Exemple #1
    DetectorsDimH=detectorHoriz,  # Horizontal detector dimension
    DetectorsDimV=None,  # Vertical detector dimension (3D case)
    CenterRotOffset=92,  # Center of Rotation scalar
    AnglesVec=angles_rad,  # A vector of projection angles in radians
    ObjSize=N_size,  # Reconstructed object dimensions (scalar)
    datafidelity='PWLS',  # Data fidelity, choose from LS, KL, PWLS

# prepare dictionaries with parameters:
_data_ = {
    'projection_norm_data': data_norm,
    'projection_raw_data': data_raw,
    'OS_number': 6
}  # data dictionary

lc = Rectools.powermethod(
    _data_)  # calculate Lipschitz constant (run once to initialise)

_algorithm_ = {'iterations': 20, 'lipschitz_const': lc}

# Run CGLS reconstrucion algorithm
RecCGLS = Rectools.CGLS(_data_, _algorithm_)

plt.imshow(RecCGLS, vmin=0, vmax=0.3, cmap="gray")
plt.title('CGLS reconstruction')
print("Reconstructing with FISTA PWLS-OS-TV method % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
# adding regularisation
Exemple #2
print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
from tomobar.methodsIR import RecToolsIR

# set parameters and initiate a class object
Rectools = RecToolsIR(DetectorsDimH = P,  # DetectorsDimH # detector dimension (horizontal)
                    DetectorsDimV = None,  # DetectorsDimV # detector dimension (vertical) for 3D case only
                    CenterRotOffset = None, # Center of Rotation (CoR) scalar (for 3D case only)
                    AnglesVec = angles_rad, # array of angles in radians
                    ObjSize = N_size, # a scalar to define reconstructed object dimensions
                    datafidelity='LS',# data fidelity, choose LS, PWLS (wip), GH (wip), Student (wip)
                    nonnegativity='ENABLE', # enable nonnegativity constraint (set to 'ENABLE')
                    OS_number = None, # the number of subsets, NONE/(or > 1) ~ classical / ordered subsets
                    tolerance = 1e-06, # tolerance to stop outer iterations earlier

lc = Rectools.powermethod() # calculate Lipschitz constant (run once to initilise)

# Run FISTA reconstrucion algorithm without regularisation
RecFISTA = Rectools.FISTA(noisy_sino, iterationsFISTA = 200, lipschitz_const = lc)

# Run FISTA reconstrucion algorithm with regularisation 
RecFISTA_reg = Rectools.FISTA(noisy_sino, iterationsFISTA = 30, \
                              regularisation = 'ROF_TV', \
                              initialise = FBPrec,\
                              regularisation_parameter = 0.05,\
                              regularisation_iterations = 100,\
                              lipschitz_const = lc)

plt.imshow(RecFISTA, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap="gray")
Exemple #3
    detectorHoriz,  # DetectorsDimH # detector dimension (horizontal)
    None,  # DetectorsDimV # detector dimension (vertical) for 3D case only
    CenterRotOffset=None,  # Center of Rotation (CoR) scalar (for 3D case only)
    AnglesVec=angles_rad,  # array of angles in radians
    ObjSize=N_size,  # a scalar to define reconstructed object dimensions
    'PWLS',  # data fidelity, choose LS, PWLS, GH (wip), Student (wip)
    nonnegativity='ENABLE',  # enable nonnegativity constraint (set to 'ENABLE')
    12,  # the number of subsets, NONE/(or > 1) ~ classical / ordered subsets
    tolerance=1e-08,  # tolerance to stop outer iterations earlier

lc = Rectools.powermethod(
    dataRaw[:, :, slice_to_recon]
)  # calculate Lipschitz constant (run once to initilise)

RecFISTA_os_pwls = Rectools.FISTA(data_norm[:,:,slice_to_recon], \
                             dataRaw[:,:,slice_to_recon], \
                             iterationsFISTA = 15, \
                             lipschitz_const = lc)

fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(RecFISTA_os_pwls[150:550, 150:550], vmin=0, vmax=0.003, cmap="gray")
#plt.imshow(RecFISTA_os_pwls, vmin=0, vmax=0.004, cmap="gray")
plt.title('FISTA PWLS-OS reconstruction')
#fig.savefig('dendr_PWLS.png', dpi=200)
print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
print ("Reconstructing with FISTA-OS method using tomobar")
print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
# initialise tomobar ITERATIVE reconstruction class ONCE
from tomobar.methodsIR import RecToolsIR
RectoolsIR = RecToolsIR(DetectorsDimH = Horiz_det,  # DetectorsDimH # detector dimension (horizontal)
                    DetectorsDimV = Vert_det,  # DetectorsDimV # detector dimension (vertical) for 3D case only
                    AnglesVec = angles_rad, # array of angles in radians
                    ObjSize = N_size, # a scalar to define reconstructed object dimensions
                    datafidelity='LS',# data fidelity, choose LS, PWLS (wip), GH (wip), Student (wip)
                    nonnegativity='ENABLE', # enable nonnegativity constraint (set to 'ENABLE')
                    OS_number = 12, # the number of subsets, NONE/(or > 1) ~ classical / ordered subsets
                    tolerance = 1e-07, # tolerance to stop outer iterations earlier
lc = RectoolsIR.powermethod() # calculate Lipschitz constant
# Run FISTA reconstrucion algorithm without regularisation
#RecFISTA = RectoolsIR.FISTA(projData3D_norm, iterationsFISTA = 5, lipschitz_const = lc)

# Run FISTA reconstrucion algorithm with 3D regularisation
RecFISTA_reg = RectoolsIR.FISTA(projData3D_norm, 
                                iterationsFISTA = 8, 
                                regularisation = 'FGP_TV', 
                                regularisation_parameter = 0.0007, 
                                regularisation_iterations = 200,
                                lipschitz_const = lc)

sliceSel = int(0.5*N_size)
max_val = 1
Exemple #5
class TomobarRecon(BaseRecon, GpuPlugin):
    A Plugin to reconstruct full-field tomographic projection data using state-of-the-art regularised iterative algorithms from \
    the ToMoBAR package. ToMoBAR includes FISTA and ADMM iterative methods and depends on the ASTRA toolbox and the CCPi RGL toolkit: \

    :param output_size: Number of rows and columns in the \
        reconstruction. Default: 'auto'.
    :param iterations: Number of outer iterations for FISTA (default) or ADMM methods. Default: 20.
    :param datafidelity: Data fidelity, Least Squares only at the moment. Default: 'LS'.
    :param nonnegativity: Nonnegativity constraint, choose Enable or None. Default: 'ENABLE'.
    :param ordersubsets: The number of ordered-subsets to accelerate reconstruction. Default: 6.
    :param converg_const: Lipschitz constant, can be set to a value or automatic calculation. Default: 'power'.
    :param regularisation: To regularise choose methods ROF_TV, FGP_TV, SB_TV, LLT_ROF,\
                             NDF, Diff4th. Default: 'FGP_TV'.
    :param regularisation_parameter: Regularisation (smoothing) value, higher \
                            the value stronger the smoothing effect. Default: 0.0001.
    :param regularisation_iterations: The number of regularisation iterations. Default: 350.
    :param time_marching_parameter: Time marching parameter, relevant for \
                    (ROF_TV, LLT_ROF, NDF, Diff4th) penalties. Default: 0.0025.
    :param edge_param: Edge (noise) related parameter, relevant for NDF and Diff4th. Default: 0.01.
    :param regularisation_parameter2:  Regularisation (smoothing) value for LLT_ROF method. Default: 0.005.
    :param NDF_penalty: NDF specific penalty type Huber, Perona, Tukey. Default: 'Huber'.
    :param tolerance: Tolerance to stop outer iterations earlier. Default: 5e-10.
    :param ring_variable: Regularisation variable for ring removal. Default: 0.0.
    :param ring_accelerator: Acceleration constant for ring removal (use with care). Default: 50.0.

    def __init__(self):
        super(TomobarRecon, self).__init__("TomobarRecon")

    def _shift(self, sinogram, centre_of_rotation):
        centre_of_rotation_shift = (sinogram.shape[0]/2) - centre_of_rotation
        result = ndimage.interpolation.shift(sinogram,
                                             (centre_of_rotation_shift, 0))
        return result
    def pre_process(self):
        # extract given parameters
        self.iterationsFISTA = self.parameters['iterations']
        self.datafidelity = self.parameters['datafidelity']
        self.nonnegativity = self.parameters['nonnegativity']
        self.ordersubsets = self.parameters['ordersubsets']
        self.converg_const = self.parameters['converg_const']
        self.regularisation = self.parameters['regularisation']
        self.regularisation_parameter = self.parameters['regularisation_parameter']
        self.regularisation_parameter2 = self.parameters['regularisation_parameter2']
        self.ring_variable = self.parameters['ring_variable']
        self.ring_accelerator = self.parameters['ring_accelerator']
        self.time_marching_parameter = self.parameters['time_marching_parameter']
        self.edge_param = self.parameters['edge_param']
        self.NDF_penalty = self.parameters['NDF_penalty']
        self.output_size = self.parameters['output_size']
        self.tolerance = self.parameters['tolerance']
        self.RecToolsIR = None
        if (self.ordersubsets > 1):
            self.regularisation_iterations = (int)(self.parameters['regularisation_iterations']/self.ordersubsets) + 1
            self.regularisation_iterations = self.parameters['regularisation_iterations']

    def process_frames(self, data):
        centre_of_rotations, angles, self.vol_shape, init  = self.get_frame_params()
        sino = data[0].astype(np.float32)
        anglesTot, self.DetectorsDimH = np.shape(sino)
        self.anglesRAD = np.deg2rad(angles.astype(np.float32))
        # check if the reconstruction class has been initialised and calculate 
        # Lipschitz constant if not given explicitly

        # Run FISTA reconstrucion algorithm here
        recon = self.Rectools.FISTA(sino,\
                                    iterationsFISTA = self.iterationsFISTA,\
                                    regularisation = self.regularisation,\
                                    regularisation_parameter = self.regularisation_parameter,\
                                    regularisation_iterations = self.regularisation_iterations,\
                                    regularisation_parameter2 = self.regularisation_parameter2,\
                                    time_marching_parameter = self.time_marching_parameter,\
                                    lambdaR_L1 = self.ring_variable,\
                                    alpha_ring = self.ring_accelerator,\
                                    NDF_penalty = self.NDF_penalty,\
                                    tolerance_regul = 0.0,\
                                    edge_param = self.edge_param,\
                                    lipschitz_const = self.Lipschitz_const)
        return recon

    def setup_Lipschitz_constant(self):
        if self.RecToolsIR is not None:
       # set parameters and initiate a TomoBar class object
        self.Rectools = RecToolsIR(DetectorsDimH = self.DetectorsDimH,  # DetectorsDimH # detector dimension (horizontal)
                    DetectorsDimV = None,  # DetectorsDimV # detector dimension (vertical) for 3D case only
                    CenterRotOffset = None, # Center of Rotation (CoR) scalar (for 3D case only)
                    AnglesVec = self.anglesRAD, # array of angles in radians
                    ObjSize = self.vol_shape[0] , # a scalar to define the reconstructed object dimensions
                    datafidelity=self.datafidelity,# data fidelity, choose LS, PWLS
                    nonnegativity=self.nonnegativity, # enable nonnegativity constraint (set to 'on')
                    OS_number = self.ordersubsets, # the number of subsets, NONE/(or > 1) ~ classical / ordered subsets
                    tolerance = self.tolerance , # tolerance to stop outer iterations earlier
        if (self.parameters['converg_const'] == 'power'):
            self.Lipschitz_const = self.Rectools.powermethod() # calculate Lipschitz constant
            self.Lipschitz_const = self.parameters['converg_const']
    def get_max_frames(self):
        return 'single'
    def get_citation_information(self):
        cite_info1 = CitationInformation()
        cite_info1.name = 'citation1'
        cite_info1.description = \
            ("First-order optimisation algorithm for linear inverse problems.")
        cite_info1.bibtex = \
            ("@article{beck2009,\n" +
             "title={A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems},\n" +
             "author={Amir and Beck, Mark and Teboulle},\n" +
             "journal={SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences},\n" +
             "volume={2},\n" +
             "number={1},\n" +
             "pages={183--202},\n" +
             "year={2009},\n" +
             "publisher={SIAM}\n" +
        cite_info1.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems\n" +
             "%A Beck, Amir\n" +
             "%A Teboulle, Mark\n" +
             "%J SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences\n" +
             "%V 2\n" +
             "%N 1\n" +
             "%P 183--202\n" +
             "%@ --\n" +
             "%D 2009\n" +
             "%I SIAM\n")
        cite_info1.doi = "doi: "
        return cite_info1
Exemple #6
class TomobarRecon3d(BaseRecon, MultiThreadedPlugin):
    A Plugin to reconstruct full-field tomographic projection data using state-of-the-art regularised iterative algorithms from \
    the ToMoBAR package. ToMoBAR includes FISTA and ADMM iterative methods and depends on the ASTRA toolbox and the CCPi RGL toolkit: \

    :param output_size: The dimension of the reconstructed volume (only X-Y dimension). Default: 'auto'.
    :param iterations: Number of outer iterations for FISTA method. Default: 20.
    :param datafidelity: Data fidelity, Least Squares (LS) or PWLS. Default: 'LS'.
    :param nonnegativity: Nonnegativity constraint, choose Enable or None. Default: 'ENABLE'.
    :param ordersubsets: The number of ordered-subsets to accelerate reconstruction. Default: 6.
    :param converg_const: Lipschitz constant, can be set to a scalar value or automatic calculation using power methods. Default: 'power'.
    :param regularisation: To regularise choose methods ROF_TV, FGP_TV, SB_TV, LLT_ROF,\
                             NDF, Diff4th. Default: 'ROF_TV'.
    :param regularisation_parameter: Regularisation (smoothing) value, higher \
                            the value stronger the smoothing effect. Default: 0.0001.
    :param regularisation_iterations: The number of regularisation iterations. Default: 400.
    :param time_marching_parameter: Time marching parameter, relevant for \
                    (ROF_TV, LLT_ROF, NDF, Diff4th) penalties. Default: 0.002.
    :param edge_param: Edge (noise) related parameter, relevant for NDF and Diff4th. Default: 0.01.
    :param regularisation_parameter2:  Regularisation (smoothing) value for LLT_ROF method. Default: 0.005.
    :param NDF_penalty: NDF specific penalty type Huber, Perona, Tukey. Default: 'Huber'.
    :param tolerance: Tolerance to stop outer iterations earlier. Default: 1e-9.
    :param ring_variable: Regularisation variable for ring removal. Default: 0.0.
    :param ring_accelerator: Acceleration constant for ring removal (use with care). Default: 50.0.
    def __init__(self):
        super(TomobarRecon3d, self).__init__("TomobarRecon3d")

    def _get_output_size(self, in_data):
        sizeX = self.parameters['output_size']
        shape = in_data.get_shape()
        if sizeX == 'auto':
            detX = in_data.get_data_dimension_by_axis_label('detector_x')
            sizeX = shape[detX]
        detY = in_data.get_data_dimension_by_axis_label('detector_y')
        sizeY = shape[detY]
        return (sizeX, sizeY)

    def setup(self):
        in_dataset, out_dataset = self.get_datasets()
        # reduce the data as per data_subset parameter
        self.preview_flag = \
            self.set_preview(in_dataset[0], self.parameters['preview'])

        axis_labels = in_dataset[0].data_info.get('axis_labels')[0]

        dim_volX, dim_volY, dim_volZ = \

        axis_labels = {
            in_dataset[0]: [
                str(dim_volX) + '.voxel_x.voxels',
                str(dim_volY) + '.voxel_y.voxels',
                str(dim_volZ) + '.voxel_z.voxels'
        # specify reconstructed volume dimensions
         self.Vert_det) = self._get_output_size(in_dataset[0])
        shape = [0] * len(in_dataset[0].get_shape())
        shape[0] = self.output_size
        shape[1] = self.Vert_det
        shape[2] = self.output_size

        # if there are only 3 dimensions then add a fourth for slicing
        if len(shape) == 3:
            axis_labels = [0] * 4
            axis_labels[dim_volX] = 'voxel_x.voxels'
            axis_labels[dim_volY] = 'voxel_y.voxels'
            axis_labels[dim_volZ] = 'voxel_z.voxels'
            axis_labels[3] = 'scan.number'

        if self.parameters['vol_shape'] == 'fixed':
            shape[dim_volX] = shape[dim_volZ]
            shape[dim_volX] = self.parameters['vol_shape']
            shape[dim_volZ] = self.parameters['vol_shape']

        if 'resolution' in self.parameters.keys():
            shape[dim_volX] /= self.parameters['resolution']
            shape[dim_volZ] /= self.parameters['resolution']

        out_dataset[0].add_volume_patterns(dim_volX, dim_volY, dim_volZ)

        ndims = range(len(shape))
        core_dims = (dim_volX, dim_volY, dim_volZ)
        slice_dims = tuple(set(ndims).difference(set(core_dims)))

        # set information relating to the plugin data
        in_pData, out_pData = self.get_plugin_datasets()

        dim = in_dataset[0].get_data_dimension_by_axis_label('rotation_angle')
        nSlices = in_dataset[0].get_shape()[dim]


        # in_pData[1].plugin_data_setup('PROJECTION', nSlices) # (for PWLS)

        # set pattern_name and nframes to process for all datasets
        out_pData[0].plugin_data_setup('VOLUME_3D', 'single')

    def pre_process(self):
        # extract given parameters
        self.iterationsFISTA = self.parameters['iterations']
        self.datafidelity = self.parameters['datafidelity']
        self.nonnegativity = self.parameters['nonnegativity']
        self.ordersubsets = self.parameters['ordersubsets']
        self.converg_const = self.parameters['converg_const']
        self.regularisation = self.parameters['regularisation']
        self.regularisation_parameter = self.parameters[
        self.regularisation_parameter2 = self.parameters[
        self.ring_variable = self.parameters['ring_variable']
        self.ring_accelerator = self.parameters['ring_accelerator']
        self.time_marching_parameter = self.parameters[
        self.edge_param = self.parameters['edge_param']
        self.NDF_penalty = self.parameters['NDF_penalty']
        self.tolerance = self.parameters['tolerance']

        self.RecToolsIR = None
        if (self.ordersubsets > 1):
            self.regularisation_iterations = (int)(
                self.parameters['regularisation_iterations'] /
                self.ordersubsets) + 1
            self.regularisation_iterations = self.parameters[

        in_pData = self.get_plugin_in_datasets()
        self.det_dimX_ind = in_pData[0].get_data_dimension_by_axis_label(
        self.det_dimY_ind = in_pData[0].get_data_dimension_by_axis_label(

    def process_frames(self, data):
        centre_of_rotations, angles, self.vol_shape, init = self.get_frame_params(

        self.anglesRAD = np.deg2rad(angles.astype(np.float32))
        self.centre_of_rotations = centre_of_rotations
        projdata3D = data[0].astype(np.float32)
        dim_tuple = np.shape(projdata3D)
        self.Horiz_det = dim_tuple[self.det_dimX_ind]

        projdata3D = np.swapaxes(projdata3D, 0, 1)
        # WIP for PWLS fidelity
        # rawdata3D = data[1].astype(np.float32)
        # rawdata3D =np.swapaxes(rawdata3D,0,1)/np.max(np.float32(rawdata3D))

        # check if the reconstruction class has been initialised and calculate
        # Lipschitz constant if not given explicitly
        # Run FISTA reconstrucion algorithm here
        recon = self.Rectools.FISTA(projdata3D,\
                                    iterationsFISTA = self.iterationsFISTA,\
                                    regularisation = self.regularisation,\
                                    regularisation_parameter = self.regularisation_parameter,\
                                    regularisation_iterations = self.regularisation_iterations,\
                                    regularisation_parameter2 = self.regularisation_parameter2,\
                                    time_marching_parameter = self.time_marching_parameter,\
                                    lambdaR_L1 = self.ring_variable,\
                                    alpha_ring = self.ring_accelerator,\
                                    NDF_penalty = self.NDF_penalty,\
                                    tolerance_regul = 0.0,\
                                    edge_param = self.edge_param,\
                                    lipschitz_const = self.Lipschitz_const)
        recon = np.swapaxes(recon, 0, 1)  # temporal fix!
        return recon

    def setup_Lipschitz_constant(self):
        if self.RecToolsIR is not None:

    # set parameters and initiate a TomoBar class object
        self.Rectools = RecToolsIR(
            Horiz_det,  # DetectorsDimH # detector dimension (horizontal)
            Vert_det,  # DetectorsDimV # detector dimension (vertical) for 3D case only
            0.0,  # Center of Rotation (CoR) scalar (for 3D case only)
            AnglesVec=self.anglesRAD,  # array of angles in radians
            output_size,  # a scalar to define the reconstructed object dimensions
            datafidelity=self.datafidelity,  # data fidelity, choose LS
            nonnegativity,  # enable nonnegativity constraint (set to 'on')
            ordersubsets,  # the number of subsets, NONE/(or > 1) ~ classical / ordered subsets
            tolerance,  # tolerance to stop outer iterations earlier

        if (self.parameters['converg_const'] == 'power'):
            self.Lipschitz_const = self.Rectools.powermethod(
            )  # calculate Lipschitz constant
            self.Lipschitz_const = self.parameters['converg_const']

    def nInput_datasets(self):
        return 1

    def nOutput_datasets(self):
        return 1

    def get_citation_information(self):
        cite_info1 = CitationInformation()
        cite_info1.name = 'citation1'
        cite_info1.description = \
            ("First-order optimisation algorithm for linear inverse problems.")
        cite_info1.bibtex = \
            ("@article{beck2009,\n" +
             "title={A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems},\n" +
             "author={Amir and Beck, Mark and Teboulle},\n" +
             "journal={SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences},\n" +
             "volume={2},\n" +
             "number={1},\n" +
             "pages={183--202},\n" +
             "year={2009},\n" +
             "publisher={SIAM}\n" +
        cite_info1.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems\n" +
             "%A Beck, Amir\n" +
             "%A Teboulle, Mark\n" +
             "%J SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences\n" +
             "%V 2\n" +
             "%N 1\n" +
             "%P 183--202\n" +
             "%@ --\n" +
             "%D 2009\n" +
             "%I SIAM\n")
        cite_info1.doi = "doi: "
        return cite_info1
Exemple #7
# Initialise FISTA-type PWLS reconstruction (run once)
from tomobar.methodsIR import RecToolsIR

# set parameters and initiate a class object
Rectools = RecToolsIR(DetectorsDimH = np.size(det_y_crop),  # DetectorsDimH # detector dimension (horizontal)
                    DetectorsDimV = None,  # DetectorsDimV # detector dimension (vertical) for 3D case only
                    CenterRotOffset = None, # Center of Rotation (CoR) scalar (for 3D case only)
                    AnglesVec = angles_rad, # array of angles in radians
                    ObjSize = N_size, # a scalar to define reconstructed object dimensions
                    datafidelity='PWLS',# data fidelity, choose LS, PWLS, GH (wip), Student (wip)
                    nonnegativity='ENABLE', # enable nonnegativity constraint (set to 'ENABLE')
                    OS_number = 12, # the number of subsets, NONE/(or > 1) ~ classical / ordered subsets
                    tolerance = 1e-08, # tolerance to stop outer iterations earlier

lc = Rectools.powermethod(data_raw[:,det_y_crop]) # calculate Lipschitz constant (run once to initilise)
print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
print ("Reconstructing with FISTA PWLS-OS-TV method % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
RecFISTA_TV = Rectools.FISTA(data_norm[:,det_y_crop], \
                              data_raw[:,det_y_crop], \
                              iterationsFISTA = 10, \
                              regularisation = 'FGP_TV', \
                              regularisation_parameter = 0.0012,\
                              regularisation_iterations = 200,\
                              lipschitz_const = lc)

plt.imshow(RecFISTA_TV, vmin=0, vmax=0.2, cmap="gray")
plt.title('FISTA-PWLS-OS-TV reconstruction')
Exemple #8
# Initialise FISTA-type PWLS reconstruction (run once)
from tomobar.methodsIR import RecToolsIR

# set parameters and initiate a class object
Rectools = RecToolsIR(DetectorsDimH = np.size(det_y_crop),  # DetectorsDimH # detector dimension (horizontal)
                    DetectorsDimV = None,  # DetectorsDimV # detector dimension (vertical) for 3D case only
                    CenterRotOffset = None, # Center of Rotation (CoR) scalar (for 3D case only)
                    AnglesVec = angles_rad, # array of angles in radians
                    ObjSize = N_size, # a scalar to define reconstructed object dimensions
                    datafidelity='PWLS',# data fidelity, choose LS, PWLS, GH (wip), Student (wip)
                    nonnegativity='ENABLE', # enable nonnegativity constraint (set to 'ENABLE')
                    OS_number = 12, # the number of subsets, NONE/(or > 1) ~ classical / ordered subsets
                    tolerance = 1e-08, # tolerance to stop outer iterations earlier

lc = Rectools.powermethod(np.transpose(data_raw[det_y_crop,:,0])) # calculate Lipschitz constant (run once to initilise)
print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
print ("Reconstructing with FISTA PWLS-OS-TV method % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
RecFISTA_TV = Rectools.FISTA(np.transpose(data_norm[det_y_crop,:,0]), \
                              np.transpose(data_raw[det_y_crop,:,0]), \
                              iterationsFISTA = 10, \
                              regularisation = 'FGP_TV', \
                              regularisation_parameter = 0.0012,\
                              regularisation_iterations = 200,\
                              lipschitz_const = lc)

plt.imshow(RecFISTA_TV, vmin=0, vmax=0.2, cmap="gray")
plt.title('FISTA-PWLS-OS-TV reconstruction')