def circ_mask(arr, axis, ratio=1, val=0., ncore=None): """ Apply circular mask to a 3D array. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Arbitrary 3D array. axis : int Axis along which mask will be performed. ratio : int, optional Ratio of the mask's diameter in pixels to the smallest edge size along given axis. val : int, optional Value for the masked region. Returns ------- ndarray Masked array. """ arr = dtype.as_float32(arr) val = np.float32(val) _arr = arr.swapaxes(0, axis) dx, dy, dz = _arr.shape mask = _get_mask(dy, dz, ratio) with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): ne.evaluate('where(mask, _arr, val)', out=_arr) return _arr.swapaxes(0, axis)
def remove_nan(arr, val=0., ncore=None): """ Replace NaN values in array with a given value. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Input array. val : float, optional Values to be replaced with NaN values in array. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected array. """ arr = dtype.as_float32(arr) val = np.float32(val) with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): ne.evaluate('where(arr!=arr, val, arr)', out=arr) return arr
def remove_outlier1d(arr, dif, size=3, axis=0, ncore=None, out=None): """ Remove high intensity bright spots from an array, using a one-dimensional median filter along the specified axis. Dula: also removes dark spots Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Input array. dif : float Expected difference value between outlier value and the median value of the array. size : int Size of the median filter. axis : int, optional Axis along which median filtering is performed. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. out : ndarray, optional Output array for result. If same as arr, process will be done in-place. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected array. """ arr = arr.astype(np.float32, copy=False) dif = np.float32(dif) tmp = np.empty_like(arr) other_axes = [i for i in range(arr.ndim) if i != axis] largest = np.argmax([arr.shape[i] for i in other_axes]) lar_axis = other_axes[largest] ncore, chnk_slices = mproc.get_ncore_slices(arr.shape[lar_axis], ncore=ncore) filt_size = [1] * arr.ndim filt_size[axis] = size with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(ncore) as e: slc = [slice(None)] * arr.ndim for i in range(ncore): slc[lar_axis] = chnk_slices[i] e.submit(snf.median_filter, arr[slc], size=filt_size, output=tmp[slc], mode='mirror') with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): out = ne.evaluate('where(abs(arr-tmp)>=dif,tmp,arr)', out=out) return out
def remove_outlier(arr, dif, size=3, axis=0, ncore=None, out=None): """ Remove high intensity bright spots from a N-dimensional array by chunking along the specified dimension, and performing (N-1)-dimensional median filtering along the other dimensions. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Input array. dif : float Expected difference value between outlier value and the median value of the array. size : int Size of the median filter. axis : int, optional Axis along which to chunk. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. out : ndarray, optional Output array for result. If same as arr, process will be done in-place. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected array. """ tmp = np.empty_like(arr) ncore, chnk_slices = mproc.get_ncore_slices(arr.shape[axis], ncore=ncore) filt_size = [size] * arr.ndim filt_size[axis] = 1 with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(ncore) as e: slc = [slice(None)] * arr.ndim for i in range(ncore): slc[axis] = chnk_slices[i] e.submit(scipy.ndimage.median_filter, arr[tuple(slc)], size=filt_size, output=tmp[tuple(slc)]) arr = dtype.as_float32(arr) tmp = dtype.as_float32(tmp) dif = np.float32(dif) with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): out = ne.evaluate('where(arr-tmp>=dif,tmp,arr)', out=out) return out
def remove_outlier1d(arr, dif, size=3, axis=0, ncore=None, out=None): """ Remove high intensity bright spots from an array, using a one-dimensional median filter along the specified axis. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Input array. dif : float Expected difference value between outlier value and the median value of the array. size : int Size of the median filter. axis : int, optional Axis along which median filtering is performed. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. out : ndarray, optional Output array for result. If same as arr, process will be done in-place. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected array. """ arr = dtype.as_float32(arr) dif = np.float32(dif) tmp = np.empty_like(arr) other_axes = [i for i in range(arr.ndim) if i != axis] largest = np.argmax([arr.shape[i] for i in other_axes]) lar_axis = other_axes[largest] ncore, chnk_slices = mproc.get_ncore_slices( arr.shape[lar_axis], ncore=ncore) filt_size = [1]*arr.ndim filt_size[axis] = size with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(ncore) as e: slc = [slice(None)]*arr.ndim for i in range(ncore): slc[lar_axis] = chnk_slices[i] e.submit(filters.median_filter, arr[slc], size=filt_size, output=tmp[slc], mode='mirror') with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): out = ne.evaluate('where(arr-tmp>=dif,tmp,arr)', out=out) return out
def remove_outlier(arr, dif, size=3, axis=0, ncore=None, out=None): """ Remove high intensity bright spots from a N-dimensional array by chunking along the specified dimension, and performing (N-1)-dimensional median filtering along the other dimensions. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Input array. dif : float Expected difference value between outlier value and the median value of the array. size : int Size of the median filter. axis : int, optional Axis along which to chunk. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. out : ndarray, optional Output array for result. If same as arr, process will be done in-place. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected array. """ arr = dtype.as_float32(arr) dif = np.float32(dif) tmp = np.empty_like(arr) ncore, chnk_slices = mproc.get_ncore_slices(arr.shape[axis], ncore=ncore) filt_size = [size]*arr.ndim filt_size[axis] = 1 with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(ncore) as e: slc = [slice(None)]*arr.ndim for i in range(ncore): slc[axis] = chnk_slices[i] e.submit(filters.median_filter, arr[tuple(slc)], size=filt_size, output=tmp[tuple(slc)]) with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): out = ne.evaluate('where(arr-tmp>=dif,tmp,arr)', out=out) return out
def remove_outlier(arr, dif, size=3, axis=0, ncore=None, out=None): """ Remove high intensity bright spots from a 3D array along specified dimension. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Input array. dif : float Expected difference value between outlier value and the median value of the array. size : int Size of the median filter. axis : int, optional Axis along which median filtering is performed. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. out : ndarray, optional Output array for result. If same as arr, process will be done in-place. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected array. """ arr = dtype.as_float32(arr) dif = np.float32(dif) tmp = np.empty_like(arr) if ncore is None: ncore = e = cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(ncore) slc = [slice(None)]*len(arr.shape) for i in range(arr.shape[axis]): slc[axis] = i e.submit(filters.median_filter, arr[slc], size=(size, size), output=tmp[slc]) e.shutdown() with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): out = ne.evaluate('where(arr-tmp>=dif,tmp,arr)', out=out) return out
def normalize(arr, flat, dark, cutoff=None, ncore=None, out=None): """ Normalize raw projection data using the flat and dark field projections. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray 3D stack of projections. flat : ndarray 3D flat field data. dark : ndarray 3D dark field data. cutoff : float, optional Permitted maximum vaue for the normalized data. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. out : ndarray, optional Output array for result. If same as arr, process will be done in-place. Returns ------- ndarray Normalized 3D tomographic data. """ arr = dtype.as_float32(arr) l = np.float32(1e-6) flat = np.mean(flat, axis=0, dtype=np.float32) dark = np.mean(dark, axis=0, dtype=np.float32) with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): #denom = ne.evaluate('flat-dark') #ne.evaluate('where(denom<l,l,denom)', out=denom) #out = ne.evaluate('arr-dark', out=out) denom = flat - dark denom[denom < l] = l out = arr - dark out[out < l] = l out[:] /= denom #ne.evaluate('out/denom', out=out, truediv=True) if cutoff is not None: cutoff = np.float32(cutoff) out[out > cutoff] = cutoff #ne.evaluate('where(out>cutoff,cutoff,out)', out=out) return out
def minus_log(arr, ncore=None, out=None): """ Computation of the minus log of a given array. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray 3D stack of projections. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. out : ndarray, optional Output array for result. If same as arr, process will be done in-place. Returns ------- ndarray Minus-log of the input data. """ arr = dtype.as_float32(arr) with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): out = ne.evaluate('-log(arr)', out=out) return out
def normalize(arr, flat, dark, cutoff=None, ncore=None, out=None): """ Normalize raw projection data using the flat and dark field projections. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray 3D stack of projections. flat : ndarray 3D flat field data. dark : ndarray 3D dark field data. cutoff : float, optional Permitted maximum vaue for the normalized data. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. out : ndarray, optional Output array for result. If same as arr, process will be done in-place. Returns ------- ndarray Normalized 3D tomographic data. """ arr = dtype.as_float32(arr) l = np.float32(1e-6) flat = np.mean(flat, axis=0, dtype=np.float32) dark = np.mean(dark, axis=0, dtype=np.float32) with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): denom = ne.evaluate('flat-dark') ne.evaluate('where(denom<l,l,denom)', out=denom) out = ne.evaluate('arr-dark', out=out) ne.evaluate('out/denom', out=out, truediv=True) if cutoff is not None: cutoff = np.float32(cutoff) ne.evaluate('where(out>cutoff,cutoff,out)', out=out) return out
def normalize_nf(tomo, flats, dark, flat_loc, cutoff=None, ncore=None, out=None): """ Normalize raw 3D projection data with flats taken more than once during tomography. Normalization for each projection is done with the mean of the nearest set of flat fields (nearest flat fields). Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. flats : ndarray 3D flat field data. dark : ndarray 3D dark field data. flat_loc : list of int Indices of flat field data within tomography ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. out : ndarray, optional Output array for result. If same as arr, process will be done in-place. Returns ------- ndarray Normalized 3D tomographic data. """ tomo = dtype.as_float32(tomo) flats = dtype.as_float32(flats) dark = dtype.as_float32(dark) l = np.float32(1e-6) if cutoff is not None: cutoff = np.float32(cutoff) if out is None: out = np.empty_like(tomo) dark = np.median(dark, axis=0) denom = np.empty_like(dark) num_flats = len(flat_loc) total_flats = flats.shape[0] total_tomo = tomo.shape[0] num_per_flat = total_flats // num_flats tend = 0 for m, loc in enumerate(flat_loc): fstart = m * num_per_flat fend = (m + 1) * num_per_flat flat = np.median(flats[fstart:fend], axis=0) # Normalization can be parallelized much more efficiently outside this # for loop accounting for the nested parallelism arising from # chunking the total normalization and each chunked normalization tstart = 0 if m == 0 else tend tend = total_tomo if m >= num_flats-1 \ else int(np.round((flat_loc[m+1]-loc)/2)) + loc tomo_l = tomo[tstart:tend] out_l = out[tstart:tend] with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): ne.evaluate('flat-dark', out=denom) ne.evaluate('where(denom<l,l,denom)', out=denom) ne.evaluate('(tomo_l-dark)/denom', out=out_l, truediv=True) if cutoff is not None: ne.evaluate('where(out_l>cutoff,cutoff,out_l)', out=out_l) return out
def pad(arr, axis, npad=None, mode='constant', ncore=None, **kwargs): """ Pad an array along specified axis. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Input array. npad : int, optional New dimension after padding. axis : int, optional Axis along which padding will be performed. mode : str or function One of the following string values or a user supplied function. 'constant' Pads with a constant value. 'edge' Pads with the edge values of array. constant_values : float, optional Used in 'constant'. Pad value ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. Returns ------- ndarray Padded 3D array. """ allowedkwargs = {'constant': ['constant_values'], 'edge': [], } kwdefaults = {'constant_values': 0, } if isinstance(mode, str): if mode not in allowedkwargs: raise ValueError("'mode' keyword value '{}' not in allowed values {}".format(mode, list(allowedkwargs.keys()))) for key in kwargs: if key not in allowedkwargs[mode]: raise ValueError('%s keyword not in allowed keywords %s' % (key, allowedkwargs[mode])) for kw in allowedkwargs[mode]: kwargs.setdefault(kw, kwdefaults[kw]) else: raise ValueError('mode keyword value must be string, got %s: ' % type(mode)) if npad is None: npad = _get_npad(arr.shape[axis]) newshape = list(arr.shape) newshape[axis] += 2*npad slc_in, slc_l, slc_r, slc_l_v, slc_r_v = _get_slices(arr.shape, axis, npad) out = np.empty(newshape, dtype=arr.dtype) if arr.dtype in [np.float32, np.float64, np.bool, np.int32, np.int64, np.complex128]: # Datatype supported by numexpr with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): ne.evaluate("arr", out=out[slc_in]) if mode == 'constant': np_cast = getattr(np, str(arr.dtype)) cval = np_cast(kwargs['constant_values']) ne.evaluate("cval", out=out[slc_l]) ne.evaluate("cval", out=out[slc_r]) elif mode == 'edge': ne.evaluate("vec", local_dict={'vec': arr[slc_l_v]}, out=out[slc_l]) ne.evaluate("vec", local_dict={'vec': arr[slc_r_v]}, out=out[slc_r]) else: # Datatype not supported by numexpr, use numpy instead out[slc_in] = arr if mode == 'constant': out[slc_l] = kwargs['constant_values'] out[slc_r] = kwargs['constant_values'] elif mode == 'edge': out[slc_l] = arr[slc_l_v] out[slc_r] = arr[slc_r_v] return out
def normalize_nf(tomo, flats, dark, flat_loc, cutoff=None, ncore=None, out=None): """ Normalize raw 3D projection data with flats taken more than once during tomography. Normalization for each projection is done with the mean of the nearest set of flat fields (nearest flat fields). Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. flats : ndarray 3D flat field data. dark : ndarray 3D dark field data. flat_loc : list of int Indices of flat field data within tomography ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. out : ndarray, optional Output array for result. If same as arr, process will be done in-place. Returns ------- ndarray Normalized 3D tomographic data. """ tomo = dtype.as_float32(tomo) flats = dtype.as_float32(flats) dark = dtype.as_float32(dark) l = np.float32(1e-6) if cutoff is not None: cutoff = np.float32(cutoff) if out is None: out = np.empty_like(tomo) dark = np.median(dark, axis=0) denom = np.empty_like(dark) num_flats = len(flat_loc) total_flats = flats.shape[0] total_tomo = tomo.shape[0] num_per_flat = total_flats//num_flats tend = 0 for m, loc in enumerate(flat_loc): fstart = m*num_per_flat fend = (m + 1)*num_per_flat flat = np.median(flats[fstart:fend], axis=0) # Normalization can be parallelized much more efficiently outside this # for loop accounting for the nested parallelism arising from # chunking the total normalization and each chunked normalization tstart = 0 if m == 0 else tend tend = total_tomo if m >= num_flats-1 \ else int(np.round((flat_loc[m+1]-loc)/2)) + loc tomo_l = tomo[tstart:tend] out_l = out[tstart:tend] with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): ne.evaluate('flat-dark', out=denom) ne.evaluate('where(denom<l,l,denom)', out=denom) ne.evaluate('(tomo_l-dark)/denom', out=out_l, truediv=True) if cutoff is not None: ne.evaluate('where(out_l>cutoff,cutoff,out_l)', out=out_l) return out
def pad(arr, axis, npad=None, mode='constant', ncore=None, **kwargs): """ Pad an array along specified axis. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Input array. npad : int, optional New dimension after padding. axis : int, optional Axis along which padding will be performed. mode : str or function One of the following string values or a user supplied function. 'constant' Pads with a constant value. 'edge' Pads with the edge values of array. constant_values : float, optional Used in 'constant'. Pad value ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. Returns ------- ndarray Padded 3D array. """ allowedkwargs = { 'constant': ['constant_values'], 'edge': [], } kwdefaults = { 'constant_values': 0, } if isinstance(mode, str): if mode not in allowedkwargs: raise ValueError( "'mode' keyword value '{}' not in allowed values {}".format( mode, list(allowedkwargs.keys()))) for key in kwargs: if key not in allowedkwargs[mode]: raise ValueError('%s keyword not in allowed keywords %s' % (key, allowedkwargs[mode])) for kw in allowedkwargs[mode]: kwargs.setdefault(kw, kwdefaults[kw]) else: raise ValueError('mode keyword value must be string, got %s: ' % type(mode)) if npad is None: npad = _get_npad(arr.shape[axis]) newshape = list(arr.shape) newshape[axis] += 2 * npad slc_in, slc_l, slc_r, slc_l_v, slc_r_v = _get_slices(arr.shape, axis, npad) # convert to tuples slc_in = tuple(slc_in) slc_l = tuple(slc_l) slc_r = tuple(slc_r) slc_l_v = tuple(slc_l_v) slc_r_v = tuple(slc_r_v) out = np.empty(newshape, dtype=arr.dtype) if arr.dtype in [ np.float32, np.float64, np.bool, np.int32, np.int64, np.complex128 ]: # Datatype supported by numexpr with mproc.set_numexpr_threads(ncore): ne.evaluate("arr", out=out[slc_in]) if mode == 'constant': np_cast = getattr(np, str(arr.dtype)) cval = np_cast(kwargs['constant_values']) ne.evaluate("cval", out=out[slc_l]) ne.evaluate("cval", out=out[slc_r]) elif mode == 'edge': ne.evaluate("vec", local_dict={'vec': arr[slc_l_v]}, out=out[slc_l]) ne.evaluate("vec", local_dict={'vec': arr[slc_r_v]}, out=out[slc_r]) else: # Datatype not supported by numexpr, use numpy instead out[slc_in] = arr if mode == 'constant': out[slc_l] = kwargs['constant_values'] out[slc_r] = kwargs['constant_values'] elif mode == 'edge': out[slc_l] = arr[slc_l_v] out[slc_r] = arr[slc_r_v] return out