def __init__(self, host, port, dbDir, ipv6_enable = False, upnp = 0, natpmp = False): = host self.port = port self.dbDir = dbDir = None self.rawserver = RawServer(self, host, port, ipv6_enable, upnp, natpmp) self.tokensHandler = TokensHandler(self) self.krpc = KRPC(self) self.contacts = [] # [ip,] - contacts added by bittorrent self.announce = {} # {ip:[hash,],} - nodes that announced us
class Factory: """ Background functionality """ def __init__(self, host, port, dbDir, ipv6_enable = False, upnp = 0, natpmp = False): = host self.port = port self.dbDir = dbDir = None self.rawserver = RawServer(self, host, port, ipv6_enable, upnp, natpmp) self.tokensHandler = TokensHandler(self) self.krpc = KRPC(self) self.contacts = [] # [ip,] - contacts added by bittorrent self.announce = {} # {ip:[hash,],} - nodes that announced us def Node(self): """Create a new node""" return KNode(self) def start(self): """Start Factory""" self.rawserver.add_task(self._init) self.rawserver.add_task(self._checkpoint, 60) self.rawserver.start() self.rawserver.add_task(self._cleanDataBase, KEINITIAL_DELAY) self.rawserver.add_task(self.refreshTable, 5, [True]) def _init(self): """Initialize Factory""" self._loadDB() self._loadSelfNode() self._loadRoutingTable() def _close(self): """Close Factory""" self._updateDB() self.rawserver.shutdown() #################### # Database Handler #################### def _loadDB(self): """Load the database""" if DEBUG: print("Debug: DHT - _loadDB") # connect = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(self.dbDir.encode("UTF-8"), "dht.db")) = str # create if neccacery c = statements = ["create table kv (key binary, value binary, age timestamp, primary key (key, value))", "create table nodes (id binary primary key, host text, port number)", "create table self (num number primary key, id binary, age timestamp)"] try: [c.execute(s) for s in statements] except sqlite3.OperationalError: pass else: c.close() def _closeDB(self): """Close the database""" def _loadSelfNode(self): """Load the root node""" if DEBUG: print("Debug: DHT - loadSelfNode") # Get ID c = c.execute('select id, age from self where num = 0') data = c.fetchone() # Clean if too old if not data or time() - data[1] > 86400*5: # more than 5 days old id = newID() c.execute('delete from self') c.execute("insert into self values (0, ?, ?)", (sqlite3.Binary(id), time())) c.execute('delete from kv') c.execute('delete from nodes') else: id = str(data[0]) c.close() # Load self node self.node = self.Node().init(id,, self.port) def _saveSelfNode(self): """Save the root node""" if DEBUG: print("Debug: DHT - saveSelfNode") c = c.execute('delete from self') c.execute("insert into self values (0, ?, ?)", (sqlite3.Binary(, time())) c.close() def _loadRoutingTable(self): """Load routing table from the database""" self.table = KTable(self.node) c = c.execute("select id, host, port from nodes") for row in c: n = self.Node().init(str(row[0]), row[1], row[2]) self.table.insertNode(n, contacted = False) c.close() if DEBUG: print("Debug: DHT - nodes loaded:", self.stats()) def _saveRoutingTable(self): """Save routing table nodes to the database""" if DEBUG: print("Debug: DHT - saveRoutingTable") c = c.execute("delete from nodes") for bucket in self.table.buckets: for node in bucket.l: c.execute("insert into nodes values (?, ?, ?)", (sqlite3.Binary(,, node.port)) c.close() def _updateDB(self): """Save info to database""" if DEBUG: print("Debug: DHT - updateDB") self._saveSelfNode() self._saveRoutingTable() if DEBUG: print("Debug: DHT - updateDB completed") def _flushExpired(self): """Clean old values from database""" c = c.execute("delete from kv where age > ?", (KE_AGE,)) c.close() def _retrieveValue(self, key): """Returns the value found for key in local table""" values = [] c = c.execute("select value from kv where key = ?", (sqlite3.Binary(key),)) for row in c: values.append(str(row[0])) c.close() return values[:20] def _storeValue(self, key, value): """Stores <key:value> pair in the database""" c = try: c.execute("insert into kv values (?, ?, ?);", (sqlite3.Binary(key), sqlite3.Binary(value), time())) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: c.execute("update kv set age = ? where key = ? and value = ?", (time(), sqlite3.Binary(key), sqlite3.Binary(value))) c.close() #################### # Automatic updates #################### def _checkpoint(self): """Make some saving and refreshing once in a while""" if DEBUG: print("Debug: DHT - checkpoint") # Save DB to disk self._updateDB() # Find close nodes self.findCloseNodes() # Refresh Table self.refreshTable() self.rawserver.add_task(self._checkpoint, randrange(int(CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL * .9), int(CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL * 1.1))) def _cleanDataBase(self): self._flushExpired() self.rawserver.add_task(self._cleanDataBase, KE_DELAY) #################### # Interface #################### def addContact(self, host, port): """ Ping this node and add the contact info to the table on pong! """ # Validation if not isinstance(port, int): port = int(port) if not isinstance(host, str): host = str(host) if host in self.contacts: return False self.contacts.append(host) # Add Contact if is_valid_ip(host): n = self.Node().init(NULL_ID, host, port) self.sendPing(n) else: Thread(target = self.addRouterContact, args = [host, port]).start() def addRouterContact(self, host, port): try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except socket.error: return False n = self.Node().init(NULL_ID, host, port) self.sendPing(n) return True def insertNode(self, n, contacted = True): """ Insert a node in our local table, pinging oldest contact in bucket, if necessary If all you have is a host/port, then use addContact, which calls this method after receiving the PONG from the remote node. The reason for the seperation is we can't insert a node into the table without it's peer-ID. That means of course the node passed into this method needs to be a properly formed Node object with a valid ID. """ old = self.table.insertNode(n, contacted = contacted) if old and (clock() - old.lastSeen) > MIN_PING_INTERVAL and != # the bucket is full, check to see if old node is still around and if so, replace it ## these are the callbacks used when we ping the oldest node in a bucket def _staleNodeHandler(oldnode=old, newnode = n): """ called if the pinged node never responds """ self.table.replaceStaleNode(old, newnode) def _notStaleNodeHandler(dict, old=old): """ called when we get a pong from the old node """ dict = dict['rsp'] if dict['id'] == self.table.justSeenNode( try: df = except KrpcGenericError: _staleNodeHandler() else: df.addCallbacks(_notStaleNodeHandler, _staleNodeHandler) def findCloseNodes(self, callback=lambda a: None): """ This does a findNode on the ID one away from our own. This will allow us to populate our table with nodes on our network closest to our own. This is called as soon as we start up with an empty table """ if DEBUG: print("Debug: DHT - findCloseNodes") id =[:-1] + chr((ord([-1]) + 1) % 256) self.findNode(id, callback) def refreshTable(self, force = False, callback=lambda a: None): """ Refresh the table force=True will refresh table regardless of last bucket access time """ if DEBUG: print("Debug: DHT - refreshTable") for bucket in self.table.buckets: if force or (clock() - bucket.lastAccessed >= BUCKET_STALENESS): id = newIDInRange(bucket.min, bucket.max) self.findNode(id, callback) def stats(self): """ Returns the number of contacts in our routing table """ return reduce(lambda a, b: a + len(b.l), self.table.buckets, 0) #################### # RPC Handler #################### def krpc_ping(self, id, _krpc_sender, **kwargs): """Incoming RPC: got ping""" if len(id) != 20: raise KrpcProtocolError("invalid id length: %d" % len(id)) n = self.Node().init(id, *_krpc_sender) self.insertNode(n, contacted = False) return {"id" :} def krpc_find_node(self, target, id, _krpc_sender, **kwargs): """Incoming RPC: got find_node""" if len(id) != 20: raise KrpcProtocolError("invalid id length: %d" % len(id)) if len(target) != 20: raise KrpcProtocolError("invalid target id length: %d" % len(target)) nodes = self.table.findNodes(target) nodes = map(lambda node: node.senderDict(), nodes) n = self.Node().init(id, *_krpc_sender) self.insertNode(n, contacted = False) return {"nodes" : encodeNodes(nodes), "id" :} def krpc_get_peers(self, id, info_hash, _krpc_sender, **kwargs): """Incoming RPC: got get_peers""" if len(id) != 20: raise KrpcProtocolError("invalid id length: %d" % len(id)) if len(info_hash) != 20: raise KrpcProtocolError("invalid info_hash length: %d" % len(info_hash)) if id == NULL_ID: raise KrpcProtocolError("invalid id (NULL ID)") n = self.Node().init(id, *_krpc_sender) self.insertNode(n, contacted = False) l = self._retrieveValue(info_hash) if len(l) > 0: return {'values' : l, "id":, "token" : self.tokensHandler.tokenToSend(info_hash, *_krpc_sender)} else: nodes = self.table.findNodes(info_hash) nodes = map(lambda node: node.senderDict(), nodes) return {'nodes' : encodeNodes(nodes), "id":, "token" : self.tokensHandler.tokenToSend(info_hash, *_krpc_sender)} def krpc_announce_peer(self, id, info_hash, port, token, _krpc_sender, **kwargs): """Incoming RPC: got announce_peer""" if len(id) != 20: raise KrpcProtocolError("invalid id length: %d" % len(id)) if len(info_hash) != 20: raise KrpcProtocolError("invalid info_hash length: %d" % len(info_hash)) if not isinstance(port, int): try: port = int(port) except: raise KrpcProtocolError("invalid port") if not self.tokensHandler.checkToken(token, info_hash, *_krpc_sender): raise KrpcProtocolError("Got invalid token") # TODO: add a limit: maximum 3 info_hash announces per peer ip = _krpc_sender[0] if ip not in self.announce: self.announce[ip] = [] if info_hash not in self.announce[ip]: self.announce[ip].append(info_hash) if len(self.announce[ip]) > 3: raise KrpcGenericError("I only allow 3 infohash announces per peer!") self._storeValue(info_hash, encodePeer((_krpc_sender[0], port))) n = self.Node().init(id, *_krpc_sender) self.insertNode(n, contacted = False) return {"id" :} def sendPing(self, node, callback=None): """ Ping a node """ def _pongHandler(dict, node=node, table=self.table, callback=callback): _krpc_sender = dict['_krpc_sender'] id = dict['rsp']['id'] if len(id) == 20: n = self.Node().init(dict['rsp']['id'], *_krpc_sender) table.insertNode(n) if callback: callback() def _defaultPong(err, node=node, table=self.table, callback=callback): table.nodeFailed(node) if callback: callback() try: df = except KrpcGenericError: _defaultPong() else: df.addCallbacks(_pongHandler,_defaultPong) def findNode(self, id, callback, errback = None): """ Returns the the k closest nodes to that ID from the global table """ # get K nodes out of local table/cache nodes = self.table.findNodes(id) d = Deferred() if errback: d.addCallbacks(callback, errback) else: d.addCallback(callback) # create our search state state = FindNode(self, id, d.callback) self.rawserver.add_task(state.goWithNodes, 0, [nodes]) def getPeers(self, key, callback, searchlocal = True, donecallback = None): """ Get Value from global table """ if not hasattr(self, "store"): self.rawserver.add_task(self.getPeers, 3, [key, callback, searchlocal, donecallback]) return # get locals if searchlocal: l = self._retrieveValue(key) if len(l) > 0: l = decodePeers(l) self.rawserver.add_task(callback, 0, [l]) else: l = [] # create our search state nodes = self.table.findNodes(key) state = GetValue(self, key, callback, "getPeers", donecallback) self.rawserver.add_task(state.goWithNodes, 0, [nodes, l]) def announcePeer(self, key, value, callback=None): """ Store Value in global table """ def _storeValueForKey(nodes, key=key, value=value, response=callback , table=self.table): if not response: # default callback def _storedValueHandler(sender): pass response=_storedValueHandler action = StoreValue(self, key, value, response, "announcePeer") self.rawserver.add_task(action.goWithNodes, 0, [nodes]) # this call is asynch self.findNode(key, _storeValueForKey) def getPeersAndAnnounce(self, key, value, callback, searchlocal = True): """ Get value and store it """ def doneCallback(nodes, key = key, value = value): action = StoreValue(self, key, value, None, "announcePeer") self.rawserver.add_task(action.goWithNodes, 0, [nodes]) self.getPeers(key, callback, searchlocal, doneCallback)