Exemple #1
    def get_lines(self):
        """ Get coordinates that beams are going through. """
        max_x, max_y = self.img.shape

        # get transformations
        mat_t = translate(max_x / 2, max_y / 2)
        mat_r = rotate(np.deg2rad(self.angle))
        transformations = [mat_r, mat_t]

        # transform
        emitters_t = transform_apply(self.emitters, transformations)
        detectors_t = transform_apply(self.detectors, transformations)

        # round
        emitters_t = array_round(emitters_t)
        detectors_t = array_round(detectors_t)

        # get lines
        lines = []
        for emitter, detector in zip(emitters_t, detectors_t):
            new_line = np.column_stack(line(*emitter, *detector))
            new_line = new_line[(new_line[:, 0] >= 0) & (new_line[:, 1] >= 0) &
                                (new_line[:, 0] < max_x) &
                                (new_line[:, 1] < max_y)]
            lines.append((new_line[:, 0], new_line[:, 1]))

        return lines
def test_transform_translate():
    """ Test tomograph.transform.translate translation matrix. """
    coords = np.array([100, 50, 1])
    move = (150, 70)
    expected = np.array([250, 120, 1])

    coords = translate(*move).dot(coords)
    assert np.alltrue(coords == expected)
def test_transform_join():
    """ Test joining two transform matrices. """
    coords = np.array([-100, 50, 1])
    move = (-150, 125)
    angle = np.pi / 2
    expected = np.array([-200.0, 25.0, 1.0])

    coords = rotate(angle).dot(coords)
    coords = translate(*move).dot(coords)
    assert np.allclose(coords, expected)
def test_transform_list():
    """ Test transforming a list of coordinates. """
    coords = np.linspace(10, 100, num=10).reshape(5, 2)
    w = np.array([
    ] * 5)
    coords = np.append(coords, w, axis=1)
    t_mat = translate(100, 50)
    expected = coords + np.array([100, 50, 0])

    coords = transform_list(coords, t_mat)
    assert np.allclose(coords, expected)
def test_transform_apply():
    """ Test applying list of transformations to a list of coordinates. """
    coords = np.linspace(10, 100, num=10).reshape(5, 2)
    expected = np.array([[-110, -70], [-130, -90], [-150, -110], [-170, -130],
                         [-190, -150]])

    t_mat = translate(100, 50)
    r_mat = rotate(np.pi)

    # rotate first, then translate
    transformations = [t_mat, r_mat]

    coords = transform_apply(coords, transformations)
    assert np.allclose(coords, expected)