None),
        'for': ('python:control', None),
        'from': ('python:statement', None),
        'global': ('python:statement', None),
        'if': ('python:control', None),
        'import': ('python:statement', None),
        'in': ('python:operator', None),
        'is': ('python:operator', None),
        'lambda': ('python:operator', None),
        'not': ('python:operator', None),
        'or': ('python:operator', None),
        'pass': ('python:statement', None),
        'print': ('python:statement', None),
        'raise': ('python:control', None),
        'return': ('python:control', None),
        'try': ('python:control', None),
        'while': ('python:control', None),
        # others I'd like made special
        'None': ('python:special', None),
    import types
    for name in dir(types):
        if len(name) > 4 and name[-4:] == "Type":
            __keywords[name] = ('python:special', None)

    __next_tag = None

    def colorize(self, ntype, nstr, lineno, colno):
        """Colorize a single token.

			Node type.  This is guaranteed to be a terminal token type
			not listed in self.IGNORE_TERMINALS.

			String containing the token, uninterpreted.

			Line number (1-based) of the line on which the token starts.

			Index into the source line at which the token starts. <TAB>s
			are not counted specially.

        start = "%d.%d" % (lineno, colno)
        end = "%s + %d chars" % (start, len(nstr))
        if self.__next_tag:
            self.tag_add(self.__next_tag, start, end)
            self.__next_tag = None
        elif self.__keywords.has_key(nstr):
            tag, self.__next_tag = self.__keywords[nstr]
            self.tag_add(tag, start, end)
        elif ntype == token.STRING:
            qw = 1  # number of leading/trailing quotation
            if nstr[0] == nstr[1]:  # marks -- `quote width'
                qw = 3
                start = "%d.%d" % (lineno, colno + qw)
                end = "%s + %d chars" % (start, len(nstr) - (2 * qw))
                self.tag_add("python:string", start, end)

    # Set foreground colors from this tag==>color table:
    __foregrounds = {
        'python:class': 'darkGreen',
        'python:comment': 'mediumBlue',
        'python:control': 'midnightBlue',
        'python:def': 'saddleBrown',
        'python:define': 'midnightBlue',
        'python:operator': 'midnightBlue',
        'python:special': 'darkGreen',
        'python:statement': 'midnightBlue',
        'python:string': 'steelblue4',

    def setup_tags(self):
        """Configure the display tags associated with Python source coloring.

		This is called only if the source is correctly parsed.  All mapping
		of logical tags to physical style is accomplished in this method.

        text = self.__viewer.text
        boldfont = text.tag_cget('_tt_b', '-font')
        italicfont = text.tag_cget('_tt_i', '-font')
        text.tag_config('python:string', font=italicfont)
        for tag in ('python:class', 'python:def', 'python:define'):
            text.tag_config(tag, font=boldfont)
        for tag, color in self.__foregrounds.items():
            text.tag_config(tag, foreground=color)
Exemple #13
 def update_event(self, inp=-1):
     self.set_output_val(0, token.ISTERMINAL(self.input(0)))