for ii in np.arange(0, end, step): #modify density mcnpcontent = mh.readContent(mcnpinp, '4') density = mcnpcontent.strip().split()[2] mh.modifyinp( mcnpinp, '4', mcnpcontent.replace(density, '{:.6e}'.format(float(density) + ii))) #modify m card mcnpcontent = mh.readContent(mcnpinp, 'm1', section='data') mcnplist = mcnpcontent.strip().split() indx = mcnplist.index('90232.90c') mcnplist[indx + 1] = '{:.6e}'.format(float(mcnplist[indx + 1]) + ii) mcnpline = ' '.join(mcnplist) mh.modifyinp(mcnpinp, 'm1', mcnpline, section='data') os.system('mpirun -r ssh -np ' + str(int(node * ppn)) + ' /home/daiye/bin/mcnp5.mpi n=' + mcnpinp) if os.path.isfile(mcnpinp + 'o'): print('MCNP5 run finished!') keff = mtr.readKeff(mcnpinp + 'o')['keff'] oldfilename = mcnpinp + 'o' newfilename = mcnpinp + 'o_' + '{:.4e}'.format(ii) mh.deleteFiles(newfilename) os.rename(oldfilename, newfilename) mh.cleanup(mcnpinp) else: print('error!!!,MCNP5 run failed!') exit(0) with open(resultfile, 'a') as fid: fid.write("{:^.4e} {:^.5f}\n".format(ii, keff))
line = mat.toMcnpCard().strip() mh.modifyinp(inp, 'm1', 'm1 ' + line, 'data') line = mh.readContent(inp, '4') print(line) # print(line.strip().split()[2]) newline = line.replace(line.strip().split()[2], '-{:.4f}'.format(density)) print(newline) mh.modifyinp(inp, '4', newline) changeMode(inp, mode='kcode') # os.system('mcnp5'+ ' n=' + inp) os.system('mpirun -r ssh -np ' + str(int(node * ppn)) + ' /home/daiye/bin/mcnp5.mpi n=' + inp) if os.path.isfile(inp + 'o'): print('MCNP5 run finished!') results['keff'] = mtr.readKeff(inp + 'o')['keff'] results['kCR'] = mtr.getCR(inp + 'o') k_totrate = mtr.readNeutronActivity(inp + 'o') results['kescape'] = k_totrate['escape']/(k_totrate['escape']\ +k_totrate['lossfission']+k_totrate['capture']) # escape of kcode mode if os.path.isfile(inp + 'o'): oldfilename = inp + 'o' newfilename = inp+'ko_'+str(mm)+'_'+str(kk)+'_'+'{:.4f}'.format(matdict[nacl])\ +'_'+'{:.4f}'.format(matdict[ucl3])+'_'+'{:.4f}'.format(matdict[thcl4]) mh.deleteFiles(newfilename) os.rename(oldfilename, newfilename) mh.cleanup(inp) else: print('error!!!,MCNP5 run failed!') exit(0) if results['keff'] < 0.998:
class SearchRodCriticalPos(object): def __init__(self): = McnpinpHandler() = McnpTallyReader() def preProcessing(self, mcnpfile, rod_postion, rods): for key, rod in rods.items(): print(key) print(type(rod)) rod.setInsertPosition(rod_postion), rod.getTrCardNo(), rod.ouputforMcnpinp(), section='data') def postProcessing(self, mcnpfile, outfilename): outputfile = ''.join([mcnpfile, 'o']) if os.path.isfile(outputfile): print('MCNP5 run finished!') keff =['keff'] os.rename(outputfile, outfilename) else: raise CustomError('MCNP5 did not run successful!') return keff def startSearch(self, mcnpfile, num_node=1, num_processor=16, reference_keff=1.0, eps=1e-4, **rods): inputfile = mcnpfile for key, rod in rods.items(): if type(rod) != ControlRod: raise TypeError( 'The function parameter requires an instance of class ControlRod!' ) else: rod_range = rod.getRodRange() low = 0 high = rod_range with open('results.out', 'w') as fid: fid.write('{:^12} {:^10}\n'.format('Rod position', 'keff')) while high - low > 0.1: mid = (low + high) / 2.0 self.preProcessing(inputfile, mid, rods) os.system(' mpirun -r ssh -np ' + str(int(num_node * num_processor)) + ' /home/daiye/bin/mcnp5.mpi n=' + inputfile) # os.system(' mcnp5 '+' n='+inputfile) keff = self.postProcessing(inputfile, ''.join([inputfile, 'o', str(mid)])) with open('results.out', 'a') as fid: fid.write('{:^12.6f} {:^10.5f}\n'.format(mid, keff)) if abs(keff - reference_keff) < eps: return mid if keff > reference_keff: high = mid else: low = mid return -1
class Postprocesser(object): def __init__(self): self.mcnptallyreader = McnpTallyReader() self.mcnpinphandler = McnpinpHandler() def outputResults(self, filename, content, writeingmode='a'): with open(filename, writeingmode) as fid: fid.write(content) def renameFile(self, oldfilename, newfilename): self.mcnpinphandler.deleteFiles(newfilename) os.rename(oldfilename, newfilename) def readVolume(self, filename): volume = None with open(filename, 'r') as fid: context = fid.readlines() context = [line for line in context if len(line.strip().split()) == 1] line = re.findall(" \d\.\d{5}E[+-]\d{2}", ''.join(context))[0] volume = float(line) return volume def getKeff(self, mcnpout): if os.path.isfile(mcnpout): print('MCNP5 run finished!') return self.mcnptallyreader.readKeff(mcnpout)['keff'] else: raise FileNotFoundError('No such file: {:}!'.format(mcnpout)) def getEscape(self, mcnpout, mode='fixed'): if os.path.isfile(mcnpout): print('MCNP5 run finished!') if re.fullmatch('kcode', mode, re.I): k_totrate = self.mcnptallyreader.readNeutronActivity(mcnpout) escaperate = k_totrate['escape']/(k_totrate['escape']\ +k_totrate['lossfission']+k_totrate['capture']) elif re.fullmatch('fixed', mode, re.I): f_totrate = self.mcnptallyreader.readNeutronActivity(mcnpout) escaperate = f_totrate['escape'] / (f_totrate['escape'] + f_totrate['lossfission'] + f_totrate['capture']) else: raise NameError('No such mode: {:}'.format(mode)) return escaperate # escape of kcode mode else: raise FileNotFoundError('No such file: {:}'.format(mcnpout)) def getCR(self, mcnpout, mode='kcode', tallydic=None, cell=None, matnum=None): if os.path.isfile(mcnpout): print('MCNP5 run finished!') if re.fullmatch('kcode', mode, re.I): cr = self.mcnptallyreader.getCR(mcnpout) elif re.fullmatch('fixed', mode, re.I): cr = self.mcnptallyreader.getCR( PurePath.joinpath(Path(os.getcwd()), mcnpout), mode='fixed', tallydic=tallydic, cell=cell, matnum=matnum, volume=self.readVolume(mcnpout)) else: raise NameError('No such mode: {:}'.format(mode)) return cr # escape of kcode mode else: raise FileNotFoundError('No such file: {:}'.format(mcnpout))